/* // Copyright (c) 2014 Intel Corporation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ #include <HwcTrace.h> #include <Hwcomposer.h> #include <DisplayPlaneManager.h> #include <DisplayQuery.h> #include <VirtualDevice.h> #include <SoftVsyncObserver.h> #include <binder/IServiceManager.h> #include <binder/ProcessState.h> #include <hal_public.h> #include <libsync/sw_sync.h> #include <sync/sync.h> #include <va/va_android.h> #include <va/va_vpp.h> #include <va/va_tpi.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #define NUM_CSC_BUFFERS 6 #define NUM_SCALING_BUFFERS 3 #define QCIF_WIDTH 176 #define QCIF_HEIGHT 144 namespace android { namespace intel { static inline uint32_t align_width(uint32_t val) { return align_to(val, 64); } static inline uint32_t align_height(uint32_t val) { return align_to(val, 16); } static void my_close_fence(const char* func, const char* fenceName, int& fenceFd) { if (fenceFd != -1) { ALOGV("%s: closing fence %s (fd=%d)", func, fenceName, fenceFd); int err = close(fenceFd); if (err < 0) { ALOGE("%s: fence %s close error %d: %s", func, fenceName, err, strerror(errno)); } fenceFd = -1; } } static void my_sync_wait_and_close(const char* func, const char* fenceName, int& fenceFd) { if (fenceFd != -1) { ALOGV("%s: waiting on fence %s (fd=%d)", func, fenceName, fenceFd); int err = sync_wait(fenceFd, 300); if (err < 0) { ALOGE("%s: fence %s sync_wait error %d: %s", func, fenceName, err, strerror(errno)); } my_close_fence(func, fenceName, fenceFd); } } static void my_timeline_inc(const char* func, const char* timelineName, int& syncTimelineFd) { if (syncTimelineFd != -1) { ALOGV("%s: incrementing timeline %s (fd=%d)", func, timelineName, syncTimelineFd); int err = sw_sync_timeline_inc(syncTimelineFd, 1); if (err < 0) ALOGE("%s sync timeline %s increment error %d: %s", func, timelineName, errno, strerror(errno)); syncTimelineFd = -1; } } #define CLOSE_FENCE(fenceName) my_close_fence(__func__, #fenceName, fenceName) #define SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(fenceName) my_sync_wait_and_close(__func__, #fenceName, fenceName) #define TIMELINE_INC(timelineName) my_timeline_inc(__func__, #timelineName, timelineName) class MappedSurface { public: MappedSurface(VADisplay dpy, VASurfaceID surf) : va_dpy(dpy), ptr(NULL) { VAStatus va_status; va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surf, &image); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ETRACE("vaDeriveImage returns %08x", va_status); return; } va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, image.buf, (void**)&ptr); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ETRACE("vaMapBuffer returns %08x", va_status); vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, image.image_id); return; } } ~MappedSurface() { if (ptr == NULL) return; VAStatus va_status; va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, image.buf); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaUnmapBuffer returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, image.image_id); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaDestroyImage returns %08x", va_status); } bool valid() { return ptr != NULL; } uint8_t* getPtr() { return ptr; } private: VADisplay va_dpy; VAImage image; uint8_t* ptr; }; class VirtualDevice::VAMappedHandle { public: VAMappedHandle(VADisplay dpy, buffer_handle_t handle, uint32_t stride, uint32_t height, unsigned int pixel_format) : va_dpy(dpy), surface(0) { VTRACE("Map gralloc %p size=%ux%u", handle, stride, height); unsigned int format; unsigned long buffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(handle); VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers buf; buf.pixel_format = pixel_format; buf.width = stride; buf.height = height; buf.buffers = &buffer; buf.num_buffers = 1; buf.flags = 0; buf.private_data = NULL; if (pixel_format == VA_FOURCC_RGBA || pixel_format == VA_FOURCC_BGRA) { format = VA_RT_FORMAT_RGB32; buf.data_size = stride * height * 4; buf.num_planes = 3; buf.pitches[0] = stride; buf.pitches[1] = stride; buf.pitches[2] = stride; buf.pitches[3] = 0; buf.offsets[0] = 0; buf.offsets[1] = 0; buf.offsets[2] = 0; buf.offsets[3] = 0; } else { format = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420; buf.data_size = stride * height * 3/2; buf.num_planes = 2; buf.pitches[0] = stride; buf.pitches[1] = stride; buf.pitches[2] = 0; buf.pitches[3] = 0; buf.offsets[0] = 0; buf.offsets[1] = stride * height; } VASurfaceAttrib attrib_list[3]; attrib_list[0].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribMemoryType; attrib_list[0].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attrib_list[0].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger; attrib_list[0].value.value.i = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_ANDROID_GRALLOC; attrib_list[1].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor; attrib_list[1].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attrib_list[1].value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer; attrib_list[1].value.value.p = (void *)&buf; attrib_list[2].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribPixelFormat; attrib_list[2].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attrib_list[2].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger; attrib_list[2].value.value.i = pixel_format; VAStatus va_status; va_status = vaCreateSurfaces(va_dpy, format, stride, height, &surface, 1, attrib_list, 3); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ETRACE("vaCreateSurfaces returns %08x, surface = %x", va_status, surface); surface = 0; } } VAMappedHandle(VADisplay dpy, buffer_handle_t khandle, uint32_t stride, uint32_t height, bool tiled) : va_dpy(dpy), surface(0) { int format; VASurfaceAttributeTPI attribTpi; memset(&attribTpi, 0, sizeof(attribTpi)); VTRACE("Map khandle 0x%x size=%ux%u", khandle, stride, height); attribTpi.type = VAExternalMemoryKernelDRMBufffer; attribTpi.width = stride; attribTpi.height = height; attribTpi.size = stride*height*3/2; attribTpi.pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_NV12; attribTpi.tiling = tiled; attribTpi.luma_stride = stride; attribTpi.chroma_u_stride = stride; attribTpi.chroma_v_stride = stride; attribTpi.luma_offset = 0; attribTpi.chroma_u_offset = stride*height; attribTpi.chroma_v_offset = stride*height+1; format = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420; attribTpi.count = 1; attribTpi.buffers = (long unsigned int*) &khandle; VAStatus va_status; va_status = vaCreateSurfacesWithAttribute(va_dpy, stride, height, format, 1, &surface, &attribTpi); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ETRACE("vaCreateSurfacesWithAttribute returns %08x", va_status); surface = 0; } } ~VAMappedHandle() { if (surface == 0) return; VAStatus va_status; va_status = vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy, &surface, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaDestroySurfaces returns %08x", va_status); } private: VADisplay va_dpy; public: VASurfaceID surface; }; // refcounted version of VAMappedHandle, to make caching easier class VirtualDevice::VAMappedHandleObject : public RefBase, public VAMappedHandle { public: VAMappedHandleObject(VADisplay dpy, buffer_handle_t handle, uint32_t stride, uint32_t height, unsigned int pixel_format) : VAMappedHandle(dpy, handle, stride, height, pixel_format) { } VAMappedHandleObject(VADisplay dpy, buffer_handle_t khandle, uint32_t stride, uint32_t height, bool tiled) : VAMappedHandle(dpy, khandle, stride, height, tiled) { } protected: ~VAMappedHandleObject() {} }; VirtualDevice::CachedBuffer::CachedBuffer(BufferManager *mgr, buffer_handle_t handle) : manager(mgr), mapper(NULL), vaMappedHandle(NULL), cachedKhandle(0) { DataBuffer *buffer = manager->lockDataBuffer((buffer_handle_t)handle); mapper = manager->map(*buffer); manager->unlockDataBuffer(buffer); } VirtualDevice::CachedBuffer::~CachedBuffer() { if (vaMappedHandle != NULL) delete vaMappedHandle; manager->unmap(mapper); } VirtualDevice::HeldDecoderBuffer::HeldDecoderBuffer(const sp<VirtualDevice>& vd, const android::sp<CachedBuffer>& cachedBuffer) : vd(vd), cachedBuffer(cachedBuffer) { if (!vd->mPayloadManager->setRenderStatus(cachedBuffer->mapper, true)) { ETRACE("Failed to set render status"); } } VirtualDevice::HeldDecoderBuffer::~HeldDecoderBuffer() { if (!vd->mPayloadManager->setRenderStatus(cachedBuffer->mapper, false)) { ETRACE("Failed to set render status"); } } struct VirtualDevice::Task : public RefBase { virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) = 0; virtual ~Task() {} }; struct VirtualDevice::RenderTask : public VirtualDevice::Task { RenderTask() : successful(false) { } virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) = 0; bool successful; }; struct VirtualDevice::ComposeTask : public VirtualDevice::RenderTask { ComposeTask() : videoKhandle(0), rgbHandle(NULL), mappedRgbIn(NULL), outputHandle(NULL), yuvAcquireFenceFd(-1), rgbAcquireFenceFd(-1), outbufAcquireFenceFd(-1), syncTimelineFd(-1) { } virtual ~ComposeTask() { // If queueCompose() creates this object and sets up fences, // but aborts before enqueuing the task, or if the task runs // but errors out, make sure our acquire fences get closed // and any release fences get signaled. CLOSE_FENCE(yuvAcquireFenceFd); CLOSE_FENCE(rgbAcquireFenceFd); CLOSE_FENCE(outbufAcquireFenceFd); TIMELINE_INC(syncTimelineFd); } virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) { bool dump = false; if (vd.mDebugVspDump && ++vd.mDebugCounter > 200) { dump = true; vd.mDebugCounter = 0; } SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(yuvAcquireFenceFd); VASurfaceID videoInSurface; if (videoKhandle == 0) { videoInSurface = vd.va_blank_yuv_in; } else { if (videoCachedBuffer->cachedKhandle != videoKhandle || videoCachedBuffer->vaMappedHandle == NULL) { if (videoCachedBuffer->vaMappedHandle != NULL) delete videoCachedBuffer->vaMappedHandle; videoCachedBuffer->vaMappedHandle = new VAMappedHandle(vd.va_dpy, videoKhandle, videoStride, videoBufHeight, videoTiled); videoCachedBuffer->cachedKhandle = videoKhandle; } videoInSurface = videoCachedBuffer->vaMappedHandle->surface; } if (videoInSurface == 0) { ETRACE("Couldn't map video"); return; } SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(rgbAcquireFenceFd); SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(outbufAcquireFenceFd); VAMappedHandle mappedVideoOut(vd.va_dpy, outputHandle, align_width(outWidth), align_height(outHeight), (unsigned int)VA_FOURCC_NV12); if (mappedVideoOut.surface == 0) { ETRACE("Unable to map outbuf"); return; } if (dump) dumpSurface(vd.va_dpy, "/data/misc/vsp_in.yuv", videoInSurface, videoStride*videoBufHeight*3/2); if (mappedRgbIn != NULL) { if (dump) dumpSurface(vd.va_dpy, "/data/misc/vsp_in.rgb", mappedRgbIn->surface, align_width(outWidth)*align_height(outHeight)*4); vd.vspCompose(videoInSurface, mappedRgbIn->surface, mappedVideoOut.surface, &surface_region, &output_region); } else if (rgbHandle != NULL) { VAMappedHandle localMappedRgbIn(vd.va_dpy, rgbHandle, align_width(outWidth), align_height(outHeight), (unsigned int)VA_FOURCC_BGRA); vd.vspCompose(videoInSurface, localMappedRgbIn.surface, mappedVideoOut.surface, &surface_region, &output_region); } else { // No RGBA, so compose with 100% transparent RGBA frame. if (dump) dumpSurface(vd.va_dpy, "/data/misc/vsp_in.rgb", vd.va_blank_rgb_in, align_width(outWidth)*align_height(outHeight)*4); vd.vspCompose(videoInSurface, vd.va_blank_rgb_in, mappedVideoOut.surface, &surface_region, &output_region); } if (dump) dumpSurface(vd.va_dpy, "/data/misc/vsp_out.yuv", mappedVideoOut.surface, align_width(outWidth)*align_height(outHeight)*3/2); TIMELINE_INC(syncTimelineFd); successful = true; } void dumpSurface(VADisplay va_dpy, const char* filename, VASurfaceID surf, int size) { MappedSurface dumpSurface(va_dpy, surf); if (dumpSurface.valid()) { int fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP); if (fd > 0) { write(fd, dumpSurface.getPtr(), size); close(fd); ALOGI("Output dumped"); } else ALOGE("Error %d opening output file: %s", errno, strerror(errno)); } else ALOGE("Failed to map output for dump"); } buffer_handle_t videoKhandle; uint32_t videoStride; uint32_t videoBufHeight; bool videoTiled; buffer_handle_t rgbHandle; sp<RefBase> heldRgbHandle; sp<VAMappedHandleObject> mappedRgbIn; buffer_handle_t outputHandle; VARectangle surface_region; VARectangle output_region; uint32_t outWidth; uint32_t outHeight; sp<CachedBuffer> videoCachedBuffer; sp<RefBase> heldVideoBuffer; int yuvAcquireFenceFd; int rgbAcquireFenceFd; int outbufAcquireFenceFd; int syncTimelineFd; }; struct VirtualDevice::EnableVspTask : public VirtualDevice::Task { virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) { vd.vspEnable(width, height); } uint32_t width; uint32_t height; }; struct VirtualDevice::DisableVspTask : public VirtualDevice::Task { virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) { vd.vspDisable(); } }; struct VirtualDevice::BlitTask : public VirtualDevice::RenderTask { BlitTask() : srcAcquireFenceFd(-1), destAcquireFenceFd(-1), syncTimelineFd(-1) { } virtual ~BlitTask() { // If queueColorConvert() creates this object and sets up fences, // but aborts before enqueuing the task, or if the task runs // but errors out, make sure our acquire fences get closed // and any release fences get signaled. CLOSE_FENCE(srcAcquireFenceFd); CLOSE_FENCE(destAcquireFenceFd); TIMELINE_INC(syncTimelineFd); } virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) { SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(srcAcquireFenceFd); SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(destAcquireFenceFd); BufferManager* mgr = vd.mHwc.getBufferManager(); if (!(mgr->blit(srcHandle, destHandle, destRect, false, false))) { ETRACE("color space conversion from RGB to NV12 failed"); } else successful = true; TIMELINE_INC(syncTimelineFd); } buffer_handle_t srcHandle; buffer_handle_t destHandle; int srcAcquireFenceFd; int destAcquireFenceFd; int syncTimelineFd; crop_t destRect; }; struct VirtualDevice::FrameTypeChangedTask : public VirtualDevice::Task { virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) { #ifdef INTEL_WIDI typeChangeListener->frameTypeChanged(inputFrameInfo); ITRACE("Notify frameTypeChanged: %dx%d in %dx%d @ %d fps", inputFrameInfo.contentWidth, inputFrameInfo.contentHeight, inputFrameInfo.bufferWidth, inputFrameInfo.bufferHeight, inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateN); #endif } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI sp<IFrameTypeChangeListener> typeChangeListener; FrameInfo inputFrameInfo; #endif }; struct VirtualDevice::BufferInfoChangedTask : public VirtualDevice::Task { virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) { #ifdef INTEL_WIDI typeChangeListener->bufferInfoChanged(outputFrameInfo); ITRACE("Notify bufferInfoChanged: %dx%d in %dx%d @ %d fps", outputFrameInfo.contentWidth, outputFrameInfo.contentHeight, outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth, outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight, outputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateN); #endif } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI sp<IFrameTypeChangeListener> typeChangeListener; FrameInfo outputFrameInfo; #endif }; struct VirtualDevice::OnFrameReadyTask : public VirtualDevice::Task { virtual void run(VirtualDevice& vd) { if (renderTask != NULL && !renderTask->successful) return; { Mutex::Autolock _l(vd.mHeldBuffersLock); //Add the heldbuffer to the vector before calling onFrameReady, so that the buffer will be removed //from the vector properly even if the notifyBufferReturned call acquires mHeldBuffersLock first. vd.mHeldBuffers.add(handle, heldBuffer); } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI // FIXME: we could remove this casting once onFrameReady receives // a buffer_handle_t handle status_t result = frameListener->onFrameReady((uint32_t)handle, handleType, renderTimestamp, mediaTimestamp); if (result != OK) { Mutex::Autolock _l(vd.mHeldBuffersLock); vd.mHeldBuffers.removeItem(handle); } #else Mutex::Autolock _l(vd.mHeldBuffersLock); vd.mHeldBuffers.removeItem(handle); #endif } sp<RenderTask> renderTask; sp<RefBase> heldBuffer; buffer_handle_t handle; #ifdef INTEL_WIDI sp<IFrameListener> frameListener; HWCBufferHandleType handleType; #endif int64_t renderTimestamp; int64_t mediaTimestamp; }; struct VirtualDevice::BufferList::HeldBuffer : public RefBase { HeldBuffer(BufferList& list, buffer_handle_t handle, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) : mList(list), mHandle(handle), mWidth(w), mHeight(h) { } virtual ~HeldBuffer() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mList.mVd.mTaskLock); if (mWidth == mList.mWidth && mHeight == mList.mHeight) { VTRACE("Returning %s buffer %p (%ux%u) to list", mList.mName, mHandle, mWidth, mHeight); mList.mAvailableBuffers.push_back(mHandle); } else { VTRACE("Deleting %s buffer %p (%ux%u)", mList.mName, mHandle, mWidth, mHeight); BufferManager* mgr = mList.mVd.mHwc.getBufferManager(); mgr->freeGrallocBuffer((mHandle)); if (mList.mBuffersToCreate < mList.mLimit) mList.mBuffersToCreate++; } } BufferList& mList; buffer_handle_t mHandle; uint32_t mWidth; uint32_t mHeight; }; VirtualDevice::BufferList::BufferList(VirtualDevice& vd, const char* name, uint32_t limit, uint32_t format, uint32_t usage) : mVd(vd), mName(name), mLimit(limit), mFormat(format), mUsage(usage), mBuffersToCreate(0), mWidth(0), mHeight(0) { } buffer_handle_t VirtualDevice::BufferList::get(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, sp<RefBase>* heldBuffer) { width = align_width(width); height = align_height(height); if (mWidth != width || mHeight != height) { ITRACE("%s buffers changing from %dx%d to %dx%d", mName, mWidth, mHeight, width, height); clear(); mWidth = width; mHeight = height; mBuffersToCreate = mLimit; } buffer_handle_t handle; if (mAvailableBuffers.empty()) { if (mBuffersToCreate <= 0) return NULL; BufferManager* mgr = mVd.mHwc.getBufferManager(); handle = reinterpret_cast<buffer_handle_t>( mgr->allocGrallocBuffer(width, height, mFormat, mUsage)); if (handle == NULL){ ETRACE("failed to allocate %s buffer", mName); return NULL; } mBuffersToCreate--; } else { handle = *mAvailableBuffers.begin(); mAvailableBuffers.erase(mAvailableBuffers.begin()); } *heldBuffer = new HeldBuffer(*this, handle, width, height); return handle; } void VirtualDevice::BufferList::clear() { if (mWidth != 0 || mHeight != 0) ITRACE("Releasing %s buffers (%ux%u)", mName, mWidth, mHeight); if (!mAvailableBuffers.empty()) { // iterate the list and call freeGraphicBuffer for (List<buffer_handle_t>::iterator i = mAvailableBuffers.begin(); i != mAvailableBuffers.end(); ++i) { VTRACE("Deleting the gralloc buffer associated with handle (%p)", (*i)); mVd.mHwc.getBufferManager()->freeGrallocBuffer((*i)); } mAvailableBuffers.clear(); } mWidth = 0; mHeight = 0; } VirtualDevice::VirtualDevice(Hwcomposer& hwc) : mProtectedMode(false), mCscBuffers(*this, "CSC", NUM_CSC_BUFFERS, DisplayQuery::queryNV12Format(), GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_RENDER | GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_1), mRgbUpscaleBuffers(*this, "RGB upscale", NUM_SCALING_BUFFERS, HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888, GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_TEXTURE | GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_RENDER), mInitialized(false), mHwc(hwc), mPayloadManager(NULL), mVsyncObserver(NULL), mOrigContentWidth(0), mOrigContentHeight(0), mFirstVideoFrame(true), mLastConnectionStatus(false), mCachedBufferCapcity(16), mDecWidth(0), mDecHeight(0) { CTRACE(); #ifdef INTEL_WIDI mNextConfig.frameServerActive = false; #endif } VirtualDevice::~VirtualDevice() { WARN_IF_NOT_DEINIT(); } sp<VirtualDevice::CachedBuffer> VirtualDevice::getMappedBuffer(buffer_handle_t handle) { ssize_t index = mMappedBufferCache.indexOfKey(handle); sp<CachedBuffer> cachedBuffer; if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { if (mMappedBufferCache.size() > mCachedBufferCapcity) mMappedBufferCache.clear(); cachedBuffer = new CachedBuffer(mHwc.getBufferManager(), handle); mMappedBufferCache.add(handle, cachedBuffer); } else { cachedBuffer = mMappedBufferCache[index]; } return cachedBuffer; } bool VirtualDevice::threadLoop() { sp<Task> task; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); while (mTasks.empty()) { mRequestQueued.wait(mTaskLock); } task = *mTasks.begin(); mTasks.erase(mTasks.begin()); } if (task != NULL) { task->run(*this); task = NULL; } mRequestDequeued.signal(); return true; } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI status_t VirtualDevice::start(sp<IFrameTypeChangeListener> typeChangeListener) { ITRACE(); Mutex::Autolock _l(mConfigLock); mNextConfig.typeChangeListener = typeChangeListener; mNextConfig.frameListener = NULL; mNextConfig.policy.scaledWidth = 0; mNextConfig.policy.scaledHeight = 0; mNextConfig.policy.xdpi = 96; mNextConfig.policy.ydpi = 96; mNextConfig.policy.refresh = 60; mNextConfig.extendedModeEnabled = Hwcomposer::getInstance().getDisplayAnalyzer()->isVideoExtModeEnabled(); mVideoFramerate = 0; mFirstVideoFrame = true; mNextConfig.frameServerActive = true; mNextConfig.forceNotifyFrameType = true; mNextConfig.forceNotifyBufferInfo = true; return NO_ERROR; } status_t VirtualDevice::stop(bool isConnected) { ITRACE(); Mutex::Autolock _l(mConfigLock); mNextConfig.typeChangeListener = NULL; mNextConfig.frameListener = NULL; mNextConfig.policy.scaledWidth = 0; mNextConfig.policy.scaledHeight = 0; mNextConfig.policy.xdpi = 96; mNextConfig.policy.ydpi = 96; mNextConfig.policy.refresh = 60; mNextConfig.frameServerActive = false; mNextConfig.extendedModeEnabled = false; mNextConfig.forceNotifyFrameType = false; mNextConfig.forceNotifyBufferInfo = false; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); mCscBuffers.clear(); } return NO_ERROR; } #endif bool VirtualDevice::isFrameServerActive() const { #ifdef INTEL_WIDI return mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive; #endif return false; } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI /* TODO: 64-bit - this handle of size 32-bit is a problem for 64-bit */ status_t VirtualDevice::notifyBufferReturned(int handle) { CTRACE(); Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeldBuffersLock); ssize_t index = mHeldBuffers.indexOfKey((buffer_handle_t)handle); if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { ETRACE("Couldn't find returned khandle %p", handle); } else { VTRACE("Removing heldBuffer associated with handle (%p)", handle); mHeldBuffers.removeItemsAt(index, 1); } return NO_ERROR; } status_t VirtualDevice::setResolution(const FrameProcessingPolicy& policy, sp<IFrameListener> listener) { ITRACE(); Mutex::Autolock _l(mConfigLock); mNextConfig.frameListener = listener; mNextConfig.policy = policy; return NO_ERROR; } #endif static bool canUseDirectly(const hwc_display_contents_1_t *display, size_t n) { const hwc_layer_1_t& fbTarget = display->hwLayers[display->numHwLayers-1]; const hwc_layer_1_t& layer = display->hwLayers[n]; const IMG_native_handle_t* nativeHandle = reinterpret_cast<const IMG_native_handle_t*>(layer.handle); return !(layer.flags & HWC_SKIP_LAYER) && layer.transform == 0 && layer.blending == HWC_BLENDING_PREMULT && layer.sourceCropf.left == 0 && layer.sourceCropf.top == 0 && layer.displayFrame.left == 0 && layer.displayFrame.top == 0 && layer.sourceCropf.right == fbTarget.sourceCropf.right && layer.sourceCropf.bottom == fbTarget.sourceCropf.bottom && layer.displayFrame.right == fbTarget.displayFrame.right && layer.displayFrame.bottom == fbTarget.displayFrame.bottom && layer.planeAlpha == 255 && layer.handle != NULL && (nativeHandle->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 || nativeHandle->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888); } bool VirtualDevice::prePrepare(hwc_display_contents_1_t *display) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); return true; } bool VirtualDevice::prepare(hwc_display_contents_1_t *display) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); mRenderTimestamp = systemTime(); mVspInUse = false; mExpectAcquireFences = false; mIsForceCloneMode = false; #ifdef INTEL_WIDI { Mutex::Autolock _l(mConfigLock); mCurrentConfig = mNextConfig; } #endif bool shouldBeConnected = (display != NULL); if (shouldBeConnected != mLastConnectionStatus) { // calling this will reload the property 'hwc.video.extmode.enable' Hwcomposer::getInstance().getDisplayAnalyzer()->isVideoExtModeEnabled(); char propertyVal[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (property_get("widi.compose.rgb_upscale", propertyVal, NULL) > 0) mVspUpscale = atoi(propertyVal); if (property_get("widi.compose.all_video", propertyVal, NULL) > 0) mDebugVspClear = atoi(propertyVal); if (property_get("widi.compose.dump", propertyVal, NULL) > 0) mDebugVspDump = atoi(propertyVal); Hwcomposer::getInstance().getMultiDisplayObserver()->notifyWidiConnectionStatus(shouldBeConnected); mLastConnectionStatus = shouldBeConnected; } if (!display) { // No image. We're done with any mappings and CSC buffers. mMappedBufferCache.clear(); Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); mCscBuffers.clear(); return true; } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (!mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive) { // We're done with CSC buffers, since we blit to outbuf in this mode. // We want to keep mappings cached, so we don't clear mMappedBufferCache. Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); mCscBuffers.clear(); } #else Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); mCscBuffers.clear(); #endif // by default send the FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET layer (composited image) const ssize_t fbTarget = display->numHwLayers-1; mRgbLayer = fbTarget; mYuvLayer = -1; DisplayAnalyzer *analyzer = mHwc.getDisplayAnalyzer(); mProtectedMode = false; #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (mCurrentConfig.typeChangeListener != NULL && !analyzer->isOverlayAllowed() && analyzer->getVideoInstances() <= 1) { if (mCurrentConfig.typeChangeListener->shutdownVideo() != OK) { ITRACE("Waiting for prior encoder session to shut down..."); } /* Setting following flag to true will enable us to call bufferInfoChanged() in clone mode. */ mNextConfig.forceNotifyBufferInfo = true; mYuvLayer = -1; mRgbLayer = -1; // Skipping frames. // Fences aren't set in prepare, and we don't need them here, but they'll // be set later and we have to close them. Don't log a warning in this case. mExpectAcquireFences = true; for (ssize_t i = 0; i < fbTarget; i++) display->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY; return true; } for (ssize_t i = 0; i < fbTarget; i++) { hwc_layer_1_t& layer = display->hwLayers[i]; if (analyzer->isVideoLayer(layer) && (mCurrentConfig.extendedModeEnabled || mDebugVspClear || analyzer->isProtectedLayer(layer))) { if (mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive && mCurrentConfig.extendedModeEnabled) { // If composed in surface flinger, then stream fbtarget. if ((layer.flags & HWC_SKIP_LAYER) && !analyzer->ignoreVideoSkipFlag()) { continue; } /* If the resolution of the video layer is less than QCIF, then we are going to play it in clone mode only.*/ uint32_t vidContentWidth = layer.sourceCropf.right - layer.sourceCropf.left; uint32_t vidContentHeight = layer.sourceCropf.bottom - layer.sourceCropf.top; if (vidContentWidth < QCIF_WIDTH || vidContentHeight < QCIF_HEIGHT) { VTRACE("Ingoring layer %d which is too small for extended mode", i); continue; } } mYuvLayer = i; mProtectedMode = analyzer->isProtectedLayer(layer); break; } } #endif if (mYuvLayer == -1) { mFirstVideoFrame = true; mDecWidth = 0; mDecHeight = 0; } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive && mCurrentConfig.extendedModeEnabled && mYuvLayer != -1) { if (handleExtendedMode(display)) { mYuvLayer = -1; mRgbLayer = -1; // Extended mode is successful. // Fences aren't set in prepare, and we don't need them here, but they'll // be set later and we have to close them. Don't log a warning in this case. mExpectAcquireFences = true; for (ssize_t i = 0; i < fbTarget; i++) display->hwLayers[i].compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY; return true; } // if error in playback file , switch to clone mode WTRACE("Error, falling back to clone mode"); mIsForceCloneMode = true; mYuvLayer = -1; } #endif if (mYuvLayer == 0 && fbTarget == 1) { // No RGB layer, so tell queueCompose to use blank RGB in fbtarget. mRgbLayer = -1; } else if (mYuvLayer == 0 && fbTarget == 2) { if (canUseDirectly(display, 1)) mRgbLayer = 1; } else if (mYuvLayer == -1 && fbTarget == 1) { if (canUseDirectly(display, 0)) mRgbLayer = 0; } for (ssize_t i = 0; i < fbTarget; i++) { hwc_layer_1_t& layer = display->hwLayers[i]; if (i == mYuvLayer || i == mRgbLayer || mRgbLayer != fbTarget) layer.compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY; else layer.compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; } if (mYuvLayer != -1 && mRgbLayer == fbTarget) // This tells SurfaceFlinger to render this layer by writing transparent pixels // to this layer's target region within the framebuffer. This effectively punches // a hole through any content that is supposed to show below the video, and the // video can be seen through this hole when we composite the YUV and RGBA layers // together. Content above will draw on top of this hole and can cover the video. // This has no effect when the video is the bottommost layer. display->hwLayers[mYuvLayer].hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; #ifdef INTEL_WIDI // we're streaming fbtarget, so send onFramePrepare and wait for composition to happen if (mCurrentConfig.frameListener != NULL) mCurrentConfig.frameListener->onFramePrepare(mRenderTimestamp, -1); #endif return true; } bool VirtualDevice::commit(hwc_display_contents_1_t *display, IDisplayContext *context) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); if (display != NULL && (mRgbLayer != -1 || mYuvLayer != -1)) sendToWidi(display); if (mVspEnabled && !mVspInUse) { mVaMapCache.clear(); sp<DisableVspTask> disableVsp = new DisableVspTask(); mMappedBufferCache.clear(); Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); mRgbUpscaleBuffers.clear(); mTasks.push(disableVsp); mRequestQueued.signal(); mVspEnabled = false; } if (display != NULL) { // All acquire fences should be copied somewhere else or closed by now // and set to -1 in these structs except in the case of extended mode. // Make sure the fences are closed and log a warning if not in extended mode. if (display->outbufAcquireFenceFd != -1) { if (!mExpectAcquireFences) WTRACE("outbuf acquire fence (fd=%d) not yet saved or closed", display->outbufAcquireFenceFd); CLOSE_FENCE(display->outbufAcquireFenceFd); } for (size_t i = 0; i < display->numHwLayers; i++) { hwc_layer_1_t& layer = display->hwLayers[i]; if (layer.acquireFenceFd != -1) { if (!mExpectAcquireFences && (i < display->numHwLayers-1 || i == (size_t) mRgbLayer)) WTRACE("layer %zd acquire fence (fd=%zd) not yet saved or closed", i, layer.acquireFenceFd); CLOSE_FENCE(layer.acquireFenceFd); } } } return true; } bool VirtualDevice::sendToWidi(hwc_display_contents_1_t *display) { VTRACE("RGB=%d, YUV=%d", mRgbLayer, mYuvLayer); if (mYuvLayer == -1 && mRgbLayer == -1) return true; if (mYuvLayer != -1) { mVspInUse = true; if (queueCompose(display)) return true; } return queueColorConvert(display); } bool VirtualDevice::queueCompose(hwc_display_contents_1_t *display) { hwc_layer_1_t& yuvLayer = display->hwLayers[mYuvLayer]; if (yuvLayer.handle == NULL) { ETRACE("No video handle"); return false; } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (!mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive && display->outbuf == NULL) { #else if (display->outbuf == NULL) { #endif ETRACE("No outbuf"); return true; // fallback would be pointless } sp<ComposeTask> composeTask = new ComposeTask(); sp<RefBase> heldBuffer; sp<OnFrameReadyTask> frameReadyTask; Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); float upscale_x = 1.0; float upscale_y = 1.0; hwc_layer_1_t& fbTarget = display->hwLayers[display->numHwLayers-1]; composeTask->outWidth = fbTarget.sourceCropf.right - fbTarget.sourceCropf.left; composeTask->outHeight = fbTarget.sourceCropf.bottom - fbTarget.sourceCropf.top; bool scaleRgb = false; #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive) { if (mVspUpscale) { composeTask->outWidth = mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledWidth; composeTask->outHeight = mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledHeight; upscale_x = mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledWidth/(fbTarget.sourceCropf.right - fbTarget.sourceCropf.left); upscale_y = mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledHeight/(fbTarget.sourceCropf.bottom - fbTarget.sourceCropf.top); scaleRgb = composeTask->outWidth != fbTarget.sourceCropf.right - fbTarget.sourceCropf.left || composeTask->outHeight != fbTarget.sourceCropf.bottom - fbTarget.sourceCropf.top; } composeTask->outputHandle = mCscBuffers.get(composeTask->outWidth, composeTask->outHeight, &heldBuffer); if (composeTask->outputHandle == NULL) { WTRACE("Out of CSC buffers, dropping frame"); return true; } } else { composeTask->outputHandle = display->outbuf; } #else composeTask->outputHandle = display->outbuf; #endif vspPrepare(composeTask->outWidth, composeTask->outHeight); composeTask->videoCachedBuffer = getMappedBuffer(yuvLayer.handle); if (composeTask->videoCachedBuffer == NULL) { ETRACE("Couldn't map video handle %p", yuvLayer.handle); return false; } if (composeTask->videoCachedBuffer->mapper == NULL) { ETRACE("Src mapper gone"); return false; } composeTask->heldVideoBuffer = new HeldDecoderBuffer(this, composeTask->videoCachedBuffer); IVideoPayloadManager::MetaData videoMetadata; if (!mPayloadManager->getMetaData(composeTask->videoCachedBuffer->mapper, &videoMetadata)) { ETRACE("Failed to map video payload info"); return false; } if (videoMetadata.normalBuffer.width == 0 || videoMetadata.normalBuffer.height == 0) { ETRACE("Bad video metadata for handle %p", yuvLayer.handle); return false; } if (videoMetadata.normalBuffer.khandle == 0) { ETRACE("Bad khandle"); return false; } VARectangle& output_region = composeTask->output_region; output_region.x = static_cast<uint32_t>(yuvLayer.displayFrame.left*upscale_x) & ~1; output_region.y = static_cast<uint32_t>(yuvLayer.displayFrame.top*upscale_y) & ~1; output_region.width = (static_cast<uint32_t>(yuvLayer.displayFrame.right*upscale_y+1) & ~1) - output_region.x; output_region.height = (static_cast<uint32_t>(yuvLayer.displayFrame.bottom*upscale_y+1) & ~1) - output_region.y; uint32_t videoWidth; uint32_t videoHeight; if (videoMetadata.transform == 0 || videoMetadata.transform == HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180) { videoWidth = videoMetadata.normalBuffer.width; videoHeight = videoMetadata.normalBuffer.height; } else { videoWidth = videoMetadata.normalBuffer.height; videoHeight = videoMetadata.normalBuffer.width; } // Layer source crop info is based on an unrotated, unscaled buffer. // Rotate the rectangle to get the source crop we'd use for a rotated, unscaled buffer. hwc_frect_t rotatedCrop; switch (videoMetadata.transform) { default: rotatedCrop = yuvLayer.sourceCropf; break; case HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_90: rotatedCrop.left = yuvLayer.sourceCropf.top; rotatedCrop.top = videoHeight - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.right; rotatedCrop.right = yuvLayer.sourceCropf.bottom; rotatedCrop.bottom = videoHeight - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.left; break; case HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180: rotatedCrop.left = videoWidth - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.right; rotatedCrop.top = videoHeight - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.bottom; rotatedCrop.right = videoWidth - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.left; rotatedCrop.bottom = videoHeight - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.top; break; case HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_270: rotatedCrop.left = videoWidth - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.bottom; rotatedCrop.top = yuvLayer.sourceCropf.left; rotatedCrop.right = videoWidth - yuvLayer.sourceCropf.top; rotatedCrop.bottom = yuvLayer.sourceCropf.right; break; } float factor_x = output_region.width / (rotatedCrop.right - rotatedCrop.left); float factor_y = output_region.height / (rotatedCrop.bottom - rotatedCrop.top); uint32_t scaleWidth = videoWidth * factor_x; uint32_t scaleHeight = videoHeight * factor_y; scaleWidth &= ~1; scaleHeight &= ~1; IVideoPayloadManager::Buffer info; if (!getFrameOfSize(scaleWidth, scaleHeight, videoMetadata, info)) { //Returning true as else we fall into the queueColorConvert //resulting into scrambled frames for protected content. ITRACE("scaled frame not yet available."); return true; } composeTask->videoKhandle = info.khandle; composeTask->videoStride = info.lumaStride; composeTask->videoBufHeight = info.bufHeight; composeTask->videoTiled = info.tiled; // rotatedCrop accounts for rotation. Now account for any scaling along each dimension. hwc_frect_t scaledCrop = rotatedCrop; if (info.width < videoWidth) { float factor = static_cast<float>(info.width) / videoWidth; scaledCrop.left *= factor; scaledCrop.right *= factor; } if (info.height < videoHeight) { float factor = static_cast<float>(info.height) / videoHeight; scaledCrop.top *= factor; scaledCrop.bottom *= factor; } VARectangle& surface_region = composeTask->surface_region; surface_region.x = static_cast<int>(scaledCrop.left) + info.offsetX; surface_region.y = static_cast<int>(scaledCrop.top) + info.offsetY; surface_region.width = static_cast<int>(scaledCrop.right - scaledCrop.left); surface_region.height = static_cast<int>(scaledCrop.bottom - scaledCrop.top); VTRACE("Want to take (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) region from %dx%d video (in %dx%d buffer) and output to (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)", surface_region.x, surface_region.y, surface_region.x + surface_region.width, surface_region.y + surface_region.height, info.width, info.height, info.bufWidth, info.bufHeight, output_region.x, output_region.y, output_region.x + output_region.width, output_region.y + output_region.height); if (surface_region.x + surface_region.width > static_cast<int>(info.width + info.offsetX) || surface_region.y + surface_region.height > static_cast<int>(info.height + info.offsetY)) { ETRACE("Source crop exceeds video dimensions: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) > %ux%u", surface_region.x, surface_region.y, surface_region.x + surface_region.width, surface_region.y + surface_region.height, info.width, info.height); return false; } if (surface_region.width > output_region.width || surface_region.height > output_region.height) { // VSP can upscale but can't downscale video, so use blank video // until we start getting downscaled frames. surface_region.x = 0; surface_region.y = 0; surface_region.width = composeTask->outWidth; surface_region.height = composeTask->outHeight; output_region = surface_region; composeTask->videoKhandle = 0; composeTask->videoStride = composeTask->outWidth; composeTask->videoBufHeight = composeTask->outHeight; composeTask->videoTiled = false; } composeTask->yuvAcquireFenceFd = yuvLayer.acquireFenceFd; yuvLayer.acquireFenceFd = -1; composeTask->outbufAcquireFenceFd = display->outbufAcquireFenceFd; display->outbufAcquireFenceFd = -1; int retireFd = sw_sync_fence_create(mSyncTimelineFd, "widi_compose_retire", mNextSyncPoint); yuvLayer.releaseFenceFd = retireFd; if (mRgbLayer == -1) { CLOSE_FENCE(fbTarget.acquireFenceFd); } else { hwc_layer_1_t& rgbLayer = display->hwLayers[mRgbLayer]; composeTask->rgbAcquireFenceFd = rgbLayer.acquireFenceFd; rgbLayer.acquireFenceFd = -1; rgbLayer.releaseFenceFd = dup(retireFd); } mNextSyncPoint++; composeTask->syncTimelineFd = mSyncTimelineFd; if (mRgbLayer != -1) { hwc_layer_1_t& rgbLayer = display->hwLayers[mRgbLayer]; if (rgbLayer.handle == NULL) { ETRACE("No RGB handle"); return false; } if (scaleRgb) { buffer_handle_t scalingBuffer; sp<RefBase> heldUpscaleBuffer; while ((scalingBuffer = mRgbUpscaleBuffers.get(composeTask->outWidth, composeTask->outHeight, &heldUpscaleBuffer)) == NULL && !mTasks.empty()) { VTRACE("Waiting for free RGB upscale buffer..."); mRequestDequeued.wait(mTaskLock); } if (scalingBuffer == NULL) { ETRACE("Couldn't get scaling buffer"); return false; } BufferManager* mgr = mHwc.getBufferManager(); crop_t destRect; destRect.x = 0; destRect.y = 0; destRect.w = composeTask->outWidth; destRect.h = composeTask->outHeight; if (!mgr->blit(rgbLayer.handle, scalingBuffer, destRect, true, true)) return true; composeTask->rgbHandle = scalingBuffer; composeTask->heldRgbHandle = heldUpscaleBuffer; } else { unsigned int pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_BGRA; const IMG_native_handle_t* nativeHandle = reinterpret_cast<const IMG_native_handle_t*>(rgbLayer.handle); if (nativeHandle->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888) pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_RGBA; mRgbUpscaleBuffers.clear(); ssize_t index = mVaMapCache.indexOfKey(rgbLayer.handle); if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { composeTask->mappedRgbIn = new VAMappedHandleObject(va_dpy, rgbLayer.handle, composeTask->outWidth, composeTask->outHeight, pixel_format); mVaMapCache.add(rgbLayer.handle, composeTask->mappedRgbIn); } else composeTask->mappedRgbIn = mVaMapCache[index]; if (composeTask->mappedRgbIn->surface == 0) { ETRACE("Unable to map RGB surface"); return false; } } } else composeTask->mappedRgbIn = NULL; mTasks.push_back(composeTask); mRequestQueued.signal(); #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive) { FrameInfo inputFrameInfo; memset(&inputFrameInfo, 0, sizeof(inputFrameInfo)); inputFrameInfo.isProtected = mProtectedMode; inputFrameInfo.frameType = HWC_FRAMETYPE_FRAME_BUFFER; if (mVspUpscale) { float upscale_x = (rotatedCrop.right - rotatedCrop.left) / (yuvLayer.displayFrame.right - yuvLayer.displayFrame.left); float upscale_y = (rotatedCrop.bottom - rotatedCrop.top) / (yuvLayer.displayFrame.bottom - yuvLayer.displayFrame.top); float upscale = upscale_x > upscale_y ? upscale_x : upscale_y; if (upscale <= 1.0) upscale = 1.0; inputFrameInfo.contentWidth = (fbTarget.sourceCropf.right - fbTarget.sourceCropf.left)*upscale; inputFrameInfo.contentHeight = (fbTarget.sourceCropf.bottom - fbTarget.sourceCropf.top)*upscale; } else { inputFrameInfo.contentWidth = composeTask->outWidth; inputFrameInfo.contentHeight = composeTask->outHeight; } inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateN = 0; inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateD = 0; FrameInfo outputFrameInfo = inputFrameInfo; BufferManager* mgr = mHwc.getBufferManager(); DataBuffer* dataBuf = mgr->lockDataBuffer(composeTask->outputHandle); outputFrameInfo.contentWidth = composeTask->outWidth; outputFrameInfo.contentHeight = composeTask->outHeight; outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight = dataBuf->getHeight(); outputFrameInfo.lumaUStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.chromaUStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.chromaVStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); mgr->unlockDataBuffer(dataBuf); queueFrameTypeInfo(inputFrameInfo); if (mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledWidth == 0 || mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledHeight == 0) return true; // This isn't a failure, WiDi just doesn't want frames right now. queueBufferInfo(outputFrameInfo); if (mCurrentConfig.frameListener != NULL) { frameReadyTask = new OnFrameReadyTask(); frameReadyTask->renderTask = composeTask; frameReadyTask->heldBuffer = heldBuffer; frameReadyTask->frameListener = mCurrentConfig.frameListener; frameReadyTask->handle = composeTask->outputHandle; frameReadyTask->handleType = HWC_HANDLE_TYPE_GRALLOC; frameReadyTask->renderTimestamp = mRenderTimestamp; frameReadyTask->mediaTimestamp = -1; mTasks.push_back(frameReadyTask); } } else { display->retireFenceFd = dup(retireFd); } #else display->retireFenceFd = dup(retireFd); #endif return true; } bool VirtualDevice::queueColorConvert(hwc_display_contents_1_t *display) { if (mRgbLayer == -1) { ETRACE("RGB layer not set"); return false; } hwc_layer_1_t& layer = display->hwLayers[mRgbLayer]; if (layer.handle == NULL) { ETRACE("RGB layer has no handle set"); return false; } if (display->outbuf == NULL) { ETRACE("outbuf is not set"); return false; } { const IMG_native_handle_t* nativeSrcHandle = reinterpret_cast<const IMG_native_handle_t*>(layer.handle); const IMG_native_handle_t* nativeDestHandle = reinterpret_cast<const IMG_native_handle_t*>(display->outbuf); if ((nativeSrcHandle->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 && nativeDestHandle->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888) || (nativeSrcHandle->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 && nativeDestHandle->iFormat == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888)) { SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(layer.acquireFenceFd); SYNC_WAIT_AND_CLOSE(display->outbufAcquireFenceFd); display->retireFenceFd = -1; // synchronous in this case colorSwap(layer.handle, display->outbuf, ((nativeSrcHandle->iWidth+31)&~31)*nativeSrcHandle->iHeight); // Workaround: Don't keep cached buffers. If the VirtualDisplaySurface gets destroyed, // these would be unmapped on the next frame, after the buffers are destroyed, // which is causing heap corruption, probably due to a double-free somewhere. mMappedBufferCache.clear(); return true; } } sp<BlitTask> blitTask = new BlitTask(); sp<OnFrameReadyTask> frameReadyTask; blitTask->destRect.x = 0; blitTask->destRect.y = 0; blitTask->destRect.w = layer.sourceCropf.right - layer.sourceCropf.left; blitTask->destRect.h = layer.sourceCropf.bottom - layer.sourceCropf.top; blitTask->srcHandle = layer.handle; sp<RefBase> heldBuffer; Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); blitTask->srcAcquireFenceFd = layer.acquireFenceFd; layer.acquireFenceFd = -1; blitTask->syncTimelineFd = mSyncTimelineFd; // Framebuffer after BlitTask::run() calls sw_sync_timeline_inc(). layer.releaseFenceFd = sw_sync_fence_create(mSyncTimelineFd, "widi_blit_retire", mNextSyncPoint); mNextSyncPoint++; #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive) { blitTask->destHandle = mCscBuffers.get(blitTask->destRect.w, blitTask->destRect.h, &heldBuffer); blitTask->destAcquireFenceFd = -1; // we do not use retire fence in frameServerActive path. CLOSE_FENCE(display->retireFenceFd); // we use our own buffer, so just close this fence without a wait CLOSE_FENCE(display->outbufAcquireFenceFd); } else { blitTask->destHandle = display->outbuf; blitTask->destAcquireFenceFd = display->outbufAcquireFenceFd; // don't let TngDisplayContext::commitEnd() close this display->outbufAcquireFenceFd = -1; display->retireFenceFd = dup(layer.releaseFenceFd); } #else blitTask->destHandle = display->outbuf; blitTask->destAcquireFenceFd = display->outbufAcquireFenceFd; // don't let TngDisplayContext::commitEnd() close this display->outbufAcquireFenceFd = -1; display->retireFenceFd = dup(layer.releaseFenceFd); #endif if (blitTask->destHandle == NULL) { WTRACE("Out of CSC buffers, dropping frame"); return false; } mTasks.push_back(blitTask); mRequestQueued.signal(); #ifdef INTEL_WIDI if (mCurrentConfig.frameServerActive) { FrameInfo inputFrameInfo; memset(&inputFrameInfo, 0, sizeof(inputFrameInfo)); inputFrameInfo.isProtected = mProtectedMode; FrameInfo outputFrameInfo; inputFrameInfo.frameType = HWC_FRAMETYPE_FRAME_BUFFER; inputFrameInfo.contentWidth = blitTask->destRect.w; inputFrameInfo.contentHeight = blitTask->destRect.h; inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateN = 0; inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateD = 0; outputFrameInfo = inputFrameInfo; BufferManager* mgr = mHwc.getBufferManager(); DataBuffer* dataBuf = mgr->lockDataBuffer(blitTask->destHandle); outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight = dataBuf->getHeight(); outputFrameInfo.lumaUStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.chromaUStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.chromaVStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); mgr->unlockDataBuffer(dataBuf); if (!mIsForceCloneMode) queueFrameTypeInfo(inputFrameInfo); if (mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledWidth == 0 || mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledHeight == 0) return true; // This isn't a failure, WiDi just doesn't want frames right now. queueBufferInfo(outputFrameInfo); if (mCurrentConfig.frameListener != NULL) { frameReadyTask = new OnFrameReadyTask(); frameReadyTask->renderTask = blitTask; frameReadyTask->heldBuffer = heldBuffer; frameReadyTask->frameListener = mCurrentConfig.frameListener; frameReadyTask->handle = blitTask->destHandle; frameReadyTask->handleType = HWC_HANDLE_TYPE_GRALLOC; frameReadyTask->renderTimestamp = mRenderTimestamp; frameReadyTask->mediaTimestamp = -1; mTasks.push_back(frameReadyTask); } } #endif return true; } #ifdef INTEL_WIDI bool VirtualDevice::handleExtendedMode(hwc_display_contents_1_t *display) { FrameInfo inputFrameInfo; memset(&inputFrameInfo, 0, sizeof(inputFrameInfo)); inputFrameInfo.isProtected = mProtectedMode; hwc_layer_1_t& layer = display->hwLayers[mYuvLayer]; if (layer.handle == NULL) { ETRACE("video layer has no handle set"); return false; } sp<CachedBuffer> cachedBuffer; if ((cachedBuffer = getMappedBuffer(layer.handle)) == NULL) { ETRACE("Failed to map display buffer"); return false; } inputFrameInfo.frameType = HWC_FRAMETYPE_VIDEO; // for video mode let 30 fps be the default value. inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateN = 30; inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateD = 1; IVideoPayloadManager::MetaData metadata; if (!mPayloadManager->getMetaData(cachedBuffer->mapper, &metadata)) { ETRACE("Failed to get metadata"); return false; } if (metadata.transform == 0 || metadata.transform == HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180) { inputFrameInfo.contentWidth = metadata.normalBuffer.width; inputFrameInfo.contentHeight = metadata.normalBuffer.height; } else { inputFrameInfo.contentWidth = metadata.normalBuffer.height; inputFrameInfo.contentHeight = metadata.normalBuffer.width; // 90 and 270 have some issues that appear to be decoder bugs ITRACE("Skipping extended mode due to rotation of 90 or 270"); return false; } // Use the crop size if something changed derive it again.. // Only get video source info if frame rate has not been initialized. // getVideoSourceInfo() is a fairly expensive operation. This optimization // will save us a few milliseconds per frame if (mFirstVideoFrame || (mOrigContentWidth != metadata.normalBuffer.width) || (mOrigContentHeight != metadata.normalBuffer.height)) { mVideoFramerate = inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateN; VTRACE("VideoWidth = %d, VideoHeight = %d", metadata.normalBuffer.width, metadata.normalBuffer.height); mOrigContentWidth = metadata.normalBuffer.width; mOrigContentHeight = metadata.normalBuffer.height; // For the first video session by default int sessionID = Hwcomposer::getInstance().getDisplayAnalyzer()->getFirstVideoInstanceSessionID(); if (sessionID >= 0) { ITRACE("Session id = %d", sessionID); VideoSourceInfo videoInfo; memset(&videoInfo, 0, sizeof(videoInfo)); status_t ret = mHwc.getMultiDisplayObserver()->getVideoSourceInfo(sessionID, &videoInfo); if (ret == NO_ERROR) { ITRACE("width = %d, height = %d, fps = %d", videoInfo.width, videoInfo.height, videoInfo.frameRate); if (videoInfo.frameRate > 0) { mVideoFramerate = videoInfo.frameRate; } } } mFirstVideoFrame = false; } inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateN = mVideoFramerate; inputFrameInfo.contentFrameRateD = 1; sp<ComposeTask> composeTask; sp<RefBase> heldBuffer; Mutex::Autolock _l(mTaskLock); if (mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledWidth == 0 || mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledHeight == 0) { queueFrameTypeInfo(inputFrameInfo); return true; // This isn't a failure, WiDi just doesn't want frames right now. } IVideoPayloadManager::Buffer info; if (!getFrameOfSize(mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledWidth, mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledHeight, metadata, info)) { ITRACE("Extended mode waiting for scaled frame"); return false; } queueFrameTypeInfo(inputFrameInfo); heldBuffer = new HeldDecoderBuffer(this, cachedBuffer); int64_t mediaTimestamp = metadata.timestamp; VARectangle surface_region; surface_region.x = info.offsetX; surface_region.y = info.offsetY; surface_region.width = info.width; surface_region.height = info.height; FrameInfo outputFrameInfo = inputFrameInfo; outputFrameInfo.bufferFormat = metadata.format; outputFrameInfo.contentWidth = info.width; outputFrameInfo.contentHeight = info.height; outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth = info.bufWidth; outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight = info.bufHeight; outputFrameInfo.lumaUStride = info.lumaStride; outputFrameInfo.chromaUStride = info.chromaUStride; outputFrameInfo.chromaVStride = info.chromaVStride; if (outputFrameInfo.bufferFormat == 0 || outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth < outputFrameInfo.contentWidth || outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight < outputFrameInfo.contentHeight || outputFrameInfo.contentWidth <= 0 || outputFrameInfo.contentHeight <= 0 || outputFrameInfo.lumaUStride <= 0 || outputFrameInfo.chromaUStride <= 0 || outputFrameInfo.chromaVStride <= 0) { ITRACE("Payload cleared or inconsistent info, not sending frame"); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.bufferFormat = %d ", outputFrameInfo.bufferFormat); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth = %d ", outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.contentWidth = %d ", outputFrameInfo.contentWidth); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight = %d ", outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.contentHeight = %d ", outputFrameInfo.contentHeight); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.lumaUStride = %d ", outputFrameInfo.lumaUStride); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.chromaUStride = %d ", outputFrameInfo.chromaUStride); ITRACE("outputFrameInfo.chromaVStride = %d ", outputFrameInfo.chromaVStride); return false; } if (mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledWidth == 0 || mCurrentConfig.policy.scaledHeight == 0) return true; // This isn't a failure, WiDi just doesn't want frames right now. if (info.khandle == mExtLastKhandle && mediaTimestamp == mExtLastTimestamp) { // Same frame again. We don't send a frame, but we return true because // this isn't an error. if (metadata.transform != 0) mVspInUse = true; // Don't shut down VSP just to start it again really quick. return true; } mExtLastKhandle = info.khandle; mExtLastTimestamp = mediaTimestamp; HWCBufferHandleType handleType = HWC_HANDLE_TYPE_KBUF; buffer_handle_t handle = info.khandle; // Ideally we'd check if there's an offset (info.offsetX > 0 || info.offsetY > 0), // so we use VSP only when cropping is needed. But using the khandle directly when // both rotation and scaling are involved can encode the frame with the wrong // tiling status, so use VSP to normalize if any rotation is involved. if (metadata.transform != 0) { // Cropping (or above workaround) needed, so use VSP to do it. mVspInUse = true; vspPrepare(info.width, info.height); composeTask = new ComposeTask(); composeTask->heldVideoBuffer = heldBuffer; heldBuffer = NULL; composeTask->outWidth = info.width; composeTask->outHeight = info.height; composeTask->outputHandle = mCscBuffers.get(composeTask->outWidth, composeTask->outHeight, &heldBuffer); if (composeTask->outputHandle == NULL) { ITRACE("Out of CSC buffers, dropping frame"); return true; } composeTask->surface_region = surface_region; composeTask->videoCachedBuffer = cachedBuffer; VARectangle& output_region = composeTask->output_region; output_region.x = 0; output_region.y = 0; output_region.width = info.width; output_region.height = info.height; composeTask->videoKhandle = info.khandle; composeTask->videoStride = info.lumaStride; composeTask->videoBufHeight = info.bufHeight; composeTask->videoTiled = info.tiled; BufferManager* mgr = mHwc.getBufferManager(); DataBuffer* dataBuf = mgr->lockDataBuffer(composeTask->outputHandle); outputFrameInfo.contentWidth = composeTask->outWidth; outputFrameInfo.contentHeight = composeTask->outHeight; outputFrameInfo.bufferWidth = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.bufferHeight = dataBuf->getHeight(); outputFrameInfo.lumaUStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.chromaUStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); outputFrameInfo.chromaVStride = dataBuf->getWidth(); mgr->unlockDataBuffer(dataBuf); handle = composeTask->outputHandle; handleType = HWC_HANDLE_TYPE_GRALLOC; mTasks.push_back(composeTask); mRequestQueued.signal(); } queueBufferInfo(outputFrameInfo); if (mCurrentConfig.frameListener != NULL) { sp<OnFrameReadyTask> frameReadyTask = new OnFrameReadyTask(); frameReadyTask->renderTask = composeTask; frameReadyTask->heldBuffer = heldBuffer; frameReadyTask->frameListener = mCurrentConfig.frameListener; frameReadyTask->handle = handle; frameReadyTask->handleType = handleType; frameReadyTask->renderTimestamp = mRenderTimestamp; frameReadyTask->mediaTimestamp = mediaTimestamp; mTasks.push_back(frameReadyTask); mRequestQueued.signal(); } return true; } void VirtualDevice::queueFrameTypeInfo(const FrameInfo& inputFrameInfo) { if (mCurrentConfig.forceNotifyFrameType || memcmp(&inputFrameInfo, &mLastInputFrameInfo, sizeof(inputFrameInfo)) != 0) { // something changed, notify type change listener mNextConfig.forceNotifyFrameType = false; mLastInputFrameInfo = inputFrameInfo; sp<FrameTypeChangedTask> notifyTask = new FrameTypeChangedTask; notifyTask->typeChangeListener = mCurrentConfig.typeChangeListener; notifyTask->inputFrameInfo = inputFrameInfo; mTasks.push_back(notifyTask); } } void VirtualDevice::queueBufferInfo(const FrameInfo& outputFrameInfo) { if (mCurrentConfig.forceNotifyBufferInfo || memcmp(&outputFrameInfo, &mLastOutputFrameInfo, sizeof(outputFrameInfo)) != 0) { mNextConfig.forceNotifyBufferInfo = false; mLastOutputFrameInfo = outputFrameInfo; sp<BufferInfoChangedTask> notifyTask = new BufferInfoChangedTask; notifyTask->typeChangeListener = mCurrentConfig.typeChangeListener; notifyTask->outputFrameInfo = outputFrameInfo; //if (handleType == HWC_HANDLE_TYPE_GRALLOC) // mMappedBufferCache.clear(); // ! mTasks.push_back(notifyTask); } } #endif void VirtualDevice::colorSwap(buffer_handle_t src, buffer_handle_t dest, uint32_t pixelCount) { sp<CachedBuffer> srcCachedBuffer; sp<CachedBuffer> destCachedBuffer; { srcCachedBuffer = getMappedBuffer(src); if (srcCachedBuffer == NULL || srcCachedBuffer->mapper == NULL) return; destCachedBuffer = getMappedBuffer(dest); if (destCachedBuffer == NULL || destCachedBuffer->mapper == NULL) return; } uint8_t* srcPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(srcCachedBuffer->mapper->getCpuAddress(0)); uint8_t* destPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(destCachedBuffer->mapper->getCpuAddress(0)); if (srcPtr == NULL || destPtr == NULL) return; while (pixelCount > 0) { destPtr[0] = srcPtr[2]; destPtr[1] = srcPtr[1]; destPtr[2] = srcPtr[0]; destPtr[3] = srcPtr[3]; srcPtr += 4; destPtr += 4; pixelCount--; } } void VirtualDevice::vspPrepare(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { if (mVspEnabled && width == mVspWidth && height == mVspHeight) return; if (mVspEnabled) { ITRACE("Going to switch VSP from %ux%u to %ux%u", mVspWidth, mVspHeight, width, height); mMappedBufferCache.clear(); mVaMapCache.clear(); sp<DisableVspTask> disableVsp = new DisableVspTask(); mTasks.push_back(disableVsp); } mVspWidth = width; mVspHeight = height; sp<EnableVspTask> enableTask = new EnableVspTask(); enableTask->width = width; enableTask->height = height; mTasks.push_back(enableTask); mRequestQueued.signal(); // to map a buffer from this thread, we need this task to complete on the other thread while (enableTask->getStrongCount() > 1) { VTRACE("Waiting for WidiBlit thread to enable VSP..."); mRequestDequeued.wait(mTaskLock); } mVspEnabled = true; } void VirtualDevice::vspEnable(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { width = align_width(width); height = align_height(height); ITRACE("Start VSP at %ux%u", width, height); VAStatus va_status; int display = 0; int major_ver, minor_ver; va_dpy = vaGetDisplay(&display); va_status = vaInitialize(va_dpy, &major_ver, &minor_ver); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaInitialize returns %08x", va_status); VAConfigAttrib va_attr; va_attr.type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat; va_status = vaGetConfigAttributes(va_dpy, VAProfileNone, VAEntrypointVideoProc, &va_attr, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaGetConfigAttributes returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaCreateConfig( va_dpy, VAProfileNone, VAEntrypointVideoProc, &(va_attr), 1, &va_config ); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaCreateConfig returns %08x", va_status); VADisplayAttribute attr; attr.type = VADisplayAttribRenderMode; attr.value = VA_RENDER_MODE_LOCAL_OVERLAY; va_status = vaSetDisplayAttributes(va_dpy, &attr, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaSetDisplayAttributes returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaCreateSurfaces( va_dpy, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, width, height, &va_blank_yuv_in, 1, NULL, 0); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaCreateSurfaces (video in) returns %08x", va_status); unsigned long buffer; VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers buf; int stride = align_width(width); int bufHeight = align_height(height); buf.pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_RGBA; buf.width = width; buf.height = height; buf.data_size = stride * bufHeight * 4; buf.num_planes = 3; buf.pitches[0] = stride; buf.pitches[1] = stride; buf.pitches[2] = stride; buf.pitches[3] = 0; buf.offsets[0] = 0; buf.offsets[1] = stride * bufHeight; buf.offsets[2] = buf.offsets[1]; buf.offsets[3] = 0; buf.buffers = &buffer; buf.num_buffers = 1; buf.flags = 0; buf.private_data = NULL; VASurfaceAttrib attrib_list[2]; attrib_list[0].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribMemoryType; attrib_list[0].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attrib_list[0].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger; attrib_list[0].value.value.i = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_VA; attrib_list[1].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor; attrib_list[1].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE; attrib_list[1].value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer; attrib_list[1].value.value.p = (void *)&buf; va_status = vaCreateSurfaces( va_dpy, VA_RT_FORMAT_RGB32, stride, bufHeight, &va_blank_rgb_in, 1, attrib_list, 2); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaCreateSurfaces (blank rgba in) returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaCreateContext( va_dpy, va_config, stride, bufHeight, 0, &va_blank_yuv_in /* not used by VSP, but libva checks for it */, 1, &va_context); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaCreateContext returns %08x", va_status); VASurfaceID tmp_yuv; va_status = vaCreateSurfaces( va_dpy, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, stride, bufHeight, &tmp_yuv, 1, NULL, 0); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaCreateSurfaces (temp yuv) returns %08x", va_status); { MappedSurface mappedVideoIn(va_dpy, tmp_yuv); if (mappedVideoIn.valid()) { // Value doesn't matter, as RGBA will be opaque, // but I don't want random data in here. memset(mappedVideoIn.getPtr(), 0x0, width*height*3/2); } else ETRACE("Unable to map tmp black surface"); } { MappedSurface mappedBlankIn(va_dpy, va_blank_rgb_in); if (mappedBlankIn.valid()) { // Fill RGBA with opaque black temporarily, in order to generate an // encrypted black buffer in va_blank_yuv_in to use in place of the // real frame data during the short interval where we're waiting for // downscaling to kick in. uint32_t* pixels = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(mappedBlankIn.getPtr()); for (size_t i = 0; i < stride*height; i++) pixels[i] = 0xff000000; } else ETRACE("Unable to map blank rgba in"); } // Compose opaque black with temp yuv to produce encrypted black yuv. VARectangle region; region.x = 0; region.y = 0; region.width = width; region.height = height; vspCompose(tmp_yuv, va_blank_rgb_in, va_blank_yuv_in, ®ion, ®ion); va_status = vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy, &tmp_yuv, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaDestroySurfaces (temp yuv) returns %08x", va_status); { // Fill RGBA with transparent black now, to be used when there is no // UI to compose on top of the video. MappedSurface mappedBlankIn(va_dpy, va_blank_rgb_in); if (mappedBlankIn.valid()) memset(mappedBlankIn.getPtr(), 0, stride*height*4); else ETRACE("Unable to map blank rgba in"); } } void VirtualDevice::vspDisable() { ITRACE("Shut down VSP"); if (va_context == 0 && va_blank_yuv_in == 0) { ITRACE("Already shut down"); return; } VABufferID pipeline_param_id; VAStatus va_status; va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, va_context, VAProcPipelineParameterBufferType, sizeof(VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer), 1, NULL, &pipeline_param_id); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaCreateBuffer returns %08x", va_status); VABlendState blend_state; VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer *pipeline_param; va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, pipeline_param_id, (void **)&pipeline_param); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaMapBuffer returns %08x", va_status); memset(pipeline_param, 0, sizeof(VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer)); pipeline_param->pipeline_flags = VA_PIPELINE_FLAG_END; pipeline_param->num_filters = 0; pipeline_param->blend_state = &blend_state; va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, pipeline_param_id); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaUnmapBuffer returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaBeginPicture(va_dpy, va_context, va_blank_yuv_in /* just need some valid surface */); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaBeginPicture returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, va_context, &pipeline_param_id, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaRenderPicture returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaEndPicture(va_dpy, va_context); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaEndPicture returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaDestroyContext(va_dpy, va_context); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaDestroyContext returns %08x", va_status); va_context = 0; va_status = vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy, &va_blank_yuv_in, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaDestroySurfaces (video in) returns %08x", va_status); va_blank_yuv_in = 0; va_status = vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy, &va_blank_rgb_in, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaDestroySurfaces (blank rgba in) returns %08x", va_status); if (va_config) { vaDestroyConfig(va_dpy, va_config); va_config = 0; } if (va_dpy) { vaTerminate(va_dpy); va_dpy = NULL; } } void VirtualDevice::vspCompose(VASurfaceID videoIn, VASurfaceID rgbIn, VASurfaceID videoOut, const VARectangle* surface_region, const VARectangle* output_region) { VAStatus va_status; VABufferID pipeline_param_id; va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, va_context, VAProcPipelineParameterBufferType, sizeof(VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer), 1, NULL, &pipeline_param_id); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaCreateBuffer returns %08x", va_status); VABlendState blend_state; VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer *pipeline_param; va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, pipeline_param_id, (void **)&pipeline_param); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaMapBuffer returns %08x", va_status); memset(pipeline_param, 0, sizeof(VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer)); pipeline_param->surface = videoIn; pipeline_param->surface_region = surface_region; pipeline_param->output_region = output_region; pipeline_param->pipeline_flags = 0; pipeline_param->num_filters = 0; pipeline_param->blend_state = &blend_state; pipeline_param->num_additional_outputs = 1; pipeline_param->additional_outputs = &rgbIn; va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, pipeline_param_id); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaUnmapBuffer returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaBeginPicture(va_dpy, va_context, videoOut); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaBeginPicture returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, va_context, &pipeline_param_id, 1); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaRenderPicture returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaEndPicture(va_dpy, va_context); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaEndPicture returns %08x", va_status); va_status = vaSyncSurface(va_dpy, videoOut); if (va_status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) ETRACE("vaSyncSurface returns %08x", va_status); } static uint32_t min(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } bool VirtualDevice::getFrameOfSize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const IVideoPayloadManager::MetaData& metadata, IVideoPayloadManager::Buffer& info) { if (metadata.transform == 0 || metadata.transform == HAL_TRANSFORM_ROT_180) setMaxDecodeResolution(min(width, metadata.normalBuffer.width), min(height, metadata.normalBuffer.height)); else setMaxDecodeResolution(min(height, metadata.normalBuffer.width), min(width, metadata.normalBuffer.height)); if (metadata.transform == 0) { if (metadata.normalBuffer.khandle != 0 && metadata.normalBuffer.width <= width && metadata.normalBuffer.height <= height) { info = metadata.normalBuffer; return true; } if (metadata.scalingBuffer.khandle != 0 && metadata.scalingBuffer.width <= width && metadata.scalingBuffer.height <= height) { info = metadata.scalingBuffer; return true; } } else { if (metadata.rotationBuffer.khandle != 0 && metadata.rotationBuffer.width <= width && metadata.rotationBuffer.height <= height) { info = metadata.rotationBuffer; return true; } } return false; } void VirtualDevice::setMaxDecodeResolution(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { if (mDecWidth == width && mDecHeight == height) return; int sessionID = mHwc.getDisplayAnalyzer()->getFirstVideoInstanceSessionID(); if (sessionID < 0) { ETRACE("Session id is less than 0"); return; } MultiDisplayObserver* mds = mHwc.getMultiDisplayObserver(); status_t ret = mds->setDecoderOutputResolution(sessionID, width, height, 0, 0, width, height); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { ETRACE("Failed to set scaling to %ux%u: %x", width, height, ret); return; } mDecWidth = width; mDecHeight = height; ITRACE("Set scaling to %ux%u",mDecWidth, mDecHeight); } bool VirtualDevice::vsyncControl(bool enabled) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); return mVsyncObserver->control(enabled); } bool VirtualDevice::blank(bool blank) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); return true; } bool VirtualDevice::getDisplaySize(int *width, int *height) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); if (!width || !height) { ETRACE("invalid parameters"); return false; } // TODO: make this platform specifc *width = 1280; *height = 720; return true; } bool VirtualDevice::getDisplayConfigs(uint32_t *configs, size_t *numConfigs) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); if (!configs || !numConfigs) { ETRACE("invalid parameters"); return false; } *configs = 0; *numConfigs = 1; return true; } bool VirtualDevice::getDisplayAttributes(uint32_t configs, const uint32_t *attributes, int32_t *values) { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); if (!attributes || !values) { ETRACE("invalid parameters"); return false; } int i = 0; while (attributes[i] != HWC_DISPLAY_NO_ATTRIBUTE) { switch (attributes[i]) { case HWC_DISPLAY_VSYNC_PERIOD: values[i] = 1e9 / 60; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_WIDTH: values[i] = 1280; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_HEIGHT: values[i] = 720; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_X: values[i] = 0; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_Y: values[i] = 0; break; default: ETRACE("unknown attribute %d", attributes[i]); break; } i++; } return true; } bool VirtualDevice::compositionComplete() { RETURN_FALSE_IF_NOT_INIT(); return true; } bool VirtualDevice::initialize() { mRgbLayer = -1; mYuvLayer = -1; #ifdef INTEL_WIDI // Add initialization codes here. If init fails, invoke DEINIT_AND_RETURN_FALSE(); mNextConfig.typeChangeListener = NULL; mNextConfig.policy.scaledWidth = 0; mNextConfig.policy.scaledHeight = 0; mNextConfig.policy.xdpi = 96; mNextConfig.policy.ydpi = 96; mNextConfig.policy.refresh = 60; mNextConfig.extendedModeEnabled = false; mNextConfig.forceNotifyFrameType = false; mNextConfig.forceNotifyBufferInfo = false; mCurrentConfig = mNextConfig; memset(&mLastInputFrameInfo, 0, sizeof(mLastInputFrameInfo)); memset(&mLastOutputFrameInfo, 0, sizeof(mLastOutputFrameInfo)); #endif mPayloadManager = mHwc.getPlatFactory()->createVideoPayloadManager(); if (!mPayloadManager) { DEINIT_AND_RETURN_FALSE("Failed to create payload manager"); } mVsyncObserver = new SoftVsyncObserver(*this); if (!mVsyncObserver || !mVsyncObserver->initialize()) { DEINIT_AND_RETURN_FALSE("Failed to create Soft Vsync Observer"); } mSyncTimelineFd = sw_sync_timeline_create(); mNextSyncPoint = 1; mExpectAcquireFences = false; mThread = new WidiBlitThread(this); mThread->run("WidiBlit", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY); #ifdef INTEL_WIDI // Publish frame server service with service manager status_t ret = defaultServiceManager()->addService(String16("hwc.widi"), this); if (ret == NO_ERROR) { ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); mInitialized = true; } else { ETRACE("Could not register hwc.widi with service manager, error = %d", ret); deinitialize(); } #else mInitialized = true; #endif mVspEnabled = false; mVspInUse = false; mVspWidth = 0; mVspHeight = 0; va_dpy = NULL; va_config = 0; va_context = 0; va_blank_yuv_in = 0; va_blank_rgb_in = 0; mVspUpscale = false; mDebugVspClear = false; mDebugVspDump = false; mDebugCounter = 0; ITRACE("Init done."); return mInitialized; } bool VirtualDevice::isConnected() const { return true; } const char* VirtualDevice::getName() const { return "Virtual"; } int VirtualDevice::getType() const { return DEVICE_VIRTUAL; } void VirtualDevice::onVsync(int64_t timestamp) { mHwc.vsync(DEVICE_VIRTUAL, timestamp); } void VirtualDevice::dump(Dump& d) { } void VirtualDevice::deinitialize() { VAStatus va_status; if (mPayloadManager) { delete mPayloadManager; mPayloadManager = NULL; } DEINIT_AND_DELETE_OBJ(mVsyncObserver); mInitialized = false; } bool VirtualDevice::setPowerMode(int /*mode*/) { return true; } int VirtualDevice::getActiveConfig() { return 0; } bool VirtualDevice::setActiveConfig(int /*index*/) { return false; } } // namespace intel } // namespace android