/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Not a contribution. * * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "voice_extn" /*#define LOG_NDEBUG 0*/ #define LOG_NDDEBUG 0 #include <errno.h> #include <math.h> #include <cutils/log.h> #include <cutils/str_parms.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sound/voice_params.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "audio_hw.h" #include "voice.h" #include "platform.h" #include "platform_api.h" #include "voice_extn.h" #define AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_VSID "vsid" #define AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_CALL_STATE "call_state" #define AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_AUDIO_MODE "audio_mode" #define AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_ALL_CALL_STATES "all_call_states" #define AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_DEVICE_MUTE "device_mute" #define AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_DIRECTION "direction" #define AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_IN_CALL "in_call" #define VOICE_EXTN_PARAMETER_VALUE_MAX_LEN 256 #define VOICE2_VSID 0x10DC1000 #define VOLTE_VSID 0x10C02000 #define QCHAT_VSID 0x10803000 #define VOWLAN_VSID 0x10002000 #define ALL_VSID 0xFFFFFFFF /* Voice Session Indices */ #define VOICE2_SESS_IDX (VOICE_SESS_IDX + 1) #define VOLTE_SESS_IDX (VOICE_SESS_IDX + 2) #define QCHAT_SESS_IDX (VOICE_SESS_IDX + 3) #define VOWLAN_SESS_IDX (VOICE_SESS_IDX + 4) /* Call States */ #define CALL_HOLD (BASE_CALL_STATE + 2) #define CALL_LOCAL_HOLD (BASE_CALL_STATE + 3) struct pcm_config pcm_config_incall_music = { .channels = 1, .rate = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_SAMPLING_RATE, .period_size = LOW_LATENCY_OUTPUT_PERIOD_SIZE, .period_count = LOW_LATENCY_OUTPUT_PERIOD_COUNT, .format = PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE, .start_threshold = LOW_LATENCY_OUTPUT_PERIOD_SIZE / 4, .stop_threshold = INT_MAX, .avail_min = LOW_LATENCY_OUTPUT_PERIOD_SIZE / 4, }; int voice_extn_is_call_state_active(struct audio_device *adev, bool *is_call_active); static bool is_valid_call_state(int call_state) { if (call_state < CALL_INACTIVE || call_state > CALL_LOCAL_HOLD) return false; else return true; } static bool is_valid_vsid(uint32_t vsid) { if (vsid == VOICE_VSID || vsid == VOICE2_VSID || vsid == VOLTE_VSID || vsid == QCHAT_VSID || vsid == VOWLAN_VSID) return true; else return false; } static audio_usecase_t voice_extn_get_usecase_for_session_idx(const int index) { audio_usecase_t usecase_id = -1; switch(index) { case VOICE_SESS_IDX: usecase_id = USECASE_VOICE_CALL; break; case VOICE2_SESS_IDX: usecase_id = USECASE_VOICE2_CALL; break; case VOLTE_SESS_IDX: usecase_id = USECASE_VOLTE_CALL; break; case QCHAT_SESS_IDX: usecase_id = USECASE_QCHAT_CALL; break; case VOWLAN_SESS_IDX: usecase_id = USECASE_VOWLAN_CALL; break; default: ALOGE("%s: Invalid voice session index\n", __func__); } return usecase_id; } static uint32_t get_session_id_with_state(struct audio_device *adev, int call_state) { struct voice_session *session = NULL; int i = 0; uint32_t session_id = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SESSIONS; i++) { session = &adev->voice.session[i]; if(session->state.current == call_state){ session_id = session->vsid; break; } } return session_id; } static int update_calls(struct audio_device *adev) { int i = 0; audio_usecase_t usecase_id = 0; enum voice_lch_mode lch_mode; struct voice_session *session = NULL; int fd = 0; int ret = 0; ALOGD("%s: enter:", __func__); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SESSIONS; i++) { usecase_id = voice_extn_get_usecase_for_session_idx(i); session = &adev->voice.session[i]; ALOGD("%s: cur_state=%d new_state=%d vsid=%x", __func__, session->state.current, session->state.new, session->vsid); switch(session->state.new) { case CALL_ACTIVE: switch(session->state.current) { case CALL_INACTIVE: ALOGD("%s: INACTIVE -> ACTIVE vsid:%x", __func__, session->vsid); ret = voice_start_usecase(adev, usecase_id); if(ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: voice_start_usecase() failed for usecase: %d\n", __func__, usecase_id); } else { session->state.current = session->state.new; } break; case CALL_HOLD: ALOGD("%s: HOLD -> ACTIVE vsid:%x", __func__, session->vsid); session->state.current = session->state.new; break; case CALL_LOCAL_HOLD: ALOGD("%s: LOCAL_HOLD -> ACTIVE vsid:%x", __func__, session->vsid); lch_mode = VOICE_LCH_STOP; ret = platform_update_lch(adev->platform, session, lch_mode); if (ret < 0) ALOGE("%s: lch mode update failed, ret = %d", __func__, ret); else session->state.current = session->state.new; break; default: ALOGV("%s: CALL_ACTIVE cannot be handled in state=%d vsid:%x", __func__, session->state.current, session->vsid); break; } break; case CALL_INACTIVE: switch(session->state.current) { case CALL_ACTIVE: case CALL_HOLD: case CALL_LOCAL_HOLD: ALOGD("%s: ACTIVE/HOLD/LOCAL_HOLD -> INACTIVE vsid:%x", __func__, session->vsid); ret = voice_stop_usecase(adev, usecase_id); if(ret < 0) { ALOGE("%s: voice_stop_usecase() failed for usecase: %d\n", __func__, usecase_id); } else { session->state.current = session->state.new; } break; default: ALOGV("%s: CALL_INACTIVE cannot be handled in state=%d vsid:%x", __func__, session->state.current, session->vsid); break; } break; case CALL_HOLD: switch(session->state.current) { case CALL_ACTIVE: ALOGD("%s: CALL_ACTIVE -> HOLD vsid:%x", __func__, session->vsid); session->state.current = session->state.new; break; case CALL_LOCAL_HOLD: ALOGD("%s: CALL_LOCAL_HOLD -> HOLD vsid:%x", __func__, session->vsid); lch_mode = VOICE_LCH_STOP; ret = platform_update_lch(adev->platform, session, lch_mode); if (ret < 0) ALOGE("%s: lch mode update failed, ret = %d", __func__, ret); else session->state.current = session->state.new; break; default: ALOGV("%s: CALL_HOLD cannot be handled in state=%d vsid:%x", __func__, session->state.current, session->vsid); break; } break; case CALL_LOCAL_HOLD: switch(session->state.current) { case CALL_ACTIVE: case CALL_HOLD: ALOGD("%s: ACTIVE/CALL_HOLD -> LOCAL_HOLD vsid:%x", __func__, session->vsid); lch_mode = VOICE_LCH_START; ret = platform_update_lch(adev->platform, session, lch_mode); if (ret < 0) ALOGE("%s: lch mode update failed, ret = %d", __func__, ret); else session->state.current = session->state.new; break; default: ALOGV("%s: CALL_LOCAL_HOLD cannot be handled in state=%d vsid:%x", __func__, session->state.current, session->vsid); break; } break; default: break; } //end out switch loop } //end for loop return ret; } static int update_call_states(struct audio_device *adev, const uint32_t vsid, const int call_state) { struct voice_session *session = NULL; int i = 0; bool is_call_active; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SESSIONS; i++) { if (vsid == adev->voice.session[i].vsid) { session = &adev->voice.session[i]; break; } } if (session) { session->state.new = call_state; voice_extn_is_call_state_active(adev, &is_call_active); ALOGD("%s is_call_active:%d in_call:%d, mode:%d\n", __func__, is_call_active, adev->voice.in_call, adev->mode); /* Dont start voice call before device routing for voice usescases has * occured, otherwise voice calls will be started unintendedly on * speaker. */ if (is_call_active || (adev->voice.in_call && adev->mode == AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL)) { /* Device routing is not triggered for voice calls on the subsequent * subs, Hence update the call states if voice call is already * active on other sub. */ update_calls(adev); } } else { return -EINVAL; } return 0; } int voice_extn_get_active_session_id(struct audio_device *adev, uint32_t *session_id) { *session_id = get_session_id_with_state(adev, CALL_ACTIVE); return 0; } int voice_extn_is_call_state_active(struct audio_device *adev, bool *is_call_active) { struct voice_session *session = NULL; int i = 0; *is_call_active = false; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SESSIONS; i++) { session = &adev->voice.session[i]; if(session->state.current != CALL_INACTIVE){ *is_call_active = true; break; } } return 0; } int voice_extn_is_in_call_rec_stream(struct stream_in *in, bool *in_call_rec) { *in_call_rec = false; if(in->source == AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_DOWNLINK || in->source == AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_UPLINK || in->source == AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_CALL) { *in_call_rec = true; } return 0; } void voice_extn_init(struct audio_device *adev) { adev->voice.session[VOICE_SESS_IDX].vsid = VOICE_VSID; adev->voice.session[VOICE2_SESS_IDX].vsid = VOICE2_VSID; adev->voice.session[VOLTE_SESS_IDX].vsid = VOLTE_VSID; adev->voice.session[QCHAT_SESS_IDX].vsid = QCHAT_VSID; adev->voice.session[VOWLAN_SESS_IDX].vsid = VOWLAN_VSID; } int voice_extn_get_session_from_use_case(struct audio_device *adev, const audio_usecase_t usecase_id, struct voice_session **session) { switch(usecase_id) { case USECASE_VOICE_CALL: *session = &adev->voice.session[VOICE_SESS_IDX]; break; case USECASE_VOICE2_CALL: *session = &adev->voice.session[VOICE2_SESS_IDX]; break; case USECASE_VOLTE_CALL: *session = &adev->voice.session[VOLTE_SESS_IDX]; break; case USECASE_QCHAT_CALL: *session = &adev->voice.session[QCHAT_SESS_IDX]; break; case USECASE_VOWLAN_CALL: *session = &adev->voice.session[VOWLAN_SESS_IDX]; break; default: ALOGE("%s: Invalid usecase_id:%d\n", __func__, usecase_id); *session = NULL; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } int voice_extn_start_call(struct audio_device *adev) { /* Start voice calls on sessions whose call state has been * udpated. */ ALOGV("%s: enter:", __func__); return update_calls(adev); } int voice_extn_stop_call(struct audio_device *adev) { int i; int ret = 0; ALOGV("%s: enter:", __func__); /* If BT device is enabled and voice calls are ended, telephony will call * set_mode(AUDIO_MODE_NORMAL) which will trigger audio policy manager to * set routing with device BT A2DP profile. Hence end all voice calls when * set_mode(AUDIO_MODE_NORMAL) before BT A2DP profile is selected. */ if (adev->mode == AUDIO_MODE_NORMAL) { ALOGD("%s: end all calls", __func__); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SESSIONS; i++) { adev->voice.session[i].state.new = CALL_INACTIVE; } ret = update_calls(adev); } return ret; } int voice_extn_set_parameters(struct audio_device *adev, struct str_parms *parms) { char *str; int value; int ret = 0, err; char *kv_pairs = str_parms_to_str(parms); char str_value[256] = {0}; ALOGV_IF(kv_pairs != NULL, "%s: enter: %s", __func__, kv_pairs); err = str_parms_get_int(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_VSID, &value); if (err >= 0) { str_parms_del(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_VSID); uint32_t vsid = value; int call_state = -1; err = str_parms_get_int(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_CALL_STATE, &value); if (err >= 0) { call_state = value; str_parms_del(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_CALL_STATE); } else { ALOGE("%s: call_state key not found", __func__); ret = -EINVAL; goto done; } if (is_valid_vsid(vsid) && is_valid_call_state(call_state)) { ret = update_call_states(adev, vsid, call_state); } else { ALOGE("%s: invalid vsid:%x or call_state:%d", __func__, vsid, call_state); ret = -EINVAL; goto done; } } err = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_DEVICE_MUTE, str_value, sizeof(str_value)); if (err >= 0) { str_parms_del(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_DEVICE_MUTE); bool mute = false; if (!strncmp("true", str_value, sizeof("true"))) { mute = true; } err = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_DIRECTION, str_value, sizeof(str_value)); if (err >= 0) { str_parms_del(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_DIRECTION); } else { ALOGE("%s: direction key not found", __func__); ret = -EINVAL; goto done; } ret = platform_set_device_mute(adev->platform, mute, str_value); if (ret != 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to set mute err:%d", __func__, ret); ret = -EINVAL; goto done; } } err = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_IN_CALL, str_value, sizeof(str_value)); if (err >= 0) { str_parms_del(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_IN_CALL); if (!strncmp("true", str_value, sizeof("true"))) { adev->voice.is_in_call = true; } } done: ALOGV("%s: exit with code(%d)", __func__, ret); free(kv_pairs); return ret; } static int get_all_call_states_str(const struct audio_device *adev, char *value) { int ret = 0; char *cur_ptr = value; int i, len=0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICE_SESSIONS; i++) { snprintf(cur_ptr, VOICE_EXTN_PARAMETER_VALUE_MAX_LEN - len, "%d:%d,",adev->voice.session[i].vsid, adev->voice.session[i].state.current); len = strlen(cur_ptr); cur_ptr = cur_ptr + len; } ALOGV("%s:value=%s", __func__, value); return ret; } void voice_extn_get_parameters(const struct audio_device *adev, struct str_parms *query, struct str_parms *reply) { int ret; char value[VOICE_EXTN_PARAMETER_VALUE_MAX_LEN] = {0}; char *str = str_parms_to_str(query); int val = 0; ALOGV_IF(str != NULL, "%s: enter %s", __func__, str); free(str); ret = str_parms_get_str(query, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_IN_CALL, value, sizeof(value)); if (ret >=0) { if (adev->voice.is_in_call) val = 1; str_parms_add_int(reply, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_IN_CALL, val); } ret = str_parms_get_str(query, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_AUDIO_MODE, value, sizeof(value)); if (ret >= 0) { str_parms_add_int(reply, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_AUDIO_MODE, adev->mode); } ret = str_parms_get_str(query, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_ALL_CALL_STATES, value, sizeof(value)); if (ret >= 0) { ret = get_all_call_states_str(adev, value); if (ret) { ALOGE("%s: Error fetching call states, err:%d", __func__, ret); return; } str_parms_add_str(reply, AUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_ALL_CALL_STATES, value); } voice_extn_compress_voip_get_parameters(query, reply); str = str_parms_to_str(reply); ALOGV_IF(str != NULL, "%s: exit: returns \"%s\"", __func__, str); free(str); } void voice_extn_out_get_parameters(struct stream_out *out, struct str_parms *query, struct str_parms *reply) { voice_extn_compress_voip_out_get_parameters(out, query, reply); } void voice_extn_in_get_parameters(struct stream_in *in, struct str_parms *query, struct str_parms *reply) { voice_extn_compress_voip_in_get_parameters(in, query, reply); } #ifdef INCALL_MUSIC_ENABLED int voice_extn_check_and_set_incall_music_usecase(struct audio_device *adev, struct stream_out *out) { uint32_t session_id = 0; session_id = get_session_id_with_state(adev, CALL_LOCAL_HOLD); if (session_id == VOICE_VSID) { out->usecase = USECASE_INCALL_MUSIC_UPLINK; } else if (session_id == VOICE2_VSID) { out->usecase = USECASE_INCALL_MUSIC_UPLINK2; } else { ALOGE("%s: Invalid session id %x", __func__, session_id); return -EINVAL; } out->config = pcm_config_incall_music; out->supported_channel_masks[0] = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO; out->channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO; return 0; } #endif