/* * Copyright (c) 2013-15, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR CLIENTS; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <hwc_qclient.h> #include <IQService.h> #include <hwc_utils.h> #include <mdp_version.h> #include <hwc_mdpcomp.h> #include <hwc_virtual.h> #include <overlay.h> #include <display_config.h> #include <hwc_qdcm.h> #define QCLIENT_DEBUG 0 using namespace android; using namespace qService; using namespace qhwc; using namespace overlay; using namespace qdutils; using namespace qQdcm; namespace qClient { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QClient::QClient(hwc_context_t *ctx) : mHwcContext(ctx), mMPDeathNotifier(new MPDeathNotifier(ctx)) { ALOGD_IF(QCLIENT_DEBUG, "QClient Constructor invoked"); } QClient::~QClient() { ALOGD_IF(QCLIENT_DEBUG,"QClient Destructor invoked"); } static void securing(hwc_context_t *ctx, uint32_t startEnd) { //The only way to make this class in this process subscribe to media //player's death. IMediaDeathNotifier::getMediaPlayerService(); ctx->mDrawLock.lock(); ctx->mSecuring = startEnd; //We're done securing if(startEnd == IQService::END) ctx->mSecureMode = true; ctx->mDrawLock.unlock(); if(ctx->proc) ctx->proc->invalidate(ctx->proc); } static void unsecuring(hwc_context_t *ctx, uint32_t startEnd) { ctx->mDrawLock.lock(); ctx->mSecuring = startEnd; //We're done unsecuring if(startEnd == IQService::END) ctx->mSecureMode = false; ctx->mDrawLock.unlock(); if(ctx->proc) ctx->proc->invalidate(ctx->proc); } void QClient::MPDeathNotifier::died() { mHwcContext->mDrawLock.lock(); ALOGD_IF(QCLIENT_DEBUG, "Media Player died"); mHwcContext->mSecuring = false; mHwcContext->mSecureMode = false; mHwcContext->mDrawLock.unlock(); if(mHwcContext->proc) mHwcContext->proc->invalidate(mHwcContext->proc); } static android::status_t screenRefresh(hwc_context_t *ctx) { status_t result = NO_INIT; if(ctx->proc) { ctx->proc->invalidate(ctx->proc); result = NO_ERROR; } return result; } static void setExtOrientation(hwc_context_t *ctx, uint32_t orientation) { ctx->mExtOrientation = orientation; } static void isExternalConnected(hwc_context_t* ctx, Parcel* outParcel) { int connected; connected = ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL].connected ? 1 : 0; outParcel->writeInt32(connected); } static void getDisplayAttributes(hwc_context_t* ctx, const Parcel* inParcel, Parcel* outParcel) { int dpy = inParcel->readInt32(); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].vsync_period); if (ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].customFBSize) { outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].xres_new); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].yres_new); } else { outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].xres); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].yres); } outParcel->writeFloat(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].xdpi); outParcel->writeFloat(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].ydpi); //XXX: Need to check what to return for HDMI outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->mMDP.panel); } static void setHSIC(const Parcel* inParcel) { int dpy = inParcel->readInt32(); ALOGD_IF(0, "In %s: dpy = %d", __FUNCTION__, dpy); HSICData_t hsic_data; hsic_data.hue = inParcel->readInt32(); hsic_data.saturation = inParcel->readFloat(); hsic_data.intensity = inParcel->readInt32(); hsic_data.contrast = inParcel->readFloat(); //XXX: Actually set the HSIC data through ABL lib } static void setBufferMirrorMode(hwc_context_t *ctx, uint32_t enable) { ctx->mBufferMirrorMode = enable; } static status_t getDisplayVisibleRegion(hwc_context_t* ctx, int dpy, Parcel* outParcel) { // Get the info only if the dpy is valid if(dpy >= HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY && dpy <= HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL) { Locker::Autolock _sl(ctx->mDrawLock); if(dpy && (ctx->mExtOrientation || ctx->mBufferMirrorMode)) { // Return the destRect on external, if external orienation // is enabled outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].mDstRect.left); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].mDstRect.top); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].mDstRect.right); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].mDstRect.bottom); } else { outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].left); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].top); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].right); outParcel->writeInt32(ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].bottom); } return NO_ERROR; } else { ALOGE("In %s: invalid dpy index %d", __FUNCTION__, dpy); return BAD_VALUE; } } // USed for setting the secondary(hdmi/wfd) status static void setSecondaryDisplayStatus(hwc_context_t *ctx, const Parcel* inParcel) { uint32_t dpy = inParcel->readInt32(); uint32_t status = inParcel->readInt32(); ALOGD_IF(QCLIENT_DEBUG, "%s: dpy = %d status = %s", __FUNCTION__, dpy, getExternalDisplayState(status)); if(dpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY && dpy <= HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL) { if(dpy == HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL && status == qdutils::EXTERNAL_OFFLINE) { ctx->mWfdSyncLock.lock(); ctx->mWfdSyncLock.signal(); ctx->mWfdSyncLock.unlock(); } else if(status == qdutils::EXTERNAL_PAUSE) { handle_pause(ctx, dpy); } else if(status == qdutils::EXTERNAL_RESUME) { handle_resume(ctx, dpy); } } else { ALOGE("%s: Invalid dpy %d", __FUNCTION__, dpy); return; } } static status_t setViewFrame(hwc_context_t* ctx, const Parcel* inParcel) { int dpy = inParcel->readInt32(); if(dpy >= HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY && dpy <= HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL) { Locker::Autolock _sl(ctx->mDrawLock); ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].left = inParcel->readInt32(); ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].top = inParcel->readInt32(); ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].right = inParcel->readInt32(); ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].bottom = inParcel->readInt32(); ALOGD_IF(QCLIENT_DEBUG, "%s: mViewFrame[%d] = [%d %d %d %d]", __FUNCTION__, dpy, ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].left, ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].top, ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].right, ctx->mViewFrame[dpy].bottom); return NO_ERROR; } else { ALOGE("In %s: invalid dpy index %d", __FUNCTION__, dpy); return BAD_VALUE; } } static void toggleDynamicDebug(hwc_context_t* ctx, const Parcel* inParcel) { int debug_type = inParcel->readInt32(); bool enable = !!inParcel->readInt32(); ALOGD("%s: debug_type: %d enable:%d", __FUNCTION__, debug_type, enable); Locker::Autolock _sl(ctx->mDrawLock); switch (debug_type) { //break is ignored for DEBUG_ALL to toggle all of them at once case IQService::DEBUG_ALL: case IQService::DEBUG_MDPCOMP: qhwc::MDPComp::dynamicDebug(enable); if (debug_type != IQService::DEBUG_ALL) break; case IQService::DEBUG_VSYNC: ctx->vstate.debug = enable; if (debug_type != IQService::DEBUG_ALL) break; case IQService::DEBUG_VD: HWCVirtualVDS::dynamicDebug(enable); if (debug_type != IQService::DEBUG_ALL) break; case IQService::DEBUG_PIPE_LIFECYCLE: Overlay::debugPipeLifecycle(enable); if (debug_type != IQService::DEBUG_ALL) break; } } static void setIdleTimeout(hwc_context_t* ctx, const Parcel* inParcel) { uint32_t timeout = (uint32_t)inParcel->readInt32(); ALOGD("%s :%u ms", __FUNCTION__, timeout); Locker::Autolock _sl(ctx->mDrawLock); MDPComp::setIdleTimeout(timeout); } static void configureDynRefreshRate(hwc_context_t* ctx, const Parcel* inParcel) { uint32_t op = (uint32_t)inParcel->readInt32(); uint32_t refresh_rate = (uint32_t)inParcel->readInt32(); MDPVersion& mdpHw = MDPVersion::getInstance(); uint32_t dpy = HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY; if(mdpHw.isDynFpsSupported()) { Locker::Autolock _sl(ctx->mDrawLock); switch (op) { case DISABLE_METADATA_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: ctx->mUseMetaDataRefreshRate = false; setRefreshRate(ctx, dpy, ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].refreshRate); break; case ENABLE_METADATA_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: ctx->mUseMetaDataRefreshRate = true; setRefreshRate(ctx, dpy, ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].refreshRate); break; case SET_BINDER_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: if(ctx->mUseMetaDataRefreshRate) ALOGW("%s: Ignoring binder request to change refresh-rate", __FUNCTION__); else { uint32_t rate = roundOff(refresh_rate); if((rate >= mdpHw.getMinFpsSupported() && rate <= mdpHw.getMaxFpsSupported())) { setRefreshRate(ctx, dpy, rate); } else { ALOGE("%s: Requested refresh-rate should be between \ (%d) and (%d). Given (%d)", __FUNCTION__, mdpHw.getMinFpsSupported(), mdpHw.getMaxFpsSupported(), rate); } } break; default: ALOGE("%s: Invalid op %d",__FUNCTION__,op); } } } static status_t setPartialUpdateState(hwc_context_t *ctx, uint32_t state) { ALOGD("%s: state: %d", __FUNCTION__, state); switch(state) { case IQService::PREF_PARTIAL_UPDATE: if(qhwc::MDPComp::setPartialUpdatePref(ctx, true) < 0) return NO_INIT; return NO_ERROR; case IQService::PREF_POST_PROCESSING: if(qhwc::MDPComp::setPartialUpdatePref(ctx, false) < 0) return NO_INIT; qhwc::MDPComp::enablePartialUpdate(false); return NO_ERROR; case IQService::ENABLE_PARTIAL_UPDATE: qhwc::MDPComp::enablePartialUpdate(true); return NO_ERROR; default: ALOGE("%s: Invalid state", __FUNCTION__); return NO_ERROR; }; } static void toggleScreenUpdate(hwc_context_t* ctx, uint32_t on) { ALOGD("%s: toggle update: %d", __FUNCTION__, on); if (on == 0) { ctx->mDrawLock.lock(); ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].isPause = true; ctx->mOverlay->configBegin(); ctx->mOverlay->configDone(); ctx->mRotMgr->clear(); if(!Overlay::displayCommit(ctx->dpyAttr[0].fd)) { ALOGE("%s: Display commit failed", __FUNCTION__); } ctx->mDrawLock.unlock(); } else { ctx->mDrawLock.lock(); ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY].isPause = false; ctx->mDrawLock.unlock(); ctx->proc->invalidate(ctx->proc); } } status_t QClient::notifyCallback(uint32_t command, const Parcel* inParcel, Parcel* outParcel) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; switch(command) { case IQService::SECURING: securing(mHwcContext, inParcel->readInt32()); break; case IQService::UNSECURING: unsecuring(mHwcContext, inParcel->readInt32()); break; case IQService::SCREEN_REFRESH: return screenRefresh(mHwcContext); break; case IQService::EXTERNAL_ORIENTATION: setExtOrientation(mHwcContext, inParcel->readInt32()); break; case IQService::BUFFER_MIRRORMODE: setBufferMirrorMode(mHwcContext, inParcel->readInt32()); break; case IQService::GET_DISPLAY_VISIBLE_REGION: ret = getDisplayVisibleRegion(mHwcContext, inParcel->readInt32(), outParcel); break; case IQService::CHECK_EXTERNAL_STATUS: isExternalConnected(mHwcContext, outParcel); break; case IQService::GET_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES: getDisplayAttributes(mHwcContext, inParcel, outParcel); break; case IQService::SET_HSIC_DATA: setHSIC(inParcel); break; case IQService::SET_SECONDARY_DISPLAY_STATUS: setSecondaryDisplayStatus(mHwcContext, inParcel); break; case IQService::SET_VIEW_FRAME: setViewFrame(mHwcContext, inParcel); break; case IQService::DYNAMIC_DEBUG: toggleDynamicDebug(mHwcContext, inParcel); break; case IQService::SET_IDLE_TIMEOUT: setIdleTimeout(mHwcContext, inParcel); break; case IQService::SET_PARTIAL_UPDATE: ret = setPartialUpdateState(mHwcContext, inParcel->readInt32()); break; case IQService::CONFIGURE_DYN_REFRESH_RATE: configureDynRefreshRate(mHwcContext, inParcel); case IQService::QDCM_SVC_CMDS: qdcmCmdsHandler(mHwcContext, inParcel, outParcel); break; case IQService::TOGGLE_SCREEN_UPDATE: toggleScreenUpdate(mHwcContext, inParcel->readInt32()); break; default: ret = NO_ERROR; } return ret; } }