############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2014 Google, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ############################################################################## LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) # Common variables # ======================================================== # HAL layer btifCommonSrc := \ src/bluetooth.c # BTIF implementation btifCommonSrc += \ src/btif_av.c \ src/btif_avrcp_audio_track.cpp \ src/btif_config.c \ src/btif_config_transcode.cpp \ src/btif_core.c \ src/btif_debug.c \ src/btif_debug_btsnoop.c \ src/btif_debug_conn.c \ src/btif_dm.c \ src/btif_gatt.c \ src/btif_gatt_client.c \ src/btif_gatt_multi_adv_util.c \ src/btif_gatt_server.c \ src/btif_gatt_test.c \ src/btif_gatt_util.c \ src/btif_hf.c \ src/btif_hf_client.c \ src/btif_hh.c \ src/btif_hl.c \ src/btif_sdp.c \ src/btif_media_task.c \ src/btif_pan.c \ src/btif_profile_queue.c \ src/btif_rc.c \ src/btif_sm.c \ src/btif_sock.c \ src/btif_sock_rfc.c \ src/btif_sock_l2cap.c \ src/btif_sock_sco.c \ src/btif_sock_sdp.c \ src/btif_sock_thread.c \ src/btif_sdp_server.c \ src/btif_sock_util.c \ src/btif_storage.c \ src/btif_uid.c \ src/btif_util.c \ src/stack_manager.c # Callouts btifCommonSrc += \ co/bta_ag_co.c \ co/bta_dm_co.c \ co/bta_av_co.c \ co/bta_hh_co.c \ co/bta_hl_co.c \ co/bta_pan_co.c \ co/bta_gatts_co.c # Tests btifTestSrc := \ test/btif_storage_test.cpp # Includes btifCommonIncludes := \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../ \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../bta/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../bta/sys \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../bta/dm \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../btcore/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../stack/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../stack/l2cap \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../stack/a2dp \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../stack/btm \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../stack/avdt \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../hcis \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../hcis/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../hcis/patchram \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../udrv/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../btif/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../btif/co \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../hci/include\ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../vnd/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../brcm/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../embdrv/sbc/encoder/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../embdrv/sbc/decoder/include \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../audio_a2dp_hw \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/../utils/include \ $(bluetooth_C_INCLUDES) \ external/tinyxml2 \ external/zlib # libbtif static library for target # ======================================================== include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(btifCommonIncludes) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(btifCommonSrc) # Many .h files have redefined typedefs LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libcutils liblog LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := STATIC_LIBRARIES LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE := libbtif LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(bluetooth_CFLAGS) -DBUILDCFG LOCAL_CONLYFLAGS += $(bluetooth_CONLYFLAGS) LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += $(bluetooth_CPPFLAGS) include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) # btif unit tests for target # ======================================================== include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(btifCommonIncludes) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(btifTestSrc) LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += liblog libhardware libhardware_legacy libcutils LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libbtcore libbtif libosi LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE := net_test_btif LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(bluetooth_CFLAGS) -DBUILDCFG LOCAL_CONLYFLAGS += $(bluetooth_CONLYFLAGS) LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += $(bluetooth_CPPFLAGS) include $(BUILD_NATIVE_TEST)