// // Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "shill/wifi/wifi_provider.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <algorithm> #include <limits> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <base/bind.h> #include <base/format_macros.h> #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h> #include <base/strings/string_split.h> #include <base/strings/string_util.h> #include "shill/error.h" #include "shill/event_dispatcher.h" #include "shill/key_value_store.h" #include "shill/logging.h" #include "shill/manager.h" #include "shill/metrics.h" #include "shill/net/byte_string.h" #include "shill/net/ieee80211.h" #include "shill/net/shill_time.h" #include "shill/profile.h" #include "shill/store_interface.h" #include "shill/technology.h" #include "shill/wifi/wifi_endpoint.h" #include "shill/wifi/wifi_service.h" using base::Bind; using base::SplitString; using base::StringPrintf; using std::set; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace shill { namespace Logging { static auto kModuleLogScope = ScopeLogger::kWiFi; static string ObjectID(WiFiProvider* w) { return "(wifi_provider)"; } } // Note that WiFiProvider generates some manager-level errors, because it // implements the WiFi portion of the Manager.GetService flimflam API. The // API is implemented here, rather than in manager, to keep WiFi-specific // logic in the right place. const char WiFiProvider::kManagerErrorSSIDRequired[] = "must specify SSID"; const char WiFiProvider::kManagerErrorSSIDTooLong[] = "SSID is too long"; const char WiFiProvider::kManagerErrorSSIDTooShort[] = "SSID is too short"; const char WiFiProvider::kManagerErrorUnsupportedSecurityClass[] = "security class is unsupported"; const char WiFiProvider::kManagerErrorUnsupportedSecurityMode[] = "security mode is unsupported"; const char WiFiProvider::kManagerErrorUnsupportedServiceMode[] = "service mode is unsupported"; const char WiFiProvider::kManagerErrorArgumentConflict[] = "provided arguments are inconsistent"; const char WiFiProvider::kFrequencyDelimiter = ':'; const char WiFiProvider::kStartWeekHeader[] = "@"; const time_t WiFiProvider::kIllegalStartWeek = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max(); const char WiFiProvider::kStorageId[] = "provider_of_wifi"; const char WiFiProvider::kStorageFrequencies[] = "Frequencies"; const int WiFiProvider::kMaxStorageFrequencies = 20; const time_t WiFiProvider::kWeeksToKeepFrequencyCounts = 3; const time_t WiFiProvider::kSecondsPerWeek = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; WiFiProvider::WiFiProvider(ControlInterface* control_interface, EventDispatcher* dispatcher, Metrics* metrics, Manager* manager) : control_interface_(control_interface), dispatcher_(dispatcher), metrics_(metrics), manager_(manager), running_(false), total_frequency_connections_(-1L), time_(Time::GetInstance()), disable_vht_(false) {} WiFiProvider::~WiFiProvider() {} void WiFiProvider::Start() { running_ = true; } void WiFiProvider::Stop() { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; while (!services_.empty()) { WiFiServiceRefPtr service = services_.back(); ForgetService(service); SLOG(this, 3) << "WiFiProvider deregistering service " << service->unique_name(); manager_->DeregisterService(service); } service_by_endpoint_.clear(); running_ = false; } void WiFiProvider::CreateServicesFromProfile(const ProfileRefPtr& profile) { const StoreInterface* storage = profile->GetConstStorage(); KeyValueStore args; args.SetString(kTypeProperty, kTypeWifi); bool created_hidden_service = false; for (const auto& group : storage->GetGroupsWithProperties(args)) { vector<uint8_t> ssid_bytes; string network_mode; string security; bool is_hidden = false; if (!GetServiceParametersFromStorage(storage, group, &ssid_bytes, &network_mode, &security, &is_hidden, nullptr)) { continue; } if (FindService(ssid_bytes, network_mode, security)) { // If service already exists, we have nothing to do, since the // service has already loaded its configuration from storage. // This is guaranteed to happen in the single case where // CreateServicesFromProfile() is called on a WiFiProvider from // Manager::PushProfile(): continue; } AddService(ssid_bytes, network_mode, security, is_hidden); // By registering the service in AddService, the rest of the configuration // will be loaded from the profile into the service via ConfigureService(). if (is_hidden) { created_hidden_service = true; } } // If WiFi is unconnected and we created a hidden service as a result // of opening the profile, we should initiate a WiFi scan, which will // allow us to find any hidden services that we may have created. if (created_hidden_service && !manager_->IsTechnologyConnected(Technology::kWifi)) { Error unused_error; manager_->RequestScan(Device::kProgressiveScan, kTypeWifi, &unused_error); } ReportRememberedNetworkCount(); // Only report service source metrics when a user profile is pushed. // This ensures that we have an equal number of samples for the // default profile and user profiles. if (!profile->IsDefault()) { ReportServiceSourceMetrics(); } } ServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::FindSimilarService( const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error) const { vector<uint8_t> ssid; string mode; string security; bool hidden_ssid; if (!GetServiceParametersFromArgs( args, &ssid, &mode, &security, &hidden_ssid, error)) { return nullptr; } WiFiServiceRefPtr service(FindService(ssid, mode, security)); if (!service) { error->Populate(Error::kNotFound, "Matching service was not found"); } return service; } ServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::CreateTemporaryService( const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error) { vector<uint8_t> ssid; string mode; string security; bool hidden_ssid; if (!GetServiceParametersFromArgs( args, &ssid, &mode, &security, &hidden_ssid, error)) { return nullptr; } return new WiFiService(control_interface_, dispatcher_, metrics_, manager_, this, ssid, mode, security, hidden_ssid); } ServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::CreateTemporaryServiceFromProfile( const ProfileRefPtr& profile, const std::string& entry_name, Error* error) { vector<uint8_t> ssid; string mode; string security; bool hidden_ssid; if (!GetServiceParametersFromStorage(profile->GetConstStorage(), entry_name, &ssid, &mode, &security, &hidden_ssid, error)) { return nullptr; } return new WiFiService(control_interface_, dispatcher_, metrics_, manager_, this, ssid, mode, security, hidden_ssid); } ServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::GetService( const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error) { return GetWiFiService(args, error); } WiFiServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::GetWiFiService( const KeyValueStore& args, Error* error) { vector<uint8_t> ssid_bytes; string mode; string security_method; bool hidden_ssid; if (!GetServiceParametersFromArgs( args, &ssid_bytes, &mode, &security_method, &hidden_ssid, error)) { return nullptr; } WiFiServiceRefPtr service(FindService(ssid_bytes, mode, security_method)); if (!service) { service = AddService(ssid_bytes, mode, security_method, hidden_ssid); } return service; } WiFiServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::FindServiceForEndpoint( const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { EndpointServiceMap::iterator service_it = service_by_endpoint_.find(endpoint.get()); if (service_it == service_by_endpoint_.end()) return nullptr; return service_it->second; } void WiFiProvider::OnEndpointAdded(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { if (!running_) { return; } WiFiServiceRefPtr service = FindService(endpoint->ssid(), endpoint->network_mode(), endpoint->security_mode()); if (!service) { const bool hidden_ssid = false; service = AddService( endpoint->ssid(), endpoint->network_mode(), WiFiService::ComputeSecurityClass(endpoint->security_mode()), hidden_ssid); } service->AddEndpoint(endpoint); service_by_endpoint_[endpoint.get()] = service; SLOG(this, 1) << "Assigned endpoint " << endpoint->bssid_string() << " to service " << service->unique_name() << "."; manager_->UpdateService(service); } WiFiServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::OnEndpointRemoved( const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { if (!running_) { return nullptr; } WiFiServiceRefPtr service = FindServiceForEndpoint(endpoint); CHECK(service) << "Can't find Service for Endpoint " << "(with BSSID " << endpoint->bssid_string() << ")."; SLOG(this, 1) << "Removing endpoint " << endpoint->bssid_string() << " from Service " << service->unique_name(); service->RemoveEndpoint(endpoint); service_by_endpoint_.erase(endpoint.get()); if (service->HasEndpoints() || service->IsRemembered()) { // Keep services around if they are in a profile or have remaining // endpoints. manager_->UpdateService(service); return nullptr; } ForgetService(service); manager_->DeregisterService(service); return service; } void WiFiProvider::OnEndpointUpdated(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { if (!running_) { return; } WiFiService* service = FindServiceForEndpoint(endpoint).get(); CHECK(service); // If the service still matches the endpoint in its new configuration, // we need only to update the service. if (service->ssid() == endpoint->ssid() && service->mode() == endpoint->network_mode() && service->IsSecurityMatch(endpoint->security_mode())) { service->NotifyEndpointUpdated(endpoint); return; } // The endpoint no longer matches the associated service. Remove the // endpoint, so current references to the endpoint are reset, then add // it again so it can be associated with a new service. OnEndpointRemoved(endpoint); OnEndpointAdded(endpoint); } bool WiFiProvider::OnServiceUnloaded(const WiFiServiceRefPtr& service) { // If the service still has endpoints, it should remain in the service list. if (service->HasEndpoints()) { return false; } // This is the one place where we forget the service but do not also // deregister the service with the manager. However, by returning // true below, the manager will do so itself. ForgetService(service); return true; } void WiFiProvider::LoadAndFixupServiceEntries(Profile* profile) { CHECK(profile); StoreInterface* storage = profile->GetStorage(); bool is_default_profile = profile->IsDefault(); if (WiFiService::FixupServiceEntries(storage)) { storage->Flush(); Metrics::ServiceFixupProfileType profile_type = is_default_profile ? Metrics::kMetricServiceFixupDefaultProfile : Metrics::kMetricServiceFixupUserProfile; metrics_->SendEnumToUMA( metrics_->GetFullMetricName(Metrics::kMetricServiceFixupEntriesSuffix, Technology::kWifi), profile_type, Metrics::kMetricServiceFixupMax); } // TODO(wdg): Determine how this should be structured for, currently // non-existant, autotests. |kStorageFrequencies| should only exist in the // default profile except for autotests where a test_profile is pushed. This // may need to be modified for that case. if (is_default_profile) { static_assert(kMaxStorageFrequencies > kWeeksToKeepFrequencyCounts, "Persistently storing more frequencies than we can hold"); total_frequency_connections_ = 0L; connect_count_by_frequency_.clear(); time_t this_week = time_->GetSecondsSinceEpoch() / kSecondsPerWeek; for (int freq = 0; freq < kMaxStorageFrequencies; ++freq) { ConnectFrequencyMap connect_count_by_frequency; string freq_string = StringPrintf("%s%d", kStorageFrequencies, freq); vector<string> frequencies; if (!storage->GetStringList(kStorageId, freq_string, &frequencies)) { SLOG(this, 7) << "Frequency list " << freq_string << " not found"; break; } time_t start_week = StringListToFrequencyMap(frequencies, &connect_count_by_frequency); if (start_week == kIllegalStartWeek) { continue; // |StringListToFrequencyMap| will have output an error msg. } if (start_week > this_week) { LOG(WARNING) << "Discarding frequency count info from the future"; continue; } connect_count_by_frequency_dated_[start_week] = connect_count_by_frequency; for (const auto& freq_count : connect_count_by_frequency_dated_[start_week]) { connect_count_by_frequency_[freq_count.first] += freq_count.second; total_frequency_connections_ += freq_count.second; } } SLOG(this, 7) << __func__ << " - total count=" << total_frequency_connections_; } } bool WiFiProvider::Save(StoreInterface* storage) const { int freq = 0; // Iterating backwards since I want to make sure that I get the newest data. ConnectFrequencyMapDated::const_reverse_iterator freq_count; for (freq_count = connect_count_by_frequency_dated_.crbegin(); freq_count != connect_count_by_frequency_dated_.crend(); ++freq_count) { vector<string> frequencies; FrequencyMapToStringList(freq_count->first, freq_count->second, &frequencies); string freq_string = StringPrintf("%s%d", kStorageFrequencies, freq); storage->SetStringList(kStorageId, freq_string, frequencies); if (++freq >= kMaxStorageFrequencies) { LOG(WARNING) << "Internal frequency count list has more entries than the " << "string list we had allocated for it."; break; } } return true; } WiFiServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::AddService(const vector<uint8_t>& ssid, const string& mode, const string& security, bool is_hidden) { WiFiServiceRefPtr service = new WiFiService(control_interface_, dispatcher_, metrics_, manager_, this, ssid, mode, security, is_hidden); services_.push_back(service); manager_->RegisterService(service); return service; } WiFiServiceRefPtr WiFiProvider::FindService(const vector<uint8_t>& ssid, const string& mode, const string& security) const { for (const auto& service : services_) { if (service->ssid() == ssid && service->mode() == mode && service->IsSecurityMatch(security)) { return service; } } return nullptr; } ByteArrays WiFiProvider::GetHiddenSSIDList() { // Create a unique set of hidden SSIDs. set<ByteArray> hidden_ssids_set; for (const auto& service : services_) { if (service->hidden_ssid() && service->IsRemembered()) { hidden_ssids_set.insert(service->ssid()); } } SLOG(this, 2) << "Found " << hidden_ssids_set.size() << " hidden services"; return ByteArrays(hidden_ssids_set.begin(), hidden_ssids_set.end()); } void WiFiProvider::ForgetService(const WiFiServiceRefPtr& service) { vector<WiFiServiceRefPtr>::iterator it; it = std::find(services_.begin(), services_.end(), service); if (it == services_.end()) { return; } (*it)->ResetWiFi(); services_.erase(it); } void WiFiProvider::ReportRememberedNetworkCount() { metrics_->SendToUMA( Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCount, std::count_if( services_.begin(), services_.end(), [](ServiceRefPtr s) { return s->IsRemembered(); }), Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountMin, Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountMax, Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountNumBuckets); } void WiFiProvider::ReportServiceSourceMetrics() { for (const auto& security_mode : {kSecurityNone, kSecurityWep, kSecurityPsk, kSecurity8021x}) { metrics_->SendToUMA( base::StringPrintf( Metrics:: kMetricRememberedSystemWiFiNetworkCountBySecurityModeFormat, security_mode), std::count_if( services_.begin(), services_.end(), [security_mode](WiFiServiceRefPtr s) { return s->IsRemembered() && s->IsSecurityMatch(security_mode) && s->profile()->IsDefault(); }), Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountMin, Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountMax, Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountNumBuckets); metrics_->SendToUMA( base::StringPrintf( Metrics:: kMetricRememberedUserWiFiNetworkCountBySecurityModeFormat, security_mode), std::count_if( services_.begin(), services_.end(), [security_mode](WiFiServiceRefPtr s) { return s->IsRemembered() && s->IsSecurityMatch(security_mode) && !s->profile()->IsDefault(); }), Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountMin, Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountMax, Metrics::kMetricRememberedWiFiNetworkCountNumBuckets); } } // static bool WiFiProvider::GetServiceParametersFromArgs(const KeyValueStore& args, vector<uint8_t>* ssid_bytes, string* mode, string* security_method, bool* hidden_ssid, Error* error) { CHECK_EQ(args.LookupString(kTypeProperty, ""), kTypeWifi); string mode_test = args.LookupString(kModeProperty, kModeManaged); if (!WiFiService::IsValidMode(mode_test)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, kManagerErrorUnsupportedServiceMode); return false; } vector<uint8_t> ssid; if (args.ContainsString(kWifiHexSsid)) { string ssid_hex_string = args.GetString(kWifiHexSsid); if (!base::HexStringToBytes(ssid_hex_string, &ssid)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "Hex SSID parameter is not valid"); return false; } } else if (args.ContainsString(kSSIDProperty)) { string ssid_string = args.GetString(kSSIDProperty); ssid = vector<uint8_t>(ssid_string.begin(), ssid_string.end()); } else { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, kManagerErrorSSIDRequired); return false; } if (ssid.size() < 1) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidNetworkName, kManagerErrorSSIDTooShort); return false; } if (ssid.size() > IEEE_80211::kMaxSSIDLen) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidNetworkName, kManagerErrorSSIDTooLong); return false; } const string kDefaultSecurity = kSecurityNone; if (args.ContainsString(kSecurityProperty) && args.ContainsString(kSecurityClassProperty) && args.LookupString(kSecurityClassProperty, kDefaultSecurity) != args.LookupString(kSecurityProperty, kDefaultSecurity)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, kManagerErrorArgumentConflict); return false; } if (args.ContainsString(kSecurityClassProperty)) { string security_class_test = args.LookupString(kSecurityClassProperty, kDefaultSecurity); if (!WiFiService::IsValidSecurityClass(security_class_test)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, kManagerErrorUnsupportedSecurityClass); return false; } *security_method = security_class_test; } else if (args.ContainsString(kSecurityProperty)) { string security_method_test = args.LookupString(kSecurityProperty, kDefaultSecurity); if (!WiFiService::IsValidSecurityMethod(security_method_test)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, kManagerErrorUnsupportedSecurityMode); return false; } *security_method = security_method_test; } else { *security_method = kDefaultSecurity; } *ssid_bytes = ssid; *mode = mode_test; // If the caller hasn't specified otherwise, we assume it is a hidden service. *hidden_ssid = args.LookupBool(kWifiHiddenSsid, true); return true; } // static bool WiFiProvider::GetServiceParametersFromStorage( const StoreInterface* storage, const std::string& entry_name, std::vector<uint8_t>* ssid_bytes, std::string* mode, std::string* security, bool* hidden_ssid, Error* error) { // Verify service type. string type; if (!storage->GetString(entry_name, WiFiService::kStorageType, &type) || type != kTypeWifi) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "Unspecified or invalid network type"); return false; } string ssid_hex; if (!storage->GetString(entry_name, WiFiService::kStorageSSID, &ssid_hex) || !base::HexStringToBytes(ssid_hex, ssid_bytes)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "Unspecified or invalid SSID"); return false; } if (!storage->GetString(entry_name, WiFiService::kStorageMode, mode) || mode->empty()) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "Network mode not specified"); return false; } if (!storage->GetString(entry_name, WiFiService::kStorageSecurity, security) || !WiFiService::IsValidSecurityMethod(*security)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "Unspecified or invalid security mode"); return false; } if (!storage->GetBool( entry_name, WiFiService::kStorageHiddenSSID, hidden_ssid)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "Hidden SSID not specified"); return false; } return true; } // static time_t WiFiProvider::StringListToFrequencyMap(const vector<string>& strings, ConnectFrequencyMap* numbers) { if (!numbers) { LOG(ERROR) << "Null |numbers| parameter"; return kIllegalStartWeek; } // Extract the start week from the first string. vector<string>::const_iterator strings_it = strings.begin(); if (strings_it == strings.end()) { SLOG(nullptr, 7) << "Empty |strings|."; return kIllegalStartWeek; } time_t start_week = GetStringListStartWeek(*strings_it); if (start_week == kIllegalStartWeek) { return kIllegalStartWeek; } // Extract the frequency:count values from the remaining strings. for (++strings_it; strings_it != strings.end(); ++strings_it) { ParseStringListFreqCount(*strings_it, numbers); } return start_week; } // static time_t WiFiProvider::GetStringListStartWeek(const string& week_string) { if (!base::StartsWith(week_string, kStartWeekHeader, base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Found no leading '" << kStartWeekHeader << "' in '" << week_string << "'"; return kIllegalStartWeek; } return atoll(week_string.c_str() + 1); } // static void WiFiProvider::ParseStringListFreqCount(const string& freq_count_string, ConnectFrequencyMap* numbers) { vector<string> freq_count = SplitString( freq_count_string, std::string{kFrequencyDelimiter}, base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); if (freq_count.size() != 2) { LOG(WARNING) << "Found " << freq_count.size() - 1 << " '" << kFrequencyDelimiter << "' in '" << freq_count_string << "'. Expected 1."; return; } uint16_t freq = atoi(freq_count[0].c_str()); uint64_t connections = atoll(freq_count[1].c_str()); (*numbers)[freq] = connections; } // static void WiFiProvider::FrequencyMapToStringList(time_t start_week, const ConnectFrequencyMap& numbers, vector<string>* strings) { if (!strings) { LOG(ERROR) << "Null |strings| parameter"; return; } strings->push_back(StringPrintf("%s%" PRIu64, kStartWeekHeader, static_cast<uint64_t>(start_week))); for (const auto& freq_conn : numbers) { // Use base::Int64ToString() instead of using something like "%llu" // (not correct for native 64 bit architectures) or PRId64 (does not // work correctly using cros_workon_make due to include intricacies). strings->push_back(StringPrintf("%u%c%s", freq_conn.first, kFrequencyDelimiter, base::Int64ToString(freq_conn.second).c_str())); } } void WiFiProvider::IncrementConnectCount(uint16_t frequency_mhz) { CHECK(total_frequency_connections_ < std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()); ++connect_count_by_frequency_[frequency_mhz]; ++total_frequency_connections_; time_t this_week = time_->GetSecondsSinceEpoch() / kSecondsPerWeek; ++connect_count_by_frequency_dated_[this_week][frequency_mhz]; ConnectFrequencyMapDated::iterator oldest = connect_count_by_frequency_dated_.begin(); time_t oldest_legal_week = this_week - kWeeksToKeepFrequencyCounts; while (oldest->first < oldest_legal_week) { SLOG(this, 6) << "Discarding frequency count info that's " << this_week - oldest->first << " weeks old"; for (const auto& freq_count : oldest->second) { connect_count_by_frequency_[freq_count.first] -= freq_count.second; if (connect_count_by_frequency_[freq_count.first] <= 0) { connect_count_by_frequency_.erase(freq_count.first); } total_frequency_connections_ -= freq_count.second; } connect_count_by_frequency_dated_.erase(oldest); oldest = connect_count_by_frequency_dated_.begin(); } manager_->UpdateWiFiProvider(); metrics_->SendToUMA( Metrics::kMetricFrequenciesConnectedEver, connect_count_by_frequency_.size(), Metrics::kMetricFrequenciesConnectedMin, Metrics::kMetricFrequenciesConnectedMax, Metrics::kMetricFrequenciesConnectedNumBuckets); } WiFiProvider::FrequencyCountList WiFiProvider::GetScanFrequencies() const { FrequencyCountList freq_connects_list; for (const auto freq_count : connect_count_by_frequency_) { freq_connects_list.push_back(FrequencyCount(freq_count.first, freq_count.second)); } return freq_connects_list; } void WiFiProvider::ReportAutoConnectableServices() { int num_services = NumAutoConnectableServices(); // Only report stats when there are wifi services available. if (num_services) { metrics_->NotifyWifiAutoConnectableServices(num_services); } } int WiFiProvider::NumAutoConnectableServices() { const char* reason = nullptr; int num_services = 0; // Determine the number of services available for auto-connect. for (const auto& service : services_) { // Service is available for auto connect if it is configured for auto // connect, and is auto-connectable. if (service->auto_connect() && service->IsAutoConnectable(&reason)) { num_services++; } } return num_services; } vector<ByteString> WiFiProvider::GetSsidsConfiguredForAutoConnect() { vector<ByteString> results; for (const auto& service : services_) { if (service->auto_connect()) { // Service configured for auto-connect. ByteString ssid_bytes(service->ssid()); results.push_back(ssid_bytes); } } return results; } } // namespace shill