// // Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "shill/wifi/wifi_service.h" #include <algorithm> #include <limits> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <base/strings/stringprintf.h> #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h> #include <base/strings/string_split.h> #include <base/strings/string_util.h> #if defined(__ANDROID__) #include <dbus/service_constants.h> #else #include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h> #endif // __ANDROID__ #include "shill/adaptor_interfaces.h" #include "shill/certificate_file.h" #include "shill/control_interface.h" #include "shill/device.h" #include "shill/eap_credentials.h" #include "shill/error.h" #include "shill/event_dispatcher.h" #include "shill/logging.h" #include "shill/manager.h" #include "shill/metrics.h" #include "shill/net/ieee80211.h" #include "shill/property_accessor.h" #include "shill/store_interface.h" #include "shill/supplicant/wpa_supplicant.h" #include "shill/wifi/wifi.h" #include "shill/wifi/wifi_endpoint.h" #include "shill/wifi/wifi_provider.h" using std::map; using std::set; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace shill { namespace Logging { static auto kModuleLogScope = ScopeLogger::kService; static string ObjectID(const WiFiService* w) { return w->GetRpcIdentifier(); } } const char WiFiService::kAutoConnNoEndpoint[] = "no endpoints"; const char WiFiService::kAnyDeviceAddress[] = "any"; const int WiFiService::kSuspectedCredentialFailureThreshold = 3; const char WiFiService::kStorageHiddenSSID[] = "WiFi.HiddenSSID"; const char WiFiService::kStorageMode[] = "WiFi.Mode"; const char WiFiService::kStoragePassphrase[] = "Passphrase"; const char WiFiService::kStorageSecurity[] = "WiFi.Security"; const char WiFiService::kStorageSecurityClass[] = "WiFi.SecurityClass"; const char WiFiService::kStorageSSID[] = "SSID"; const char WiFiService::kStoragePreferredDevice[] = "WiFi.PreferredDevice"; const char WiFiService::kStorageRoamThreshold[] = "WiFi.RoamThreshold"; const char WiFiService::kStorageRoamThresholdSet[] = "WiFi.RoamThresholdSet"; bool WiFiService::logged_signal_warning = false; WiFiService::WiFiService(ControlInterface* control_interface, EventDispatcher* dispatcher, Metrics* metrics, Manager* manager, WiFiProvider* provider, const vector<uint8_t>& ssid, const string& mode, const string& security, bool hidden_ssid) : Service(control_interface, dispatcher, metrics, manager, Technology::kWifi), need_passphrase_(false), security_(security), mode_(mode), hidden_ssid_(hidden_ssid), frequency_(0), physical_mode_(Metrics::kWiFiNetworkPhyModeUndef), raw_signal_strength_(0), cipher_8021x_(kCryptoNone), suspected_credential_failures_(0), ssid_(ssid), ieee80211w_required_(false), expecting_disconnect_(false), certificate_file_(new CertificateFile()), roam_threshold_db_(0), roam_threshold_db_set_(false), provider_(provider) { PropertyStore* store = this->mutable_store(); store->RegisterConstString(kModeProperty, &mode_); HelpRegisterWriteOnlyDerivedString(kPassphraseProperty, &WiFiService::SetPassphrase, &WiFiService::ClearPassphrase, nullptr); store->RegisterBool(kPassphraseRequiredProperty, &need_passphrase_); HelpRegisterConstDerivedString(kSecurityProperty, &WiFiService::GetSecurity); HelpRegisterConstDerivedString(kSecurityClassProperty, &WiFiService::GetSecurityClass); store->RegisterConstString(kWifiAuthMode, &auth_mode_); store->RegisterBool(kWifiHiddenSsid, &hidden_ssid_); store->RegisterConstUint16(kWifiFrequency, &frequency_); store->RegisterConstUint16s(kWifiFrequencyListProperty, &frequency_list_); store->RegisterConstUint16(kWifiPhyMode, &physical_mode_); store->RegisterConstString(kWifiBSsid, &bssid_); store->RegisterConstString(kCountryProperty, &country_code_); store->RegisterConstStringmap(kWifiVendorInformationProperty, &vendor_information_); store->RegisterConstBool(kWifiProtectedManagementFrameRequiredProperty, &ieee80211w_required_); hex_ssid_ = base::HexEncode(ssid_.data(), ssid_.size()); store->RegisterConstString(kWifiHexSsid, &hex_ssid_); HelpRegisterDerivedString(kWifiPreferredDeviceProperty, &WiFiService::GetPreferredDevice, &WiFiService::SetPreferredDevice); HelpRegisterDerivedUint16(kWifiRoamThresholdProperty, &WiFiService::GetRoamThreshold, &WiFiService::SetRoamThreshold, &WiFiService::ClearRoamThreshold); string ssid_string( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ssid_.data()), ssid_.size()); WiFi::SanitizeSSID(&ssid_string); set_friendly_name(ssid_string); SetEapCredentials(new EapCredentials()); // TODO(quiche): determine if it is okay to set EAP.KeyManagement for // a service that is not 802.1x. if (Is8021x()) { // Passphrases are not mandatory for 802.1X. need_passphrase_ = false; } else if (security_ == kSecurityPsk) { SetEAPKeyManagement("WPA-PSK"); } else if (security_ == kSecurityRsn) { SetEAPKeyManagement("WPA-PSK"); } else if (security_ == kSecurityWpa) { SetEAPKeyManagement("WPA-PSK"); } else if (security_ == kSecurityWep) { SetEAPKeyManagement("NONE"); } else if (security_ == kSecurityNone) { SetEAPKeyManagement("NONE"); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported security method " << security_; } // Until we know better (at Profile load time), use the generic name. storage_identifier_ = GetDefaultStorageIdentifier(); UpdateConnectable(); UpdateSecurity(); // Now that |this| is a fully constructed WiFiService, synchronize observers // with our current state, and emit the appropriate change notifications. // (Initial observer state may have been set in our base class.) NotifyPropertyChanges(); IgnoreParameterForConfigure(kModeProperty); IgnoreParameterForConfigure(kSSIDProperty); IgnoreParameterForConfigure(kSecurityProperty); IgnoreParameterForConfigure(kSecurityClassProperty); IgnoreParameterForConfigure(kWifiHexSsid); InitializeCustomMetrics(); // Log the |unique_name| to |friendly_name| mapping for debugging purposes. // The latter will be tagged for scrubbing. LOG(INFO) << "Constructed WiFi service " << unique_name() << " name: " << WiFi::LogSSID(friendly_name()); } WiFiService::~WiFiService() {} bool WiFiService::IsAutoConnectable(const char** reason) const { if (!Service::IsAutoConnectable(reason)) { return false; } // Only auto-connect to Services which have visible Endpoints. // (Needed because hidden Services may remain registered with // Manager even without visible Endpoints.) if (!HasEndpoints()) { *reason = kAutoConnNoEndpoint; return false; } CHECK(wifi_) << "We have endpoints but no WiFi device is selected?"; // Do not preempt an existing connection (whether pending, or // connected, and whether to this service, or another). if (!wifi_->IsIdle()) { *reason = kAutoConnBusy; return false; } return true; } void WiFiService::SetEAPKeyManagement(const string& key_management) { Service::SetEAPKeyManagement(key_management); UpdateSecurity(); } void WiFiService::AddEndpoint(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { DCHECK(endpoint->ssid() == ssid()); endpoints_.insert(endpoint); UpdateFromEndpoints(); } void WiFiService::RemoveEndpoint(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { set<WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr>::iterator i = endpoints_.find(endpoint); DCHECK(i != endpoints_.end()); if (i == endpoints_.end()) { LOG(WARNING) << "In " << __func__ << "(): " << "ignoring non-existent endpoint " << endpoint->bssid_string(); return; } endpoints_.erase(i); if (current_endpoint_ == endpoint) { current_endpoint_ = nullptr; } UpdateFromEndpoints(); } void WiFiService::NotifyCurrentEndpoint( const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { DCHECK(!endpoint || (endpoints_.find(endpoint) != endpoints_.end())); current_endpoint_ = endpoint; UpdateFromEndpoints(); } void WiFiService::NotifyEndpointUpdated( const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint) { DCHECK(endpoints_.find(endpoint) != endpoints_.end()); UpdateFromEndpoints(); } string WiFiService::GetStorageIdentifier() const { return storage_identifier_; } bool WiFiService::SetPassphrase(const string& passphrase, Error* error) { if (security_ == kSecurityWep) { ValidateWEPPassphrase(passphrase, error); } else if (security_ == kSecurityPsk || security_ == kSecurityWpa || security_ == kSecurityRsn) { ValidateWPAPassphrase(passphrase, error); } else { error->Populate(Error::kNotSupported); } if (!error->IsSuccess()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Passphrase could not be set: " << error->message(); return false; } return SetPassphraseInternal(passphrase, Service::kReasonPropertyUpdate); } bool WiFiService::SetPassphraseInternal( const string& passphrase, Service::UpdateCredentialsReason reason) { if (passphrase_ == passphrase) { // After a user logs in, Chrome may reconfigure a Service with the // same credentials as before login. When that occurs, we don't // want to bump the user off the network. Hence, we MUST return // early. (See crbug.com/231456#c17) return false; } passphrase_ = passphrase; OnCredentialChange(reason); return true; } // ClearPassphrase is separate from SetPassphrase, because the default // value for |passphrase_| would not pass validation. void WiFiService::ClearPassphrase(Error* /*error*/) { passphrase_.clear(); ClearCachedCredentials(); UpdateConnectable(); } string WiFiService::GetPreferredDevice(Error* /*error*/) { return preferred_device_; } bool WiFiService::SetPreferredDevice(const string& device_name, Error* /*error*/) { // Reset device if it is not the preferred device. if (!device_name.empty() && wifi_ && wifi_->link_name() != device_name) { ResetWiFi(); } preferred_device_ = device_name; return true; } string WiFiService::GetTethering(Error* /*error*/) const { if (IsConnected() && wifi_ && wifi_->IsConnectedViaTether()) { return kTetheringConfirmedState; } // Only perform BSSID tests if there is exactly one matching endpoint, // so we ignore campuses that may use locally administered BSSIDs. if (endpoints_.size() == 1 && (*endpoints_.begin())->has_tethering_signature()) { return kTetheringSuspectedState; } return kTetheringNotDetectedState; } string WiFiService::GetLoadableStorageIdentifier( const StoreInterface& storage) const { set<string> groups = storage.GetGroupsWithProperties(GetStorageProperties()); if (groups.empty()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Configuration for service " << unique_name() << " is not available in the persistent store"; return ""; } if (groups.size() > 1) { LOG(WARNING) << "More than one configuration for service " << unique_name() << " is available; choosing the first."; } return *groups.begin(); } bool WiFiService::IsLoadableFrom(const StoreInterface& storage) const { return !storage.GetGroupsWithProperties(GetStorageProperties()).empty(); } bool WiFiService::IsVisible() const { // WiFi Services should be displayed only if they are in range (have // endpoints that have shown up in a scan) or if the service is actively // being connected. return HasEndpoints() || IsConnected() || IsConnecting(); } bool WiFiService::Load(StoreInterface* storage) { string id = GetLoadableStorageIdentifier(*storage); if (id.empty()) { return false; } // Set our storage identifier to match the storage name in the Profile. storage_identifier_ = id; // Load properties common to all Services. if (!Service::Load(storage)) { return false; } // Load properties specific to WiFi services. storage->GetBool(id, kStorageHiddenSSID, &hidden_ssid_); // NB: mode, security and ssid parameters are never read in from // Load() as they are provided from the scan. string passphrase; if (storage->GetCryptedString(id, kStoragePassphrase, &passphrase)) { if (SetPassphraseInternal(passphrase, Service::kReasonCredentialsLoaded)) { SLOG(this, 3) << "Loaded passphrase in WiFiService::Load."; } } string preferred_device; storage->GetString(id, kStoragePreferredDevice, &preferred_device); SetPreferredDevice(preferred_device, nullptr); uint64_t stored_roam_threshold_temp; storage->GetUint64(id, kStorageRoamThreshold, &stored_roam_threshold_temp); // Storing a uint64_t in a uint16_t is safe here since we know that we only // set this storage value to a uint16_t value in WiFiService::Save. roam_threshold_db_ = static_cast<uint16_t>(stored_roam_threshold_temp); storage->GetBool(id, kStorageRoamThresholdSet, &roam_threshold_db_set_); expecting_disconnect_ = false; return true; } bool WiFiService::Save(StoreInterface* storage) { // Save properties common to all Services. if (!Service::Save(storage)) { return false; } // Save properties specific to WiFi services. const string id = GetStorageIdentifier(); storage->SetBool(id, kStorageHiddenSSID, hidden_ssid_); storage->SetString(id, kStorageMode, mode_); storage->SetCryptedString(id, kStoragePassphrase, passphrase_); storage->SetString(id, kStorageSecurity, security_); storage->SetString(id, kStorageSecurityClass, ComputeSecurityClass(security_)); storage->SetString(id, kStorageSSID, hex_ssid_); storage->SetUint64(id, kStorageRoamThreshold, static_cast<uint64_t>(roam_threshold_db_)); storage->SetBool(id, kStorageRoamThresholdSet, roam_threshold_db_set_); Service::SaveString(storage, id, kStoragePreferredDevice, preferred_device_, false, false); return true; } bool WiFiService::Unload() { // Expect the service to be disconnected if is currently connected or // in the process of connecting. if (IsConnected() || IsConnecting()) { expecting_disconnect_ = true; } else { expecting_disconnect_ = false; } Service::Unload(); if (wifi_) { wifi_->DestroyServiceLease(*this); } hidden_ssid_ = false; ResetSuspectedCredentialFailures(); Error unused_error; ClearPassphrase(&unused_error); preferred_device_.clear(); roam_threshold_db_ = 0; roam_threshold_db_set_ = false; return provider_->OnServiceUnloaded(this); } void WiFiService::SetState(ConnectState state) { Service::SetState(state); NotifyPropertyChanges(); } bool WiFiService::IsSecurityMatch(const string& security) const { return ComputeSecurityClass(security) == ComputeSecurityClass(security_); } bool WiFiService::AddSuspectedCredentialFailure() { if (!has_ever_connected()) { return true; } ++suspected_credential_failures_; return suspected_credential_failures_ >= kSuspectedCredentialFailureThreshold; } void WiFiService::ResetSuspectedCredentialFailures() { suspected_credential_failures_ = 0; } void WiFiService::InitializeCustomMetrics() const { SLOG(Metrics, this, 2) << __func__ << " for " << unique_name(); string histogram = metrics()->GetFullMetricName( Metrics::kMetricTimeToJoinMillisecondsSuffix, technology()); metrics()->AddServiceStateTransitionTimer(*this, histogram, Service::kStateAssociating, Service::kStateConfiguring); } void WiFiService::SendPostReadyStateMetrics( int64_t time_resume_to_ready_milliseconds) const { metrics()->SendEnumToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName(Metrics::kMetricNetworkChannelSuffix, technology()), Metrics::WiFiFrequencyToChannel(frequency_), Metrics::kMetricNetworkChannelMax); DCHECK(physical_mode_ < Metrics::kWiFiNetworkPhyModeMax); metrics()->SendEnumToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName(Metrics::kMetricNetworkPhyModeSuffix, technology()), static_cast<Metrics::WiFiNetworkPhyMode>(physical_mode_), Metrics::kWiFiNetworkPhyModeMax); string security_mode = security_; if (current_endpoint_) { security_mode = current_endpoint_->security_mode(); } Metrics::WiFiSecurity security_uma = Metrics::WiFiSecurityStringToEnum(security_mode); DCHECK(security_uma != Metrics::kWiFiSecurityUnknown); metrics()->SendEnumToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName(Metrics::kMetricNetworkSecuritySuffix, technology()), security_uma, Metrics::kMetricNetworkSecurityMax); if (Is8021x()) { eap()->OutputConnectionMetrics(metrics(), technology()); } // We invert the sign of the signal strength value, since UMA histograms // cannot represent negative numbers (it stores them but cannot display // them), and dBm values of interest start at 0 and go negative from there. metrics()->SendToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName(Metrics::kMetricNetworkSignalStrengthSuffix, technology()), -raw_signal_strength_, Metrics::kMetricNetworkSignalStrengthMin, Metrics::kMetricNetworkSignalStrengthMax, Metrics::kMetricNetworkSignalStrengthNumBuckets); if (time_resume_to_ready_milliseconds > 0) { metrics()->SendToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName( Metrics::kMetricTimeResumeToReadyMillisecondsSuffix, technology()), time_resume_to_ready_milliseconds, Metrics::kTimerHistogramMillisecondsMin, Metrics::kTimerHistogramMillisecondsMax, Metrics::kTimerHistogramNumBuckets); } Metrics::WiFiApMode ap_mode_uma = Metrics::WiFiApModeStringToEnum(mode_); metrics()->SendEnumToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName(Metrics::kMetricNetworkApModeSuffix, technology()), ap_mode_uma, Metrics::kWiFiApModeMax); } // private methods void WiFiService::HelpRegisterConstDerivedString( const string& name, string(WiFiService::*get)(Error*)) { mutable_store()->RegisterDerivedString( name, StringAccessor( new CustomAccessor<WiFiService, string>(this, get, nullptr))); } void WiFiService::HelpRegisterDerivedString( const string& name, string(WiFiService::*get)(Error* error), bool(WiFiService::*set)(const string&, Error*)) { mutable_store()->RegisterDerivedString( name, StringAccessor(new CustomAccessor<WiFiService, string>(this, get, set))); } void WiFiService::HelpRegisterWriteOnlyDerivedString( const string& name, bool(WiFiService::*set)(const string&, Error*), void(WiFiService::*clear)(Error* error), const string* default_value) { mutable_store()->RegisterDerivedString( name, StringAccessor( new CustomWriteOnlyAccessor<WiFiService, string>( this, set, clear, default_value))); } void WiFiService::HelpRegisterDerivedUint16( const string& name, uint16_t(WiFiService::*get)(Error* error), bool(WiFiService::*set)(const uint16_t& value, Error* error), void(WiFiService::*clear)(Error* error)) { mutable_store()->RegisterDerivedUint16( name, Uint16Accessor(new CustomAccessor<WiFiService, uint16_t>( this, get, set, clear))); } void WiFiService::Connect(Error* error, const char* reason) { if (!connectable()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't connect. Service " << unique_name() << " is not connectable."; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kOperationFailed, Error::GetDefaultMessage(Error::kOperationFailed)); return; } if (IsConnecting() || IsConnected()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Can't connect. Service " << unique_name() << " is already connecting or connected."; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kAlreadyConnected, Error::GetDefaultMessage(Error::kAlreadyConnected)); return; } WiFiRefPtr wifi = wifi_; if (!wifi) { // If this is a hidden service before it has been found in a scan, we // may need to late-bind to any available WiFi Device. We don't actually // set |wifi_| in this case since we do not yet see any endpoints. This // will mean this service is not disconnectable until an endpoint is // found. wifi = ChooseDevice(); if (!wifi) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't connect. Service " << unique_name() << " cannot find a WiFi device."; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kOperationFailed, Error::GetDefaultMessage(Error::kOperationFailed)); return; } } if (wifi->IsCurrentService(this)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Can't connect. Service " << unique_name() << " is the current service (but, in " << GetStateString() << " state, not connected)."; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInProgress, Error::GetDefaultMessage(Error::kInProgress)); return; } // Report number of BSSes available for this service. metrics()->NotifyWifiAvailableBSSes(endpoints_.size()); if (Is8021x()) { // If EAP key management is not set, set to a default. if (GetEAPKeyManagement().empty()) SetEAPKeyManagement("WPA-EAP"); ClearEAPCertification(); } expecting_disconnect_ = false; Service::Connect(error, reason); wifi->ConnectTo(this); } KeyValueStore WiFiService::GetSupplicantConfigurationParameters() const { KeyValueStore params; params.SetUint(WPASupplicant::kNetworkPropertyMode, WiFiEndpoint::ModeStringToUint(mode_)); if (mode_ == kModeAdhoc && frequency_ != 0) { // Frequency is required in order to successfully connect to an IBSS // with wpa_supplicant. If we have one from our endpoint, insert it // here. params.SetInt(WPASupplicant::kNetworkPropertyFrequency, frequency_); } if (Is8021x()) { eap()->PopulateSupplicantProperties(certificate_file_.get(), ¶ms); } else if (security_ == kSecurityPsk || security_ == kSecurityRsn || security_ == kSecurityWpa) { const string psk_proto = base::StringPrintf("%s %s", WPASupplicant::kSecurityModeWPA, WPASupplicant::kSecurityModeRSN); params.SetString(WPASupplicant::kPropertySecurityProtocol, psk_proto); params.SetString(WPASupplicant::kPropertyPreSharedKey, passphrase_); } else if (security_ == kSecurityWep) { params.SetString(WPASupplicant::kPropertyAuthAlg, WPASupplicant::kSecurityAuthAlg); Error unused_error; int key_index; std::vector<uint8_t> password_bytes; ParseWEPPassphrase(passphrase_, &key_index, &password_bytes, &unused_error); params.SetUint8s(WPASupplicant::kPropertyWEPKey + base::IntToString(key_index), password_bytes); params.SetUint(WPASupplicant::kPropertyWEPTxKeyIndex, key_index); } else if (security_ == kSecurityNone) { // Nothing special to do here. } else { NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "Unsupported security method " << security_; } params.SetString(WPASupplicant::kNetworkPropertyEapKeyManagement, key_management()); if (ieee80211w_required_) { // TODO(pstew): We should also enable IEEE 802.11w if the user // explicitly enables support for this through a service / device // property. crbug.com/219950 params.SetUint(WPASupplicant::kNetworkPropertyIeee80211w, WPASupplicant::kNetworkIeee80211wEnabled); } params.SetUint8s(WPASupplicant::kNetworkPropertySSID, ssid_); return params; } void WiFiService::Disconnect(Error* error, const char* reason) { Service::Disconnect(error, reason); if (!wifi_) { // If we are connecting to a hidden service, but have not yet found // any endpoints, we could end up with a disconnect request without // a wifi_ reference. This is not a fatal error. LOG_IF(ERROR, IsConnecting()) << "WiFi endpoints do not (yet) exist. Cannot disconnect service " << unique_name(); LOG_IF(FATAL, IsConnected()) << "WiFi device does not exist. Cannot disconnect service " << unique_name(); error->Populate(Error::kOperationFailed); return; } wifi_->DisconnectFromIfActive(this); } string WiFiService::GetDeviceRpcId(Error* error) const { if (!wifi_) { error->Populate(Error::kNotFound, "Not associated with a device"); return control_interface()->NullRPCIdentifier(); } return wifi_->GetRpcIdentifier(); } void WiFiService::UpdateConnectable() { bool is_connectable = false; if (security_ == kSecurityNone) { DCHECK(passphrase_.empty()); need_passphrase_ = false; is_connectable = true; } else if (Is8021x()) { is_connectable = Is8021xConnectable(); } else if (security_ == kSecurityWep || security_ == kSecurityWpa || security_ == kSecurityPsk || security_ == kSecurityRsn) { need_passphrase_ = passphrase_.empty(); is_connectable = !need_passphrase_; } SetConnectable(is_connectable); } void WiFiService::UpdateFromEndpoints() { const WiFiEndpoint* representative_endpoint = nullptr; if (current_endpoint_) { representative_endpoint = current_endpoint_.get(); } else { int16_t best_signal = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(); bool preferred_device_found = false; // This will set the representative_endpoint to the best endpoint associated // with the preferred_device_ if it exist, otherwise the best overall // endpoint. for (const auto& endpoint : endpoints_) { if (preferred_device_found) { // Skip endpoints associated with non-preferred device. if (endpoint->device()->link_name() != preferred_device_) { continue; } } else if (endpoint->device() && endpoint->device()->link_name() == preferred_device_) { // Found first endpoint associated with preferred device. preferred_device_found = true; best_signal = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(); } if (endpoint->signal_strength() >= best_signal) { best_signal = endpoint->signal_strength(); representative_endpoint = endpoint.get(); } } } WiFiRefPtr wifi; if (representative_endpoint) { wifi = representative_endpoint->device(); if (bssid_ != representative_endpoint->bssid_string() || raw_signal_strength_ != representative_endpoint->signal_strength() || frequency_ != representative_endpoint->frequency()) { LOG(INFO) << "Representative endpoint updated for service " << unique_name() << ". " << WiFi::LogSSID(representative_endpoint->ssid_string()) << ", " << "bssid: " << representative_endpoint->bssid_string() << ", " << "signal: " << representative_endpoint->signal_strength() << ", " << "security: " << representative_endpoint->security_mode() << ", " << "frequency: " << representative_endpoint->frequency(); } } else if (IsConnected() || IsConnecting()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Service " << unique_name() << " will disconnect due to no remaining endpoints."; } SetWiFi(wifi); for (const auto& endpoint : endpoints_) { if (endpoint->ieee80211w_required()) { // Never reset ieee80211w_required_ to false, so we track whether we have // ever seen an AP that requires 802.11w. ieee80211w_required_ = true; } } set<uint16_t> frequency_set; for (const auto& endpoint : endpoints_) { frequency_set.insert(endpoint->frequency()); } frequency_list_.assign(frequency_set.begin(), frequency_set.end()); if (Is8021x()) cipher_8021x_ = ComputeCipher8021x(endpoints_); uint16_t frequency = 0; int16_t signal = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(); string bssid; string country_code; Stringmap vendor_information; uint16_t physical_mode = Metrics::kWiFiNetworkPhyModeUndef; // Represent "unknown raw signal strength" as 0. raw_signal_strength_ = 0; if (representative_endpoint) { frequency = representative_endpoint->frequency(); signal = representative_endpoint->signal_strength(); raw_signal_strength_ = signal; bssid = representative_endpoint->bssid_string(); country_code = representative_endpoint->country_code(); vendor_information = representative_endpoint->GetVendorInformation(); physical_mode = representative_endpoint->physical_mode(); } if (frequency_ != frequency) { frequency_ = frequency; adaptor()->EmitUint16Changed(kWifiFrequency, frequency_); } if (bssid_ != bssid) { bssid_ = bssid; adaptor()->EmitStringChanged(kWifiBSsid, bssid_); } if (country_code_ != country_code) { country_code_ = country_code; adaptor()->EmitStringChanged(kCountryProperty, country_code_); } if (vendor_information_ != vendor_information) { vendor_information_ = vendor_information; adaptor()->EmitStringmapChanged(kWifiVendorInformationProperty, vendor_information_); } if (physical_mode_ != physical_mode) { physical_mode_ = physical_mode; adaptor()->EmitUint16Changed(kWifiPhyMode, physical_mode_); } adaptor()->EmitUint16sChanged(kWifiFrequencyListProperty, frequency_list_); SetStrength(SignalToStrength(signal)); UpdateSecurity(); NotifyPropertyChanges(); } void WiFiService::UpdateSecurity() { CryptoAlgorithm algorithm = kCryptoNone; bool key_rotation = false; bool endpoint_auth = false; if (security_ == kSecurityNone) { // initial values apply } else if (security_ == kSecurityWep) { algorithm = kCryptoRc4; key_rotation = Is8021x(); endpoint_auth = Is8021x(); } else if (security_ == kSecurityPsk || security_ == kSecurityWpa) { algorithm = kCryptoRc4; key_rotation = true; endpoint_auth = false; } else if (security_ == kSecurityRsn) { algorithm = kCryptoAes; key_rotation = true; endpoint_auth = false; } else if (security_ == kSecurity8021x) { algorithm = cipher_8021x_; key_rotation = true; endpoint_auth = true; } SetSecurity(algorithm, key_rotation, endpoint_auth); } // static Service::CryptoAlgorithm WiFiService::ComputeCipher8021x( const set<WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr>& endpoints) { if (endpoints.empty()) return kCryptoNone; // Will update after scan results. // Find weakest cipher (across endpoints) of the strongest ciphers // (per endpoint). Service::CryptoAlgorithm cipher = Service::kCryptoAes; for (const auto& endpoint : endpoints) { Service::CryptoAlgorithm endpoint_cipher; if (endpoint->has_rsn_property()) { endpoint_cipher = Service::kCryptoAes; } else if (endpoint->has_wpa_property()) { endpoint_cipher = Service::kCryptoRc4; } else { // We could be in the Dynamic WEP case here. But that's okay, // because |cipher_8021x_| is not defined in that case. endpoint_cipher = Service::kCryptoNone; } cipher = std::min(cipher, endpoint_cipher); } return cipher; } // static void WiFiService::ValidateWEPPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase, Error* error) { ParseWEPPassphrase(passphrase, nullptr, nullptr, error); } // static void WiFiService::ValidateWPAPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase, Error* error) { unsigned int length = passphrase.length(); vector<uint8_t> passphrase_bytes; if (base::HexStringToBytes(passphrase, &passphrase_bytes)) { if (length != IEEE_80211::kWPAHexLen && (length < IEEE_80211::kWPAAsciiMinLen || length > IEEE_80211::kWPAAsciiMaxLen)) { error->Populate(Error::kInvalidPassphrase); } } else { if (length < IEEE_80211::kWPAAsciiMinLen || length > IEEE_80211::kWPAAsciiMaxLen) { error->Populate(Error::kInvalidPassphrase); } } } // static void WiFiService::ParseWEPPassphrase(const string& passphrase, int* key_index, std::vector<uint8_t>* password_bytes, Error* error) { unsigned int length = passphrase.length(); int key_index_local; std::string password_text; bool is_hex = false; switch (length) { case IEEE_80211::kWEP40AsciiLen: case IEEE_80211::kWEP104AsciiLen: key_index_local = 0; password_text = passphrase; break; case IEEE_80211::kWEP40AsciiLen + 2: case IEEE_80211::kWEP104AsciiLen + 2: if (CheckWEPKeyIndex(passphrase, error)) { base::StringToInt(passphrase.substr(0, 1), &key_index_local); password_text = passphrase.substr(2); } break; case IEEE_80211::kWEP40HexLen: case IEEE_80211::kWEP104HexLen: if (CheckWEPIsHex(passphrase, error)) { key_index_local = 0; password_text = passphrase; is_hex = true; } break; case IEEE_80211::kWEP40HexLen + 2: case IEEE_80211::kWEP104HexLen + 2: if (CheckWEPKeyIndex(passphrase, error) && CheckWEPIsHex(passphrase.substr(2), error)) { base::StringToInt(passphrase.substr(0, 1), &key_index_local); password_text = passphrase.substr(2); is_hex = true; } else if (CheckWEPPrefix(passphrase, error) && CheckWEPIsHex(passphrase.substr(2), error)) { key_index_local = 0; password_text = passphrase.substr(2); is_hex = true; } break; case IEEE_80211::kWEP40HexLen + 4: case IEEE_80211::kWEP104HexLen + 4: if (CheckWEPKeyIndex(passphrase, error) && CheckWEPPrefix(passphrase.substr(2), error) && CheckWEPIsHex(passphrase.substr(4), error)) { base::StringToInt(passphrase.substr(0, 1), &key_index_local); password_text = passphrase.substr(4); is_hex = true; } break; default: error->Populate(Error::kInvalidPassphrase); break; } if (error->IsSuccess()) { if (key_index) *key_index = key_index_local; if (password_bytes) { if (is_hex) base::HexStringToBytes(password_text, password_bytes); else password_bytes->insert(password_bytes->end(), password_text.begin(), password_text.end()); } } } // static bool WiFiService::CheckWEPIsHex(const string& passphrase, Error* error) { vector<uint8_t> passphrase_bytes; if (base::HexStringToBytes(passphrase, &passphrase_bytes)) { return true; } else { error->Populate(Error::kInvalidPassphrase); return false; } } // static bool WiFiService::CheckWEPKeyIndex(const string& passphrase, Error* error) { const auto kCaseInsensitive = base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII; if (base::StartsWith(passphrase, "0:", kCaseInsensitive) || base::StartsWith(passphrase, "1:", kCaseInsensitive) || base::StartsWith(passphrase, "2:", kCaseInsensitive) || base::StartsWith(passphrase, "3:", kCaseInsensitive)) { return true; } else { error->Populate(Error::kInvalidPassphrase); return false; } } // static bool WiFiService::CheckWEPPrefix(const string& passphrase, Error* error) { if (base::StartsWith(passphrase, "0x", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII)) { return true; } else { error->Populate(Error::kInvalidPassphrase); return false; } } // static string WiFiService::ComputeSecurityClass(const string& security) { if (security == kSecurityRsn || security == kSecurityWpa) { return kSecurityPsk; } else { return security; } } int16_t WiFiService::SignalLevel() const { return current_endpoint_ ? current_endpoint_->signal_strength() : std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min(); } // static bool WiFiService::ParseStorageIdentifier(const string& storage_name, string* address, string* mode, string* security) { vector<string> wifi_parts = base::SplitString( storage_name, "_", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); if ((wifi_parts.size() != 5 && wifi_parts.size() != 6) || wifi_parts[0] != kTypeWifi) { return false; } *address = wifi_parts[1]; *mode = wifi_parts[3]; if (wifi_parts.size() == 5) { *security = wifi_parts[4]; } else { // Account for security type "802_1x" which got split up above. *security = wifi_parts[4] + "_" + wifi_parts[5]; } return true; } // static bool WiFiService::FixupServiceEntries(StoreInterface* storage) { bool fixed_entry = false; set<string> groups = storage->GetGroups(); for (const auto& id : groups) { string device_address, network_mode, security; if (!ParseStorageIdentifier(id, &device_address, &network_mode, &security)) { continue; } if (!storage->GetString(id, kStorageType, nullptr)) { storage->SetString(id, kStorageType, kTypeWifi); fixed_entry = true; } if (!storage->GetString(id, kStorageMode, nullptr)) { storage->SetString(id, kStorageMode, network_mode); fixed_entry = true; } if (!storage->GetString(id, kStorageSecurity, nullptr)) { storage->SetString(id, kStorageSecurity, security); fixed_entry = true; } if (!storage->GetString(id, kStorageSecurityClass, nullptr)) { storage->SetString(id, kStorageSecurityClass, ComputeSecurityClass(security)); fixed_entry = true; } } return fixed_entry; } // static bool WiFiService::IsValidMode(const string& mode) { return mode == kModeManaged || mode == kModeAdhoc; } // static bool WiFiService::IsValidSecurityMethod(const string& method) { return method == kSecurityNone || method == kSecurityWep || method == kSecurityPsk || method == kSecurityWpa || method == kSecurityRsn || method == kSecurity8021x; } // static bool WiFiService::IsValidSecurityClass(const string& security_class) { return IsValidSecurityMethod(security_class) && ComputeSecurityClass(security_class) == security_class; } // static uint8_t WiFiService::SignalToStrength(int16_t signal_dbm) { int16_t strength; if (signal_dbm > 0) { if (!logged_signal_warning) { LOG(WARNING) << "Signal strength is suspiciously high. " << "Assuming value " << signal_dbm << " is not in dBm."; logged_signal_warning = true; } strength = signal_dbm; } else { strength = 120 + signal_dbm; // Call -20dBm "perfect". } if (strength > kStrengthMax) { strength = kStrengthMax; } else if (strength < kStrengthMin) { strength = kStrengthMin; } return strength; } KeyValueStore WiFiService::GetStorageProperties() const { KeyValueStore args; args.SetString(kStorageType, kTypeWifi); args.SetString(kStorageSSID, hex_ssid_); args.SetString(kStorageMode, mode_); args.SetString(kStorageSecurityClass, ComputeSecurityClass(security_)); return args; } string WiFiService::GetDefaultStorageIdentifier() const { string security = ComputeSecurityClass(security_); return base::ToLowerASCII(base::StringPrintf("%s_%s_%s_%s_%s", kTypeWifi, kAnyDeviceAddress, hex_ssid_.c_str(), mode_.c_str(), security.c_str())); } string WiFiService::GetSecurity(Error* /*error*/) { if (current_endpoint_) { return current_endpoint_->security_mode(); } return security_; } string WiFiService::GetSecurityClass(Error* error) { return ComputeSecurityClass(GetSecurity(error)); } void WiFiService::ClearCachedCredentials() { if (wifi_) { wifi_->ClearCachedCredentials(this); } } void WiFiService::OnEapCredentialsChanged( Service::UpdateCredentialsReason reason) { if (Is8021x()) { OnCredentialChange(reason); } } void WiFiService::OnCredentialChange(Service::UpdateCredentialsReason reason) { ClearCachedCredentials(); // Credential changes due to a property update are new and have not // necessarily been used for a successful connection. if (reason == kReasonPropertyUpdate) SetHasEverConnected(false); UpdateConnectable(); ResetSuspectedCredentialFailures(); } void WiFiService::OnProfileConfigured() { if (profile() || !hidden_ssid()) { return; } // This situation occurs when a hidden WiFi service created via GetService // has been persisted to a profile in Manager::ConfigureService(). Now // that configuration is saved, we must join the service with its profile, // which will make this SSID eligible for directed probes during scans. manager()->RegisterService(this); } bool WiFiService::Is8021x() const { if (security_ == kSecurity8021x) return true; // Dynamic WEP + 802.1x. if (security_ == kSecurityWep && GetEAPKeyManagement() == WPASupplicant::kKeyManagementIeee8021X) return true; return false; } WiFiRefPtr WiFiService::ChooseDevice() { DeviceRefPtr device = nullptr; if (!preferred_device_.empty()) { device = manager()->GetEnabledDeviceByLinkName(preferred_device_); if (device->technology() != Technology::kWifi) { device = nullptr; } } if (!device) { device = manager()->GetEnabledDeviceWithTechnology(Technology::kWifi); } // If we have a valid device here, it's better be a WiFi device. CHECK(!device || device->technology() == Technology::kWifi) << "Unexpected device technology: " << device->technology(); return static_cast<WiFi*>(device.get()); } void WiFiService::ResetWiFi() { SetWiFi(nullptr); } void WiFiService::SetWiFi(const WiFiRefPtr& new_wifi) { if (wifi_ == new_wifi) { return; } ClearCachedCredentials(); if (wifi_) { wifi_->DisassociateFromService(this); } if (new_wifi) { adaptor()->EmitRpcIdentifierChanged(kDeviceProperty, new_wifi->GetRpcIdentifier()); } else { adaptor()->EmitRpcIdentifierChanged( kDeviceProperty, control_interface()->NullRPCIdentifier()); } wifi_ = new_wifi; } uint16_t WiFiService::GetRoamThreshold(Error* /*error*/) { return roam_threshold_db_; } bool WiFiService::SetRoamThreshold(const uint16_t& threshold, Error* /*error*/) { roam_threshold_db_ = threshold; roam_threshold_db_set_ = true; return true; } void WiFiService::ClearRoamThreshold(Error* /*error*/) { roam_threshold_db_ = 0; roam_threshold_db_set_ = false; } } // namespace shill