# notarget: cris*-*-linux-gnu # as: --march=v32 --em=criself # ld: -m criself # objdump: -d # Check that 32-bit branches (PCREL:s) are relocated right. # Source code and "-m criself" doesn't work with *-linux-gnu. .*: file format elf32-us-cris Disassembly of section \.text: 0+ <(a|__Stext)>: 0: bf0e 0800 0000 ba 8 <b> 6: 5e82 moveq 30,r8 0+8 <b>: 8: 4312 moveq 3,r1 a: bf0e f6ff ffff ba 0 <[^>]*> 10: 4db2 moveq 13,r11