Nougat 7.0
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ResourceTable.h" #include "ResourceUtils.h" #include "ResourceValues.h" #include "Source.h" #include "ValueVisitor.h" #include "unflatten/BinaryResourceParser.h" #include "unflatten/ResChunkPullParser.h" #include "util/Util.h" #include
namespace aapt { using namespace android; namespace { /* * Visitor that converts a reference's resource ID to a resource name, * given a mapping from resource ID to resource name. */ class ReferenceIdToNameVisitor : public ValueVisitor { private: const std::map
* mMapping; public: using ValueVisitor::visit; ReferenceIdToNameVisitor(const std::map
* mapping) : mMapping(mapping) { assert(mMapping); } void visit(Reference* reference) override { if (!reference->id || !reference->id.value().isValid()) { return; } ResourceId id = reference->id.value(); auto cacheIter = mMapping->find(id); if (cacheIter != mMapping->end()) { reference->name = cacheIter->second; reference->id = {}; } } }; } // namespace BinaryResourceParser::BinaryResourceParser(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table, const Source& source, const void* data, size_t len) : mContext(context), mTable(table), mSource(source), mData(data), mDataLen(len) { } bool BinaryResourceParser::parse() { ResChunkPullParser parser(mData, mDataLen); bool error = false; while(ResChunkPullParser::isGoodEvent(parser.next())) { if (parser.getChunk()->type != android::RES_TABLE_TYPE) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->warn(DiagMessage(mSource) << "unknown chunk of type '" << (int) parser.getChunk()->type << "'"); continue; } if (!parseTable(parser.getChunk())) { error = true; } } if (parser.getEvent() == ResChunkPullParser::Event::BadDocument) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt resource table: " << parser.getLastError()); return false; } return !error; } /** * Parses the resource table, which contains all the packages, types, and entries. */ bool BinaryResourceParser::parseTable(const ResChunk_header* chunk) { const ResTable_header* tableHeader = convertTo
(chunk); if (!tableHeader) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt ResTable_header chunk"); return false; } ResChunkPullParser parser(getChunkData(&tableHeader->header), getChunkDataLen(&tableHeader->header)); while (ResChunkPullParser::isGoodEvent(parser.next())) { switch (util::deviceToHost16(parser.getChunk()->type)) { case android::RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE: if (mValuePool.getError() == NO_INIT) { status_t err = mValuePool.setTo(parser.getChunk(), util::deviceToHost32(parser.getChunk()->size)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt string pool in ResTable: " << mValuePool.getError()); return false; } // Reserve some space for the strings we are going to add. mTable->stringPool.hintWillAdd(mValuePool.size(), mValuePool.styleCount()); } else { mContext->getDiagnostics()->warn(DiagMessage(mSource) << "unexpected string pool in ResTable"); } break; case android::RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE: if (!parsePackage(parser.getChunk())) { return false; } break; default: mContext->getDiagnostics() ->warn(DiagMessage(mSource) << "unexpected chunk type " << (int) util::deviceToHost16(parser.getChunk()->type)); break; } } if (parser.getEvent() == ResChunkPullParser::Event::BadDocument) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt resource table: " << parser.getLastError()); return false; } return true; } bool BinaryResourceParser::parsePackage(const ResChunk_header* chunk) { const ResTable_package* packageHeader = convertTo
(chunk); if (!packageHeader) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt ResTable_package chunk"); return false; } uint32_t packageId = util::deviceToHost32(packageHeader->id); if (packageId > std::numeric_limits
::max()) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "package ID is too big (" << packageId << ")"); return false; } // Extract the package name. size_t len = strnlen16((const char16_t*) packageHeader->name, arraysize(packageHeader->name)); std::u16string packageName; packageName.resize(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { packageName[i] = util::deviceToHost16(packageHeader->name[i]); } ResourceTablePackage* package = mTable->createPackage(packageName, (uint8_t) packageId); if (!package) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "incompatible package '" << packageName << "' with ID " << packageId); return false; } // There can be multiple packages in a table, so // clear the type and key pool in case they were set from a previous package. mTypePool.uninit(); mKeyPool.uninit(); ResChunkPullParser parser(getChunkData(&packageHeader->header), getChunkDataLen(&packageHeader->header)); while (ResChunkPullParser::isGoodEvent(parser.next())) { switch (util::deviceToHost16(parser.getChunk()->type)) { case android::RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE: if (mTypePool.getError() == NO_INIT) { status_t err = mTypePool.setTo(parser.getChunk(), util::deviceToHost32(parser.getChunk()->size)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt type string pool in " << "ResTable_package: " << mTypePool.getError()); return false; } } else if (mKeyPool.getError() == NO_INIT) { status_t err = mKeyPool.setTo(parser.getChunk(), util::deviceToHost32(parser.getChunk()->size)); if (err != NO_ERROR) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt key string pool in " << "ResTable_package: " << mKeyPool.getError()); return false; } } else { mContext->getDiagnostics()->warn(DiagMessage(mSource) << "unexpected string pool"); } break; case android::RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE: if (!parseTypeSpec(parser.getChunk())) { return false; } break; case android::RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE: if (!parseType(package, parser.getChunk())) { return false; } break; default: mContext->getDiagnostics() ->warn(DiagMessage(mSource) << "unexpected chunk type " << (int) util::deviceToHost16(parser.getChunk()->type)); break; } } if (parser.getEvent() == ResChunkPullParser::Event::BadDocument) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt ResTable_package: " << parser.getLastError()); return false; } // Now go through the table and change local resource ID references to // symbolic references. ReferenceIdToNameVisitor visitor(&mIdIndex); visitAllValuesInTable(mTable, &visitor); return true; } bool BinaryResourceParser::parseTypeSpec(const ResChunk_header* chunk) { if (mTypePool.getError() != NO_ERROR) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "missing type string pool"); return false; } const ResTable_typeSpec* typeSpec = convertTo
(chunk); if (!typeSpec) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt ResTable_typeSpec chunk"); return false; } if (typeSpec->id == 0) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "ResTable_typeSpec has invalid id: " << typeSpec->id); return false; } return true; } bool BinaryResourceParser::parseType(const ResourceTablePackage* package, const ResChunk_header* chunk) { if (mTypePool.getError() != NO_ERROR) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "missing type string pool"); return false; } if (mKeyPool.getError() != NO_ERROR) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "missing key string pool"); return false; } const ResTable_type* type = convertTo
(chunk); if (!type) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "corrupt ResTable_type chunk"); return false; } if (type->id == 0) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "ResTable_type has invalid id: " << (int) type->id); return false; } ConfigDescription config; config.copyFromDtoH(type->config); StringPiece16 typeStr16 = util::getString(mTypePool, type->id - 1); const ResourceType* parsedType = parseResourceType(typeStr16); if (!parsedType) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "invalid type name '" << typeStr16 << "' for type with ID " << (int) type->id); return false; } TypeVariant tv(type); for (auto it = tv.beginEntries(); it != tv.endEntries(); ++it) { const ResTable_entry* entry = *it; if (!entry) { continue; } const ResourceName name(package->name, *parsedType, util::getString(mKeyPool, util::deviceToHost32(entry->key.index)).toString()); const ResourceId resId(package->id.value(), type->id, static_cast
(it.index())); std::unique_ptr
resourceValue; if (entry->flags & ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX) { const ResTable_map_entry* mapEntry = static_cast
(entry); // TODO(adamlesinski): Check that the entry count is valid. resourceValue = parseMapEntry(name, config, mapEntry); } else { const Res_value* value = (const Res_value*)( (const uint8_t*) entry + util::deviceToHost32(entry->size)); resourceValue = parseValue(name, config, value, entry->flags); } if (!resourceValue) { mContext->getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(mSource) << "failed to parse value for resource " << name << " (" << resId << ") with configuration '" << config << "'"); return false; } if (!mTable->addResourceAllowMangled(name, config, {}, std::move(resourceValue), mContext->getDiagnostics())) { return false; } if ((entry->flags & ResTable_entry::FLAG_PUBLIC) != 0) { Symbol symbol; symbol.state = SymbolState::kPublic; symbol.source = mSource.withLine(0); if (!mTable->setSymbolStateAllowMangled(name, resId, symbol, mContext->getDiagnostics())) { return false; } } // Add this resource name->id mapping to the index so // that we can resolve all ID references to name references. auto cacheIter = mIdIndex.find(resId); if (cacheIter == mIdIndex.end()) { mIdIndex.insert({ resId, name }); } } return true; } std::unique_ptr
BinaryResourceParser::parseValue(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ConfigDescription& config, const Res_value* value, uint16_t flags) { if (name.type == ResourceType::kId) { return util::make_unique
(); } const uint32_t data = util::deviceToHost32(value->data); if (value->dataType == Res_value::TYPE_STRING) { StringPiece16 str = util::getString(mValuePool, data); const ResStringPool_span* spans = mValuePool.styleAt(data); // Check if the string has a valid style associated with it. if (spans != nullptr && spans->name.index != ResStringPool_span::END) { StyleString styleStr = { str.toString() }; while (spans->name.index != ResStringPool_span::END) { styleStr.spans.push_back(Span{ util::getString(mValuePool, spans->name.index).toString(), spans->firstChar, spans->lastChar }); spans++; } return util::make_unique
(mTable->stringPool.makeRef( styleStr, StringPool::Context{1, config})); } else { if (name.type != ResourceType::kString && util::stringStartsWith
(str, u"res/")) { // This must be a FileReference. return util::make_unique
(mTable->stringPool.makeRef( str, StringPool::Context{ 0, config })); } // There are no styles associated with this string, so treat it as // a simple string. return util::make_unique
(mTable->stringPool.makeRef( str, StringPool::Context{1, config})); } } if (value->dataType == Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE || value->dataType == Res_value::TYPE_ATTRIBUTE) { const Reference::Type type = (value->dataType == Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE) ? Reference::Type::kResource : Reference::Type::kAttribute; if (data == 0) { // A reference of 0, must be the magic @null reference. Res_value nullType = {}; nullType.dataType = Res_value::TYPE_REFERENCE; return util::make_unique
(nullType); } // This is a normal reference. return util::make_unique
(data, type); } // Treat this as a raw binary primitive. return util::make_unique
(*value); } std::unique_ptr
BinaryResourceParser::parseMapEntry(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ConfigDescription& config, const ResTable_map_entry* map) { switch (name.type) { case ResourceType::kStyle: return parseStyle(name, config, map); case ResourceType::kAttrPrivate: // fallthrough case ResourceType::kAttr: return parseAttr(name, config, map); case ResourceType::kArray: return parseArray(name, config, map); case ResourceType::kPlurals: return parsePlural(name, config, map); default: assert(false && "unknown map type"); break; } return {}; } std::unique_ptr