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 ** Copyright 2016, The Android Open Source Project
 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ** limitations under the License.

#include <algorithm>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <random>
#include <regex>
#include <selinux/android.h>
#include <selinux/avc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/capability.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/macros.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <cutils/fs.h>
#include <cutils/log.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>

#include <commands.h>
#include <file_parsing.h>
#include <globals.h>
#include <installd_deps.h>  // Need to fill in requirements of commands.
#include <string_helpers.h>
#include <system_properties.h>
#include <utils.h>

#ifndef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "otapreopt"

#define BUFFER_MAX    1024  /* input buffer for commands */
#define TOKEN_MAX     16    /* max number of arguments in buffer */
#define REPLY_MAX     256   /* largest reply allowed */

using android::base::StringPrintf;

namespace android {
namespace installd {

static constexpr const char* kBootClassPathPropertyName = "BOOTCLASSPATH";
static constexpr const char* kAndroidRootPathPropertyName = "ANDROID_ROOT";
static constexpr const char* kOTARootDirectory = "/system-b";
static constexpr size_t kISAIndex = 3;

template<typename T>
static constexpr T RoundDown(T x, typename std::decay<T>::type n) {
    return DCHECK_CONSTEXPR(IsPowerOfTwo(n), , T(0))(x & -n);

template<typename T>
static constexpr T RoundUp(T x, typename std::remove_reference<T>::type n) {
    return RoundDown(x + n - 1, n);

class OTAPreoptService {
    static constexpr const char* kOTADataDirectory = "/data/ota";

    // Main driver. Performs the following steps.
    // 1) Parse options (read system properties etc from B partition).
    // 2) Read in package data.
    // 3) Prepare environment variables.
    // 4) Prepare(compile) boot image, if necessary.
    // 5) Run update.
    int Main(int argc, char** argv) {
        if (!ReadSystemProperties()) {
            LOG(ERROR)<< "Failed reading system properties.";
            return 1;

        if (!ReadEnvironment()) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed reading environment properties.";
            return 2;

        if (!ReadPackage(argc, argv)) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed reading command line file.";
            return 3;


        if (!PrepareBootImage()) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed preparing boot image.";
            return 4;

        int dexopt_retcode = RunPreopt();

        return dexopt_retcode;

    int GetProperty(const char* key, char* value, const char* default_value) {
        const std::string* prop_value = system_properties_.GetProperty(key);
        if (prop_value == nullptr) {
            if (default_value == nullptr) {
                return 0;
            // Copy in the default value.
            strncpy(value, default_value, kPropertyValueMax - 1);
            value[kPropertyValueMax - 1] = 0;
            return strlen(default_value);// TODO: Need to truncate?
        size_t size = std::min(kPropertyValueMax - 1, prop_value->length());
        strncpy(value, prop_value->data(), size);
        value[size] = 0;
        return static_cast<int>(size);

    bool ReadSystemProperties() {
        static constexpr const char* kPropertyFiles[] = {
                "/default.prop", "/system/build.prop"

        for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kPropertyFiles); ++i) {
            if (!system_properties_.Load(kPropertyFiles[i])) {
                return false;

        return true;

    bool ReadEnvironment() {
        // Parse the environment variables from init.environ.rc, which have the form
        //   export NAME VALUE
        // For simplicity, don't respect string quotation. The values we are interested in can be
        // encoded without them.
        std::regex export_regex("\\s*export\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)");
        bool parse_result = ParseFile("/init.environ.rc", [&](const std::string& line) {
            std::smatch export_match;
            if (!std::regex_match(line, export_match, export_regex)) {
                return true;

            if (export_match.size() != 3) {
                return true;

            std::string name = export_match[1].str();
            std::string value = export_match[2].str();

            system_properties_.SetProperty(name, value);

            return true;
        if (!parse_result) {
            return false;

        // Check that we found important properties.
        constexpr const char* kRequiredProperties[] = {
                kBootClassPathPropertyName, kAndroidRootPathPropertyName
        for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kRequiredProperties); ++i) {
            if (system_properties_.GetProperty(kRequiredProperties[i]) == nullptr) {
                return false;

        return true;

    bool ReadPackage(int argc ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, char** argv) {
        size_t index = 0;
        while (index < ARRAY_SIZE(package_parameters_) &&
                argv[index + 1] != nullptr) {
            package_parameters_[index] = argv[index + 1];
        if (index != ARRAY_SIZE(package_parameters_)) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong number of parameters";
            return false;

        return true;

    void PrepareEnvironment() {
        CHECK(system_properties_.GetProperty(kBootClassPathPropertyName) != nullptr);
        const std::string& boot_cp =
        environ_.push_back(StringPrintf("BOOTCLASSPATH=%s", boot_cp.c_str()));
        environ_.push_back(StringPrintf("ANDROID_DATA=%s", kOTADataDirectory));
        CHECK(system_properties_.GetProperty(kAndroidRootPathPropertyName) != nullptr);
        const std::string& android_root =
        environ_.push_back(StringPrintf("ANDROID_ROOT=%s", android_root.c_str()));

        for (const std::string& e : environ_) {

    // Ensure that we have the right boot image. The first time any app is
    // compiled, we'll try to generate it.
    bool PrepareBootImage() {
        if (package_parameters_[kISAIndex] == nullptr) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Instruction set missing.";
            return false;
        const char* isa = package_parameters_[kISAIndex];

        // Check whether the file exists where expected.
        std::string dalvik_cache = std::string(kOTADataDirectory) + "/" + DALVIK_CACHE;
        std::string isa_path = dalvik_cache + "/" + isa;
        std::string art_path = isa_path + "/system@framework@boot.art";
        std::string oat_path = isa_path + "/system@framework@boot.oat";
        if (access(art_path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0 &&
                access(oat_path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) {
            // Files exist, assume everything is alright.
            return true;

        // Create the directories, if necessary.
        if (access(dalvik_cache.c_str(), F_OK) != 0) {
            if (mkdir(dalvik_cache.c_str(), 0711) != 0) {
                PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create dalvik-cache dir";
                return false;
        if (access(isa_path.c_str(), F_OK) != 0) {
            if (mkdir(isa_path.c_str(), 0711) != 0) {
                PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create dalvik-cache isa dir";
                return false;

        // Prepare to create.
        // TODO: Delete files, just for a blank slate.
        const std::string& boot_cp = *system_properties_.GetProperty(kBootClassPathPropertyName);

        std::string preopted_boot_art_path = StringPrintf("/system/framework/%s/boot.art", isa);
        if (access(preopted_boot_art_path.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) {
          return PatchoatBootImage(art_path, isa);
        } else {
          // No preopted boot image. Try to compile.
          return Dex2oatBootImage(boot_cp, art_path, oat_path, isa);

    bool PatchoatBootImage(const std::string& art_path, const char* isa) {
        // This needs to be kept in sync with ART, see art/runtime/gc/space/image_space.cc.

        std::vector<std::string> cmd;

        cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--output-image-file=%s", art_path.c_str()));

        cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--instruction-set=%s", isa));

        int32_t base_offset = ChooseRelocationOffsetDelta(ART_BASE_ADDRESS_MIN_DELTA,
        cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--base-offset-delta=%d", base_offset));

        std::string error_msg;
        bool result = Exec(cmd, &error_msg);
        if (!result) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Could not generate boot image: " << error_msg;
        return result;

    bool Dex2oatBootImage(const std::string& boot_cp,
                          const std::string& art_path,
                          const std::string& oat_path,
                          const char* isa) {
        // This needs to be kept in sync with ART, see art/runtime/gc/space/image_space.cc.
        std::vector<std::string> cmd;
        cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--image=%s", art_path.c_str()));
        for (const std::string& boot_part : Split(boot_cp, ':')) {
            cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--dex-file=%s", boot_part.c_str()));
        cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--oat-file=%s", oat_path.c_str()));

        int32_t base_offset = ChooseRelocationOffsetDelta(ART_BASE_ADDRESS_MIN_DELTA,
        cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--base=0x%x", ART_BASE_ADDRESS + base_offset));

        cmd.push_back(StringPrintf("--instruction-set=%s", isa));

        // These things are pushed by AndroidRuntime, see frameworks/base/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp.
        // TODO: Compiled-classes.
        const std::string* extra_opts =
        if (extra_opts != nullptr) {
            std::vector<std::string> extra_vals = Split(*extra_opts, ' ');
            cmd.insert(cmd.end(), extra_vals.begin(), extra_vals.end());
        // TODO: Should we lower this? It's usually set close to max, because
        //       normally there's not much else going on at boot.
                StringPrintf("dalvik.vm.isa.%s.variant", isa).c_str(),
                StringPrintf("dalvik.vm.isa.%s.features", isa).c_str(),

        std::string error_msg;
        bool result = Exec(cmd, &error_msg);
        if (!result) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Could not generate boot image: " << error_msg;
        return result;

    static const char* ParseNull(const char* arg) {
        return (strcmp(arg, "!") == 0) ? nullptr : arg;

    int RunPreopt() {
        int ret = dexopt(package_parameters_[0],          // apk_path
                atoi(package_parameters_[1]),             // uid
                package_parameters_[2],                   // pkgname
                package_parameters_[3],                   // instruction_set
                atoi(package_parameters_[4]),             // dexopt_needed
                package_parameters_[5],                   // oat_dir
                atoi(package_parameters_[6]),             // dexopt_flags
                package_parameters_[7],                   // compiler_filter
                ParseNull(package_parameters_[8]),        // volume_uuid
                ParseNull(package_parameters_[9]));       // shared_libraries
        return ret;

    // Helpers, mostly taken from ART //

    // Wrapper on fork/execv to run a command in a subprocess.
    bool Exec(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector, std::string* error_msg) {
        const std::string command_line(Join(arg_vector, ' '));

        CHECK_GE(arg_vector.size(), 1U) << command_line;

        // Convert the args to char pointers.
        const char* program = arg_vector[0].c_str();
        std::vector<char*> args;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < arg_vector.size(); ++i) {
            const std::string& arg = arg_vector[i];
            char* arg_str = const_cast<char*>(arg.c_str());
            CHECK(arg_str != nullptr) << i;

        // Fork and exec.
        pid_t pid = fork();
        if (pid == 0) {
            // No allocation allowed between fork and exec.

            // Change process groups, so we don't get reaped by ProcessManager.
            setpgid(0, 0);

            execv(program, &args[0]);

            PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to execv(" << command_line << ")";
            // _exit to avoid atexit handlers in child.
        } else {
            if (pid == -1) {
                *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to execv(%s) because fork failed: %s",
                        command_line.c_str(), strerror(errno));
                return false;

            // wait for subprocess to finish
            int status;
            pid_t got_pid = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(pid, &status, 0));
            if (got_pid != pid) {
                *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed after fork for execv(%s) because waitpid failed: "
                        "wanted %d, got %d: %s",
                        command_line.c_str(), pid, got_pid, strerror(errno));
                return false;
            if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
                *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed execv(%s) because non-0 exit status",
                return false;
        return true;

    // Choose a random relocation offset. Taken from art/runtime/gc/image_space.cc.
    static int32_t ChooseRelocationOffsetDelta(int32_t min_delta, int32_t max_delta) {
        constexpr size_t kPageSize = PAGE_SIZE;
        CHECK_EQ(min_delta % kPageSize, 0u);
        CHECK_EQ(max_delta % kPageSize, 0u);
        CHECK_LT(min_delta, max_delta);

        std::default_random_engine generator;
        std::uniform_int_distribution<int32_t> distribution(min_delta, max_delta);
        int32_t r = distribution(generator);
        if (r % 2 == 0) {
            r = RoundUp(r, kPageSize);
        } else {
            r = RoundDown(r, kPageSize);
        CHECK_LE(min_delta, r);
        CHECK_GE(max_delta, r);
        CHECK_EQ(r % kPageSize, 0u);
        return r;

    static uint64_t GetSeed() {
#ifdef __BIONIC__
        // Bionic exposes arc4random, use it.
        uint64_t random_data;
        arc4random_buf(&random_data, sizeof(random_data));
        return random_data;
#error "This is only supposed to run with bionic. Otherwise, implement..."

    void AddCompilerOptionFromSystemProperty(const char* system_property,
            const char* prefix,
            bool runtime,
            std::vector<std::string>& out) {
        const std::string* value =
        if (value != nullptr) {
            if (runtime) {
            if (prefix != nullptr) {
                out.push_back(StringPrintf("%s%s", prefix, value->c_str()));
            } else {

    // Stores the system properties read out of the B partition. We need to use these properties
    // to compile, instead of the A properties we could get from init/get_property.
    SystemProperties system_properties_;

    const char* package_parameters_[10];

    // Store environment values we need to set.
    std::vector<std::string> environ_;

OTAPreoptService gOps;

// Plug-in functions. //

int get_property(const char *key, char *value, const char *default_value) {
    // TODO: Replace with system-properties map.
    return gOps.GetProperty(key, value, default_value);

// Compute the output path of
bool calculate_oat_file_path(char path[PKG_PATH_MAX], const char *oat_dir,
                             const char *apk_path,
                             const char *instruction_set) {
    // TODO: Insert B directory.
    char *file_name_start;
    char *file_name_end;

    file_name_start = strrchr(apk_path, '/');
    if (file_name_start == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("apk_path '%s' has no '/'s in it\n", apk_path);
        return false;
    file_name_end = strrchr(file_name_start, '.');
    if (file_name_end == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("apk_path '%s' has no extension\n", apk_path);
        return false;

    // Calculate file_name
    file_name_start++;  // Move past '/', is valid as file_name_end is valid.
    size_t file_name_len = file_name_end - file_name_start;
    std::string file_name(file_name_start, file_name_len);

    // <apk_parent_dir>/oat/<isa>/<file_name>.odex.b
    snprintf(path, PKG_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/%s.odex.b", oat_dir, instruction_set,
    return true;

 * Computes the odex file for the given apk_path and instruction_set.
 * /system/framework/whatever.jar -> /system/framework/oat/<isa>/whatever.odex
 * Returns false if it failed to determine the odex file path.
bool calculate_odex_file_path(char path[PKG_PATH_MAX], const char *apk_path,
                              const char *instruction_set) {
    if (StringPrintf("%soat/%s/odex.b", apk_path, instruction_set).length() + 1 > PKG_PATH_MAX) {
        ALOGE("apk_path '%s' may be too long to form odex file path.\n", apk_path);
        return false;

    const char *path_end = strrchr(apk_path, '/');
    if (path_end == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("apk_path '%s' has no '/'s in it?!\n", apk_path);
        return false;
    std::string path_component(apk_path, path_end - apk_path);

    const char *name_begin = path_end + 1;
    const char *extension_start = strrchr(name_begin, '.');
    if (extension_start == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("apk_path '%s' has no extension.\n", apk_path);
        return false;
    std::string name_component(name_begin, extension_start - name_begin);

    std::string new_path = StringPrintf("%s/oat/%s/%s.odex.b",
    CHECK_LT(new_path.length(), PKG_PATH_MAX);
    strcpy(path, new_path.c_str());
    return true;

bool create_cache_path(char path[PKG_PATH_MAX],
                       const char *src,
                       const char *instruction_set) {
    size_t srclen = strlen(src);

        /* demand that we are an absolute path */
    if ((src == 0) || (src[0] != '/') || strstr(src,"..")) {
        return false;

    if (srclen > PKG_PATH_MAX) {        // XXX: PKG_NAME_MAX?
        return false;

    std::string from_src = std::string(src + 1);
    std::replace(from_src.begin(), from_src.end(), '/', '@');

    std::string assembled_path = StringPrintf("%s/%s/%s/%s%s",

    if (assembled_path.length() + 1 > PKG_PATH_MAX) {
        return false;
    strcpy(path, assembled_path.c_str());

    return true;

bool initialize_globals() {
    const char* data_path = getenv("ANDROID_DATA");
    if (data_path == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("Could not find ANDROID_DATA");
        return false;
    return init_globals_from_data_and_root(data_path, kOTARootDirectory);

static bool initialize_directories() {
    // This is different from the normal installd. We only do the base
    // directory, the rest will be created on demand when each app is compiled.
    mode_t old_umask = umask(0);
    LOG(INFO) << "Old umask: " << old_umask;
    if (access(OTAPreoptService::kOTADataDirectory, R_OK) < 0) {
        ALOGE("Could not access %s\n", OTAPreoptService::kOTADataDirectory);
        return false;
    return true;

static int log_callback(int type, const char *fmt, ...) {
    va_list ap;
    int priority;

    switch (type) {
        case SELINUX_WARNING:
            priority = ANDROID_LOG_WARN;
        case SELINUX_INFO:
            priority = ANDROID_LOG_INFO;
            priority = ANDROID_LOG_ERROR;
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    LOG_PRI_VA(priority, "SELinux", fmt, ap);
    return 0;

static int otapreopt_main(const int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int selinux_enabled = (is_selinux_enabled() > 0);

    setenv("ANDROID_LOG_TAGS", "*:v", 1);

    ALOGI("otapreopt firing up\n");

    if (argc < 2) {
        ALOGE("Expecting parameters");

    union selinux_callback cb;
    cb.func_log = log_callback;
    selinux_set_callback(SELINUX_CB_LOG, cb);

    if (!initialize_globals()) {
        ALOGE("Could not initialize globals; exiting.\n");

    if (!initialize_directories()) {
        ALOGE("Could not create directories; exiting.\n");

    if (selinux_enabled && selinux_status_open(true) < 0) {
        ALOGE("Could not open selinux status; exiting.\n");

    int ret = android::installd::gOps.Main(argc, argv);

    return ret;

}  // namespace installd
}  // namespace android

int main(const int argc, char *argv[]) {
    return android::installd::otapreopt_main(argc, argv);