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 *  Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>

typedef enum {
} device_type_t;

// Record a pairing event at Unix epoch time |timestamp_ms|
// |device_class| and |device_type| denote the type of device paired.
// |disconnect_reason| is the HCI reason for pairing disconnection,
// see stack/include/hcidefs.h
void metrics_pair_event(uint32_t disconnect_reason, uint64_t timestamp_ms,
                        uint32_t device_class, device_type_t device_type);

typedef enum {
} wake_event_type_t;

// Record a wake event at Unix epoch time |timestamp_ms|.
// |type| specifies whether it was acquired or relased,
// |requestor| if provided is the service requesting the wake lock.
// |name| is the name of the wake lock held.
void metrics_wake_event(wake_event_type_t type, const char *requestor,
                        const char *name, uint64_t timestamp_ms);

typedef enum {
} scan_tech_t;

// Record a scan event at Unix epoch time |timestamp_ms|.
// |start| is true if this is the beginning of the scan.
// |initiator| is a unique ID identifying the app starting the scan.
// |type| is whether the scan reports BR/EDR, LE, or both.
// |results| is the number of results to be reported.
void metrics_scan_event(bool start, const char *initator, scan_tech_t type,
                        uint32_t results, uint64_t timestamp_ms);

// Record A2DP session information.
// |session_duration_sec| is the session duration (in seconds).
// |device_class| is the device class of the paired device.
// |media_timer_min_ms| is the minimum scheduled time (in milliseconds)
// of the media timer.
// |media_timer_max_ms| is the maximum scheduled time (in milliseconds)
// of the media timer.
// |media_timer_avg_ms| is the average scheduled time (in milliseconds)
// of the media timer.
// |buffer_overruns_max_count| - TODO - not clear what this is.
// |buffer_overruns_total| is the number of times the media buffer with
// audio data has overrun.
// |buffer_underruns_average| - TODO - not clear what this is.
// |buffer_underruns_count| is the number of times there was no enough
// audio data to add to the media buffer.
void metrics_a2dp_session(int64_t session_duration_sec,
                          const char *disconnect_reason,
                          uint32_t device_class,
                          int32_t media_timer_min_ms,
                          int32_t media_timer_max_ms,
                          int32_t media_timer_avg_ms,
                          int32_t buffer_overruns_max_count,
                          int32_t buffer_overruns_total,
                          float buffer_underruns_average,
                          int32_t buffer_underruns_count);

// Writes the metrics, in packed protobuf format, into the descriptor |fd|.
// If |clear| is true, metrics events are cleared afterwards.
void metrics_write(int fd, bool clear);

// Writes the metrics, in human-readable protobuf format, into the descriptor
// |fd|. If |clear| is true, metrics events are cleared afterwards.
void metrics_print(int fd, bool clear);