// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/net/ip_address.h"
#include "shill/property_store.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/routing_table_entry.h"
namespace shill {
class ControlInterface;
class Error;
class IPConfigAdaptorInterface;
class StaticIPParameters;
class Time;
// IPConfig superclass. Individual IP configuration types will inherit from this
// class.
class IPConfig : public base::RefCounted<IPConfig> {
struct Route {
std::string host;
std::string netmask;
std::string gateway;
struct Properties {
Properties() : address_family(IPAddress::kFamilyUnknown),
lease_duration_seconds(0) {}
IPAddress::Family address_family;
std::string address;
int32_t subnet_prefix;
std::string broadcast_address;
std::vector<std::string> dns_servers;
std::string domain_name;
std::string accepted_hostname;
std::vector<std::string> domain_search;
std::string gateway;
std::string method;
std::string peer_address;
// IPv6 prefix delegated from a DHCPv6 server.
std::string delegated_prefix;
int32_t delegated_prefix_length;
// Set the flag when a secondary routing table should be used for less
// privileged user traffic which alone would be sent to the VPN client. A
// primary routing table will be used for traffic from privileged processes
// which will bypass VPN.
bool user_traffic_only;
// Set the flag to true when the interface should be set as the default
// route.
bool default_route;
// A list of IP blocks in CIDR format that should be excluded from VPN.
std::vector<std::string> exclusion_list;
bool blackhole_ipv6;
int32_t mtu;
std::vector<Route> routes;
// Vendor encapsulated option string gained from DHCP.
ByteArray vendor_encapsulated_options;
// Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) URL gained from DHCP.
std::string web_proxy_auto_discovery;
// Length of time the lease was granted.
uint32_t lease_duration_seconds;
enum Method {
enum ReleaseReason {
typedef base::Callback<void(const IPConfigRefPtr&, bool)> UpdateCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(const IPConfigRefPtr&)> Callback;
// Define a default and a minimum viable MTU value.
static const int kDefaultMTU;
static const int kMinIPv4MTU;
static const int kMinIPv6MTU;
static const int kUndefinedMTU;
IPConfig(ControlInterface* control_interface, const std::string& device_name);
IPConfig(ControlInterface* control_interface,
const std::string& device_name,
const std::string& type);
virtual ~IPConfig();
const std::string& device_name() const { return device_name_; }
const std::string& type() const { return type_; }
uint serial() const { return serial_; }
std::string GetRpcIdentifier();
// Registers a callback that's executed every time the configuration
// properties are acquired. Takes ownership of |callback|. Pass NULL
// to remove a callback. The callback's first argument is a pointer to this IP
// configuration instance allowing clients to more easily manage multiple IP
// configurations. The callback's second argument is a boolean indicating
// whether or not a DHCP lease was acquired from the server.
void RegisterUpdateCallback(const UpdateCallback& callback);
// Registers a callback that's executed every time the configuration
// properties fail to be acquired. Takes ownership of |callback|. Pass NULL
// to remove a callback. The callback's argument is a pointer to this IP
// configuration instance allowing clients to more easily manage multiple IP
// configurations.
void RegisterFailureCallback(const Callback& callback);
// Registers a callback that's executed every time the Refresh method
// on the ipconfig is called. Takes ownership of |callback|. Pass NULL
// to remove a callback. The callback's argument is a pointer to this IP
// configuration instance allowing clients to more easily manage multiple IP
// configurations.
void RegisterRefreshCallback(const Callback& callback);
// Registers a callback that's executed every time the the lease exipres
// and the IPConfig is about to perform a restart to attempt to regain it.
// Takes ownership of |callback|. Pass NULL to remove a callback. The
// callback's argument is a pointer to this IP configuration instance
// allowing clients to more easily manage multiple IP configurations.
void RegisterExpireCallback(const Callback& callback);
void set_properties(const Properties& props) { properties_ = props; }
virtual const Properties& properties() const { return properties_; }
// Update DNS servers setting for this ipconfig, this allows Chrome
// to retrieve the new DNS servers.
virtual void UpdateDNSServers(const std::vector<std::string>& dns_servers);
// Reset the IPConfig properties to their default values.
virtual void ResetProperties();
// Request, renew and release IP configuration. Return true on success, false
// otherwise. The default implementation always returns false indicating a
// failure. ReleaseIP is advisory: if we are no longer connected, it is not
// possible to properly vacate the lease on the remote server. Also,
// depending on the configuration of the specific IPConfig subclass, we may
// end up holding on to the lease so we can resume to the network lease
// faster.
virtual bool RequestIP();
virtual bool RenewIP();
virtual bool ReleaseIP(ReleaseReason reason);
// Refresh IP configuration. Called by the DBus Adaptor "Refresh" call.
void Refresh(Error* error);
PropertyStore* mutable_store() { return &store_; }
const PropertyStore& store() const { return store_; }
void ApplyStaticIPParameters(StaticIPParameters* static_ip_parameters);
// Restore the fields of |properties_| to their original values before
// static IP parameters were previously applied.
void RestoreSavedIPParameters(StaticIPParameters* static_ip_parameters);
// Updates |current_lease_expiration_time_| by adding |new_lease_duration| to
// the current time.
virtual void UpdateLeaseExpirationTime(uint32_t new_lease_duration);
// Resets |current_lease_expiration_time_| to its default value.
virtual void ResetLeaseExpirationTime();
// Returns the time left (in seconds) till the current DHCP lease is to be
// renewed in |time_left|. Returns false if an error occurs (i.e. current
// lease has already expired or no current DHCP lease), true otherwise.
bool TimeToLeaseExpiry(uint32_t* time_left);
// Inform RPC listeners of changes to our properties. MAY emit
// changes even on unchanged properties.
virtual void EmitChanges();
// Updates the IP configuration properties and notifies registered listeners
// about the event.
virtual void UpdateProperties(const Properties& properties,
bool new_lease_acquired);
// Notifies registered listeners that the configuration process has failed.
virtual void NotifyFailure();
// Notifies registered listeners that the lease has expired.
virtual void NotifyExpiry();
friend class IPConfigAdaptorInterface;
friend class IPConfigTest;
friend class ConnectionTest;
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, AcquireIPConfigWithoutSelectedService);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, AcquireIPConfigWithSelectedService);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, DestroyIPConfig);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, IsConnectedViaTether);
FRIEND_TEST(DeviceTest, OnIPConfigExpired);
FRIEND_TEST(IPConfigTest, UpdateCallback);
FRIEND_TEST(IPConfigTest, UpdateProperties);
FRIEND_TEST(IPConfigTest, UpdateLeaseExpirationTime);
FRIEND_TEST(IPConfigTest, TimeToLeaseExpiry_NoDHCPLease);
FRIEND_TEST(IPConfigTest, TimeToLeaseExpiry_CurrentLeaseExpired);
FRIEND_TEST(IPConfigTest, TimeToLeaseExpiry_Success);
FRIEND_TEST(ResolverTest, Empty);
FRIEND_TEST(ResolverTest, NonEmpty);
FRIEND_TEST(RoutingTableTest, ConfigureRoutes);
FRIEND_TEST(RoutingTableTest, RouteAddDelete);
FRIEND_TEST(RoutingTableTest, RouteDeleteForeign);
static const char kType[];
void Init();
static uint global_serial_;
PropertyStore store_;
const std::string device_name_;
const std::string type_;
const uint serial_;
std::unique_ptr<IPConfigAdaptorInterface> adaptor_;
Properties properties_;
UpdateCallback update_callback_;
Callback failure_callback_;
Callback refresh_callback_;
Callback expire_callback_;
struct timeval current_lease_expiration_time_;
Time* time_;
} // namespace shill