C++程序  |  42行  |  715 B

int unused_var = 7;
int used_var = 7;

unused_func (int v)
  return 3 * unused_var;

used_func (int v)
  return 2 * used_var;

main (void)
  return used_func (5);

dummy_func (void)
  /* These are here in case the target prepends an underscore to
     the start of function names.  They are inside a dummy function
     so that they will appear at the end of gcc's assembler output,
     after the definitions of main() and used_func(), rather than
     at the beginning of the file.  */

  __asm__(".ifndef main\n\
.global main\n\
.set main, _main\n\

  __asm__(".ifndef used_func\n\
.global used_func\n\
.set used_func, _used_func\n\