/* Copyright (c) 2015, The Linux Foundataion. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <linux/media.h> #include <media/msmb_camera.h> #include <media/msm_cam_sensor.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #include "HAL3/QCamera3HWI.h" #include "QCameraFlash.h" #define STRING_LENGTH_OF_64_BIT_NUMBER 21 volatile uint32_t gCamHal3LogLevel = 1; namespace qcamera { /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : getInstance * * DESCRIPTION: Get and create the QCameraFlash singleton. * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraFlash& QCameraFlash::getInstance() { static QCameraFlash flashInstance; return flashInstance; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : QCameraFlash * * DESCRIPTION: default constructor of QCameraFlash * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraFlash::QCameraFlash() : m_callbacks(NULL) { memset(&m_flashOn, 0, sizeof(m_flashOn)); memset(&m_cameraOpen, 0, sizeof(m_cameraOpen)); for (int pos = 0; pos < MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS; pos++) { m_flashFds[pos] = -1; } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : ~QCameraFlash * * DESCRIPTION: deconstructor of QCameraFlash * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ QCameraFlash::~QCameraFlash() { for (int pos = 0; pos < MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS; pos++) { if (m_flashFds[pos] >= 0) { setFlashMode(pos, false); close(m_flashFds[pos]); m_flashFds[pos] = -1; } } } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : registerCallbacks * * DESCRIPTION: provide flash module with reference to callbacks to framework * * PARAMETERS : None * * RETURN : None *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraFlash::registerCallbacks( const camera_module_callbacks_t* callbacks) { int32_t retVal = 0; m_callbacks = callbacks; return retVal; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : initFlash * * DESCRIPTION: Reserve and initialize the flash unit associated with a * given camera id. This function is blocking until the * operation completes or fails. Each flash unit can be "inited" * by only one process at a time. * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : Camera id of the flash. * * RETURN : * 0 : success * -EBUSY : The flash unit or the resource needed to turn on the * the flash is busy, typically because the flash is * already in use. * -EINVAL : No flash present at camera_id. *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraFlash::initFlash(const int camera_id) { int32_t retVal = 0; bool hasFlash = false; char flashNode[QCAMERA_MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH]; char flashPath[QCAMERA_MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH] = "/dev/"; if (camera_id < 0 || camera_id >= MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); return -EINVAL; } QCamera3HardwareInterface::getFlashInfo(camera_id, hasFlash, flashNode); strlcat(flashPath, flashNode, sizeof(flashPath)); if (!hasFlash) { ALOGE("%s: No flash available for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); retVal = -EINVAL; } else if (m_cameraOpen[camera_id]) { ALOGE("%s: Camera in use for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); retVal = -EBUSY; } else if (m_flashFds[camera_id] >= 0) { CDBG("%s: Flash is already inited for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); } else { m_flashFds[camera_id] = open(flashPath, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (m_flashFds[camera_id] < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to open node '%s'", __func__, flashPath); retVal = -EBUSY; } else { struct msm_camera_led_cfg_t cfg; cfg.cfgtype = MSM_CAMERA_LED_INIT; retVal = ioctl(m_flashFds[camera_id], VIDIOC_MSM_FLASH_LED_DATA_CFG, &cfg); if (retVal < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to init flash for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); close(m_flashFds[camera_id]); m_flashFds[camera_id] = -1; } } } return retVal; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : setFlashMode * * DESCRIPTION: Turn on or off the flash associated with a given handle. * This function is blocking until the operation completes or * fails. * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : Camera id of the flash * @on : Whether to turn flash on (true) or off (false) * * RETURN : * 0 : success * -EINVAL : No camera present at camera_id, or it is not inited. * -EALREADY: Flash is already in requested state *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraFlash::setFlashMode(const int camera_id, const bool mode) { int32_t retVal = 0; struct msm_camera_led_cfg_t cfg; if (camera_id < 0 || camera_id >= MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); retVal = -EINVAL; } else if (mode == m_flashOn[camera_id]) { CDBG("%s: flash %d is already in requested state: %d", __func__, camera_id, mode); retVal = -EALREADY; } else if (m_flashFds[camera_id] < 0) { ALOGE("%s: called for uninited flash: %d", __func__, camera_id); retVal = -EINVAL; } else { cfg.cfgtype = mode ? MSM_CAMERA_LED_LOW : MSM_CAMERA_LED_OFF; retVal = ioctl(m_flashFds[camera_id], VIDIOC_MSM_FLASH_LED_DATA_CFG, &cfg); if (retVal == 0) { m_flashOn[camera_id] = mode; } } return retVal; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : deinitFlash * * DESCRIPTION: Release the flash unit associated with a given camera * position. This function is blocking until the operation * completes or fails. * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : Camera id of the flash. * * RETURN : * 0 : success * -EINVAL : No camera present at camera_id or not inited. *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraFlash::deinitFlash(const int camera_id) { int32_t retVal = 0; if (camera_id < 0 || camera_id >= MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); retVal = -EINVAL; } else if (m_flashFds[camera_id] < 0) { ALOGE("%s: called deinitFlash for uninited flash", __func__); retVal = -EINVAL; } else { setFlashMode(camera_id, false); struct msm_camera_led_cfg_t cfg; cfg.cfgtype = MSM_CAMERA_LED_RELEASE; retVal = ioctl(m_flashFds[camera_id], VIDIOC_MSM_FLASH_LED_DATA_CFG, &cfg); if (retVal < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to release flash for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); } close(m_flashFds[camera_id]); m_flashFds[camera_id] = -1; } return retVal; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : reserveFlashForCamera * * DESCRIPTION: Give control of the flash to the camera, and notify * framework that the flash has become unavailable. * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : Camera id of the flash. * * RETURN : * 0 : success * -EINVAL : No camera present at camera_id or not inited. * -ENOSYS : No callback available for torch_mode_status_change. *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraFlash::reserveFlashForCamera(const int camera_id) { int32_t retVal = 0; if (camera_id < 0 || camera_id >= MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); retVal = -EINVAL; } else if (m_cameraOpen[camera_id]) { CDBG("%s: Flash already reserved for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); } else { if (m_flashOn[camera_id]) { setFlashMode(camera_id, false); deinitFlash(camera_id); } m_cameraOpen[camera_id] = true; bool hasFlash = false; char flashNode[QCAMERA_MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH]; QCamera3HardwareInterface::getFlashInfo(camera_id, hasFlash, flashNode); if (m_callbacks == NULL || m_callbacks->torch_mode_status_change == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Callback is not defined!", __func__); retVal = -ENOSYS; } else if (!hasFlash) { CDBG("%s: Suppressing callback " "because no flash exists for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); } else { char cameraIdStr[STRING_LENGTH_OF_64_BIT_NUMBER]; snprintf(cameraIdStr, STRING_LENGTH_OF_64_BIT_NUMBER, "%d", camera_id); m_callbacks->torch_mode_status_change(m_callbacks, cameraIdStr, TORCH_MODE_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE); } } return retVal; } /*=========================================================================== * FUNCTION : releaseFlashFromCamera * * DESCRIPTION: Release control of the flash from the camera, and notify * framework that the flash has become available. * * PARAMETERS : * @camera_id : Camera id of the flash. * * RETURN : * 0 : success * -EINVAL : No camera present at camera_id or not inited. * -ENOSYS : No callback available for torch_mode_status_change. *==========================================================================*/ int32_t QCameraFlash::releaseFlashFromCamera(const int camera_id) { int32_t retVal = 0; if (camera_id < 0 || camera_id >= MM_CAMERA_MAX_NUM_SENSORS) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); retVal = -EINVAL; } else if (!m_cameraOpen[camera_id]) { CDBG("%s: Flash not reserved for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); } else { m_cameraOpen[camera_id] = false; bool hasFlash = false; char flashNode[QCAMERA_MAX_FILEPATH_LENGTH]; QCamera3HardwareInterface::getFlashInfo(camera_id, hasFlash, flashNode); if (m_callbacks == NULL || m_callbacks->torch_mode_status_change == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Callback is not defined!", __func__); retVal = -ENOSYS; } else if (!hasFlash) { CDBG("%s: Suppressing callback " "because no flash exists for camera id: %d", __func__, camera_id); } else { char cameraIdStr[STRING_LENGTH_OF_64_BIT_NUMBER]; snprintf(cameraIdStr, STRING_LENGTH_OF_64_BIT_NUMBER, "%d", camera_id); m_callbacks->torch_mode_status_change(m_callbacks, cameraIdStr, TORCH_MODE_STATUS_AVAILABLE_OFF); } } return retVal; } }; // namespace qcamera