A fair amount of host tools need to run kvm-test.


 * Host needs to have Intel/AMD Virtualization hardware support.
 * Capable of building kvm releases
 * Functioning vncserver

New software requirements - (software you probably don't have)
 * gtk-vnc 
 	1. hg clone http://gtk-vnc.sourceforge.net/hg/aliguori.hg
	2. ./autogen.sh (you'll likely need to install a bunch of dev libraries)
    3. make
	4. make install

If you don't already have kvm modules installed and loaded, look at running
with the external module build control file:

 % bin/autotest test/kvmtest/control.with_modbuild

This control file will attempt to pull down a recent snapshot from the kvm
nightly repo, build, install and load kvm modules before running kvmtest.  After
running once with the modbuild control file, you can just run the regular

 % bin/autotest test/kvmtest/control.testdir

If you do not have any kvm-test test created you will need to do so.  Check out
the wiki (http://kvm.qumranet.com/kvmwiki/KVMTest) for instructions on how to
create your own tests.