#pylint: disable-msg=C0111 """\ Utility functions for rpc_interface.py. We keep them in a separate file so that only RPC interface functions go into that file. """ __author__ = 'showard@google.com (Steve Howard)' import datetime from functools import wraps import inspect import os import sys import django.db.utils import django.http from autotest_lib.frontend import thread_local from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models, model_logic from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import control_data, error from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config, priorities from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros.graphite import autotest_stats from autotest_lib.server import utils as server_utils from autotest_lib.server.cros import provision from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers NULL_DATETIME = datetime.datetime.max NULL_DATE = datetime.date.max DUPLICATE_KEY_MSG = 'Duplicate entry' def prepare_for_serialization(objects): """ Prepare Python objects to be returned via RPC. @param objects: objects to be prepared. """ if (isinstance(objects, list) and len(objects) and isinstance(objects[0], dict) and 'id' in objects[0]): objects = gather_unique_dicts(objects) return _prepare_data(objects) def prepare_rows_as_nested_dicts(query, nested_dict_column_names): """ Prepare a Django query to be returned via RPC as a sequence of nested dictionaries. @param query - A Django model query object with a select_related() method. @param nested_dict_column_names - A list of column/attribute names for the rows returned by query to expand into nested dictionaries using their get_object_dict() method when not None. @returns An list suitable to returned in an RPC. """ all_dicts = [] for row in query.select_related(): row_dict = row.get_object_dict() for column in nested_dict_column_names: if row_dict[column] is not None: row_dict[column] = getattr(row, column).get_object_dict() all_dicts.append(row_dict) return prepare_for_serialization(all_dicts) def _prepare_data(data): """ Recursively process data structures, performing necessary type conversions to values in data to allow for RPC serialization: -convert datetimes to strings -convert tuples and sets to lists """ if isinstance(data, dict): new_data = {} for key, value in data.iteritems(): new_data[key] = _prepare_data(value) return new_data elif (isinstance(data, list) or isinstance(data, tuple) or isinstance(data, set)): return [_prepare_data(item) for item in data] elif isinstance(data, datetime.date): if data is NULL_DATETIME or data is NULL_DATE: return None return str(data) else: return data def fetchall_as_list_of_dicts(cursor): """ Converts each row in the cursor to a dictionary so that values can be read by using the column name. @param cursor: The database cursor to read from. @returns: A list of each row in the cursor as a dictionary. """ desc = cursor.description return [ dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row)) for row in cursor.fetchall() ] def raw_http_response(response_data, content_type=None): response = django.http.HttpResponse(response_data, mimetype=content_type) response['Content-length'] = str(len(response.content)) return response def gather_unique_dicts(dict_iterable): """\ Pick out unique objects (by ID) from an iterable of object dicts. """ id_set = set() result = [] for obj in dict_iterable: if obj['id'] not in id_set: id_set.add(obj['id']) result.append(obj) return result def extra_job_status_filters(not_yet_run=False, running=False, finished=False): """\ Generate a SQL WHERE clause for job status filtering, and return it in a dict of keyword args to pass to query.extra(). * not_yet_run: all HQEs are Queued * finished: all HQEs are complete * running: everything else """ if not (not_yet_run or running or finished): return {} not_queued = ('(SELECT job_id FROM afe_host_queue_entries ' 'WHERE status != "%s")' % models.HostQueueEntry.Status.QUEUED) not_finished = ('(SELECT job_id FROM afe_host_queue_entries ' 'WHERE not complete)') where = [] if not_yet_run: where.append('id NOT IN ' + not_queued) if running: where.append('(id IN %s) AND (id IN %s)' % (not_queued, not_finished)) if finished: where.append('id NOT IN ' + not_finished) return {'where': [' OR '.join(['(%s)' % x for x in where])]} def extra_job_type_filters(extra_args, suite=False, sub=False, standalone=False): """\ Generate a SQL WHERE clause for job status filtering, and return it in a dict of keyword args to pass to query.extra(). param extra_args: a dict of existing extra_args. No more than one of the parameters should be passed as True: * suite: job which is parent of other jobs * sub: job with a parent job * standalone: job with no child or parent jobs """ assert not ((suite and sub) or (suite and standalone) or (sub and standalone)), ('Cannot specify more than one ' 'filter to this function') where = extra_args.get('where', []) parent_job_id = ('DISTINCT parent_job_id') child_job_id = ('id') filter_common = ('(SELECT %s FROM afe_jobs ' 'WHERE parent_job_id IS NOT NULL)') if suite: where.append('id IN ' + filter_common % parent_job_id) elif sub: where.append('id IN ' + filter_common % child_job_id) elif standalone: where.append('NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from afe_jobs AS sub_query ' 'WHERE parent_job_id IS NOT NULL' ' AND (sub_query.parent_job_id=afe_jobs.id' ' OR sub_query.id=afe_jobs.id))') else: return extra_args extra_args['where'] = where return extra_args def extra_host_filters(multiple_labels=()): """\ Generate SQL WHERE clauses for matching hosts in an intersection of labels. """ extra_args = {} where_str = ('afe_hosts.id in (select host_id from afe_hosts_labels ' 'where label_id=%s)') extra_args['where'] = [where_str] * len(multiple_labels) extra_args['params'] = [models.Label.smart_get(label).id for label in multiple_labels] return extra_args def get_host_query(multiple_labels, exclude_only_if_needed_labels, exclude_atomic_group_hosts, valid_only, filter_data): if valid_only: query = models.Host.valid_objects.all() else: query = models.Host.objects.all() if exclude_only_if_needed_labels: only_if_needed_labels = models.Label.valid_objects.filter( only_if_needed=True) if only_if_needed_labels.count() > 0: only_if_needed_ids = ','.join( str(label['id']) for label in only_if_needed_labels.values('id')) query = models.Host.objects.add_join( query, 'afe_hosts_labels', join_key='host_id', join_condition=('afe_hosts_labels_exclude_OIN.label_id IN (%s)' % only_if_needed_ids), suffix='_exclude_OIN', exclude=True) if exclude_atomic_group_hosts: atomic_group_labels = models.Label.valid_objects.filter( atomic_group__isnull=False) if atomic_group_labels.count() > 0: atomic_group_label_ids = ','.join( str(atomic_group['id']) for atomic_group in atomic_group_labels.values('id')) query = models.Host.objects.add_join( query, 'afe_hosts_labels', join_key='host_id', join_condition=( 'afe_hosts_labels_exclude_AG.label_id IN (%s)' % atomic_group_label_ids), suffix='_exclude_AG', exclude=True) try: assert 'extra_args' not in filter_data filter_data['extra_args'] = extra_host_filters(multiple_labels) return models.Host.query_objects(filter_data, initial_query=query) except models.Label.DoesNotExist as e: return models.Host.objects.none() class InconsistencyException(Exception): 'Raised when a list of objects does not have a consistent value' def get_consistent_value(objects, field): if not objects: # well a list of nothing is consistent return None value = getattr(objects[0], field) for obj in objects: this_value = getattr(obj, field) if this_value != value: raise InconsistencyException(objects[0], obj) return value def afe_test_dict_to_test_object(test_dict): if not isinstance(test_dict, dict): return test_dict numerized_dict = {} for key, value in test_dict.iteritems(): try: numerized_dict[key] = int(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): numerized_dict[key] = value return type('TestObject', (object,), numerized_dict) def prepare_generate_control_file(tests, kernel, label, profilers, db_tests=True): if db_tests: test_objects = [models.Test.smart_get(test) for test in tests] else: test_objects = [afe_test_dict_to_test_object(test) for test in tests] profiler_objects = [models.Profiler.smart_get(profiler) for profiler in profilers] # ensure tests are all the same type try: test_type = get_consistent_value(test_objects, 'test_type') except InconsistencyException, exc: test1, test2 = exc.args raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'tests' : 'You cannot run both test_suites and server-side ' 'tests together (tests %s and %s differ' % ( test1.name, test2.name)}) is_server = (test_type == control_data.CONTROL_TYPE.SERVER) if test_objects: synch_count = max(test.sync_count for test in test_objects) else: synch_count = 1 if label: label = models.Label.smart_get(label) if db_tests: dependencies = set(label.name for label in models.Label.objects.filter(test__in=test_objects)) else: dependencies = reduce( set.union, [set(test.dependencies) for test in test_objects]) cf_info = dict(is_server=is_server, synch_count=synch_count, dependencies=list(dependencies)) return cf_info, test_objects, profiler_objects, label def check_job_dependencies(host_objects, job_dependencies): """ Check that a set of machines satisfies a job's dependencies. host_objects: list of models.Host objects job_dependencies: list of names of labels """ # check that hosts satisfy dependencies host_ids = [host.id for host in host_objects] hosts_in_job = models.Host.objects.filter(id__in=host_ids) ok_hosts = hosts_in_job for index, dependency in enumerate(job_dependencies): if not provision.is_for_special_action(dependency): ok_hosts = ok_hosts.filter(labels__name=dependency) failing_hosts = (set(host.hostname for host in host_objects) - set(host.hostname for host in ok_hosts)) if failing_hosts: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'hosts' : 'Host(s) failed to meet job dependencies (' + (', '.join(job_dependencies)) + '): ' + (', '.join(failing_hosts))}) def check_job_metahost_dependencies(metahost_objects, job_dependencies): """ Check that at least one machine within the metahost spec satisfies the job's dependencies. @param metahost_objects A list of label objects representing the metahosts. @param job_dependencies A list of strings of the required label names. @raises NoEligibleHostException If a metahost cannot run the job. """ for metahost in metahost_objects: hosts = models.Host.objects.filter(labels=metahost) for label_name in job_dependencies: if not provision.is_for_special_action(label_name): hosts = hosts.filter(labels__name=label_name) if not any(hosts): raise error.NoEligibleHostException("No hosts within %s satisfy %s." % (metahost.name, ', '.join(job_dependencies))) def _execution_key_for(host_queue_entry): return (host_queue_entry.job.id, host_queue_entry.execution_subdir) def check_abort_synchronous_jobs(host_queue_entries): # ensure user isn't aborting part of a synchronous autoserv execution count_per_execution = {} for queue_entry in host_queue_entries: key = _execution_key_for(queue_entry) count_per_execution.setdefault(key, 0) count_per_execution[key] += 1 for queue_entry in host_queue_entries: if not queue_entry.execution_subdir: continue execution_count = count_per_execution[_execution_key_for(queue_entry)] if execution_count < queue_entry.job.synch_count: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'' : 'You cannot abort part of a synchronous job execution ' '(%d/%s), %d included, %d expected' % (queue_entry.job.id, queue_entry.execution_subdir, execution_count, queue_entry.job.synch_count)}) def check_atomic_group_create_job(synch_count, host_objects, metahost_objects, dependencies, atomic_group): """ Attempt to reject create_job requests with an atomic group that will be impossible to schedule. The checks are not perfect but should catch the most obvious issues. @param synch_count - The job's minimum synch count. @param host_objects - A list of models.Host instances. @param metahost_objects - A list of models.Label instances. @param dependencies - A list of job dependency label names. @param labels_by_name - A dictionary mapping label names to models.Label instance. Used to look up instances for dependencies. @raises model_logic.ValidationError - When an issue is found. """ # If specific host objects were supplied with an atomic group, verify # that there are enough to satisfy the synch_count. minimum_required = synch_count or 1 if (host_objects and not metahost_objects and len(host_objects) < minimum_required): raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'hosts': 'only %d hosts provided for job with synch_count = %d' % (len(host_objects), synch_count)}) # Check that the atomic group has a hope of running this job # given any supplied metahosts and dependancies that may limit. # Get a set of hostnames in the atomic group. possible_hosts = set() for label in atomic_group.label_set.all(): possible_hosts.update(h.hostname for h in label.host_set.all()) # Filter out hosts that don't match all of the job dependency labels. for label in models.Label.objects.filter(name__in=dependencies): hosts_in_label = (h.hostname for h in label.host_set.all()) possible_hosts.intersection_update(hosts_in_label) if not host_objects and not metahost_objects: # No hosts or metahosts are required to queue an atomic group Job. # However, if they are given, we respect them below. host_set = possible_hosts else: host_set = set(host.hostname for host in host_objects) unusable_host_set = host_set.difference(possible_hosts) if unusable_host_set: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'hosts': 'Hosts "%s" are not in Atomic Group "%s"' % (', '.join(sorted(unusable_host_set)), atomic_group.name)}) # Lookup hosts provided by each meta host and merge them into the # host_set for final counting. for meta_host in metahost_objects: meta_possible = possible_hosts.copy() hosts_in_meta_host = (h.hostname for h in meta_host.host_set.all()) meta_possible.intersection_update(hosts_in_meta_host) # Count all hosts that this meta_host will provide. host_set.update(meta_possible) if len(host_set) < minimum_required: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'atomic_group_name': 'Insufficient hosts in Atomic Group "%s" with the' ' supplied dependencies and meta_hosts.' % (atomic_group.name,)}) def check_modify_host(update_data): """ Sanity check modify_host* requests. @param update_data: A dictionary with the changes to make to a host or hosts. """ # Only the scheduler (monitor_db) is allowed to modify Host status. # Otherwise race conditions happen as a hosts state is changed out from # beneath tasks being run on a host. if 'status' in update_data: raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'status': 'Host status can not be modified by the frontend.'}) def check_modify_host_locking(host, update_data): """ Checks when locking/unlocking has been requested if the host is already locked/unlocked. @param host: models.Host object to be modified @param update_data: A dictionary with the changes to make to the host. """ locked = update_data.get('locked', None) lock_reason = update_data.get('lock_reason', None) if locked is not None: if locked and host.locked: raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'locked': 'Host %s already locked by %s on %s.' % (host.hostname, host.locked_by, host.lock_time)}) if not locked and not host.locked: raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'locked': 'Host %s already unlocked.' % host.hostname}) if locked and not lock_reason and not host.locked: raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'locked': 'Please provide a reason for locking Host %s' % host.hostname}) def get_motd(): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) filename = os.path.join(dirname, "..", "..", "motd.txt") text = '' try: fp = open(filename, "r") try: text = fp.read() finally: fp.close() except: pass return text def _get_metahost_counts(metahost_objects): metahost_counts = {} for metahost in metahost_objects: metahost_counts.setdefault(metahost, 0) metahost_counts[metahost] += 1 return metahost_counts def get_job_info(job, preserve_metahosts=False, queue_entry_filter_data=None): hosts = [] one_time_hosts = [] meta_hosts = [] atomic_group = None hostless = False queue_entries = job.hostqueueentry_set.all() if queue_entry_filter_data: queue_entries = models.HostQueueEntry.query_objects( queue_entry_filter_data, initial_query=queue_entries) for queue_entry in queue_entries: if (queue_entry.host and (preserve_metahosts or not queue_entry.meta_host)): if queue_entry.deleted: continue if queue_entry.host.invalid: one_time_hosts.append(queue_entry.host) else: hosts.append(queue_entry.host) elif queue_entry.meta_host: meta_hosts.append(queue_entry.meta_host) else: hostless = True if atomic_group is None: if queue_entry.atomic_group is not None: atomic_group = queue_entry.atomic_group else: assert atomic_group.name == queue_entry.atomic_group.name, ( 'DB inconsistency. HostQueueEntries with multiple atomic' ' groups on job %s: %s != %s' % ( id, atomic_group.name, queue_entry.atomic_group.name)) meta_host_counts = _get_metahost_counts(meta_hosts) info = dict(dependencies=[label.name for label in job.dependency_labels.all()], hosts=hosts, meta_hosts=meta_hosts, meta_host_counts=meta_host_counts, one_time_hosts=one_time_hosts, atomic_group=atomic_group, hostless=hostless) return info def check_for_duplicate_hosts(host_objects): host_ids = set() duplicate_hostnames = set() for host in host_objects: if host.id in host_ids: duplicate_hostnames.add(host.hostname) host_ids.add(host.id) if duplicate_hostnames: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'hosts' : 'Duplicate hosts: %s' % ', '.join(duplicate_hostnames)}) def create_new_job(owner, options, host_objects, metahost_objects, atomic_group=None): all_host_objects = host_objects + metahost_objects dependencies = options.get('dependencies', []) synch_count = options.get('synch_count') if atomic_group: check_atomic_group_create_job( synch_count, host_objects, metahost_objects, dependencies, atomic_group) else: if synch_count is not None and synch_count > len(all_host_objects): raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'hosts': 'only %d hosts provided for job with synch_count = %d' % (len(all_host_objects), synch_count)}) atomic_hosts = models.Host.objects.filter( id__in=[host.id for host in host_objects], labels__atomic_group=True) unusable_host_names = [host.hostname for host in atomic_hosts] if unusable_host_names: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'hosts': 'Host(s) "%s" are atomic group hosts but no ' 'atomic group was specified for this job.' % (', '.join(unusable_host_names),)}) check_for_duplicate_hosts(host_objects) for label_name in dependencies: if provision.is_for_special_action(label_name): # TODO: We could save a few queries # if we had a bulk ensure-label-exists function, which used # a bulk .get() call. The win is probably very small. _ensure_label_exists(label_name) # This only checks targeted hosts, not hosts eligible due to the metahost check_job_dependencies(host_objects, dependencies) check_job_metahost_dependencies(metahost_objects, dependencies) options['dependencies'] = list( models.Label.objects.filter(name__in=dependencies)) for label in metahost_objects + options['dependencies']: if label.atomic_group and not atomic_group: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'atomic_group_name': 'Dependency %r requires an atomic group but no ' 'atomic_group_name or meta_host in an atomic group was ' 'specified for this job.' % label.name}) elif (label.atomic_group and label.atomic_group.name != atomic_group.name): raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'atomic_group_name': 'meta_hosts or dependency %r requires atomic group ' '%r instead of the supplied atomic_group_name=%r.' % (label.name, label.atomic_group.name, atomic_group.name)}) job = models.Job.create(owner=owner, options=options, hosts=all_host_objects) job.queue(all_host_objects, atomic_group=atomic_group, is_template=options.get('is_template', False)) return job.id def _ensure_label_exists(name): """ Ensure that a label called |name| exists in the Django models. This function is to be called from within afe rpcs only, as an alternative to server.cros.provision.ensure_label_exists(...). It works by Django model manipulation, rather than by making another create_label rpc call. @param name: the label to check for/create. @raises ValidationError: There was an error in the response that was not because the label already existed. @returns True is a label was created, False otherwise. """ # Make sure this function is not called on shards but only on master. assert not server_utils.is_shard() try: models.Label.objects.get(name=name) except models.Label.DoesNotExist: try: new_label = models.Label.objects.create(name=name) new_label.save() return True except django.db.utils.IntegrityError as e: # It is possible that another suite/test already # created the label between the check and save. if DUPLICATE_KEY_MSG in str(e): return False else: raise return False def find_platform_and_atomic_group(host): """ Figure out the platform name and atomic group name for the given host object. If none, the return value for either will be None. @returns (platform name, atomic group name) for the given host. """ platforms = [label.name for label in host.label_list if label.platform] if not platforms: platform = None else: platform = platforms[0] if len(platforms) > 1: raise ValueError('Host %s has more than one platform: %s' % (host.hostname, ', '.join(platforms))) for label in host.label_list: if label.atomic_group: atomic_group_name = label.atomic_group.name break else: atomic_group_name = None # Don't check for multiple atomic groups on a host here. That is an # error but should not trip up the RPC interface. monitor_db_cleanup # deals with it. This just returns the first one found. return platform, atomic_group_name # support for get_host_queue_entries_and_special_tasks() def _common_entry_to_dict(entry, type, job_dict, exec_path, status, started_on): return dict(type=type, host=entry['host'], job=job_dict, execution_path=exec_path, status=status, started_on=started_on, id=str(entry['id']) + type, oid=entry['id']) def _special_task_to_dict(task, queue_entries): """Transforms a special task dictionary to another form of dictionary. @param task Special task as a dictionary type @param queue_entries Host queue entries as a list of dictionaries. @return Transformed dictionary for a special task. """ job_dict = None if task['queue_entry']: # Scan queue_entries to get the job detail info. for qentry in queue_entries: if task['queue_entry']['id'] == qentry['id']: job_dict = qentry['job'] break # If not found, get it from DB. if job_dict is None: job = models.Job.objects.get(id=task['queue_entry']['job']) job_dict = job.get_object_dict() exec_path = server_utils.get_special_task_exec_path( task['host']['hostname'], task['id'], task['task'], time_utils.time_string_to_datetime(task['time_requested'])) status = server_utils.get_special_task_status( task['is_complete'], task['success'], task['is_active']) return _common_entry_to_dict(task, task['task'], job_dict, exec_path, status, task['time_started']) def _queue_entry_to_dict(queue_entry): job_dict = queue_entry['job'] tag = server_utils.get_job_tag(job_dict['id'], job_dict['owner']) exec_path = server_utils.get_hqe_exec_path(tag, queue_entry['execution_subdir']) return _common_entry_to_dict(queue_entry, 'Job', job_dict, exec_path, queue_entry['status'], queue_entry['started_on']) def prepare_host_queue_entries_and_special_tasks(interleaved_entries, queue_entries): """ Prepare for serialization the interleaved entries of host queue entries and special tasks. Each element in the entries is a dictionary type. The special task dictionary has only a job id for a job and lacks the detail of the job while the host queue entry dictionary has. queue_entries is used to look up the job detail info. @param interleaved_entries Host queue entries and special tasks as a list of dictionaries. @param queue_entries Host queue entries as a list of dictionaries. @return A post-processed list of dictionaries that is to be serialized. """ dict_list = [] for e in interleaved_entries: # Distinguish the two mixed entries based on the existence of # the key "task". If an entry has the key, the entry is for # special task. Otherwise, host queue entry. if 'task' in e: dict_list.append(_special_task_to_dict(e, queue_entries)) else: dict_list.append(_queue_entry_to_dict(e)) return prepare_for_serialization(dict_list) def _compute_next_job_for_tasks(queue_entries, special_tasks): """ For each task, try to figure out the next job that ran after that task. This is done using two pieces of information: * if the task has a queue entry, we can use that entry's job ID. * if the task has a time_started, we can try to compare that against the started_on field of queue_entries. this isn't guaranteed to work perfectly since queue_entries may also have null started_on values. * if the task has neither, or if use of time_started fails, just use the last computed job ID. @param queue_entries Host queue entries as a list of dictionaries. @param special_tasks Special tasks as a list of dictionaries. """ next_job_id = None # most recently computed next job hqe_index = 0 # index for scanning by started_on times for task in special_tasks: if task['queue_entry']: next_job_id = task['queue_entry']['job'] elif task['time_started'] is not None: for queue_entry in queue_entries[hqe_index:]: if queue_entry['started_on'] is None: continue t1 = time_utils.time_string_to_datetime( queue_entry['started_on']) t2 = time_utils.time_string_to_datetime(task['time_started']) if t1 < t2: break next_job_id = queue_entry['job']['id'] task['next_job_id'] = next_job_id # advance hqe_index to just after next_job_id if next_job_id is not None: for queue_entry in queue_entries[hqe_index:]: if queue_entry['job']['id'] < next_job_id: break hqe_index += 1 def interleave_entries(queue_entries, special_tasks): """ Both lists should be ordered by descending ID. """ _compute_next_job_for_tasks(queue_entries, special_tasks) # start with all special tasks that've run since the last job interleaved_entries = [] for task in special_tasks: if task['next_job_id'] is not None: break interleaved_entries.append(task) # now interleave queue entries with the remaining special tasks special_task_index = len(interleaved_entries) for queue_entry in queue_entries: interleaved_entries.append(queue_entry) # add all tasks that ran between this job and the previous one for task in special_tasks[special_task_index:]: if task['next_job_id'] < queue_entry['job']['id']: break interleaved_entries.append(task) special_task_index += 1 return interleaved_entries def bucket_hosts_by_shard(host_objs, rpc_hostnames=False): """Figure out which hosts are on which shards. @param host_objs: A list of host objects. @param rpc_hostnames: If True, the rpc_hostnames of a shard are returned instead of the 'real' shard hostnames. This only matters for testing environments. @return: A map of shard hostname: list of hosts on the shard. """ shard_host_map = {} for host in host_objs: if host.shard: shard_name = (host.shard.rpc_hostname() if rpc_hostnames else host.shard.hostname) shard_host_map.setdefault(shard_name, []).append(host.hostname) return shard_host_map def get_create_job_common_args(local_args): """ Returns a dict containing only the args that apply for create_job_common Returns a subset of local_args, which contains only the arguments that can be passed in to create_job_common(). """ # This code is only here to not kill suites scheduling tests when priority # becomes an int instead of a string. if isinstance(local_args['priority'], str): local_args['priority'] = priorities.Priority.DEFAULT # </migration hack> arg_names, _, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(create_job_common) return dict(item for item in local_args.iteritems() if item[0] in arg_names) def create_job_common(name, priority, control_type, control_file=None, hosts=(), meta_hosts=(), one_time_hosts=(), atomic_group_name=None, synch_count=None, is_template=False, timeout=None, timeout_mins=None, max_runtime_mins=None, run_verify=True, email_list='', dependencies=(), reboot_before=None, reboot_after=None, parse_failed_repair=None, hostless=False, keyvals=None, drone_set=None, parameterized_job=None, parent_job_id=None, test_retry=0, run_reset=True, require_ssp=None): #pylint: disable-msg=C0111 """ Common code between creating "standard" jobs and creating parameterized jobs """ user = models.User.current_user() owner = user.login # input validation if not (hosts or meta_hosts or one_time_hosts or atomic_group_name or hostless): raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'arguments' : "You must pass at least one of 'hosts', " "'meta_hosts', 'one_time_hosts', " "'atomic_group_name', or 'hostless'" }) if hostless: if hosts or meta_hosts or one_time_hosts or atomic_group_name: raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'hostless': 'Hostless jobs cannot include any hosts!'}) server_type = control_data.CONTROL_TYPE_NAMES.SERVER if control_type != server_type: raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'control_type': 'Hostless jobs cannot use client-side ' 'control files'}) atomic_groups_by_name = dict((ag.name, ag) for ag in models.AtomicGroup.objects.all()) label_objects = list(models.Label.objects.filter(name__in=meta_hosts)) # Schedule on an atomic group automagically if one of the labels given # is an atomic group label and no explicit atomic_group_name was supplied. if not atomic_group_name: for label in label_objects: if label and label.atomic_group: atomic_group_name = label.atomic_group.name break # convert hostnames & meta hosts to host/label objects host_objects = models.Host.smart_get_bulk(hosts) if not server_utils.is_shard(): shard_host_map = bucket_hosts_by_shard(host_objects) num_shards = len(shard_host_map) if (num_shards > 1 or (num_shards == 1 and len(shard_host_map.values()[0]) != len(host_objects))): # We disallow the following jobs on master: # num_shards > 1: this is a job spanning across multiple shards. # num_shards == 1 but number of hosts on shard is less # than total number of hosts: this is a job that spans across # one shard and the master. raise ValueError( 'The following hosts are on shard(s), please create ' 'seperate jobs for hosts on each shard: %s ' % shard_host_map) metahost_objects = [] meta_host_labels_by_name = {label.name: label for label in label_objects} for label_name in meta_hosts or []: if label_name in meta_host_labels_by_name: metahost_objects.append(meta_host_labels_by_name[label_name]) elif label_name in atomic_groups_by_name: # If given a metahost name that isn't a Label, check to # see if the user was specifying an Atomic Group instead. atomic_group = atomic_groups_by_name[label_name] if atomic_group_name and atomic_group_name != atomic_group.name: raise model_logic.ValidationError({ 'meta_hosts': ( 'Label "%s" not found. If assumed to be an ' 'atomic group it would conflict with the ' 'supplied atomic group "%s".' % ( label_name, atomic_group_name))}) atomic_group_name = atomic_group.name else: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'meta_hosts' : 'Label "%s" not found' % label_name}) # Create and sanity check an AtomicGroup object if requested. if atomic_group_name: if one_time_hosts: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'one_time_hosts': 'One time hosts cannot be used with an Atomic Group.'}) atomic_group = models.AtomicGroup.smart_get(atomic_group_name) if synch_count and synch_count > atomic_group.max_number_of_machines: raise model_logic.ValidationError( {'atomic_group_name' : 'You have requested a synch_count (%d) greater than the ' 'maximum machines in the requested Atomic Group (%d).' % (synch_count, atomic_group.max_number_of_machines)}) else: atomic_group = None for host in one_time_hosts or []: this_host = models.Host.create_one_time_host(host) host_objects.append(this_host) options = dict(name=name, priority=priority, control_file=control_file, control_type=control_type, is_template=is_template, timeout=timeout, timeout_mins=timeout_mins, max_runtime_mins=max_runtime_mins, synch_count=synch_count, run_verify=run_verify, email_list=email_list, dependencies=dependencies, reboot_before=reboot_before, reboot_after=reboot_after, parse_failed_repair=parse_failed_repair, keyvals=keyvals, drone_set=drone_set, parameterized_job=parameterized_job, parent_job_id=parent_job_id, test_retry=test_retry, run_reset=run_reset, require_ssp=require_ssp) return create_new_job(owner=owner, options=options, host_objects=host_objects, metahost_objects=metahost_objects, atomic_group=atomic_group) def encode_ascii(control_file): """Force a control file to only contain ascii characters. @param control_file: Control file to encode. @returns the control file in an ascii encoding. @raises error.ControlFileMalformed: if encoding fails. """ try: return control_file.encode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise error.ControlFileMalformed(str(e)) def get_wmatrix_url(): """Get wmatrix url from config file. @returns the wmatrix url or an empty string. """ return global_config.global_config.get_config_value('AUTOTEST_WEB', 'wmatrix_url', default='') def inject_times_to_filter(start_time_key=None, end_time_key=None, start_time_value=None, end_time_value=None, **filter_data): """Inject the key value pairs of start and end time if provided. @param start_time_key: A string represents the filter key of start_time. @param end_time_key: A string represents the filter key of end_time. @param start_time_value: Start_time value. @param end_time_value: End_time value. @returns the injected filter_data. """ if start_time_value: filter_data[start_time_key] = start_time_value if end_time_value: filter_data[end_time_key] = end_time_value return filter_data def inject_times_to_hqe_special_tasks_filters(filter_data_common, start_time, end_time): """Inject start and end time to hqe and special tasks filters. @param filter_data_common: Common filter for hqe and special tasks. @param start_time_key: A string represents the filter key of start_time. @param end_time_key: A string represents the filter key of end_time. @returns a pair of hqe and special tasks filters. """ filter_data_special_tasks = filter_data_common.copy() return (inject_times_to_filter('started_on__gte', 'started_on__lte', start_time, end_time, **filter_data_common), inject_times_to_filter('time_started__gte', 'time_started__lte', start_time, end_time, **filter_data_special_tasks)) def retrieve_shard(shard_hostname): """ Retrieves the shard with the given hostname from the database. @param shard_hostname: Hostname of the shard to retrieve @raises models.Shard.DoesNotExist, if no shard with this hostname was found. @returns: Shard object """ timer = autotest_stats.Timer('shard_heartbeat.retrieve_shard') with timer: return models.Shard.smart_get(shard_hostname) def find_records_for_shard(shard, known_job_ids, known_host_ids): """Find records that should be sent to a shard. @param shard: Shard to find records for. @param known_job_ids: List of ids of jobs the shard already has. @param known_host_ids: List of ids of hosts the shard already has. @returns: Tuple of three lists for hosts, jobs, and suite job keyvals: (hosts, jobs, suite_job_keyvals). """ timer = autotest_stats.Timer('shard_heartbeat') with timer.get_client('find_hosts'): hosts = models.Host.assign_to_shard(shard, known_host_ids) with timer.get_client('find_jobs'): jobs = models.Job.assign_to_shard(shard, known_job_ids) with timer.get_client('find_suite_job_keyvals'): parent_job_ids = [job.parent_job_id for job in jobs] suite_job_keyvals = models.JobKeyval.objects.filter( job_id__in=parent_job_ids) return hosts, jobs, suite_job_keyvals def _persist_records_with_type_sent_from_shard( shard, records, record_type, *args, **kwargs): """ Handle records of a specified type that were sent to the shard master. @param shard: The shard the records were sent from. @param records: The records sent in their serialized format. @param record_type: Type of the objects represented by records. @param args: Additional arguments that will be passed on to the sanity checks. @param kwargs: Additional arguments that will be passed on to the sanity checks. @raises error.UnallowedRecordsSentToMaster if any of the sanity checks fail. @returns: List of primary keys of the processed records. """ pks = [] for serialized_record in records: pk = serialized_record['id'] try: current_record = record_type.objects.get(pk=pk) except record_type.DoesNotExist: raise error.UnallowedRecordsSentToMaster( 'Object with pk %s of type %s does not exist on master.' % ( pk, record_type)) current_record.sanity_check_update_from_shard( shard, serialized_record, *args, **kwargs) current_record.update_from_serialized(serialized_record) pks.append(pk) return pks def persist_records_sent_from_shard(shard, jobs, hqes): """ Sanity checking then saving serialized records sent to master from shard. During heartbeats shards upload jobs and hostqueuentries. This performs some sanity checks on these and then updates the existing records for those entries with the updated ones from the heartbeat. The sanity checks include: - Checking if the objects sent already exist on the master. - Checking if the objects sent were assigned to this shard. - hostqueueentries must be sent together with their jobs. @param shard: The shard the records were sent from. @param jobs: The jobs the shard sent. @param hqes: The hostqueuentries the shart sent. @raises error.UnallowedRecordsSentToMaster if any of the sanity checks fail. """ timer = autotest_stats.Timer('shard_heartbeat') with timer.get_client('persist_jobs'): job_ids_sent = _persist_records_with_type_sent_from_shard( shard, jobs, models.Job) with timer.get_client('persist_hqes'): _persist_records_with_type_sent_from_shard( shard, hqes, models.HostQueueEntry, job_ids_sent=job_ids_sent) def forward_single_host_rpc_to_shard(func): """This decorator forwards rpc calls that modify a host to a shard. If a host is assigned to a shard, rpcs that change his attributes should be forwarded to the shard. This assumes the first argument of the function represents a host id. @param func: The function to decorate @returns: The function to replace func with. """ def replacement(**kwargs): # Only keyword arguments can be accepted here, as we need the argument # names to send the rpc. serviceHandler always provides arguments with # their keywords, so this is not a problem. # A host record (identified by kwargs['id']) can be deleted in # func(). Therefore, we should save the data that can be needed later # before func() is called. shard_hostname = None host = models.Host.smart_get(kwargs['id']) if host and host.shard: shard_hostname = host.shard.rpc_hostname() ret = func(**kwargs) if shard_hostname and not server_utils.is_shard(): run_rpc_on_multiple_hostnames(func.func_name, [shard_hostname], **kwargs) return ret return replacement def fanout_rpc(host_objs, rpc_name, include_hostnames=True, **kwargs): """Fanout the given rpc to shards of given hosts. @param host_objs: Host objects for the rpc. @param rpc_name: The name of the rpc. @param include_hostnames: If True, include the hostnames in the kwargs. Hostnames are not always necessary, this functions is designed to send rpcs to the shard a host is on, the rpcs themselves could be related to labels, acls etc. @param kwargs: The kwargs for the rpc. """ # Figure out which hosts are on which shards. shard_host_map = bucket_hosts_by_shard( host_objs, rpc_hostnames=True) # Execute the rpc against the appropriate shards. for shard, hostnames in shard_host_map.iteritems(): if include_hostnames: kwargs['hosts'] = hostnames try: run_rpc_on_multiple_hostnames(rpc_name, [shard], **kwargs) except: ei = sys.exc_info() new_exc = error.RPCException('RPC %s failed on shard %s due to ' '%s: %s' % (rpc_name, shard, ei[0].__name__, ei[1])) raise new_exc.__class__, new_exc, ei[2] def run_rpc_on_multiple_hostnames(rpc_call, shard_hostnames, **kwargs): """Runs an rpc to multiple AFEs This is i.e. used to propagate changes made to hosts after they are assigned to a shard. @param rpc_call: Name of the rpc endpoint to call. @param shard_hostnames: List of hostnames to run the rpcs on. @param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass in the rpcs. """ # Make sure this function is not called on shards but only on master. assert not server_utils.is_shard() for shard_hostname in shard_hostnames: afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(server=shard_hostname, user=thread_local.get_user()) afe.run(rpc_call, **kwargs) def get_label(name): """Gets a label object using a given name. @param name: Label name. @raises model.Label.DoesNotExist: when there is no label matching the given name. @return: a label object matching the given name. """ try: label = models.Label.smart_get(name) except models.Label.DoesNotExist: return None return label def route_rpc_to_master(func): """Route RPC to master AFE. When a shard receives an RPC decorated by this, the RPC is just forwarded to the master. When the master gets the RPC, the RPC function is executed. @param func: An RPC function to decorate @returns: A function replacing the RPC func. """ @wraps(func) def replacement(*args, **kwargs): """ We need a special care when decorating an RPC that can be called directly using positional arguments. One example is rpc_interface.create_job(). rpc_interface.create_job_page_handler() calls the function using positional and keyword arguments. Since frontend.RpcClient.run() takes only keyword arguments for an RPC, positional arguments of the RPC function need to be transformed to key-value pair (dictionary type). inspect.getcallargs() is a useful utility to achieve the goal, however, we need an additional effort when an RPC function has **kwargs argument. Let's say we have a following form of RPC function. def rpcfunc(a, b, **kwargs) When we call the function like "rpcfunc(1, 2, id=3, name='mk')", inspect.getcallargs() returns a dictionary like below. {'a':1, 'b':2, 'kwargs': {'id':3, 'name':'mk'}} This is an incorrect form of arguments to pass to the rpc function. Instead, the dictionary should be like this. {'a':1, 'b':2, 'id':3, 'name':'mk'} """ argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) if argspec.varargs is not None: raise Exception('RPC function must not have *args.') funcargs = inspect.getcallargs(func, *args, **kwargs) kwargs = dict() for k, v in funcargs.iteritems(): if argspec.keywords and k == argspec.keywords: kwargs.update(v) else: kwargs[k] = v if server_utils.is_shard(): afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE( server=server_utils.get_global_afe_hostname(), user=thread_local.get_user()) return afe.run(func.func_name, **kwargs) return func(**kwargs) return replacement