# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import logging import os import sys import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.server import hosts from autotest_lib.server import utils from autotest_lib.server.hosts import moblab_host from autotest_lib.server.hosts import ssh_host _LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' _TEST_LAUNCH_SCRIPT = 'brillo_test_launcher.py' # Running against a virtual machine has several intricacies that we need to # adjust for. Namely SSH requires the use of 'localhost' while HTTP requires # the use of ''. Also because we are forwarding the ports from the VM # to the host system, the ports to use for these services are also different # from running on a physical machine. _VIRT_MACHINE_SSH_ADDR = 'localhost:9222' _VIRT_MACHINE_AFE_ADDR = '' _VIRT_MACHINE_DEVSERVER_PORT = '7777' _PHYS_MACHINE_DEVSERVER_PORT = '8080' _MOBLAB_MIN_VERSION = 7569 _MOBLAB_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL = ('https://storage.googleapis.com/chromeos-image-' 'archive/moblab_brillo_images/' 'moblab_brillo_%s.bin' % _MOBLAB_MIN_VERSION) class BrilloTestError(Exception): """A general error while testing Brillo.""" class BrilloMoblabInitializationError(BrilloTestError): """An error during Moblab initialization or handling.""" def get_moblab_and_devserver_port(moblab_hostname): """Initializes and returns a MobLab Host Object. @params moblab_hostname: The Moblab hostname, None if using a local virtual machine. @returns A pair consisting of a MoblabHost and a devserver port. @raise BrilloMoblabInitializationError: Failed to set up the Moblab. """ if moblab_hostname: web_address = moblab_hostname devserver_port = _PHYS_MACHINE_DEVSERVER_PORT rpc_timeout_min = 2 else: moblab_hostname = _VIRT_MACHINE_SSH_ADDR web_address = _VIRT_MACHINE_AFE_ADDR devserver_port = _VIRT_MACHINE_DEVSERVER_PORT rpc_timeout_min = 5 try: host = hosts.create_host(moblab_hostname, host_class=moblab_host.MoblabHost, connectivity_class=ssh_host.SSHHost, web_address=web_address, retain_image_storage=True, rpc_timeout_min=rpc_timeout_min) except error.AutoservRunError as e: raise BrilloMoblabInitializationError( 'Unable to connect to the MobLab: %s' % e) moblab_version = int(host.get_release_version().split('.')[0]) if moblab_version < _MOBLAB_MIN_VERSION: raise BrilloMoblabInitializationError( 'The Moblab version (%s) is older than the minimum required ' '(%s). Download a current version from URL: %s' % (moblab_version, _MOBLAB_MIN_VERSION, _MOBLAB_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL)) try: host.afe.get_hosts() except Exception as e: raise BrilloMoblabInitializationError( "Unable to communicate with the MobLab's web frontend, " "please verify that it is up and running at http://%s/\n" "Error: %s" % (host.web_address, e)) return host, devserver_port def parse_args(description, setup_parser=None, validate_args=None): """Parse command-line arguments. @param description: The script description in the help message. @param setup_parser: Function that takes a parser object and adds script-specific options to it. @param validate_args: Function that takes a parser object and the parsed arguments and validates the arguments. It should use parser.error() to report errors. @return Parsed and validated arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) if setup_parser: setup_parser(parser) # Add common options. parser.add_argument('-m', '--moblab_host', help='MobLab hostname or IP to launch tests. If this ' 'argument is not provided, the test launcher ' 'will attempt to test a local virtual machine ' 'instance of MobLab.') parser.add_argument('-a', '--adb_host', help='Hostname or IP of the adb_host connected to the ' 'Brillo DUT. Default is to assume it is connected ' 'directly to the MobLab.') parser.add_argument('-n', '--no_quickmerge', dest='quickmerge', action='store_false', help='Do not update the Autotest code on the Moblab') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Print log statements.') args = parser.parse_args() # Configure the root logger. logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO) for log_handler in logging.getLogger().handlers: log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=_LOGGING_FORMAT)) if validate_args: validate_args(parser, args) return args def setup_test_action_parser(parser): """Add parser options related to test action. @param parser: argparse.ArgumentParser of the script. """ launch_opts = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() launch_opts.add_argument('-A', '--print_args', action='store_true', help='Print test arguments to stdout instead of ' 'launching the test.') launch_opts.add_argument('-C', '--print_command', action='store_true', help='Print complete test launch command instead ' 'of launching the test.') def _get_arg_strs(test_args): """Converts an argument dictionary into a list of 'arg=val' strings.""" return ['%s=%s' % kv for kv in test_args.iteritems()] def _get_command(moblab, test_name, test_args, do_quickmerge, do_quote): """Returns the test launch command. @param moblab: MoblabHost representing the MobLab being used for testing. @param test_name: The name of the test to run. @param test_args: Dictionary of test arguments. @param do_quickmerge: If False, pass the --no-quickmerge flag. @param do_quote: If True, add single-quotes around test arguments. @return Test launch command as a list of strings. """ # pylint: disable=missing-docstring def quote(val): return "'%s'" % val if do_quote else val cmd = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), _TEST_LAUNCH_SCRIPT), '-t', quote(test_name)] if not do_quickmerge: cmd.append('-n') if not moblab.hostname.startswith('localhost'): cmd += ['-m', quote(moblab.hostname)] for arg_str in _get_arg_strs(test_args): cmd += ['-A', quote(arg_str)] return cmd def _print_args(test_args): """Prints the test arguments to stdout, one per line. @param test_args: Dictionary of test arguments. """ print('\n'.join(_get_arg_strs(test_args))) def _print_command(moblab, test_name, test_args, do_quickmerge): """Prints the test launch command to stdout with quoting. @param moblab: MoblabHost representing the MobLab being used for testing. @param test_name: The name of the test to run. @param test_args: Dictionary of test arguments. @param do_quickmerge: If False, pass the --no-quickmerge flag. """ print(' '.join( _get_command(moblab, test_name, test_args, do_quickmerge, True))) def _run_command(moblab, test_name, test_args, do_quickmerge): """Runs the test launch script. @param moblab: MoblabHost representing the MobLab being used for testing. @param test_name: The name of the test to run. @param test_args: Dictionary of test arguments. @param do_quickmerge: If False, pass the --no_quickmerge flag. """ utils.run(_get_command(moblab, test_name, test_args, do_quickmerge, False), stdout_tee=sys.stdout, stderr_tee=sys.stderr) def do_test_action(args, moblab, test_name, test_args): """Performs the desired action related to the test. @param args: Parsed arguments. @param moblab: MoblabHost representing the MobLab being used for testing. @param test_name: The name of the test to run. @param test_args: Dictionary of test arguments. """ if args.print_args: logging.info('Printing test arguments') _print_args(test_args) elif args.print_command: logging.info('Printing test launch command') _print_command(moblab, test_name, test_args, args.quickmerge) else: logging.info('Launching test') _run_command(moblab, test_name, test_args, args.quickmerge)