/*** This file is part of avahi. avahi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. avahi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with avahi; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <avahi-common/llist.h> #include "avahi-common/avahi-malloc.h" #include <avahi-common/error.h> #include <avahi-core/log.h> #include <avahi-core/lookup.h> #include <avahi-core/dns-srv-rr.h> #include "simple-protocol.h" #include "main.h" #include "sd-daemon.h" #ifdef ENABLE_CHROOT #include "chroot.h" #endif #ifndef AF_LOCAL #define AF_LOCAL AF_UNIX #endif #ifndef PF_LOCAL #define PF_LOCAL PF_UNIX #endif #define BUFFER_SIZE (20*1024) #define CLIENTS_MAX 50 typedef struct Client Client; typedef struct Server Server; typedef enum { CLIENT_IDLE, CLIENT_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME, CLIENT_RESOLVE_ADDRESS, CLIENT_BROWSE_DNS_SERVERS, CLIENT_DEAD } ClientState; struct Client { Server *server; ClientState state; int fd; AvahiWatch *watch; char inbuf[BUFFER_SIZE], outbuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t inbuf_length, outbuf_length; AvahiSHostNameResolver *host_name_resolver; AvahiSAddressResolver *address_resolver; AvahiSDNSServerBrowser *dns_server_browser; AvahiProtocol afquery; AVAHI_LLIST_FIELDS(Client, clients); }; struct Server { const AvahiPoll *poll_api; int fd; AvahiWatch *watch; AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD(Client, clients); unsigned n_clients; int remove_socket; }; static Server *server = NULL; static void client_work(AvahiWatch *watch, int fd, AvahiWatchEvent events, void *userdata); static void client_free(Client *c) { assert(c); assert(c->server->n_clients >= 1); c->server->n_clients--; if (c->host_name_resolver) avahi_s_host_name_resolver_free(c->host_name_resolver); if (c->address_resolver) avahi_s_address_resolver_free(c->address_resolver); if (c->dns_server_browser) avahi_s_dns_server_browser_free(c->dns_server_browser); c->server->poll_api->watch_free(c->watch); close(c->fd); AVAHI_LLIST_REMOVE(Client, clients, c->server->clients, c); avahi_free(c); } static void client_new(Server *s, int fd) { Client *c; assert(fd >= 0); c = avahi_new(Client, 1); c->server = s; c->fd = fd; c->state = CLIENT_IDLE; c->inbuf_length = c->outbuf_length = 0; c->host_name_resolver = NULL; c->address_resolver = NULL; c->dns_server_browser = NULL; c->watch = s->poll_api->watch_new(s->poll_api, fd, AVAHI_WATCH_IN, client_work, c); AVAHI_LLIST_PREPEND(Client, clients, s->clients, c); s->n_clients++; } static void client_output(Client *c, const uint8_t*data, size_t size) { size_t k, m; assert(c); assert(data); if (!size) return; k = sizeof(c->outbuf) - c->outbuf_length; m = size > k ? k : size; memcpy(c->outbuf + c->outbuf_length, data, m); c->outbuf_length += m; server->poll_api->watch_update(c->watch, AVAHI_WATCH_OUT); } static void client_output_printf(Client *c, const char *format, ...) { char *t; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); t = avahi_strdup_vprintf(format, ap); va_end(ap); client_output(c, (uint8_t*) t, strlen(t)); avahi_free(t); } static void host_name_resolver_callback( AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiSHostNameResolver *r, AvahiIfIndex iface, AvahiProtocol protocol, AvahiResolverEvent event, const char *hostname, const AvahiAddress *a, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void* userdata) { Client *c = userdata; assert(c); if (event == AVAHI_RESOLVER_FAILURE) client_output_printf(c, "%+i %s\n", avahi_server_errno(avahi_server), avahi_strerror(avahi_server_errno(avahi_server))); else if (event == AVAHI_RESOLVER_FOUND) { char t[AVAHI_ADDRESS_STR_MAX]; avahi_address_snprint(t, sizeof(t), a); client_output_printf(c, "+ %i %u %s %s\n", iface, protocol, hostname, t); } c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; } static void address_resolver_callback( AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiSAddressResolver *r, AvahiIfIndex iface, AvahiProtocol protocol, AvahiResolverEvent event, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED const AvahiAddress *a, const char *hostname, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void* userdata) { Client *c = userdata; assert(c); if (event == AVAHI_RESOLVER_FAILURE) client_output_printf(c, "%+i %s\n", avahi_server_errno(avahi_server), avahi_strerror(avahi_server_errno(avahi_server))); else if (event == AVAHI_RESOLVER_FOUND) client_output_printf(c, "+ %i %u %s\n", iface, protocol, hostname); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; } static void dns_server_browser_callback( AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiSDNSServerBrowser *b, AvahiIfIndex interface, AvahiProtocol protocol, AvahiBrowserEvent event, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED const char *host_name, const AvahiAddress *a, uint16_t port, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, void* userdata) { Client *c = userdata; char t[AVAHI_ADDRESS_STR_MAX]; assert(c); if (!a) return; switch (event) { case AVAHI_BROWSER_FAILURE: client_output_printf(c, "%+i %s\n", avahi_server_errno(avahi_server), avahi_strerror(avahi_server_errno(avahi_server))); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; break; case AVAHI_BROWSER_ALL_FOR_NOW: case AVAHI_BROWSER_CACHE_EXHAUSTED: break; case AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW: case AVAHI_BROWSER_REMOVE: avahi_address_snprint(t, sizeof(t), a); client_output_printf(c, "%c %i %u %s %u\n", event == AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW ? '>' : '<', interface, protocol, t, port); break; } } static void handle_line(Client *c, const char *s) { char cmd[64], arg[64]; int n_args; assert(c); assert(s); if (c->state != CLIENT_IDLE) return; if ((n_args = sscanf(s, "%63s %63s", cmd, arg)) < 1 ) { client_output_printf(c, "%+i Failed to parse command, try \"HELP\".\n", AVAHI_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; return; } if (strcmp(cmd, "HELP") == 0) { client_output_printf(c, "+ Available commands are:\n" "+ RESOLVE-HOSTNAME <hostname>\n" "+ RESOLVE-HOSTNAME-IPV6 <hostname>\n" "+ RESOLVE-HOSTNAME-IPV4 <hostname>\n" "+ RESOLVE-ADDRESS <address>\n" "+ BROWSE-DNS-SERVERS\n" "+ BROWSE-DNS-SERVERS-IPV4\n" "+ BROWSE-DNS-SERVERS-IPV6\n"); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "FUCK") == 0 && n_args == 1) { client_output_printf(c, "+ FUCK: Go fuck yourself!\n"); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; } else if (strcmp(cmd, "RESOLVE-HOSTNAME-IPV4") == 0 && n_args == 2) { c->state = CLIENT_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME; if (!(c->host_name_resolver = avahi_s_host_name_resolver_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, arg, c->afquery = AVAHI_PROTO_INET, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, host_name_resolver_callback, c))) goto fail; avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got %s request for '%s'.", cmd, arg); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "RESOLVE-HOSTNAME-IPV6") == 0 && n_args == 2) { c->state = CLIENT_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME; if (!(c->host_name_resolver = avahi_s_host_name_resolver_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, arg, c->afquery = AVAHI_PROTO_INET6, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, host_name_resolver_callback, c))) goto fail; avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got %s request for '%s'.", cmd, arg); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "RESOLVE-HOSTNAME") == 0 && n_args == 2) { c->state = CLIENT_RESOLVE_HOSTNAME; if (!(c->host_name_resolver = avahi_s_host_name_resolver_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, arg, c->afquery = AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, host_name_resolver_callback, c))) goto fail; avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got %s request for '%s'.", cmd, arg); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "RESOLVE-ADDRESS") == 0 && n_args == 2) { AvahiAddress addr; if (!(avahi_address_parse(arg, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, &addr))) { client_output_printf(c, "%+i Failed to parse address \"%s\".\n", AVAHI_ERR_INVALID_ADDRESS, arg); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; } else { c->state = CLIENT_RESOLVE_ADDRESS; if (!(c->address_resolver = avahi_s_address_resolver_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, &addr, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, address_resolver_callback, c))) goto fail; } avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got %s request for '%s'.", cmd, arg); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "BROWSE-DNS-SERVERS-IPV4") == 0 && n_args == 1) { c->state = CLIENT_BROWSE_DNS_SERVERS; if (!(c->dns_server_browser = avahi_s_dns_server_browser_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, NULL, AVAHI_DNS_SERVER_RESOLVE, c->afquery = AVAHI_PROTO_INET, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, dns_server_browser_callback, c))) goto fail; client_output_printf(c, "+ Browsing ...\n"); avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got %s request.", cmd); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "BROWSE-DNS-SERVERS-IPV6") == 0 && n_args == 1) { c->state = CLIENT_BROWSE_DNS_SERVERS; if (!(c->dns_server_browser = avahi_s_dns_server_browser_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, NULL, AVAHI_DNS_SERVER_RESOLVE, c->afquery = AVAHI_PROTO_INET6, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, dns_server_browser_callback, c))) goto fail; client_output_printf(c, "+ Browsing ...\n"); avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got %s request.", cmd); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "BROWSE-DNS-SERVERS") == 0 && n_args == 1) { c->state = CLIENT_BROWSE_DNS_SERVERS; if (!(c->dns_server_browser = avahi_s_dns_server_browser_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, NULL, AVAHI_DNS_SERVER_RESOLVE, c->afquery = AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, dns_server_browser_callback, c))) goto fail; client_output_printf(c, "+ Browsing ...\n"); avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got %s request.", cmd); } else { client_output_printf(c, "%+i Invalid command \"%s\", try \"HELP\".\n", AVAHI_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION, cmd); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; avahi_log_debug(__FILE__": Got invalid request '%s'.", cmd); } return; fail: client_output_printf(c, "%+i %s\n", avahi_server_errno(avahi_server), avahi_strerror(avahi_server_errno(avahi_server))); c->state = CLIENT_DEAD; } static void handle_input(Client *c) { assert(c); for (;;) { char *e; size_t k; if (!(e = memchr(c->inbuf, '\n', c->inbuf_length))) break; k = e - (char*) c->inbuf; *e = 0; handle_line(c, c->inbuf); c->inbuf_length -= k + 1; memmove(c->inbuf, e+1, c->inbuf_length); } } static void client_work(AvahiWatch *watch, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED int fd, AvahiWatchEvent events, void *userdata) { Client *c = userdata; assert(c); if ((events & AVAHI_WATCH_IN) && c->inbuf_length < sizeof(c->inbuf)) { ssize_t r; if ((r = read(c->fd, c->inbuf + c->inbuf_length, sizeof(c->inbuf) - c->inbuf_length)) <= 0) { if (r < 0) avahi_log_warn("read(): %s", strerror(errno)); client_free(c); return; } c->inbuf_length += r; assert(c->inbuf_length <= sizeof(c->inbuf)); handle_input(c); } if ((events & AVAHI_WATCH_OUT) && c->outbuf_length > 0) { ssize_t r; if ((r = write(c->fd, c->outbuf, c->outbuf_length)) < 0) { avahi_log_warn("write(): %s", strerror(errno)); client_free(c); return; } assert((size_t) r <= c->outbuf_length); c->outbuf_length -= r; if (c->outbuf_length) memmove(c->outbuf, c->outbuf + r, c->outbuf_length - r); if (c->outbuf_length == 0 && c->state == CLIENT_DEAD) { client_free(c); return; } } c->server->poll_api->watch_update( watch, (c->outbuf_length > 0 ? AVAHI_WATCH_OUT : 0) | (c->inbuf_length < sizeof(c->inbuf) ? AVAHI_WATCH_IN : 0)); } static void server_work(AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED AvahiWatch *watch, int fd, AvahiWatchEvent events, void *userdata) { Server *s = userdata; assert(s); if (events & AVAHI_WATCH_IN) { int cfd; if ((cfd = accept(fd, NULL, NULL)) < 0) avahi_log_error("accept(): %s", strerror(errno)); else client_new(s, cfd); } } int simple_protocol_setup(const AvahiPoll *poll_api) { struct sockaddr_un sa; mode_t u; int n; assert(!server); server = avahi_new(Server, 1); server->poll_api = poll_api; server->remove_socket = 0; server->fd = -1; server->n_clients = 0; AVAHI_LLIST_HEAD_INIT(Client, server->clients); server->watch = NULL; u = umask(0000); if ((n = sd_listen_fds(1)) < 0) { avahi_log_warn("Failed to acquire systemd file descriptors: %s", strerror(-n)); goto fail; } if (n > 1) { avahi_log_warn("Too many systemd file descriptors passed."); goto fail; } if (n == 1) { int r; if ((r = sd_is_socket(SD_LISTEN_FDS_START, AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 1)) < 0) { avahi_log_warn("Passed systemd file descriptor is of wrong type: %s", strerror(-r)); goto fail; } server->fd = SD_LISTEN_FDS_START; } else { if ((server->fd = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { avahi_log_warn("socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0): %s", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sun_family = AF_LOCAL; strncpy(sa.sun_path, AVAHI_SOCKET, sizeof(sa.sun_path)-1); /* We simply remove existing UNIX sockets under this name. The Avahi daemon makes sure that it runs only once on a host, therefore sockets that already exist are stale and may be removed without any ill effects */ unlink(AVAHI_SOCKET); if (bind(server->fd, (struct sockaddr*) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { avahi_log_warn("bind(): %s", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } server->remove_socket = 1; if (listen(server->fd, SOMAXCONN) < 0) { avahi_log_warn("listen(): %s", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } } umask(u); server->watch = poll_api->watch_new(poll_api, server->fd, AVAHI_WATCH_IN, server_work, server); return 0; fail: umask(u); simple_protocol_shutdown(); return -1; } void simple_protocol_shutdown(void) { if (server) { if (server->remove_socket) #ifdef ENABLE_CHROOT avahi_chroot_helper_unlink(AVAHI_SOCKET); #else unlink(AVAHI_SOCKET); #endif while (server->clients) client_free(server->clients); if (server->watch) server->poll_api->watch_free(server->watch); if (server->fd >= 0) close(server->fd); avahi_free(server); server = NULL; } } void simple_protocol_restart_queries(void) { Client *c; /* Restart queries in case of local domain name changes */ assert(server); for (c = server->clients; c; c = c->clients_next) if (c->state == CLIENT_BROWSE_DNS_SERVERS && c->dns_server_browser) { avahi_s_dns_server_browser_free(c->dns_server_browser); c->dns_server_browser = avahi_s_dns_server_browser_new(avahi_server, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC, AVAHI_PROTO_UNSPEC, NULL, AVAHI_DNS_SERVER_RESOLVE, c->afquery, AVAHI_LOOKUP_USE_MULTICAST, dns_server_browser_callback, c); } }