#!/usr/bin/python """ Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import asyncore import gc import logging import Queue import signal import socket import sys import threading import time server = None in_pipe = None out_pipe = None must_exit = False options = None dest_addresses = None connections = {} dns_cache = {} port_mappings = None map_localhost = False needs_flush = False flush_pipes = False REMOVE_TCP_OVERHEAD = 1460.0 / 1500.0 def PrintMessage(msg): # Print the message to stdout & flush to make sure that the message is not # buffered when tsproxy is run as a subprocess. print >> sys.stdout, msg sys.stdout.flush() ######################################################################################################################## # Traffic-shaping pipe (just passthrough for now) ######################################################################################################################## class TSPipe(): PIPE_IN = 0 PIPE_OUT = 1 def __init__(self, direction, latency, kbps): self.direction = direction self.latency = latency self.kbps = kbps self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.last_tick = time.clock() self.next_message = None self.available_bytes = .0 self.peer = 'server' if self.direction == self.PIPE_IN: self.peer = 'client' def SendMessage(self, message): global connections try: connection_id = message['connection'] if connection_id in connections and self.peer in connections[connection_id]: now = time.clock() if message['message'] == 'closed': message['time'] = now else: message['time'] = time.clock() + self.latency message['size'] = .0 if 'data' in message: message['size'] = float(len(message['data'])) self.queue.put(message) except: pass def tick(self): global connections global flush_pipes processed_messages = False now = time.clock() try: if self.next_message is None: self.next_message = self.queue.get_nowait() # Accumulate bandwidth if an available packet/message was waiting since our last tick if self.next_message is not None and self.kbps > .0 and self.next_message['time'] <= now: elapsed = now - self.last_tick accumulated_bytes = elapsed * self.kbps * 1000.0 / 8.0 self.available_bytes += accumulated_bytes # process messages as long as the next message is sendable (latency or available bytes) while (self.next_message is not None) and\ (flush_pipes or ((self.next_message['time'] <= now) and\ (self.kbps <= .0 or self.next_message['size'] <= self.available_bytes))): processed_messages = True self.queue.task_done() connection_id = self.next_message['connection'] if connection_id in connections: if self.peer in connections[connection_id]: try: if self.kbps > .0: self.available_bytes -= self.next_message['size'] connections[connection_id][self.peer].handle_message(self.next_message) except: # Clean up any disconnected connections try: connections[connection_id]['server'].close() except: pass try: connections[connection_id]['client'].close() except: pass del connections[connection_id] self.next_message = None self.next_message = self.queue.get_nowait() except: pass # Only accumulate bytes while we have messages that are ready to send if self.next_message is None or self.next_message['time'] > now: self.available_bytes = .0 self.last_tick = now return processed_messages ######################################################################################################################## # Threaded DNS resolver ######################################################################################################################## class AsyncDNS(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, client_id, hostname, port, result_pipe): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.client_id = client_id self.result_pipe = result_pipe def run(self): try: addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, self.port) logging.info('[{0:d}] Resolving {1}:{2:d} Completed'.format(self.client_id, self.hostname, self.port)) except: addresses = () logging.info('[{0:d}] Resolving {1}:{2:d} Failed'.format(self.client_id, self.hostname, self.port)) message = {'message': 'resolved', 'connection': self.client_id, 'addresses': addresses} self.result_pipe.SendMessage(message) ######################################################################################################################## # TCP Client ######################################################################################################################## class TCPConnection(asyncore.dispatcher): STATE_ERROR = -1 STATE_IDLE = 0 STATE_RESOLVING = 1 STATE_CONNECTING = 2 STATE_CONNECTED = 3 def __init__(self, client_id): global options asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.client_id = client_id self.state = self.STATE_IDLE self.buffer = '' self.addr = None self.dns_thread = None self.hostname = None self.port = None self.needs_config = True self.needs_close = False self.read_available = False self.window_available = options.window self.is_localhost = False self.did_resolve = False; def SendMessage(self, type, message): message['message'] = type message['connection'] = self.client_id in_pipe.SendMessage(message) def handle_message(self, message): if message['message'] == 'data' and 'data' in message and len(message['data']) and self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED: if not self.needs_close: self.buffer += message['data'] self.SendMessage('ack', {}) elif message['message'] == 'ack': # Increase the congestion window by 2 packets for every packet transmitted up to 350 packets (~512KB) self.window_available = min(self.window_available + 2, 350) if self.read_available: self.handle_read() elif message['message'] == 'resolve': self.HandleResolve(message) elif message['message'] == 'connect': self.HandleConnect(message) elif message['message'] == 'closed': if len(self.buffer) == 0: self.handle_close() else: self.needs_close = True def handle_error(self): logging.warning('[{0:d}] Error'.format(self.client_id)) if self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTING: self.SendMessage('connected', {'success': False, 'address': self.addr}) def handle_close(self): logging.info('[{0:d}] Server Connection Closed'.format(self.client_id)) self.state = self.STATE_ERROR self.close() try: if self.client_id in connections: if 'server' in connections[self.client_id]: del connections[self.client_id]['server'] if 'client' in connections[self.client_id]: self.SendMessage('closed', {}) else: del connections[self.client_id] except: pass def writable(self): if self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTING: self.state = self.STATE_CONNECTED self.SendMessage('connected', {'success': True, 'address': self.addr}) logging.info('[{0:d}] Connected'.format(self.client_id)) return (len(self.buffer) > 0 and self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED) def handle_write(self): if self.needs_config: self.needs_config = False self.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) sent = self.send(self.buffer) logging.debug('[{0:d}] TCP => {1:d} byte(s)'.format(self.client_id, sent)) self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:] if self.needs_close and len(self.buffer) == 0: self.needs_close = False self.handle_close() def handle_read(self): if self.window_available == 0: self.read_available = True return self.read_available = False try: while self.window_available > 0: data = self.recv(1460) if data: if self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED: self.window_available -= 1 logging.debug('[{0:d}] TCP <= {1:d} byte(s)'.format(self.client_id, len(data))) self.SendMessage('data', {'data': data}) else: return except: pass def HandleResolve(self, message): global in_pipe global map_localhost self.did_resolve = True if 'hostname' in message: self.hostname = message['hostname'] self.port = 0 if 'port' in message: self.port = message['port'] logging.info('[{0:d}] Resolving {1}:{2:d}'.format(self.client_id, self.hostname, self.port)) if self.hostname == 'localhost': self.hostname = '' if self.hostname == '': logging.info('[{0:d}] Connection to localhost detected'.format(self.client_id)) self.is_localhost = True if (dest_addresses is not None) and (not self.is_localhost or map_localhost): self.SendMessage('resolved', {'addresses': dest_addresses}) else: self.state = self.STATE_RESOLVING self.dns_thread = AsyncDNS(self.client_id, self.hostname, self.port, in_pipe) self.dns_thread.start() def HandleConnect(self, message): global map_localhost if 'addresses' in message and len(message['addresses']): self.state = self.STATE_CONNECTING if not self.did_resolve and message['addresses'][0] == '': logging.info('[{0:d}] Connection to localhost detected'.format(self.client_id)) self.is_localhost = True if (dest_addresses is not None) and (not self.is_localhost or map_localhost): self.addr = dest_addresses[0] else: self.addr = message['addresses'][0] self.create_socket(self.addr[0], socket.SOCK_STREAM) addr = self.addr[4][0] if not self.is_localhost or map_localhost: port = GetDestPort(message['port']) else: port = message['port'] logging.info('[{0:d}] Connecting to {1}:{2:d}'.format(self.client_id, addr, port)) self.connect((addr, port)) ######################################################################################################################## # Socks5 Server ######################################################################################################################## class Socks5Server(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, host, port): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: #self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((host, port)) self.listen(socket.SOMAXCONN) self.ipaddr, self.port = self.getsockname() self.current_client_id = 0 except: PrintMessage("Unable to listen on {0}:{1}. Is the port already in use?".format(host, port)) exit(1) def handle_accept(self): global connections pair = self.accept() if pair is not None: sock, addr = pair self.current_client_id += 1 logging.info('[{0:d}] Incoming connection from {1}'.format(self.current_client_id, repr(addr))) connections[self.current_client_id] = { 'client' : Socks5Connection(sock, self.current_client_id), 'server' : None } # Socks5 reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS#SOCKS5 class Socks5Connection(asyncore.dispatcher): STATE_ERROR = -1 STATE_WAITING_FOR_HANDSHAKE = 0 STATE_WAITING_FOR_CONNECT_REQUEST = 1 STATE_RESOLVING = 2 STATE_CONNECTING = 3 STATE_CONNECTED = 4 def __init__(self, connected_socket, client_id): global options asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, connected_socket) self.client_id = client_id self.state = self.STATE_WAITING_FOR_HANDSHAKE self.ip = None self.addresses = None self.hostname = None self.port = None self.requested_address = None self.buffer = '' self.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 1460) self.needs_close = False self.read_available = False self.window_available = options.window def SendMessage(self, type, message): message['message'] = type message['connection'] = self.client_id out_pipe.SendMessage(message) def handle_message(self, message): if message['message'] == 'data' and 'data' in message and len(message['data']) and self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED: if not self.needs_close: self.buffer += message['data'] self.SendMessage('ack', {}) elif message['message'] == 'ack': # Increase the congestion window by 2 packets for every packet transmitted up to 350 packets (~512KB) self.window_available = min(self.window_available + 2, 350) if self.read_available: self.handle_read() elif message['message'] == 'resolved': self.HandleResolved(message) elif message['message'] == 'connected': self.HandleConnected(message) elif message['message'] == 'closed': if len(self.buffer) == 0: self.handle_close() else: self.needs_close = True def writable(self): return (len(self.buffer) > 0) def handle_write(self): sent = self.send(self.buffer) logging.debug('[{0:d}] SOCKS <= {1:d} byte(s)'.format(self.client_id, sent)) self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:] if self.needs_close and len(self.buffer) == 0: self.needs_close = False self.handle_close() def handle_read(self): global connections global dns_cache if self.window_available == 0: self.read_available = True return self.read_available = False try: while self.window_available > 0: # Consume in up-to packet-sized chunks (TCP packet payload as 1460 bytes from 1500 byte ethernet frames) data = self.recv(1460) if data: data_len = len(data) if self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTED: logging.debug('[{0:d}] SOCKS => {1:d} byte(s)'.format(self.client_id, data_len)) self.window_available -= 1 self.SendMessage('data', {'data': data}) elif self.state == self.STATE_WAITING_FOR_HANDSHAKE: self.state = self.STATE_ERROR #default to an error state, set correctly if things work out if data_len >= 2 and ord(data[0]) == 0x05: supports_no_auth = False auth_count = ord(data[1]) if data_len == auth_count + 2: for i in range(auth_count): offset = i + 2 if ord(data[offset]) == 0: supports_no_auth = True if supports_no_auth: # Respond with a message that "No Authentication" was agreed to logging.info('[{0:d}] New Socks5 client'.format(self.client_id)) response = chr(0x05) + chr(0x00) self.state = self.STATE_WAITING_FOR_CONNECT_REQUEST self.buffer += response elif self.state == self.STATE_WAITING_FOR_CONNECT_REQUEST: self.state = self.STATE_ERROR #default to an error state, set correctly if things work out if data_len >= 10 and ord(data[0]) == 0x05 and ord(data[2]) == 0x00: if ord(data[1]) == 0x01: #TCP connection (only supported method for now) connections[self.client_id]['server'] = TCPConnection(self.client_id) self.requested_address = data[3:] port_offset = 0 if ord(data[3]) == 0x01: port_offset = 8 self.ip = '{0:d}.{1:d}.{2:d}.{3:d}'.format(ord(data[4]), ord(data[5]), ord(data[6]), ord(data[7])) elif ord(data[3]) == 0x03: name_len = ord(data[4]) if data_len >= 6 + name_len: port_offset = 5 + name_len self.hostname = data[5:5 + name_len] elif ord(data[3]) == 0x04 and data_len >= 22: port_offset = 20 self.ip = '' for i in range(16): self.ip += '{0:02x}'.format(ord(data[4 + i])) if i % 2 and i < 15: self.ip += ':' if port_offset and connections[self.client_id]['server'] is not None: self.port = 256 * ord(data[port_offset]) + ord(data[port_offset + 1]) if self.port: if self.ip is None and self.hostname is not None: if self.hostname in dns_cache: self.state = self.STATE_CONNECTING self.addresses = dns_cache[self.hostname] self.SendMessage('connect', {'addresses': self.addresses, 'port': self.port}) else: self.state = self.STATE_RESOLVING self.SendMessage('resolve', {'hostname': self.hostname, 'port': self.port}) elif self.ip is not None: self.state = self.STATE_CONNECTING self.addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(self.ip, self.port) self.SendMessage('connect', {'addresses': self.addresses, 'port': self.port}) else: return except: pass def handle_close(self): logging.info('[{0:d}] Browser Connection Closed'.format(self.client_id)) self.state = self.STATE_ERROR self.close() try: if self.client_id in connections: if 'client' in connections[self.client_id]: del connections[self.client_id]['client'] if 'server' in connections[self.client_id]: self.SendMessage('closed', {}) else: del connections[self.client_id] except: pass def HandleResolved(self, message): global dns_cache if self.state == self.STATE_RESOLVING: if 'addresses' in message and len(message['addresses']): self.state = self.STATE_CONNECTING self.addresses = message['addresses'] dns_cache[self.hostname] = self.addresses logging.debug('[{0:d}] Resolved {1}, Connecting'.format(self.client_id, self.hostname)) self.SendMessage('connect', {'addresses': self.addresses, 'port': self.port}) else: # Send host unreachable error self.state = self.STATE_ERROR self.buffer += chr(0x05) + chr(0x04) + self.requested_address def HandleConnected(self, message): if 'success' in message and self.state == self.STATE_CONNECTING: response = chr(0x05) if message['success']: response += chr(0x00) logging.debug('[{0:d}] Connected to {1}'.format(self.client_id, self.hostname)) self.state = self.STATE_CONNECTED else: response += chr(0x04) self.state = self.STATE_ERROR response += chr(0x00) response += self.requested_address self.buffer += response ######################################################################################################################## # stdin command processor ######################################################################################################################## class CommandProcessor(): def __init__(self): thread = threading.Thread(target = self.run, args=()) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def run(self): global must_exit while not must_exit: for line in iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''): self.ProcessCommand(line.strip()) def ProcessCommand(self, input): global in_pipe global out_pipe global needs_flush global REMOVE_TCP_OVERHEAD if len(input): ok = False try: command = input.split() if len(command) and len(command[0]): if command[0].lower() == 'flush': needs_flush = True ok = True elif len(command) >= 3 and command[0].lower() == 'set' and command[1].lower() == 'rtt' and len(command[2]): rtt = float(command[2]) latency = rtt / 2000.0 in_pipe.latency = latency out_pipe.latency = latency needs_flush = True ok = True elif len(command) >= 3 and command[0].lower() == 'set' and command[1].lower() == 'inkbps' and len(command[2]): in_pipe.kbps = float(command[2]) * REMOVE_TCP_OVERHEAD needs_flush = True ok = True elif len(command) >= 3 and command[0].lower() == 'set' and command[1].lower() == 'outkbps' and len(command[2]): out_pipe.kbps = float(command[2]) * REMOVE_TCP_OVERHEAD needs_flush = True ok = True elif len(command) >= 3 and command[0].lower() == 'set' and command[1].lower() == 'mapports' and len(command[2]): SetPortMappings(command[2]) needs_flush = True ok = True except: pass if not ok: PrintMessage('ERROR') ######################################################################################################################## # Main Entry Point ######################################################################################################################## def main(): global server global options global in_pipe global out_pipe global dest_addresses global port_mappings global map_localhost import argparse global REMOVE_TCP_OVERHEAD parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Traffic-shaping socks5 proxy.', prog='tsproxy') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help="Increase verbosity (specify multiple times for more). -vvvv for full debug output.") parser.add_argument('-b', '--bind', default='localhost', help="Server interface address (defaults to localhost).") parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=1080, help="Server port (defaults to 1080, use 0 for randomly assigned).") parser.add_argument('-r', '--rtt', type=float, default=.0, help="Round Trip Time Latency (in ms).") parser.add_argument('-i', '--inkbps', type=float, default=.0, help="Download Bandwidth (in 1000 bits/s - Kbps).") parser.add_argument('-o', '--outkbps', type=float, default=.0, help="Upload Bandwidth (in 1000 bits/s - Kbps).") parser.add_argument('-w', '--window', type=int, default=10, help="Emulated TCP initial congestion window (defaults to 10).") parser.add_argument('-d', '--desthost', help="Redirect all outbound connections to the specified host.") parser.add_argument('-m', '--mapports', help="Remap outbound ports. Comma-separated list of original:new with * as a wildcard. --mapports '443:8443,*:8080'") parser.add_argument('-l', '--localhost', action='store_true', default=False, help="Include connections already destined for localhost/ in the host and port remapping.") options = parser.parse_args() # Set up logging log_level = logging.CRITICAL if options.verbose == 1: log_level = logging.ERROR elif options.verbose == 2: log_level = logging.WARNING elif options.verbose == 3: log_level = logging.INFO elif options.verbose >= 4: log_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format="%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d - %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S") # Parse any port mappings if options.mapports: SetPortMappings(options.mapports) map_localhost = options.localhost # Resolve the address for a rewrite destination host if one was specified if options.desthost: dest_addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(options.desthost, GetDestPort(80)) # Set up the pipes. 1/2 of the latency gets applied in each direction (and /1000 to convert to seconds) in_pipe = TSPipe(TSPipe.PIPE_IN, options.rtt / 2000.0, options.inkbps * REMOVE_TCP_OVERHEAD) out_pipe = TSPipe(TSPipe.PIPE_OUT, options.rtt / 2000.0, options.outkbps * REMOVE_TCP_OVERHEAD) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) server = Socks5Server(options.bind, options.port) command_processor = CommandProcessor() PrintMessage('Started Socks5 proxy server on {0}:{1:d}\nHit Ctrl-C to exit.'.format(server.ipaddr, server.port)) run_loop() def signal_handler(signal, frame): global server global must_exit logging.error('Exiting...') must_exit = True del server # Wrapper around the asyncore loop that lets us poll the in/out pipes every 1ms def run_loop(): global must_exit global in_pipe global out_pipe global needs_flush global flush_pipes gc_check_count = 0 last_activity = time.clock() # disable gc to avoid pauses during traffic shaping/proxying gc.disable() while not must_exit: asyncore.poll(0.001, asyncore.socket_map) if needs_flush: flush_pipes = True needs_flush = False if in_pipe.tick(): last_activity = time.clock() if out_pipe.tick(): last_activity = time.clock() if flush_pipes: PrintMessage('OK') flush_pipes = False # Every 500 loops (~0.5 second) check to see if it is a good time to do a gc if gc_check_count > 1000: gc_check_count = 0 # manually gc after 5 seconds of idle if time.clock() - last_activity >= 5: last_activity = time.clock() logging.debug("Triggering manual GC") gc.collect() else: gc_check_count += 1 def GetDestPort(port): global port_mappings if port_mappings is not None: src_port = str(port) if src_port in port_mappings: return port_mappings[src_port] elif 'default' in port_mappings: return port_mappings['default'] return port def SetPortMappings(map_string): global port_mappings port_mappings = {} map_string = map_string.strip('\'" \t\r\n') for pair in map_string.split(','): (src, dest) = pair.split(':') if src == '*': port_mappings['default'] = int(dest) logging.debug("Default port mapped to port {0}".format(dest)) else: logging.debug("Port {0} mapped to port {1}".format(src, dest)) port_mappings[src] = int(dest) if '__main__' == __name__: main()