<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. --> <link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html"> <script> 'use strict'; tr.exportTo('pi.m', function() { function StreamingReducer(reducingTargetConstructor) { this.reducingTargetConstructor = reducingTargetConstructor; this.reducingTargetsByKey_ = {}; } StreamingReducer.prototype = { push: function(key, value) { var reducingTarget = this.reducingTargetsByKey_[key]; if (reducingTarget === undefined) { reducingTarget = new this.reducingTargetConstructor(key, value); this.reducingTargetsByKey_[key] = reducingTarget; } reducingTarget.push(key, value); }, finalizeAndIterResults: function(outputFunc, opt_this) { for (var key in this.reducingTargetsByKey_) { var reducingTarget = this.reducingTargetsByKey_[key]; var resultValue = reducingTarget.finalizeAndGetResult(key); outputFunc.call(opt_this, key, resultValue); } }, finalizeAndGetResults: function() { var res = []; this.finalizeAndIterResults(function(key, value) { res.push({key: key, value: value}); }); return res; } }; return { StreamingReducer: StreamingReducer }; }); </script>