<!-- Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. --> ![Trace Viewer Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/catapult-project/catapult/master/tracing/images/trace-viewer-circle-blue.png) Trace-Viewer is the javascript frontend for Chrome [about:tracing](http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/trace-event-profiling-tool) and [Android systrace](http://developer.android.com/tools/help/systrace.html). It provides rich analysis and visualization capabilities for many types of trace files. Its particularly good at viewing linux kernel traces (aka [ftrace](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/trace/ftrace.txt)) and Chrome's [trace_event format](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvAClvFfyA5R-PhYUmn5OOQtYMH4h6I0nSsKchNAySU/preview). Trace viewer can be [embedded](https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/wiki/Embedding-Trace-Viewer) as a component in your own code, or used from a plain checkout to turn trace files into standalone, emailable HTML files from the commandline: ``` $CATAPULT/tracing/bin/trace2html my_trace.json --output=my_trace.html && open my_trace.html ``` Its easy to [extend trace viewer](https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/wiki/Extending-and-Customizing-Trace-Viewer) to support your favorite trace format, or add domain specific visualizations to the UI to simplify drilling down into complex data. Contributing, quick version === We welcome contributions! To hack on this code. There are two type of tests. ### In the browser Run http server `$CATAPULT/bin/run_dev_server`. In any browser, navigate to `http://localhost:8003/` **Unit tests**| **Descripton** --- | --- All tests | http://localhost:8003/tests.html All tests with short format | http://localhost:8003/tracing/tests.html?shortFormat An individual test suite(such as ui/foo_test.js) | http://localhost:8003/tests.html?testSuiteName=ui.foo Tests named foo| http://localhost:8003/tests.html?testFilterString=foo ### On command **Unit tests**| **Description** --- | --- All python tests | `$CATAPULT/tracing/bin/run_py_tests` All tracing tests in d8 environment | `$CATAPULT/tracing/bin/run_vinn_tests` All tests | `$CATAPULT/tracing/bin/run_tests` Make sure tests pass before sending us changelist. **We use rietveld for codereview**. For more details, esp on rietveld, [read our contributing guide](https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) or check out the [trace viewer wiki](https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/wiki/Trace-Viewer-Getting-Started). Contact Us === Join our Google Group: * [tracing@chromium.org](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!forum/tracing)