// Copyright 2008-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.

/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_misc_opcodes.cpp#1 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
/* $Change: 832332 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */


#include "dng_misc_opcodes.h"

#include "dng_bottlenecks.h"
#include "dng_exceptions.h"
#include "dng_globals.h"
#include "dng_host.h"
#include "dng_image.h"
#include "dng_rect.h"
#include "dng_safe_arithmetic.h"
#include "dng_stream.h"
#include "dng_tag_values.h"


dng_opcode_TrimBounds::dng_opcode_TrimBounds (const dng_rect &bounds)

	:	dng_opcode (dngOpcode_TrimBounds,
	,	fBounds (bounds)


dng_opcode_TrimBounds::dng_opcode_TrimBounds (dng_stream &stream)
	:	dng_opcode (dngOpcode_TrimBounds,
	,	fBounds ()
	if (stream.Get_uint32 () != 16)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	fBounds.t = stream.Get_int32 ();
	fBounds.l = stream.Get_int32 ();
	fBounds.b = stream.Get_int32 ();
	fBounds.r = stream.Get_int32 ();
	if (fBounds.IsEmpty ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		printf ("Bounds: t=%d, l=%d, b=%d, r=%d\n",
				(int) fBounds.t,
				(int) fBounds.l,
				(int) fBounds.b,
				(int) fBounds.r);


void dng_opcode_TrimBounds::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	stream.Put_uint32 (16);
	stream.Put_int32 (fBounds.t);
	stream.Put_int32 (fBounds.l);
	stream.Put_int32 (fBounds.b);
	stream.Put_int32 (fBounds.r);


void dng_opcode_TrimBounds::Apply (dng_host & /* host */,
								   dng_negative & /* negative */,
								   AutoPtr<dng_image> &image)
	if (fBounds.IsEmpty () || (fBounds & image->Bounds ()) != fBounds)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	image->Trim (fBounds);


void dng_area_spec::GetData (dng_stream &stream)
	fArea.t = stream.Get_int32 ();
	fArea.l = stream.Get_int32 ();
	fArea.b = stream.Get_int32 ();
	fArea.r = stream.Get_int32 ();
	fPlane  = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fPlanes = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fRowPitch = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fColPitch = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	if (fPlanes < 1)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (fRowPitch < 1 || fColPitch < 1)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (fArea.IsEmpty ())
		if (fRowPitch != 1 || fColPitch != 1)
			ThrowBadFormat ();
		int32 width = 0;
		int32 height = 0;
		if (!SafeInt32Sub (fArea.b, fArea.t, &height) ||
			 !SafeInt32Sub (fArea.r, fArea.l, &width) ||
			 fRowPitch > static_cast<uint32>(height) ||
			 fColPitch > static_cast<uint32>(width))
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		printf ("AreaSpec: t=%d, l=%d, b=%d, r=%d, p=%u:%u, rp=%u, cp=%u\n",
				(int) fArea.t,
				(int) fArea.l,
				(int) fArea.b,
				(int) fArea.r,
				(unsigned) fPlane,
				(unsigned) fPlanes,
				(unsigned) fRowPitch,
				(unsigned) fColPitch);


void dng_area_spec::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	stream.Put_int32 (fArea.t);
	stream.Put_int32 (fArea.l);
	stream.Put_int32 (fArea.b);
	stream.Put_int32 (fArea.r);
	stream.Put_uint32 (fPlane);
	stream.Put_uint32 (fPlanes);
	stream.Put_uint32 (fRowPitch);
	stream.Put_uint32 (fColPitch);


dng_rect dng_area_spec::Overlap (const dng_rect &tile) const
	// Special case - if the fArea is empty, then dng_area_spec covers
	// the entire image, no matter how large it is.
	if (fArea.IsEmpty ())
		return tile;
	dng_rect overlap = fArea & tile;
	if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
		overlap.t = fArea.t + ConvertUint32ToInt32(
			RoundUpUint32ToMultiple(static_cast<uint32>(overlap.t - fArea.t),
		overlap.l = fArea.l + ConvertUint32ToInt32(
			RoundUpUint32ToMultiple(static_cast<uint32>(overlap.l - fArea.l),
		if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
			overlap.b = overlap.t + ((overlap.H () - 1) / fRowPitch) * fRowPitch + 1;
			overlap.r = overlap.l + ((overlap.W () - 1) / fColPitch) * fColPitch + 1;
			return overlap;
	return dng_rect ();


dng_opcode_MapTable::dng_opcode_MapTable (dng_host &host,
										  const dng_area_spec &areaSpec,
										  const uint16 *table,
										  uint32 count)
	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_MapTable,
	,	fAreaSpec (areaSpec)
	,	fTable    ()
	,	fCount    (count)
	if (count == 0 || count > 0x10000)
		ThrowProgramError ();
	fTable.Reset (host.Allocate (0x10000 * sizeof (uint16)));
	DoCopyBytes (table,
				 fTable->Buffer (),
				 count * (uint32) sizeof (uint16));
	ReplicateLastEntry ();

dng_opcode_MapTable::dng_opcode_MapTable (dng_host &host,
										  dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_MapTable,
	,	fAreaSpec ()
	,	fTable    ()
	,	fCount    (0)
	uint32 dataSize = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fAreaSpec.GetData (stream);
	fCount = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	uint32 requiredSize = SafeUint32Mult(fCount, 2);
	requiredSize = SafeUint32Add(requiredSize, dng_area_spec::kDataSize);
	requiredSize = SafeUint32Add(requiredSize, 4);
	if (dataSize != requiredSize)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (fCount == 0 || fCount > 0x10000)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	fTable.Reset (host.Allocate (0x10000 * sizeof (uint16)));
	uint16 *table = fTable->Buffer_uint16 ();
	for (uint32 index = 0; index < fCount; index++)
		table [index] = stream.Get_uint16 ();
	ReplicateLastEntry ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		printf ("Count: %u\n", (unsigned) fCount);
		for (uint32 j = 0; j < fCount && j < gDumpLineLimit; j++)
			printf ("    Table [%5u] = %5u\n", (unsigned) j, (unsigned) table [j]);
		if (fCount > gDumpLineLimit)
			printf ("    ... %u table entries skipped\n", (unsigned) (fCount - gDumpLineLimit));


void dng_opcode_MapTable::ReplicateLastEntry ()
	uint16 *table = fTable->Buffer_uint16 ();
	uint16 lastEntry = table [fCount];
	for (uint32 index = fCount; index < 0x10000; index++)
		table [index] = lastEntry;


void dng_opcode_MapTable::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	stream.Put_uint32 (dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + fCount * 2);
	fAreaSpec.PutData (stream);
	stream.Put_uint32 (fCount);
	uint16 *table = fTable->Buffer_uint16 ();
	for (uint32 index = 0; index < fCount; index++)
		stream.Put_uint16 (table [index]);

uint32 dng_opcode_MapTable::BufferPixelType (uint32 /* imagePixelType */)
	return ttShort;

dng_rect dng_opcode_MapTable::ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
	return fAreaSpec.Overlap (imageBounds);

void dng_opcode_MapTable::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */,
									   uint32 /* threadIndex */,
									   dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
									   const dng_rect &dstArea,
									   const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)
	dng_rect overlap = fAreaSpec.Overlap (dstArea);
	if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
		for (uint32 plane = fAreaSpec.Plane ();
			 plane < fAreaSpec.Plane () + fAreaSpec.Planes () &&
			 plane < buffer.Planes ();
			DoMapArea16 (buffer.DirtyPixel_uint16 (overlap.t, overlap.l, plane),
						 (overlap.H () + fAreaSpec.RowPitch () - 1) / fAreaSpec.RowPitch (),
						 (overlap.W () + fAreaSpec.ColPitch () - 1) / fAreaSpec.ColPitch (),
						 fAreaSpec.RowPitch () * buffer.RowStep (),
						 fAreaSpec.ColPitch (),
						 fTable->Buffer_uint16 ());

dng_opcode_MapPolynomial::dng_opcode_MapPolynomial (const dng_area_spec &areaSpec,
													uint32 degree,
													const real64 *coefficient)
	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_MapPolynomial,
	,	fAreaSpec (areaSpec)
	,	fDegree   (degree)
	for (uint32 j = 0; j <= kMaxDegree; j++)
		if (j <= fDegree)
			fCoefficient [j] = coefficient [j];
			fCoefficient [j] = 0.0;

	// Reduce degree if possible.
	while (fDegree > 0 && fCoefficient [fDegree] == 0.0)



dng_opcode_MapPolynomial::dng_opcode_MapPolynomial (dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_MapPolynomial,
	,	fAreaSpec ()
	,	fDegree   (0)
	uint32 dataSize = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fAreaSpec.GetData (stream);
	fDegree = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	if (fDegree > kMaxDegree)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (dataSize != dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + (fDegree + 1) * 8)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j <= kMaxDegree; j++)
		if (j <= fDegree)
			fCoefficient [j] = stream.Get_real64 ();
			fCoefficient [j] = 0.0;
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		for (uint32 k = 0; k <= fDegree; k++)
			printf ("    Coefficient [%u] = %f\n", (unsigned) k, fCoefficient [k]);

void dng_opcode_MapPolynomial::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	stream.Put_uint32 (dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + (fDegree + 1) * 8);
	fAreaSpec.PutData (stream);
	stream.Put_uint32 (fDegree);
	for (uint32 j = 0; j <= fDegree; j++)
		stream.Put_real64 (fCoefficient [j]);

uint32 dng_opcode_MapPolynomial::BufferPixelType (uint32 imagePixelType)
	// If we are operating on the stage 1 image, then we need
	// to adjust the coefficients to convert from the image
	// values to the 32-bit floating point values that this
	// opcode operates on.
	// If we are operating on the stage 2 or 3 image, the logical
	// range of the image is already 0.0 to 1.0, so we don't
	// need to adjust the values.
	real64 scale32 = 1.0;
	if (Stage () == 1)
		switch (imagePixelType)
			case ttFloat:
			case ttShort:
				scale32 = (real64) 0xFFFF;
			case ttLong:
				scale32 = (real64) 0xFFFFFFFF;
				ThrowBadFormat ();
	real64 factor32 = 1.0 / scale32;
	for (uint32 j = 0; j <= kMaxDegree; j++)
		fCoefficient32 [j] = ConvertDoubleToFloat(fCoefficient [j] * factor32);
		factor32 *= scale32;

	return ttFloat;

dng_rect dng_opcode_MapPolynomial::ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
	return fAreaSpec.Overlap (imageBounds);

void dng_opcode_MapPolynomial::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */,
											uint32 /* threadIndex */,
											dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
											const dng_rect &dstArea,
											const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)
	dng_rect overlap = fAreaSpec.Overlap (dstArea);
	if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
		uint32 cols = overlap.W ();
		uint32 colPitch = fAreaSpec.ColPitch ();
		for (uint32 plane = fAreaSpec.Plane ();
			 plane < fAreaSpec.Plane () + fAreaSpec.Planes () &&
			 plane < buffer.Planes ();
			for (int32 row = overlap.t; row < overlap.b; row += fAreaSpec.RowPitch ())
				real32 *dPtr = buffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (row, overlap.l, plane);
				switch (fDegree)
					case 0:
						real32 y = Pin_real32 (0.0f,
											   fCoefficient32 [0],
						for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
							dPtr [col] = y;

					case 1:
						real32 c0 = fCoefficient32 [0];
						real32 c1 = fCoefficient32 [1];
						if (c0 == 0.0f)
							if (c1 > 0.0f)
								for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
									real32 x = dPtr [col];
									real32 y = c1 * x;
									dPtr [col] = Min_real32 (y, 1.0f);
								for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
									dPtr [col] = 0.0f;
							for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
								real32 x = dPtr [col];
								real32 y = c0 +
										   c1 * x;
								dPtr [col] = Pin_real32 (0.0f, y, 1.0f);
					case 2:
						for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
							real32 x = dPtr [col];
							real32 y =  fCoefficient32 [0] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [1] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [2]));
							dPtr [col] = Pin_real32 (0.0f, y, 1.0f);
					case 3:
						for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
							real32 x = dPtr [col];
							real32 y =  fCoefficient32 [0] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [1] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [2] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [3])));
							dPtr [col] = Pin_real32 (0.0f, y, 1.0f);
					case 4:
						for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
							real32 x = dPtr [col];
							real32 y =  fCoefficient32 [0] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [1] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [2] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [3] + x *
									   (fCoefficient32 [4]))));
							dPtr [col] = Pin_real32 (0.0f, y, 1.0f);
						for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
							real32 x = dPtr [col];
							real32 y = fCoefficient32 [0];
							real32 xx = x;
							for (uint32 j = 1; j <= fDegree; j++)
								y += fCoefficient32 [j] * xx;
								xx *= x;
							dPtr [col] = Pin_real32 (0.0f, y, 1.0f);


dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow::dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow (const dng_area_spec &areaSpec,
												AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> &table)
	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_DeltaPerRow,
	,	fAreaSpec (areaSpec)
	,	fTable    ()
	,	fScale    (1.0f)
	fTable.Reset (table.Release ());


dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow::dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow (dng_host &host,
												dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_DeltaPerRow,
	,	fAreaSpec ()
	,	fTable    ()
	,	fScale    (1.0f)
	uint32 dataSize = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fAreaSpec.GetData (stream);
	uint32 deltas = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().H (),
										fAreaSpec.RowPitch ());
	if (deltas != stream.Get_uint32 ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (dataSize != dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + deltas * 4)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	fTable.Reset (host.Allocate (SafeUint32Mult (deltas,
		static_cast<uint32> (sizeof (real32)))));
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < deltas; j++)
		table [j] = stream.Get_real32 ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		printf ("Count: %u\n", (unsigned) deltas);
		for (uint32 k = 0; k < deltas && k < gDumpLineLimit; k++)
			printf ("    Delta [%u] = %f\n", (unsigned) k, table [k]);
		if (deltas > gDumpLineLimit)
			printf ("    ... %u deltas skipped\n", (unsigned) (deltas - gDumpLineLimit));


void dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	uint32 deltas = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().H (),
										fAreaSpec.RowPitch ());
	stream.Put_uint32 (dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + deltas * 4);
	fAreaSpec.PutData (stream);
	stream.Put_uint32 (deltas);
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < deltas; j++)
		stream.Put_real32 (table [j]);


uint32 dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow::BufferPixelType (uint32 imagePixelType)
	real64 scale32 = 1.0;
	switch (imagePixelType)
		case ttFloat:
		case ttShort:
			scale32 = (real64) 0xFFFF;
		case ttLong:
			scale32 = (real64) 0xFFFFFFFF;
			ThrowBadFormat ();
	fScale = (real32) (1.0 / scale32);
	return ttFloat;


dng_rect dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow::ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
	return fAreaSpec.Overlap (imageBounds);


void dng_opcode_DeltaPerRow::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */,
										  uint32 /* threadIndex */,
										  dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
										  const dng_rect &dstArea,
										  const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)
	dng_rect overlap = fAreaSpec.Overlap (dstArea);
	if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
		uint32 cols = overlap.W ();
		uint32 colPitch = fAreaSpec.ColPitch ();
		for (uint32 plane = fAreaSpec.Plane ();
			 plane < fAreaSpec.Plane () + fAreaSpec.Planes () &&
			 plane < buffer.Planes ();
			const real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 () +
								  ((overlap.t - fAreaSpec.Area ().t) /
								   fAreaSpec.RowPitch ());
			for (int32 row = overlap.t; row < overlap.b; row += fAreaSpec.RowPitch ())
				real32 rowDelta = *(table++) * fScale;
				real32 *dPtr = buffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (row, overlap.l, plane);
				for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
					real32 x = dPtr [col];
					real32 y = x + rowDelta;
					dPtr [col] = Pin_real32 (0.0f, y, 1.0f);


dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn::dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn (const dng_area_spec &areaSpec,
												      AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> &table)
	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_DeltaPerColumn,
	,	fAreaSpec (areaSpec)
	,	fTable    ()
	,	fScale    (1.0f)
	fTable.Reset (table.Release ());


dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn::dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn (dng_host &host,
												      dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_DeltaPerColumn,
	,	fAreaSpec ()
	,	fTable    ()
	,	fScale    (1.0f)
	uint32 dataSize = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fAreaSpec.GetData (stream);
	uint32 deltas = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().W (),
										fAreaSpec.ColPitch ());
	if (deltas != stream.Get_uint32 ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (dataSize != dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + deltas * 4)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	fTable.Reset (host.Allocate (SafeUint32Mult (deltas,
		static_cast<uint32> (sizeof (real32)))));
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < deltas; j++)
		table [j] = stream.Get_real32 ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		printf ("Count: %u\n", (unsigned) deltas);
		for (uint32 k = 0; k < deltas && k < gDumpLineLimit; k++)
			printf ("    Delta [%u] = %f\n", (unsigned) k, table [k]);
		if (deltas > gDumpLineLimit)
			printf ("    ... %u deltas skipped\n", (unsigned) (deltas - gDumpLineLimit));


void dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	uint32 deltas = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().W (),
										fAreaSpec.ColPitch ());
	stream.Put_uint32 (dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + deltas * 4);
	fAreaSpec.PutData (stream);
	stream.Put_uint32 (deltas);
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < deltas; j++)
		stream.Put_real32 (table [j]);


uint32 dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn::BufferPixelType (uint32 imagePixelType)
	real64 scale32 = 1.0;
	switch (imagePixelType)
		case ttFloat:
		case ttShort:
			scale32 = (real64) 0xFFFF;
		case ttLong:
			scale32 = (real64) 0xFFFFFFFF;
			ThrowBadFormat ();
	fScale = (real32) (1.0 / scale32);
	return ttFloat;


dng_rect dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn::ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
	return fAreaSpec.Overlap (imageBounds);


void dng_opcode_DeltaPerColumn::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */,
											 uint32 /* threadIndex */,
											 dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
											 const dng_rect &dstArea,
											 const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)
	dng_rect overlap = fAreaSpec.Overlap (dstArea);
	if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
		uint32 rows = (overlap.H () + fAreaSpec.RowPitch () - 1) /
					  fAreaSpec.RowPitch ();
		int32 rowStep = buffer.RowStep () * fAreaSpec.RowPitch ();
		for (uint32 plane = fAreaSpec.Plane ();
			 plane < fAreaSpec.Plane () + fAreaSpec.Planes () &&
			 plane < buffer.Planes ();
			const real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 () +
								  ((overlap.l - fAreaSpec.Area ().l) /
								   fAreaSpec.ColPitch ());
			for (int32 col = overlap.l; col < overlap.r; col += fAreaSpec.ColPitch ())
				real32 colDelta = *(table++) * fScale;
				real32 *dPtr = buffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (overlap.t, col, plane);
				for (uint32 row = 0; row < rows; row++)
					real32 x = dPtr [0];
					real32 y = x + colDelta;
					dPtr [0] = Pin_real32 (0.0f, y, 1.0f);
					dPtr += rowStep;


dng_opcode_ScalePerRow::dng_opcode_ScalePerRow (const dng_area_spec &areaSpec,
												AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> &table)
	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_ScalePerRow,
	,	fAreaSpec (areaSpec)
	,	fTable    ()
	fTable.Reset (table.Release ());


dng_opcode_ScalePerRow::dng_opcode_ScalePerRow (dng_host &host,
												dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_ScalePerRow,
	,	fAreaSpec ()
	,	fTable    ()
	uint32 dataSize = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fAreaSpec.GetData (stream);
	uint32 scales = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().H (),
										fAreaSpec.RowPitch ());
	if (scales != stream.Get_uint32 ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (dataSize != dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + scales * 4)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	fTable.Reset (host.Allocate (SafeUint32Mult (scales,
		static_cast<uint32> (sizeof (real32)))));
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < scales; j++)
		table [j] = stream.Get_real32 ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		printf ("Count: %u\n", (unsigned) scales);
		for (uint32 k = 0; k < scales && k < gDumpLineLimit; k++)
			printf ("    Scale [%u] = %f\n", (unsigned) k, table [k]);
		if (scales > gDumpLineLimit)
			printf ("    ... %u scales skipped\n", (unsigned) (scales - gDumpLineLimit));


void dng_opcode_ScalePerRow::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	uint32 scales = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().H (),
										fAreaSpec.RowPitch ());
	stream.Put_uint32 (dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + scales * 4);
	fAreaSpec.PutData (stream);
	stream.Put_uint32 (scales);
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < scales; j++)
		stream.Put_real32 (table [j]);


uint32 dng_opcode_ScalePerRow::BufferPixelType (uint32 /* imagePixelType */)
	return ttFloat;


dng_rect dng_opcode_ScalePerRow::ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
	return fAreaSpec.Overlap (imageBounds);


void dng_opcode_ScalePerRow::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */,
										  uint32 /* threadIndex */,
										  dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
										  const dng_rect &dstArea,
										  const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)
	dng_rect overlap = fAreaSpec.Overlap (dstArea);
	if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
		uint32 cols = overlap.W ();
		uint32 colPitch = fAreaSpec.ColPitch ();
		for (uint32 plane = fAreaSpec.Plane ();
			 plane < fAreaSpec.Plane () + fAreaSpec.Planes () &&
			 plane < buffer.Planes ();
			const real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 () +
								  ((overlap.t - fAreaSpec.Area ().t) /
								   fAreaSpec.RowPitch ());
			for (int32 row = overlap.t; row < overlap.b; row += fAreaSpec.RowPitch ())
				real32 rowScale = *(table++);
				real32 *dPtr = buffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (row, overlap.l, plane);
				for (uint32 col = 0; col < cols; col += colPitch)
					real32 x = dPtr [col];
					real32 y = x * rowScale;
					dPtr [col] = Min_real32 (y, 1.0f);


dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn::dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn (const dng_area_spec &areaSpec,
												      AutoPtr<dng_memory_block> &table)
	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_ScalePerColumn,
	,	fAreaSpec (areaSpec)
	,	fTable    ()
	fTable.Reset (table.Release ());


dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn::dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn (dng_host &host,
												      dng_stream &stream)

	:	dng_inplace_opcode (dngOpcode_ScalePerColumn,
	,	fAreaSpec ()
	,	fTable    ()
	uint32 dataSize = stream.Get_uint32 ();
	fAreaSpec.GetData (stream);
	uint32 scales = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().W (),
	if (scales != stream.Get_uint32 ())
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	if (dataSize != dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + scales * 4)
		ThrowBadFormat ();
	fTable.Reset (host.Allocate (SafeUint32Mult (scales,
		static_cast<uint32> (sizeof (real32)))));
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < scales; j++)
		table [j] = stream.Get_real32 ();
	#if qDNGValidate
	if (gVerbose)
		printf ("Count: %u\n", (unsigned) scales);
		for (uint32 k = 0; k < scales && k < gDumpLineLimit; k++)
			printf ("    Scale [%u] = %f\n", (unsigned) k, table [k]);
		if (scales > gDumpLineLimit)
			printf ("    ... %u deltas skipped\n", (unsigned) (scales - gDumpLineLimit));


void dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn::PutData (dng_stream &stream) const
	uint32 scales = SafeUint32DivideUp (fAreaSpec.Area ().W (),
										fAreaSpec.ColPitch ());
	stream.Put_uint32 (dng_area_spec::kDataSize + 4 + scales * 4);
	fAreaSpec.PutData (stream);
	stream.Put_uint32 (scales);
	real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 ();
	for (uint32 j = 0; j < scales; j++)
		stream.Put_real32 (table [j]);


uint32 dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn::BufferPixelType (uint32 /* imagePixelType */)
	return ttFloat;


dng_rect dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn::ModifiedBounds (const dng_rect &imageBounds)
	return fAreaSpec.Overlap (imageBounds);


void dng_opcode_ScalePerColumn::ProcessArea (dng_negative & /* negative */,
											 uint32 /* threadIndex */,
											 dng_pixel_buffer &buffer,
											 const dng_rect &dstArea,
											 const dng_rect & /* imageBounds */)
	dng_rect overlap = fAreaSpec.Overlap (dstArea);
	if (overlap.NotEmpty ())
		uint32 rows = (overlap.H () + fAreaSpec.RowPitch () - 1) /
					  fAreaSpec.RowPitch ();
		int32 rowStep = buffer.RowStep () * fAreaSpec.RowPitch ();
		for (uint32 plane = fAreaSpec.Plane ();
			 plane < fAreaSpec.Plane () + fAreaSpec.Planes () &&
			 plane < buffer.Planes ();
			const real32 *table = fTable->Buffer_real32 () +
								  ((overlap.l - fAreaSpec.Area ().l) /
								   fAreaSpec.ColPitch ());
			for (int32 col = overlap.l; col < overlap.r; col += fAreaSpec.ColPitch ())
				real32 colScale = *(table++);
				real32 *dPtr = buffer.DirtyPixel_real32 (overlap.t, col, plane);
				for (uint32 row = 0; row < rows; row++)
					real32 x = dPtr [0];
					real32 y = x * colScale;
					dPtr [0] = Min_real32 (y, 1.0f);
					dPtr += rowStep;
