.TH IP\-MROUTE 8 "13 Dec 2012" "iproute2" "Linux" .SH "NAME" ip-mroute \- multicast routing cache management .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp .ad l .in +8 .ti -8 .BR "ip " " [ ip-OPTIONS ] " "mroute show" " [ [ " .BR " to " " ] " .IR PREFIX " ] [ " .B from .IR PREFIX " ] [ " .B iif .IR DEVICE " ] [ " .B table .IR TABLE_ID " ] " .SH DESCRIPTION .B mroute objects are multicast routing cache entries created by a user-level mrouting daemon (f.e. .B pimd or .B mrouted ). Due to the limitations of the current interface to the multicast routing engine, it is impossible to change .B mroute objects administratively, so we can only display them. This limitation will be removed in the future. .SS ip mroute show - list mroute cache entries .TP .BI to " PREFIX " (default) the prefix selecting the destination multicast addresses to list. .TP .BI iif " NAME" the interface on which multicast packets are received. .TP .BI from " PREFIX" the prefix selecting the IP source addresses of the multicast route. .TP .BI table " TABLE_ID" the table id selecting the multicast table. It can be .BR local ", " main ", " default ", " all " or a number." .SH SEE ALSO .br .BR ip (8) .SH AUTHOR Original Manpage by Michail Litvak <mci@owl.openwall.com>