%module btIndexedMesh %{ #include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btTriangleIndexVertexArray.h> %} %extend btIndexedMesh { void setTriangleIndexBase(short *data) { $self->m_triangleIndexBase = (unsigned char*)data; } void setVertexBase(float *data) { $self->m_vertexBase = (unsigned char*)data; } void setVertices(float *vertices, int sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, int vertexCount, int positionOffsetInBytes) { unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)vertices; $self->m_vertexBase = &(data[positionOffsetInBytes]); $self->m_vertexStride = sizeInBytesOfEachVertex; $self->m_numVertices = vertexCount; $self->m_vertexType = PHY_FLOAT; } void setIndices(short *indices, int indexOffset, int indexCount) { $self->m_triangleIndexBase = (unsigned char*)&(indices[indexOffset]); $self->m_triangleIndexStride = 3 * sizeof(short); $self->m_numTriangles = indexCount / 3; $self->m_indexType = PHY_SHORT; } }; %typemap(javaimports) btIndexedMesh %{ import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.bullet.BulletBase; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.bullet.linearmath.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Mesh; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.VertexAttribute; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.VertexAttributes.Usage; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.model.MeshPart; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; %} %typemap(javacode) btIndexedMesh %{ protected final static Array<btIndexedMesh> instances = new Array<btIndexedMesh>(); protected static btIndexedMesh getInstance(final Object tag) { final int n = instances.size; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final btIndexedMesh mesh = instances.get(i); if (tag.equals(mesh.tag)) return mesh; } return null; } /** Create or reuse a btIndexedMesh instance based on the specified {@link MeshPart}. * Use {@link #release()} to release the mesh when it's no longer needed. */ public static btIndexedMesh obtain(final MeshPart meshPart) { if (meshPart == null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("meshPart cannot be null"); btIndexedMesh result = getInstance(meshPart); if (result == null) { result = new btIndexedMesh(meshPart); instances.add(result); } result.obtain(); return result; } /** Create or reuse a btIndexedMesh instance based on the specified tag. * Use {@link #release()} to release the mesh when it's no longer needed. */ public static btIndexedMesh obtain(final Object tag, final FloatBuffer vertices, int sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, int vertexCount, int positionOffsetInBytes, final ShortBuffer indices, int indexOffset, int indexCount) { if (tag == null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("tag cannot be null"); btIndexedMesh result = getInstance(tag); if (result == null) { result = new btIndexedMesh(vertices, sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, vertexCount, positionOffsetInBytes, indices, indexOffset, indexCount); result.tag = tag; instances.add(result); } result.obtain(); return result; } /** The tag to identify this btIndexedMesh, may be null. Typically this is the {@link Mesh} or {@link MeshPart} used to create or set * this btIndexedMesh. Use by the static obtain(...) methods to avoid creating duplicate instances. */ public Object tag; /** Construct a new btIndexedMesh based on the supplied {@link Mesh} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public btIndexedMesh(final Mesh mesh) { this(); set(mesh); } /** Construct a new btIndexedMesh based on the supplied {@link MeshPart} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public btIndexedMesh(final MeshPart meshPart) { this(); set(meshPart); } /** Construct a new btIndexedMesh based on the supplied {@link Mesh} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public btIndexedMesh(final Mesh mesh, int offset, int count) { this(); set(mesh, offset, count); } /** Construct a new btIndexedMesh based on the supplied vertex and index data. * The specified data must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public btIndexedMesh(final FloatBuffer vertices, int sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, int vertexCount, int positionOffsetInBytes, final ShortBuffer indices, int indexOffset, int indexCount) { this(); set(vertices, sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, vertexCount, positionOffsetInBytes, indices, indexOffset, indexCount); } /** Convenience method to set this btIndexedMesh to the specified {@link Mesh} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public void set(final Mesh mesh) { set(mesh, mesh, 0, mesh.getNumIndices()); } /** Convenience method to set this btIndexedMesh to the specified {@link Mesh} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public void set(final Object tag, final Mesh mesh) { set(tag, mesh, 0, mesh.getNumIndices()); } /** Convenience method to set this btIndexedMesh to the specified {@link MeshPart} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public void set(final MeshPart meshPart) { if (meshPart.primitiveType != com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL20.GL_TRIANGLES) throw new com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException("Mesh must be indexed and triangulated"); set(meshPart, meshPart.mesh, meshPart.offset, meshPart.size); } /** Convenience method to set this btIndexedMesh to the specified {@link Mesh} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public void set(final Mesh mesh, int offset, int count) { set(null, mesh, offset, count); } /** Convenience method to set this btIndexedMesh to the specified {@link Mesh} * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amonst both. */ public void set(final Object tag, final Mesh mesh, int offset, int count) { if ((count <= 0) || ((count % 3) != 0)) throw new com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException("Mesh must be indexed and triangulated"); VertexAttribute posAttr = mesh.getVertexAttribute(Usage.Position); if (posAttr == null) throw new com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException("Mesh doesn't have a position attribute"); set(tag, mesh.getVerticesBuffer(), mesh.getVertexSize(), mesh.getNumVertices(), posAttr.offset, mesh.getIndicesBuffer(), offset, count); } /** Convenience method to set this btIndexedMesh to the specified vertex and index data. * The specified data must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. */ public void set(final FloatBuffer vertices, int sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, int vertexCount, int positionOffsetInBytes, final ShortBuffer indices, int indexOffset, int indexCount) { set(null, vertices, sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, vertexCount, positionOffsetInBytes, indices, indexOffset, indexCount); } /** Convenience method to set this btIndexedMesh to the specified vertex and index data. * The specified data must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btIndexedMesh. */ public void set(final Object tag, final FloatBuffer vertices, int sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, int vertexCount, int positionOffsetInBytes, final ShortBuffer indices, int indexOffset, int indexCount) { setVertices(vertices, sizeInBytesOfEachVertex, vertexCount, positionOffsetInBytes); setIndices(indices, indexOffset, indexCount); this.tag = tag; } %} %rename(internalAddIndexedMesh) btTriangleIndexVertexArray::addIndexedMesh; %javamethodmodifiers btTriangleIndexVertexArray::addIndexedMesh "private"; %ignore btTriangleIndexVertexArray::btTriangleIndexVertexArray(int numTriangles,int* triangleIndexBase,int triangleIndexStride,int numVertices,btScalar* vertexBase,int vertexStride); %ignore btTriangleIndexVertexArray::getIndexedMeshArray(); %typemap(javaimports) btTriangleIndexVertexArray %{ import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.bullet.BulletBase; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.bullet.linearmath.*; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix3; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Mesh; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.Model; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.model.MeshPart; import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.model.NodePart; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException; %} %typemap(javacode) btTriangleIndexVertexArray %{ protected final static Array<btTriangleIndexVertexArray> instances = new Array<btTriangleIndexVertexArray>(); /** @return Whether the supplied array contains all specified tags. */ public static <T extends Object> boolean compare(final btTriangleIndexVertexArray array, final Array<T> tags) { if (array.meshes.size != tags.size) return false; for (final btIndexedMesh mesh : array.meshes) { boolean found = false; final Object tag = mesh.tag; if (tag == null) return false; for (final T t : tags) { if (t.equals(tag)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) return false; } return true; } protected static <T extends Object> btTriangleIndexVertexArray getInstance(final Array<T> tags) { for (final btTriangleIndexVertexArray instance : instances) { if (compare(instance, tags)) return instance; } return null; } /** Create or reuse a btTriangleIndexVertexArray instance based on the specified {@link MeshPart} array. * Use {@link #release()} to release the mesh when it's no longer needed. */ public static <T extends MeshPart> btTriangleIndexVertexArray obtain(final Array<T> meshParts) { btTriangleIndexVertexArray result = getInstance(meshParts); if (result == null) { result = new btTriangleIndexVertexArray(meshParts); instances.add(result); } result.obtain(); return result; } protected final Array<btIndexedMesh> meshes = new Array<btIndexedMesh>(1); public btTriangleIndexVertexArray(final MeshPart meshPart) { this(); addMeshPart(meshPart); } public <T extends MeshPart> btTriangleIndexVertexArray(final Iterable<T> meshParts) { this(); addMeshParts(meshParts); } /** The amount of meshes this array contains. */ public int getIndexedMeshCount() { return meshes.size; } /** Return the {@link btIndexedMesh} at the specified index. */ public btIndexedMesh getIndexedMesh(int index) { return meshes.get(index); } /** Add a {@link MeshPart} instance to this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The specified mesh must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amongst both. */ public btTriangleIndexVertexArray addMeshPart(final MeshPart meshPart) { btIndexedMesh mesh = btIndexedMesh.obtain(meshPart); addIndexedMesh(mesh, PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT); mesh.release(); return this; } /** Add one or more {@link MeshPart} instances to this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The specified meshes must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amongst both. */ public btTriangleIndexVertexArray addMeshParts(final MeshPart... meshParts) { for (int i = 0; i < meshParts.length; i++) addMeshPart(meshParts[i]); return this; } /** Add one or more {@link MeshPart} instances to this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The specified meshes must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amongst both. */ public <T extends MeshPart> btTriangleIndexVertexArray addMeshParts(final Iterable<T> meshParts) { for (final MeshPart meshPart : meshParts) addMeshPart(meshPart); return this; } /** Add one or more {@link NodePart} instances to this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The specified meshes must be indexed and triangulated and must outlive this btTriangleIndexVertexArray. * The buffers for the vertices and indices are shared amongst both. */ public <T extends NodePart> btTriangleIndexVertexArray addNodeParts(final Iterable<T> nodeParts) { for (final NodePart nodePart : nodeParts) addMeshPart(nodePart.meshPart); return this; } /** Add a {@link btIndexedMesh} to this array */ public btTriangleIndexVertexArray addIndexedMesh(final btIndexedMesh mesh, int indexType) { mesh.obtain(); internalAddIndexedMesh(mesh, indexType); meshes.add(mesh); return this; } /** Add a {@link btIndexedMesh} to this array */ public btTriangleIndexVertexArray addIndexedMesh(final btIndexedMesh mesh) { return addIndexedMesh(mesh, PHY_ScalarType.PHY_SHORT); } @Override public void dispose() { for (final btIndexedMesh mesh : meshes) mesh.release(); meshes.clear(); super.dispose(); } %} %include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btTriangleIndexVertexArray.h"