/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 NXP Semiconductors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * TML Implementation. */ #include <phTmlNfc.h> #include <phOsalNfc_Timer.h> #include <phNxpLog.h> #include <phDal4Nfc_messageQueueLib.h> #include <phTmlNfc_i2c.h> #include <phNxpNciHal_utils.h> /* * Duration of Timer to wait after sending an Nci packet */ #define PHTMLNFC_MAXTIME_RETRANSMIT (200U) #define MAX_WRITE_RETRY_COUNT 0x03 /* Retry Count = Standby Recovery time of NFCC / Retransmission time + 1 */ static uint8_t bCurrentRetryCount = (2000 / PHTMLNFC_MAXTIME_RETRANSMIT) + 1; /* Value to reset variables of TML */ #define PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE (0x00) /* Indicates a Initial or offset value */ #define PH_TMLNFC_VALUE_ONE (0x01) /* Initialize Context structure pointer used to access context structure */ phTmlNfc_Context_t *gpphTmlNfc_Context = NULL; phTmlNfc_i2cfragmentation_t fragmentation_enabled = I2C_FRAGMENATATION_DISABLED; /* Local Function prototypes */ static NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_StartThread(void); static void phTmlNfc_CleanUp(void); static void phTmlNfc_ReadDeferredCb(void *pParams); static void phTmlNfc_WriteDeferredCb(void *pParams); static void phTmlNfc_TmlThread(void *pParam); static void phTmlNfc_TmlWriterThread(void *pParam); static void phTmlNfc_ReTxTimerCb(uint32_t dwTimerId, void *pContext); static NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_InitiateTimer(void); /* Function definitions */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_Init ** ** Description Provides initialization of TML layer and hardware interface ** Configures given hardware interface and sends handle to the caller ** ** Parameters pConfig - TML configuration details as provided by the upper layer ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS - initialization successful ** NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - at least one parameter is invalid ** NFCSTATUS_FAILED - initialization failed ** (for example, unable to open hardware interface) ** NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE - device has not been opened or has been disconnected ** *******************************************************************************/ NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_Init(pphTmlNfc_Config_t pConfig) { NFCSTATUS wInitStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; /* Check if TML layer is already Initialized */ if (NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context) { /* TML initialization is already completed */ wInitStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_ALREADY_INITIALISED); } /* Validate Input parameters */ else if ((NULL == pConfig) || (PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE == pConfig->dwGetMsgThreadId)) { /*Parameters passed to TML init are wrong */ wInitStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else { /* Allocate memory for TML context */ gpphTmlNfc_Context = malloc(sizeof(phTmlNfc_Context_t)); if (NULL == gpphTmlNfc_Context) { wInitStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_FAILED); } else { /* Initialise all the internal TML variables */ memset(gpphTmlNfc_Context, PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE, sizeof(phTmlNfc_Context_t)); /* Make sure that the thread runs once it is created */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->bThreadDone = 1; /* Open the device file to which data is read/written */ wInitStatus = phTmlNfc_i2c_open_and_configure(pConfig, &(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle)); if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS != wInitStatus) { wInitStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_DEVICE); gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle = NULL; } else { gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bEnable = 0; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bEnable = 0; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bThreadBusy = FALSE; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bThreadBusy = FALSE; if(0 != sem_init(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->rxSemaphore, 0, 0)) { wInitStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; } else if(0 != sem_init(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->txSemaphore, 0, 0)) { wInitStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; } else if(0 != sem_init(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->postMsgSemaphore, 0, 0)) { wInitStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; } else { sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->postMsgSemaphore); /* Start TML thread (to handle write and read operations) */ if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS != phTmlNfc_StartThread()) { wInitStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_FAILED); } else { /* Create Timer used for Retransmission of NCI packets */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwTimerId = phOsalNfc_Timer_Create(); if (PH_OSALNFC_TIMER_ID_INVALID != gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwTimerId) { /* Store the Thread Identifier to which Message is to be posted */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwCallbackThreadId = pConfig->dwGetMsgThreadId; /* Enable retransmission of Nci packet & set retry count to default */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->eConfig = phTmlNfc_e_DisableRetrans; /** Retry Count = Standby Recovery time of NFCC / Retransmission time + 1 */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->bRetryCount = (2000 / PHTMLNFC_MAXTIME_RETRANSMIT) + 1; gpphTmlNfc_Context->bWriteCbInvoked = FALSE; } else { wInitStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_FAILED); } } } } } } /* Clean up all the TML resources if any error */ if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS != wInitStatus) { /* Clear all handles and memory locations initialized during init */ phTmlNfc_CleanUp(); } return wInitStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_ConfigNciPktReTx ** ** Description Provides Enable/Disable Retransmission of NCI packets ** Needed in case of Timeout between Transmission and Reception of NCI packets ** Retransmission can be enabled only if standby mode is enabled ** ** Parameters eConfig - values from phTmlNfc_ConfigRetrans_t ** bRetryCount - Number of times Nci packets shall be retransmitted (default = 3) ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ void phTmlNfc_ConfigNciPktReTx(phTmlNfc_ConfigRetrans_t eConfiguration, uint8_t bRetryCounter) { /* Enable/Disable Retransmission */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->eConfig = eConfiguration; if (phTmlNfc_e_EnableRetrans == eConfiguration) { /* Check whether Retry counter passed is valid */ if (0 != bRetryCounter) { gpphTmlNfc_Context->bRetryCount = bRetryCounter; } /* Set retry counter to its default value */ else { /** Retry Count = Standby Recovery time of NFCC / Retransmission time + 1 */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->bRetryCount = (2000 / PHTMLNFC_MAXTIME_RETRANSMIT) + 1; } } return; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_StartThread ** ** Description Initializes comport, reader and writer threads ** ** Parameters None ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS - threads initialized successfully ** NFCSTATUS_FAILED - initialization failed due to system error ** *******************************************************************************/ static NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_StartThread(void) { NFCSTATUS wStartStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; void *h_threadsEvent = 0x00; uint32_t dwEvent; int pthread_create_status = 0; /* Create Reader and Writer threads */ pthread_create_status = pthread_create(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->readerThread,NULL,(void *)&phTmlNfc_TmlThread, (void *)h_threadsEvent); if(0 != pthread_create_status) { wStartStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; } else { /*Start Writer Thread*/ pthread_create_status = pthread_create(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->writerThread,NULL,(void *)&phTmlNfc_TmlWriterThread, (void *)h_threadsEvent); if(0 != pthread_create_status) { wStartStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; } } return wStartStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_ReTxTimerCb ** ** Description This is the timer callback function after timer expiration. ** ** Parameters dwThreadId - id of the thread posting message ** pContext - context provided by upper layer ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void phTmlNfc_ReTxTimerCb(uint32_t dwTimerId, void *pContext) { if ((gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwTimerId == dwTimerId) && (NULL == pContext)) { /* If Retry Count has reached its limit,Retransmit Nci packet */ if (0 == bCurrentRetryCount) { /* Since the count has reached its limit,return from timer callback Upper layer Timeout would have happened */ } else { bCurrentRetryCount--; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bThreadBusy = TRUE; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bEnable = 1; } sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->txSemaphore); } return; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_InitiateTimer ** ** Description Start a timer for Tx and Rx thread. ** ** Parameters void ** ** Returns NFC status ** *******************************************************************************/ static NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_InitiateTimer(void) { NFCSTATUS wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; /* Start Timer once Nci packet is sent */ wStatus = phOsalNfc_Timer_Start(gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwTimerId, (uint32_t) PHTMLNFC_MAXTIME_RETRANSMIT, phTmlNfc_ReTxTimerCb, NULL); return wStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_TmlThread ** ** Description Read the data from the lower layer driver ** ** Parameters pParam - parameters for Writer thread function ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void phTmlNfc_TmlThread(void *pParam) { NFCSTATUS wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; int32_t dwNoBytesWrRd = PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE; uint8_t temp[260]; /* Transaction info buffer to be passed to Callback Thread */ static phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t tTransactionInfo; /* Structure containing Tml callback function and parameters to be invoked by the callback thread */ static phLibNfc_DeferredCall_t tDeferredInfo; /* Initialize Message structure to post message onto Callback Thread */ static phLibNfc_Message_t tMsg; UNUSED(pParam); NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Tml Reader Thread Started................\n"); /* Writer thread loop shall be running till shutdown is invoked */ while (gpphTmlNfc_Context->bThreadDone) { /* If Tml write is requested */ /* Set the variable to success initially */ wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; sem_wait(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->rxSemaphore); /* If Tml read is requested */ if (1 == gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bEnable) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Read requested.....\n"); /* Set the variable to success initially */ wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; /* Variable to fetch the actual number of bytes read */ dwNoBytesWrRd = PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE; /* Read the data from the file onto the buffer */ if (NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Invoking I2C Read.....\n"); dwNoBytesWrRd = phTmlNfc_i2c_read(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, temp, 260); if (-1 == dwNoBytesWrRd) { NXPLOG_TML_E("PN54X - Error in I2C Read.....\n"); sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->rxSemaphore); } else if (dwNoBytesWrRd > 260) { NXPLOG_TML_E ("Numer of bytes read exceeds the limit 260.....\n"); sem_post (&gpphTmlNfc_Context->rxSemaphore); } else { memcpy(gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pBuffer, temp, dwNoBytesWrRd); NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - I2C Read successful.....\n"); /* This has to be reset only after a successful read */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bEnable = 0; if ((phTmlNfc_e_EnableRetrans == gpphTmlNfc_Context->eConfig) && (0x00 != (gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pBuffer[0] & 0xE0))) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Retransmission timer stopped.....\n"); /* Stop Timer to prevent Retransmission */ uint32_t timerStatus = phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop(gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwTimerId); if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS != timerStatus) { NXPLOG_TML_E("PN54X - timer stopped returned failure.....\n"); } else { gpphTmlNfc_Context->bWriteCbInvoked = FALSE; } } if (gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bThreadBusy) { NXPLOG_TML_D ("Delay Read if write thread is busy"); usleep (2000); /*2ms delay to give prio to write complete */ } /* Update the actual number of bytes read including header */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.wLength = (uint16_t) (dwNoBytesWrRd); phNxpNciHal_print_packet("RECV", gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pBuffer, gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.wLength); dwNoBytesWrRd = PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE; /* Fill the Transaction info structure to be passed to Callback Function */ tTransactionInfo.wStatus = wStatus; tTransactionInfo.pBuff = gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pBuffer; /* Actual number of bytes read is filled in the structure */ tTransactionInfo.wLength = gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.wLength; /* Read operation completed successfully. Post a Message onto Callback Thread*/ /* Prepare the message to be posted on User thread */ tDeferredInfo.pCallback = &phTmlNfc_ReadDeferredCb; tDeferredInfo.pParameter = &tTransactionInfo; tMsg.eMsgType = PH_LIBNFC_DEFERREDCALL_MSG; tMsg.pMsgData = &tDeferredInfo; tMsg.Size = sizeof(tDeferredInfo); NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Posting read message.....\n"); phTmlNfc_DeferredCall(gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwCallbackThreadId, &tMsg); } } else { NXPLOG_TML_D ("PN54X -gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle is NULL"); } } else { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - read request NOT enabled"); usleep(10*1000); } }/* End of While loop */ return; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_TmlWriterThread ** ** Description Writes the requested data onto the lower layer driver ** ** Parameters pParam - context provided by upper layer ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void phTmlNfc_TmlWriterThread(void *pParam) { NFCSTATUS wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; int32_t dwNoBytesWrRd = PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE; /* Transaction info buffer to be passed to Callback Thread */ static phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t tTransactionInfo; /* Structure containing Tml callback function and parameters to be invoked by the callback thread */ static phLibNfc_DeferredCall_t tDeferredInfo; /* Initialize Message structure to post message onto Callback Thread */ static phLibNfc_Message_t tMsg; /* In case of I2C Write Retry */ static uint16_t retry_cnt; UNUSED(pParam); NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Started................\n"); /* Writer thread loop shall be running till shutdown is invoked */ while (gpphTmlNfc_Context->bThreadDone) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Tml Writer Thread Running................\n"); sem_wait(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->txSemaphore); /* If Tml write is requested */ if (1 == gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bEnable) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Write requested.....\n"); /* Set the variable to success initially */ wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; if (NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle) { retry: gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bEnable = 0; /* Variable to fetch the actual number of bytes written */ dwNoBytesWrRd = PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE; /* Write the data in the buffer onto the file */ NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Invoking I2C Write.....\n"); dwNoBytesWrRd = phTmlNfc_i2c_write(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pBuffer, gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.wLength ); /* Try I2C Write Five Times, if it fails : Raju */ if (-1 == dwNoBytesWrRd) { if (getDownloadFlag() == TRUE) { if (retry_cnt++ < MAX_WRITE_RETRY_COUNT) { NXPLOG_NCIHAL_E( "PN54X - Error in I2C Write - Retry 0x%x", retry_cnt); goto retry; } } NXPLOG_TML_E("PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....\n"); wStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_FAILED); } else { phNxpNciHal_print_packet("SEND", gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pBuffer, gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.wLength); } retry_cnt = 0; if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == wStatus) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - I2C Write successful.....\n"); dwNoBytesWrRd = PH_TMLNFC_VALUE_ONE; } /* Fill the Transaction info structure to be passed to Callback Function */ tTransactionInfo.wStatus = wStatus; tTransactionInfo.pBuff = gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pBuffer; /* Actual number of bytes written is filled in the structure */ tTransactionInfo.wLength = (uint16_t) dwNoBytesWrRd; /* Prepare the message to be posted on the User thread */ tDeferredInfo.pCallback = &phTmlNfc_WriteDeferredCb; tDeferredInfo.pParameter = &tTransactionInfo; /* Write operation completed successfully. Post a Message onto Callback Thread*/ tMsg.eMsgType = PH_LIBNFC_DEFERREDCALL_MSG; tMsg.pMsgData = &tDeferredInfo; tMsg.Size = sizeof(tDeferredInfo); /* Check whether Retransmission needs to be started, * If yes, Post message only if * case 1. Message is not posted && * case 11. Write status is success || * case 12. Last retry of write is also failure */ if ((phTmlNfc_e_EnableRetrans == gpphTmlNfc_Context->eConfig) && (0x00 != (gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pBuffer[0] & 0xE0))) { if (FALSE == gpphTmlNfc_Context->bWriteCbInvoked) { if ((NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == wStatus) || (bCurrentRetryCount == 0)) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Posting Write message.....\n"); phTmlNfc_DeferredCall(gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwCallbackThreadId, &tMsg); gpphTmlNfc_Context->bWriteCbInvoked = TRUE; } } } else { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Posting Fresh Write message.....\n"); phTmlNfc_DeferredCall(gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwCallbackThreadId, &tMsg); } } else { NXPLOG_TML_D ("PN54X - gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle is NULL"); } /* If Data packet is sent, then NO retransmission */ if ((phTmlNfc_e_EnableRetrans == gpphTmlNfc_Context->eConfig) && (0x00 != (gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pBuffer[0] & 0xE0))) { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Starting timer for Retransmission case"); wStatus = phTmlNfc_InitiateTimer(); if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS != wStatus) { /* Reset Variables used for Retransmission */ NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Retransmission timer initiate failed"); gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bEnable = 0; bCurrentRetryCount = 0; } } } else { NXPLOG_TML_D("PN54X - Write request NOT enabled"); usleep(10000); } }/* End of While loop */ return; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_CleanUp ** ** Description Clears all handles opened during TML initialization ** ** Parameters None ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void phTmlNfc_CleanUp(void) { NFCSTATUS wRetval = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; if (NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle) { (void) phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, 0); gpphTmlNfc_Context->bThreadDone = 0; } sem_destroy(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->rxSemaphore); sem_destroy(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->txSemaphore); sem_destroy(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->postMsgSemaphore); phTmlNfc_i2c_close(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle); gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle = NULL; /* Clear memory allocated for storing Context variables */ free((void *) gpphTmlNfc_Context); /* Set the pointer to NULL to indicate De-Initialization */ gpphTmlNfc_Context = NULL; return; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_Shutdown ** ** Description Uninitializes TML layer and hardware interface ** ** Parameters None ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS - TML configuration released successfully ** NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - at least one parameter is invalid ** NFCSTATUS_FAILED - un-initialization failed (example: unable to close interface) ** *******************************************************************************/ NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_Shutdown(void) { NFCSTATUS wShutdownStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; /* Check whether TML is Initialized */ if (NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context) { /* Reset thread variable to terminate the thread */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->bThreadDone = 0; usleep(1000); /* Clear All the resources allocated during initialization */ sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->rxSemaphore); usleep(1000); sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->txSemaphore); usleep(1000); sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->postMsgSemaphore); usleep(1000); sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->postMsgSemaphore); usleep(1000); if (0 != pthread_join(gpphTmlNfc_Context->readerThread, (void**)NULL)) { NXPLOG_TML_E ("Fail to kill reader thread!"); } if (0 != pthread_join(gpphTmlNfc_Context->writerThread, (void**)NULL)) { NXPLOG_TML_E ("Fail to kill writer thread!"); } NXPLOG_TML_D ("bThreadDone == 0"); phTmlNfc_CleanUp(); } else { wShutdownStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED); } return wShutdownStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_Write ** ** Description Asynchronously writes given data block to hardware interface/driver ** Enables writer thread if there are no write requests pending ** Returns successfully once writer thread completes write operation ** Notifies upper layer using callback mechanism ** NOTE: ** * it is important to post a message with id PH_TMLNFC_WRITE_MESSAGE ** to IntegrationThread after data has been written to PN54X ** * if CRC needs to be computed, then input buffer should be capable to store ** two more bytes apart from length of packet ** ** Parameters pBuffer - data to be sent ** wLength - length of data buffer ** pTmlWriteComplete - pointer to the function to be invoked upon completion ** pContext - context provided by upper layer ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_PENDING - command is yet to be processed ** NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - at least one parameter is invalid ** NFCSTATUS_BUSY - write request is already in progress ** *******************************************************************************/ NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_Write(uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t wLength, pphTmlNfc_TransactCompletionCb_t pTmlWriteComplete, void *pContext) { NFCSTATUS wWriteStatus; /* Check whether TML is Initialized */ if (NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context) { if ((NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle) && (NULL != pBuffer) && (PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE != wLength) && (NULL != pTmlWriteComplete)) { if (!gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bThreadBusy) { /* Setting the flag marks beginning of a Write Operation */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bThreadBusy = TRUE; /* Copy the buffer, length and Callback function, This shall be utilized while invoking the Callback function in thread */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pBuffer = pBuffer; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.wLength = wLength; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pThread_Callback = pTmlWriteComplete; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pContext = pContext; wWriteStatus = NFCSTATUS_PENDING; //FIXME: If retry is going on. Stop the retry thread/timer if (phTmlNfc_e_EnableRetrans == gpphTmlNfc_Context->eConfig) { /* Set retry count to default value */ //FIXME: If the timer expired there, and meanwhile we have created // a new request. The expired timer will think that retry is still // ongoing. bCurrentRetryCount = gpphTmlNfc_Context->bRetryCount; gpphTmlNfc_Context->bWriteCbInvoked = FALSE; } /* Set event to invoke Writer Thread */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bEnable = 1; sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->txSemaphore); } else { wWriteStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_BUSY); } } else { wWriteStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } else { wWriteStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED); } return wWriteStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_Read ** ** Description Asynchronously reads data from the driver ** Number of bytes to be read and buffer are passed by upper layer ** Enables reader thread if there are no read requests pending ** Returns successfully once read operation is completed ** Notifies upper layer using callback mechanism ** ** Parameters pBuffer - location to send read data to the upper layer via callback ** wLength - length of read data buffer passed by upper layer ** pTmlReadComplete - pointer to the function to be invoked upon completion of read operation ** pContext - context provided by upper layer ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_PENDING - command is yet to be processed ** NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - at least one parameter is invalid ** NFCSTATUS_BUSY - read request is already in progress ** *******************************************************************************/ NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_Read(uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t wLength, pphTmlNfc_TransactCompletionCb_t pTmlReadComplete, void *pContext) { NFCSTATUS wReadStatus; /* Check whether TML is Initialized */ if (NULL != gpphTmlNfc_Context) { if ((gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle != NULL) && (NULL != pBuffer) && (PH_TMLNFC_RESET_VALUE != wLength) && (NULL != pTmlReadComplete)) { if (!gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bThreadBusy) { /* Setting the flag marks beginning of a Read Operation */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bThreadBusy = TRUE; /* Copy the buffer, length and Callback function, This shall be utilized while invoking the Callback function in thread */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pBuffer = pBuffer; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.wLength = wLength; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pThread_Callback = pTmlReadComplete; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pContext = pContext; wReadStatus = NFCSTATUS_PENDING; /* Set event to invoke Reader Thread */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bEnable = 1; sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->rxSemaphore); } else { wReadStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_BUSY); } } else { wReadStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } else { wReadStatus = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_TML, NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED); } return wReadStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_ReadAbort ** ** Description Aborts pending read request (if any) ** ** Parameters None ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS - ongoing read operation aborted ** NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - at least one parameter is invalid ** NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED - TML layer is not initialized ** NFCSTATUS_BOARD_COMMUNICATION_ERROR - unable to cancel read operation ** *******************************************************************************/ NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_ReadAbort(void) { NFCSTATUS wStatus = NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bEnable = 0; /*Reset the flag to accept another Read Request */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bThreadBusy=FALSE; wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; return wStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_WriteAbort ** ** Description Aborts pending write request (if any) ** ** Parameters None ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS - ongoing write operation aborted ** NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - at least one parameter is invalid ** NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED - TML layer is not initialized ** NFCSTATUS_BOARD_COMMUNICATION_ERROR - unable to cancel write operation ** *******************************************************************************/ NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_WriteAbort(void) { NFCSTATUS wStatus = NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bEnable = 0; /* Stop if any retransmission is in progress */ bCurrentRetryCount = 0; /* Reset the flag to accept another Write Request */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bThreadBusy=FALSE; wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; return wStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_IoCtl ** ** Description Resets device when insisted by upper layer ** Number of bytes to be read and buffer are passed by upper layer ** Enables reader thread if there are no read requests pending ** Returns successfully once read operation is completed ** Notifies upper layer using callback mechanism ** ** Parameters eControlCode - control code for a specific operation ** ** Returns NFC status: ** NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS - ioctl command completed successfully ** NFCSTATUS_FAILED - ioctl command request failed ** *******************************************************************************/ NFCSTATUS phTmlNfc_IoCtl(phTmlNfc_ControlCode_t eControlCode) { NFCSTATUS wStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; if (NULL == gpphTmlNfc_Context) { wStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; } else { switch (eControlCode) { case phTmlNfc_e_ResetDevice: { /*Reset PN54X*/ phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, 1); usleep(100 * 1000); phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, 0); usleep(100 * 1000); phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, 1); break; } case phTmlNfc_e_EnableNormalMode: { /*Reset PN54X*/ phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, 0); usleep(10 * 1000); phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle, 1); usleep(100 * 1000); break; } case phTmlNfc_e_EnableDownloadMode: { phTmlNfc_ConfigNciPktReTx(phTmlNfc_e_DisableRetrans, 0); (void)phTmlNfc_i2c_reset(gpphTmlNfc_Context->pDevHandle,2); usleep(100 * 1000); break; } default: { wStatus = NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } } } return wStatus; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_DeferredCall ** ** Description Posts message on upper layer thread ** upon successful read or write operation ** ** Parameters dwThreadId - id of the thread posting message ** ptWorkerMsg - message to be posted ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ void phTmlNfc_DeferredCall(uintptr_t dwThreadId, phLibNfc_Message_t *ptWorkerMsg) { intptr_t bPostStatus; UNUSED(dwThreadId); /* Post message on the user thread to invoke the callback function */ sem_wait(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->postMsgSemaphore); bPostStatus = phDal4Nfc_msgsnd(gpphTmlNfc_Context->dwCallbackThreadId, ptWorkerMsg, 0 ); sem_post(&gpphTmlNfc_Context->postMsgSemaphore); } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_ReadDeferredCb ** ** Description Read thread call back function ** ** Parameters pParams - context provided by upper layer ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void phTmlNfc_ReadDeferredCb(void *pParams) { /* Transaction info buffer to be passed to Callback Function */ phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t *pTransactionInfo = (phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t *) pParams; /* Reset the flag to accept another Read Request */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.bThreadBusy = FALSE; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pThread_Callback(gpphTmlNfc_Context->tReadInfo.pContext, pTransactionInfo); return; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** Function phTmlNfc_WriteDeferredCb ** ** Description Write thread call back function ** ** Parameters pParams - context provided by upper layer ** ** Returns None ** *******************************************************************************/ static void phTmlNfc_WriteDeferredCb(void *pParams) { /* Transaction info buffer to be passed to Callback Function */ phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t *pTransactionInfo = (phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t *) pParams; /* Reset the flag to accept another Write Request */ gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.bThreadBusy = FALSE; gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pThread_Callback(gpphTmlNfc_Context->tWriteInfo.pContext, pTransactionInfo); return; } void phTmlNfc_set_fragmentation_enabled(phTmlNfc_i2cfragmentation_t result) { fragmentation_enabled = result; } phTmlNfc_i2cfragmentation_t phTmlNfc_get_fragmentation_enabled() { return fragmentation_enabled; }