/* Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "policy.h" #include "handle.h" #include "database.h" #include "modules.h" #include "debug.h" /* Powers of two only */ #define MODE_SET 1 #define MODE_MODIFY 2 #define MODE_SORT 4 static int clear_obsolete(semanage_handle_t * handle, record_t ** records, unsigned int nrecords, dbase_config_t * src, dbase_config_t * dst) { record_key_t *key = NULL; unsigned int i; dbase_table_t *src_dtable = src->dtable; dbase_table_t *dst_dtable = dst->dtable; record_table_t *rtable = src_dtable->get_rtable(src->dbase); for (i = 0; i < nrecords; i++) { int exists; if (rtable->key_extract(handle, records[i], &key) < 0) goto err; if (dst_dtable->exists(handle, dst->dbase, key, &exists) < 0) goto err; if (!exists) { if (src_dtable->del(handle, src->dbase, key) < 0) goto err; rtable->free(records[i]); records[i] = NULL; /* FIXME: notice to user */ /* INFO(handle, "boolean %s is obsolete, unsetting configured value..."); */ } rtable->key_free(key); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; err: /* FIXME: handle error */ rtable->key_free(key); return STATUS_ERR; } static int load_records(semanage_handle_t * handle, dbase_config_t * dst, record_t ** records, unsigned int nrecords, int mode) { unsigned int i; record_key_t *rkey = NULL; dbase_t *dbase = dst->dbase; dbase_table_t *dtable = dst->dtable; record_table_t *rtable = dtable->get_rtable(dbase); for (i = 0; i < nrecords; i++) { /* Possibly obsoleted */ if (!records[i]) continue; if (rtable->key_extract(handle, records[i], &rkey) < 0) goto err; if (mode & MODE_SET && dtable->set(handle, dbase, rkey, records[i]) < 0) goto err; else if (mode & MODE_MODIFY && dtable->modify(handle, dbase, rkey, records[i]) < 0) goto err; rtable->key_free(rkey); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; err: /* FIXME: handle error */ rtable->key_free(rkey); return STATUS_ERR; } typedef struct load_table { dbase_config_t *src; dbase_config_t *dst; int mode; } load_table_t; /* This function must be called AFTER all modules are loaded. * Modules could be represented as a database, in which case * they should be loaded at the beginning of this function */ int semanage_base_merge_components(semanage_handle_t * handle) { unsigned int i, j; int rc = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Order is important here - change things carefully. * System components first, local next. Verify runs with * mutual dependencies are ran after everything is merged */ load_table_t components[] = { {semanage_user_base_dbase_local(handle), semanage_user_base_dbase_policy(handle), MODE_MODIFY}, {semanage_user_extra_dbase_local(handle), semanage_user_extra_dbase_policy(handle), MODE_MODIFY}, {semanage_port_dbase_local(handle), semanage_port_dbase_policy(handle), MODE_MODIFY}, {semanage_iface_dbase_local(handle), semanage_iface_dbase_policy(handle), MODE_MODIFY}, {semanage_bool_dbase_local(handle), semanage_bool_dbase_policy(handle), MODE_SET}, {semanage_seuser_dbase_local(handle), semanage_seuser_dbase_policy(handle), MODE_MODIFY}, {semanage_node_dbase_local(handle), semanage_node_dbase_policy(handle), MODE_MODIFY | MODE_SORT}, }; const unsigned int CCOUNT = sizeof(components) / sizeof(components[0]); /* Merge components into policy (and validate) */ for (i = 0; i < CCOUNT; i++) { record_t **records = NULL; unsigned int nrecords = 0; dbase_config_t *src = components[i].src; dbase_config_t *dst = components[i].dst; int mode = components[i].mode; record_table_t *rtable = src->dtable->get_rtable(src->dbase); /* Must invoke cache function first */ if (src->dtable->cache(handle, src->dbase) < 0) goto err; if (dst->dtable->cache(handle, dst->dbase) < 0) goto err; /* List all records */ if (src->dtable->list(handle, src->dbase, &records, &nrecords) < 0) goto err; /* Sort records on MODE_SORT */ if (mode & MODE_SORT) { qsort(records, nrecords, sizeof(record_t *), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))rtable-> compare2_qsort); } /* Clear obsolete ones for MODE_SET */ if (mode & MODE_SET && clear_obsolete(handle, records, nrecords, src, dst) < 0) { rc = STATUS_ERR; goto dbase_exit; } /* Load records */ if (load_records(handle, dst, records, nrecords, mode) < 0) { rc = STATUS_ERR; goto dbase_exit; } /* Cleanup */ dbase_exit: for (j = 0; j < nrecords; j++) rtable->free(records[j]); free(records); /* Abort on error */ if (rc < 0) goto err; } return rc; err: ERR(handle, "could not merge local modifications into policy"); return STATUS_ERR; } int semanage_commit_components(semanage_handle_t * handle) { int i; dbase_config_t *components[] = { semanage_iface_dbase_local(handle), semanage_bool_dbase_local(handle), semanage_user_base_dbase_local(handle), semanage_user_extra_dbase_local(handle), semanage_user_extra_dbase_policy(handle), semanage_port_dbase_local(handle), semanage_fcontext_dbase_local(handle), semanage_fcontext_dbase_policy(handle), semanage_seuser_dbase_local(handle), semanage_seuser_dbase_policy(handle), semanage_bool_dbase_active(handle), semanage_node_dbase_local(handle), }; const int CCOUNT = sizeof(components) / sizeof(components[0]); for (i = 0; i < CCOUNT; i++) { /* Flush to disk */ if (components[i]->dtable->flush(handle, components[i]->dbase) < 0) goto err; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; err: ERR(handle, "could not commit local/active modifications"); for (i = 0; i < CCOUNT; i++) components[i]->dtable->drop_cache(components[i]->dbase); return STATUS_ERR; }