/* * Copyright 2011 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY TRESYS TECHNOLOGY, LLC ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL TRESYS TECHNOLOGY, LLC OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those * of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, * either expressed or implied, of Tresys Technology, LLC. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sepol/policydb/conditional.h> #include "cil_internal.h" #include "cil_flavor.h" #include "cil_log.h" #include "cil_mem.h" #include "cil_tree.h" #include "cil_list.h" #include "cil_build_ast.h" #include "cil_resolve_ast.h" #include "cil_reset_ast.h" #include "cil_copy_ast.h" #include "cil_verify.h" #include "cil_strpool.h" #include "cil_symtab.h" struct cil_args_resolve { struct cil_db *db; enum cil_pass pass; uint32_t *changed; char *last_resolved_name; struct cil_tree_node *optstack; struct cil_tree_node *boolif; struct cil_tree_node *macro; struct cil_tree_node *blockstack; struct cil_list *sidorder_lists; struct cil_list *classorder_lists; struct cil_list *unordered_classorder_lists; struct cil_list *catorder_lists; struct cil_list *sensitivityorder_lists; struct cil_list *in_list; }; static struct cil_name * __cil_insert_name(struct cil_db *db, hashtab_key_t key, struct cil_tree_node *ast_node) { /* Currently only used for typetransition file names. But could be used for any string that is passed as a parameter. */ struct cil_tree_node *parent = ast_node->parent; struct cil_macro *macro = NULL; struct cil_name *name; symtab_t *symtab; enum cil_sym_index sym_index; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; cil_flavor_to_symtab_index(CIL_NAME, &sym_index); symtab = &((struct cil_root *)db->ast->root->data)->symtab[sym_index]; cil_symtab_get_datum(symtab, key, &datum); if (datum != NULL) { return (struct cil_name *)datum; } if (parent->flavor == CIL_CALL) { struct cil_call *call = parent->data; macro = call->macro; } else if (parent->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { macro = parent->data; } if (macro != NULL) { struct cil_list_item *item; cil_list_for_each(item, macro->params) { if (((struct cil_param*)item->data)->str == key) { return NULL; } } } cil_name_init(&name); cil_symtab_insert(symtab, key, (struct cil_symtab_datum *)name, ast_node); cil_list_append(db->names, CIL_NAME, name); return name; } static int __cil_resolve_perms(symtab_t *class_symtab, symtab_t *common_symtab, struct cil_list *perm_strs, struct cil_list **perm_datums) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_list_item *curr; cil_list_init(perm_datums, perm_strs->flavor); cil_list_for_each(curr, perm_strs) { if (curr->flavor == CIL_LIST) { struct cil_list *sub_list; rc = __cil_resolve_perms(class_symtab, common_symtab, curr->data, &sub_list); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve permission list\n"); goto exit; } cil_list_append(*perm_datums, CIL_LIST, sub_list); } else if (curr->flavor == CIL_STRING) { struct cil_symtab_datum *perm_datum = NULL; rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(class_symtab, curr->data, &perm_datum); if (rc == SEPOL_ENOENT) { if (common_symtab) { rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(common_symtab, curr->data, &perm_datum); } } if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve permission %s\n", (char*)curr->data); goto exit; } cil_list_append(*perm_datums, CIL_DATUM, perm_datum); } else { cil_list_append(*perm_datums, curr->flavor, curr->data); } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_classperms(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_classperms *cp, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; symtab_t *common_symtab = NULL; struct cil_class *class; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, cp->class_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } class = (struct cil_class *)datum; if (class->common != NULL) { common_symtab = &class->common->perms; } cp->class = class; rc = __cil_resolve_perms(&class->perms, common_symtab, cp->perm_strs, &cp->perms); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_classperms_set(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_classperms_set *cp_set, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, cp_set->set_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSPERMSETS, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } cp_set->set = (struct cil_classpermission*)datum; /* This could be an anonymous classpermission */ if (datum->name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_classperms_list(current, cp_set->set->classperms, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_classperms_list(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_list *cp_list, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_list_item *curr; cil_list_for_each(curr, cp_list) { if (curr->flavor == CIL_CLASSPERMS) { rc = cil_resolve_classperms(current, curr->data, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } else { rc = cil_resolve_classperms_set(current, curr->data, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_classpermissionset(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_classpermissionset *cps, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_list_item *curr; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum; struct cil_classpermission *cp; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, cps->set_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSPERMSETS, args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_classperms_list(current, cps->classperms, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } cp = (struct cil_classpermission *)datum; if (cp->classperms == NULL) { cil_list_init(&cp->classperms, CIL_CLASSPERMS); } cil_list_for_each(curr, cps->classperms) { cil_list_append(cp->classperms, curr->flavor, curr->data); } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_type_used(struct cil_symtab_datum *datum) { struct cil_typeattribute *attr = NULL; if (FLAVOR(datum) == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) { attr = (struct cil_typeattribute*)datum; attr->used = CIL_TRUE; } return 0; } int cil_resolve_permissionx(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_permissionx *permx, void *extra_args) { struct cil_symtab_datum *obj_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, permx->obj_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &obj_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } permx->obj = (struct cil_class*)obj_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_avrule(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_db *db = NULL; struct cil_avrule *rule = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *src_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *tgt_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *permx_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (args != NULL) { db = args->db; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rule->src_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, args, &src_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rule->src = src_datum; if (rule->rule_kind != CIL_AVRULE_NEVERALLOW) { cil_type_used(src_datum); } if (rule->tgt_str == CIL_KEY_SELF) { rule->tgt = db->selftype; } else { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rule->tgt_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, args, &tgt_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rule->tgt = tgt_datum; if (rule->rule_kind != CIL_AVRULE_NEVERALLOW) { cil_type_used(tgt_datum); } } if (!rule->is_extended) { rc = cil_resolve_classperms_list(current, rule->perms.classperms, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } else { if (rule->perms.x.permx_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rule->perms.x.permx_str, CIL_SYM_PERMX, args, &permx_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rule->perms.x.permx = (struct cil_permissionx*)permx_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_permissionx(current, rule->perms.x.permx, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_type_rule(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_type_rule *rule = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *src_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *tgt_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *obj_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *result_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *result_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rule->src_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &src_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rule->src = src_datum; cil_type_used(src_datum); rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rule->tgt_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &tgt_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rule->tgt = tgt_datum; cil_type_used(tgt_datum); rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rule->obj_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &obj_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rule->obj = (struct cil_class*)obj_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rule->result_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &result_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } result_node = result_datum->nodes->head->data; if (result_node->flavor != CIL_TYPE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Type rule result must be a type [%d]\n",result_node->flavor); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rule->result = result_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_typeattributeset(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_typeattributeset *attrtypes = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *attr_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *attr_node = NULL; struct cil_typeattribute *attr = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, attrtypes->attr_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &attr_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } attr_node = attr_datum->nodes->head->data; if (attr_node->flavor != CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Attribute type not an attribute\n"); goto exit; } attr = (struct cil_typeattribute*)attr_datum; rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTESET, attrtypes->str_expr, &attrtypes->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_verify_no_self_reference(attr_datum, attrtypes->datum_expr); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } if (attr->expr_list == NULL) { cil_list_init(&attr->expr_list, CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE); } cil_list_append(attr->expr_list, CIL_LIST, attrtypes->datum_expr); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_aliasactual(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args, enum cil_flavor flavor) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; enum cil_sym_index sym_index; struct cil_aliasactual *aliasactual = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *alias_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *actual_datum = NULL; struct cil_alias *alias; rc = cil_flavor_to_symtab_index(flavor, &sym_index); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, aliasactual->alias_str, sym_index, extra_args, &alias_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, aliasactual->actual_str, sym_index, extra_args, &actual_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } alias = (struct cil_alias *)alias_datum; if (alias->actual != NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Alias cannot bind more than one value\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } alias->actual = actual_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_alias_to_actual(struct cil_tree_node *current, enum cil_flavor flavor) { struct cil_alias *alias = current->data; struct cil_alias *a1 = current->data; struct cil_alias *a2 = current->data; struct cil_tree_node *a1_node = NULL; int steps = 0; int limit = 2; if (alias->actual == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Alias declared but not used at line %d of %s\n",current->line, current->path); return SEPOL_ERR; } a1_node = a1->datum.nodes->head->data; while (flavor != a1_node->flavor) { a1 = a1->actual; a1_node = a1->datum.nodes->head->data; steps += 1; if (a1 == a2) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Circular alias found: %s ", a1->datum.name); a1 = a1->actual; while (a1 != a2) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s ", a1->datum.name); a1 = a1->actual; } cil_log(CIL_ERR,"\n"); return SEPOL_ERR; } if (steps == limit) { steps = 0; limit *= 2; a2 = a1; } } alias->actual = a1; return SEPOL_OK; } int cil_resolve_typepermissive(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_typepermissive *typeperm = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *type_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *type_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, typeperm->type_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &type_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } type_node = type_datum->nodes->head->data; if (type_node->flavor != CIL_TYPE && type_node->flavor != CIL_TYPEALIAS) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Typepermissive must be a type or type alias\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } typeperm->type = type_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_nametypetransition(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_nametypetransition *nametypetrans = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *src_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *tgt_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *obj_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *name_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *result_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *result_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nametypetrans->src_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &src_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } nametypetrans->src = src_datum; cil_type_used(src_datum); rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nametypetrans->tgt_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &tgt_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } nametypetrans->tgt = tgt_datum; cil_type_used(tgt_datum); rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nametypetrans->obj_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &obj_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } nametypetrans->obj = (struct cil_class*)obj_datum; nametypetrans->name = __cil_insert_name(args->db, nametypetrans->name_str, current); if (nametypetrans->name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nametypetrans->name_str, CIL_SYM_NAMES, extra_args, &name_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } nametypetrans->name = (struct cil_name *)name_datum; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nametypetrans->result_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &result_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } result_node = result_datum->nodes->head->data; if (result_node->flavor != CIL_TYPE && result_node->flavor != CIL_TYPEALIAS) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "typetransition result is not a type or type alias\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } nametypetrans->result = result_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_rangetransition(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_rangetransition *rangetrans = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *src_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *exec_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *obj_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *range_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rangetrans->src_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &src_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rangetrans->src = src_datum; cil_type_used(src_datum); rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rangetrans->exec_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &exec_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rangetrans->exec = exec_datum; cil_type_used(exec_datum); rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rangetrans->obj_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &obj_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rangetrans->obj = (struct cil_class*)obj_datum; if (rangetrans->range_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, rangetrans->range_str, CIL_SYM_LEVELRANGES, extra_args, &range_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rangetrans->range = (struct cil_levelrange*)range_datum; /* This could still be an anonymous levelrange even if range_str is set, if range_str is a param_str*/ if (rangetrans->range->datum.name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, rangetrans->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, rangetrans->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int __class_update_perm_values(__attribute__((unused)) hashtab_key_t k, hashtab_datum_t d, void *args) { struct cil_perm *perm = (struct cil_perm *)d; perm->value += *((int *)args); return SEPOL_OK; } int cil_resolve_classcommon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_class *class = NULL; struct cil_class *common = NULL; struct cil_classcommon *clscom = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *class_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *common_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, clscom->class_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &class_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, clscom->common_str, CIL_SYM_COMMONS, extra_args, &common_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } class = (struct cil_class *)class_datum; common = (struct cil_class *)common_datum; if (class->common != NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "class cannot be associeated with more than one common\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } class->common = common; cil_symtab_map(&class->perms, __class_update_perm_values, &common->num_perms); class->num_perms += common->num_perms; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_classmapping(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_classmapping *mapping = current->data; struct cil_class *map = NULL; struct cil_perm *mp = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; struct cil_list_item *curr; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, mapping->map_class_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } map = (struct cil_class*)datum; rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(&map->perms, mapping->map_perm_str, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } mp = (struct cil_perm*)datum; rc = cil_resolve_classperms_list(current, mapping->classperms, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } if (mp->classperms == NULL) { cil_list_init(&mp->classperms, CIL_CLASSPERMS); } cil_list_for_each(curr, mapping->classperms) { cil_list_append(mp->classperms, curr->flavor, curr->data); } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_userrole(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_userrole *userrole = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *user_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *role_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, userrole->user_str, CIL_SYM_USERS, extra_args, &user_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } userrole->user = (struct cil_user*)user_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, userrole->role_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &role_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } userrole->role = role_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_userlevel(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_userlevel *usrlvl = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *user_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *lvl_datum = NULL; struct cil_user *user = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *user_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, usrlvl->user_str, CIL_SYM_USERS, extra_args, &user_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } user_node = user_datum->nodes->head->data; if (user_node->flavor != CIL_USER) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Userlevel must be a user\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } user = (struct cil_user*)user_datum; if (usrlvl->level_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, usrlvl->level_str, CIL_SYM_LEVELS, extra_args, &lvl_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } usrlvl->level = (struct cil_level*)lvl_datum; user->dftlevel = usrlvl->level; /* This could still be an anonymous level even if level_str is set, if level_str is a param_str*/ if (user->dftlevel->datum.name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_level(current, user->dftlevel, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else if (usrlvl->level != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_level(current, usrlvl->level, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } user->dftlevel = usrlvl->level; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_userrange(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_userrange *userrange = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *user_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *range_datum = NULL; struct cil_user *user = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *user_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, userrange->user_str, CIL_SYM_USERS, extra_args, &user_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } user_node = user_datum->nodes->head->data; if (user_node->flavor != CIL_USER) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Userrange must be a user: %s\n", user_datum->fqn); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } user = (struct cil_user*)user_datum; if (userrange->range_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, userrange->range_str, CIL_SYM_LEVELRANGES, extra_args, &range_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } userrange->range = (struct cil_levelrange*)range_datum; user->range = userrange->range; /* This could still be an anonymous levelrange even if levelrange_str is set, if levelrange_str is a param_str*/ if (user->range->datum.name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, user->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else if (userrange->range != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, userrange->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } user->range = userrange->range; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_userprefix(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_userprefix *userprefix = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *user_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *user_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, userprefix->user_str, CIL_SYM_USERS, extra_args, &user_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } user_node = user_datum->nodes->head->data; if (user_node->flavor != CIL_USER) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Userprefix must be a user: %s\n", user_datum->fqn); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } userprefix->user = (struct cil_user*)user_datum; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_selinuxuser(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_selinuxuser *selinuxuser = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *user_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *lvlrange_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *user_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, selinuxuser->user_str, CIL_SYM_USERS, extra_args, &user_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } user_node = user_datum->nodes->head->data; if (user_node->flavor != CIL_USER) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Selinuxuser must be a user: %s\n", user_datum->fqn); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } selinuxuser->user = (struct cil_user*)user_datum; if (selinuxuser->range_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, selinuxuser->range_str, CIL_SYM_LEVELRANGES, extra_args, &lvlrange_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } selinuxuser->range = (struct cil_levelrange*)lvlrange_datum; /* This could still be an anonymous levelrange even if range_str is set, if range_str is a param_str*/ if (selinuxuser->range->datum.name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, selinuxuser->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else if (selinuxuser->range != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, selinuxuser->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_roletype(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_roletype *roletype = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *role_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *type_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roletype->role_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &role_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } roletype->role = (struct cil_role*)role_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roletype->type_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &type_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } roletype->type = (struct cil_type*)type_datum; cil_type_used(type_datum); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_roletransition(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_roletransition *roletrans = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *src_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *tgt_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *obj_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *result_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roletrans->src_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &src_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } roletrans->src = (struct cil_role*)src_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roletrans->tgt_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &tgt_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } roletrans->tgt = tgt_datum; cil_type_used(tgt_datum); rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roletrans->obj_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &obj_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } roletrans->obj = (struct cil_class*)obj_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roletrans->result_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &result_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } node = result_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor != CIL_ROLE) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; printf("%i\n", node->flavor); cil_log(CIL_ERR, "roletransition must result in a role, but %s is a %s\n", roletrans->result_str, cil_node_to_string(node)); goto exit; } roletrans->result = (struct cil_role*)result_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_roleallow(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_roleallow *roleallow = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *src_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *tgt_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roleallow->src_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &src_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } roleallow->src = (struct cil_role*)src_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, roleallow->tgt_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &tgt_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } roleallow->tgt = (struct cil_role*)tgt_datum; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_roleattributeset(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_roleattributeset *attrroles = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *attr_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *attr_node = NULL; struct cil_roleattribute *attr = NULL; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, attrroles->attr_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &attr_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } attr_node = attr_datum->nodes->head->data; if (attr_node->flavor != CIL_ROLEATTRIBUTE) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Attribute role not an attribute\n"); goto exit; } attr = (struct cil_roleattribute*)attr_datum; rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_ROLEATTRIBUTESET, attrroles->str_expr, &attrroles->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_verify_no_self_reference(attr_datum, attrroles->datum_expr); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } if (attr->expr_list == NULL) { cil_list_init(&attr->expr_list, CIL_ROLEATTRIBUTE); } cil_list_append(attr->expr_list, CIL_LIST, attrroles->datum_expr); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } struct cil_ordered_list { int merged; struct cil_list *list; struct cil_tree_node *node; }; void __cil_ordered_list_init(struct cil_ordered_list **ordered) { *ordered = cil_malloc(sizeof(**ordered)); (*ordered)->merged = CIL_FALSE; (*ordered)->list = NULL; (*ordered)->node = NULL; } void __cil_ordered_list_destroy(struct cil_ordered_list **ordered) { cil_list_destroy(&(*ordered)->list, CIL_FALSE); (*ordered)->node = NULL; free(*ordered); *ordered = NULL; } void __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(struct cil_list **ordered_lists) { struct cil_list_item *item = NULL; if (ordered_lists == NULL || *ordered_lists == NULL) { return; } item = (*ordered_lists)->head; while (item != NULL) { struct cil_list_item *next = item->next; struct cil_ordered_list *ordered = item->data; __cil_ordered_list_destroy(&ordered); free(item); item = next; } free(*ordered_lists); *ordered_lists = NULL; } void __cil_ordered_lists_reset(struct cil_list **ordered_lists) { __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(ordered_lists); cil_list_init(ordered_lists, CIL_LIST_ITEM); } struct cil_list_item *__cil_ordered_item_insert(struct cil_list *old, struct cil_list_item *curr, struct cil_list_item *item) { if (item->flavor == CIL_SID) { struct cil_sid *sid = item->data; if (sid->ordered == CIL_TRUE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "SID %s has already been merged into the ordered list\n", sid->datum.name); return NULL; } sid->ordered = CIL_TRUE; } else if (item->flavor == CIL_CLASS) { struct cil_class *class = item->data; if (class->ordered == CIL_TRUE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Class %s has already been merged into the ordered list\n", class->datum.name); return NULL; } class->ordered = CIL_TRUE; } else if (item->flavor == CIL_CAT) { struct cil_cat *cat = item->data; if (cat->ordered == CIL_TRUE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Category %s has already been merged into the ordered list\n", cat->datum.name); return NULL; } cat->ordered = CIL_TRUE; } else if (item->flavor == CIL_SENS) { struct cil_sens *sens = item->data; if (sens->ordered == CIL_TRUE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Sensitivity %s has already been merged into the ordered list\n", sens->datum.name); return NULL; } sens->ordered = CIL_TRUE; } return cil_list_insert(old, curr, item->flavor, item->data); } int __cil_ordered_list_insert(struct cil_list *old, struct cil_list_item *ocurr, struct cil_list_item *nstart, struct cil_list_item *nstop) { struct cil_list_item *ncurr = NULL; for (ncurr = nstart; ncurr != nstop; ncurr = ncurr->next) { ocurr = __cil_ordered_item_insert(old, ocurr, ncurr); if (ocurr == NULL) { return SEPOL_ERR; } } return SEPOL_OK; } struct cil_list_item *__cil_ordered_find_match(struct cil_list_item *t, struct cil_list_item *i) { while (i) { if (i->data == t->data) { return i; } i = i->next; } return NULL; } int __cil_ordered_lists_merge(struct cil_list *old, struct cil_list *new) { struct cil_list_item *omatch = NULL; struct cil_list_item *ofirst = old->head; struct cil_list_item *ocurr = NULL; struct cil_list_item *oprev = NULL; struct cil_list_item *nmatch = NULL; struct cil_list_item *nfirst = new->head; struct cil_list_item *ncurr = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (nfirst == NULL) { return SEPOL_OK; } if (ofirst == NULL) { /* First list added */ rc = __cil_ordered_list_insert(old, NULL, nfirst, NULL); return rc; } /* Find a match between the new list and the old one */ for (nmatch = nfirst; nmatch; nmatch = nmatch->next) { omatch = __cil_ordered_find_match(nmatch, ofirst); if (omatch) { break; } } if (!nmatch) { /* List cannot be merged yet */ return SEPOL_ERR; } if (nmatch != nfirst && omatch != ofirst) { /* Potential ordering conflict--try again later */ return SEPOL_ERR; } if (nmatch != nfirst) { /* Prepend the beginning of the new list up to the first match to the old list */ rc = __cil_ordered_list_insert(old, NULL, nfirst, nmatch); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { return rc; } } /* In the overlapping protion, add items from the new list not in the old list */ ncurr = nmatch->next; ocurr = omatch->next; oprev = omatch; while (ncurr && ocurr) { if (ncurr->data == ocurr->data) { oprev = ocurr; ocurr = ocurr->next; ncurr = ncurr->next; } else { /* Handle gap in old: old = (A C) new = (A B C) */ nmatch = __cil_ordered_find_match(ocurr, ncurr->next); if (nmatch) { rc = __cil_ordered_list_insert(old, oprev, ncurr, nmatch); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { return rc; } oprev = ocurr; ocurr = ocurr->next; ncurr = nmatch->next; continue; } /* Handle gap in new: old = (A B C) new = (A C) */ omatch = __cil_ordered_find_match(ncurr, ocurr->next); if (omatch) { /* Nothing to insert, just skip */ oprev = omatch; ocurr = omatch->next; ncurr = ncurr->next; continue; } else { return SEPOL_ERR; } } } if (ncurr) { /* Add the rest of the items from the new list */ rc = __cil_ordered_list_insert(old, old->tail, ncurr, NULL); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { return rc; } } return SEPOL_OK; } static int insert_unordered(struct cil_list *merged, struct cil_list *unordered) { struct cil_list_item *curr = NULL; struct cil_ordered_list *unordered_list = NULL; struct cil_list_item *item = NULL; struct cil_list_item *ret = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_list_for_each(curr, unordered) { unordered_list = curr->data; cil_list_for_each(item, unordered_list->list) { if (cil_list_contains(merged, item->data)) { /* item was declared in an ordered statement, which supercedes * all unordered statements */ if (item->flavor == CIL_CLASS) { cil_log(CIL_WARN, "Ignoring '%s' as it has already been declared in classorder.\n", ((struct cil_class*)(item->data))->datum.name); } continue; } ret = __cil_ordered_item_insert(merged, merged->tail, item); if (ret == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } struct cil_list *__cil_ordered_lists_merge_all(struct cil_list **ordered_lists, struct cil_list **unordered_lists) { struct cil_list *composite = NULL; struct cil_list_item *curr = NULL; int changed = CIL_TRUE; int waiting = 1; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_list_init(&composite, CIL_LIST_ITEM); while (waiting && changed == CIL_TRUE) { changed = CIL_FALSE; waiting = 0; cil_list_for_each(curr, *ordered_lists) { struct cil_ordered_list *ordered_list = curr->data; if (ordered_list->merged == CIL_FALSE) { rc = __cil_ordered_lists_merge(composite, ordered_list->list); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { /* Can't merge yet */ waiting++; } else { ordered_list->merged = CIL_TRUE; changed = CIL_TRUE; } } } if (waiting > 0 && changed == CIL_FALSE) { cil_list_for_each(curr, *ordered_lists) { struct cil_ordered_list *ordered_list = curr->data; if (ordered_list->merged == CIL_FALSE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unable to merge ordered list at line %d of %s\n",ordered_list->node->line, ordered_list->node->path); } } goto exit; } } if (unordered_lists != NULL) { rc = insert_unordered(composite, *unordered_lists); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(ordered_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(unordered_lists); return composite; exit: __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(ordered_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(unordered_lists); cil_list_destroy(&composite, CIL_FALSE); return NULL; } int cil_resolve_classorder(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_list *classorder_list = args->classorder_lists; struct cil_list *unordered_classorder_list = args->unordered_classorder_lists; struct cil_classorder *classorder = current->data; struct cil_list *new = NULL; struct cil_list_item *curr = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; struct cil_ordered_list *class_list = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; int unordered = CIL_FALSE; cil_list_init(&new, CIL_CLASSORDER); cil_list_for_each(curr, classorder->class_list_str) { if (curr->data == CIL_KEY_UNORDERED) { unordered = CIL_TRUE; continue; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char *)curr->data, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve class %s in classorder\n", (char *)curr->data); goto exit; } cil_list_append(new, CIL_CLASS, datum); } __cil_ordered_list_init(&class_list); class_list->list = new; class_list->node = current; if (unordered) { cil_list_append(unordered_classorder_list, CIL_CLASSORDER, class_list); } else { cil_list_append(classorder_list, CIL_CLASSORDER, class_list); } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_sidorder(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_list *sidorder_list = args->sidorder_lists; struct cil_sidorder *sidorder = current->data; struct cil_list *new = NULL; struct cil_list_item *curr = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; struct cil_ordered_list *ordered = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_list_init(&new, CIL_SIDORDER); cil_list_for_each(curr, sidorder->sid_list_str) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char *)curr->data, CIL_SYM_SIDS, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve sid %s in sidorder\n", (char *)curr->data); goto exit; } cil_list_append(new, CIL_SID, datum); } __cil_ordered_list_init(&ordered); ordered->list = new; ordered->node = current; cil_list_append(sidorder_list, CIL_SIDORDER, ordered); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } void cil_set_cat_values(struct cil_list *ordered_cats, struct cil_db *db) { struct cil_list_item *curr; int v = 0; cil_list_for_each(curr, ordered_cats) { struct cil_cat *cat = curr->data; cat->value = v; v++; } db->num_cats = v; } int cil_resolve_catorder(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_list *catorder_list = args->catorder_lists; struct cil_catorder *catorder = current->data; struct cil_list *new = NULL; struct cil_list_item *curr = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *cat_datum; struct cil_cat *cat = NULL; struct cil_ordered_list *ordered = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_list_init(&new, CIL_CATORDER); cil_list_for_each(curr, catorder->cat_list_str) { struct cil_tree_node *node = NULL; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char *)curr->data, CIL_SYM_CATS, extra_args, &cat_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve category %s in categoryorder\n", (char *)curr->data); goto exit; } node = cat_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor != CIL_CAT) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s is not a category. Only categories are allowed in categoryorder statements\n", cat_datum->name); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } cat = (struct cil_cat *)cat_datum; cil_list_append(new, CIL_CAT, cat); } __cil_ordered_list_init(&ordered); ordered->list = new; ordered->node = current; cil_list_append(catorder_list, CIL_CATORDER, ordered); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_sensitivityorder(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_list *sensitivityorder_list = args->sensitivityorder_lists; struct cil_sensorder *sensorder = current->data; struct cil_list *new = NULL; struct cil_list_item *curr = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum = NULL; struct cil_ordered_list *ordered = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_list_init(&new, CIL_LIST_ITEM); cil_list_for_each(curr, sensorder->sens_list_str) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char *)curr->data, CIL_SYM_SENS, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve sensitivty %s in sensitivityorder\n", (char *)curr->data); goto exit; } cil_list_append(new, CIL_SENS, datum); } __cil_ordered_list_init(&ordered); ordered->list = new; ordered->node = current; cil_list_append(sensitivityorder_list, CIL_SENSITIVITYORDER, ordered); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_cats(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_cats *cats, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_CATSET, cats->str_expr, &cats->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_catset(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_catset *catset, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_cats(current, catset->cats, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_verify_no_self_reference((struct cil_symtab_datum *)catset, catset->cats->datum_expr); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_list_destroy(&catset->cats->datum_expr, CIL_FALSE); goto exit; } exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_senscat(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_senscat *senscat = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *sens_datum; struct cil_sens *sens = NULL; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char*)senscat->sens_str, CIL_SYM_SENS, extra_args, &sens_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to find sensitivity\n"); goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_cats(current, senscat->cats, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } sens = (struct cil_sens *)sens_datum; if (sens->cats_list == NULL ) { cil_list_init(&sens->cats_list, CIL_CAT); } cil_list_append(sens->cats_list, CIL_CAT, senscat->cats); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_level(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_level *level, void *extra_args) { struct cil_symtab_datum *sens_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char*)level->sens_str, CIL_SYM_SENS, extra_args, &sens_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to find sensitivity\n"); goto exit; } level->sens = (struct cil_sens *)sens_datum; if (level->cats != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_cats(current, level->cats, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_levelrange(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_levelrange *lvlrange, void *extra_args) { struct cil_symtab_datum *low_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *high_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (lvlrange->low_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, lvlrange->low_str, CIL_SYM_LEVELS, extra_args, &low_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } lvlrange->low = (struct cil_level*)low_datum; /* This could still be an anonymous level even if low_str is set, if low_str is a param_str */ if (lvlrange->low->datum.name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_level(current, lvlrange->low, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else if (lvlrange->low != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_level(current, lvlrange->low, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } if (lvlrange->high_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, lvlrange->high_str, CIL_SYM_LEVELS, extra_args, &high_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } lvlrange->high = (struct cil_level*)high_datum; /* This could still be an anonymous level even if high_str is set, if high_str is a param_str */ if (lvlrange->high->datum.name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_level(current, lvlrange->high, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else if (lvlrange->high != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_level(current, lvlrange->high, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_constrain(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_constrain *cons = current->data; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_classperms_list(current, cons->classperms, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_CONSTRAIN, cons->str_expr, &cons->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_validatetrans(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_validatetrans *validtrans = current->data; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_symtab_datum *class_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, validtrans->class_str, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, args, &class_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } validtrans->class = (struct cil_class*)class_datum; rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_VALIDATETRANS, validtrans->str_expr, &validtrans->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_context(struct cil_tree_node *current, struct cil_context *context, void *extra_args) { struct cil_symtab_datum *user_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *role_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *type_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *node = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *lvlrange_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, context->user_str, CIL_SYM_USERS, extra_args, &user_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } node = user_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor != CIL_USER) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Context user must be a user: %s\n", user_datum->fqn); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } context->user = (struct cil_user*)user_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, context->role_str, CIL_SYM_ROLES, extra_args, &role_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } node = role_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor != CIL_ROLE) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Context role not a role: %s\n", role_datum->fqn); goto exit; } context->role = (struct cil_role*)role_datum; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, context->type_str, CIL_SYM_TYPES, extra_args, &type_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } node = type_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor != CIL_TYPE && node->flavor != CIL_TYPEALIAS) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Type not a type or type alias\n"); goto exit; } context->type = type_datum; if (context->range_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, context->range_str, CIL_SYM_LEVELRANGES, extra_args, &lvlrange_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } context->range = (struct cil_levelrange*)lvlrange_datum; /* This could still be an anonymous levelrange even if levelrange_str is set, if levelrange_str is a param_str*/ if (context->range->datum.name == NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, context->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else if (context->range != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(current, context->range, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_filecon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_filecon *filecon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (filecon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, filecon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { return rc; } filecon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else if (filecon->context != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, filecon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { return rc; } } return SEPOL_OK; } int cil_resolve_portcon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_portcon *portcon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (portcon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, portcon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } portcon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, portcon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_genfscon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_genfscon *genfscon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (genfscon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, genfscon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } genfscon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, genfscon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_nodecon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_nodecon *nodecon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *addr_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *mask_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (nodecon->addr_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nodecon->addr_str, CIL_SYM_IPADDRS, extra_args, &addr_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } nodecon->addr = (struct cil_ipaddr*)addr_datum; } if (nodecon->mask_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nodecon->mask_str, CIL_SYM_IPADDRS, extra_args, &mask_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } nodecon->mask = (struct cil_ipaddr*)mask_datum; } if (nodecon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, nodecon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } nodecon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, nodecon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } if (nodecon->addr->family != nodecon->mask->family) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Nodecon ip address not in the same family\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_netifcon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_netifcon *netifcon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *ifcon_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *packcon_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (netifcon->if_context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, netifcon->if_context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &ifcon_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } netifcon->if_context = (struct cil_context*)ifcon_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, netifcon->if_context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } if (netifcon->packet_context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, netifcon->packet_context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &packcon_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } netifcon->packet_context = (struct cil_context*)packcon_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, netifcon->packet_context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_pirqcon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_pirqcon *pirqcon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (pirqcon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, pirqcon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } pirqcon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, pirqcon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_iomemcon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_iomemcon *iomemcon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (iomemcon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, iomemcon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } iomemcon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, iomemcon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_ioportcon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_ioportcon *ioportcon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (ioportcon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, ioportcon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } ioportcon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, ioportcon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_pcidevicecon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_pcidevicecon *pcidevicecon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (pcidevicecon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, pcidevicecon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } pcidevicecon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, pcidevicecon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_devicetreecon(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_devicetreecon *devicetreecon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (devicetreecon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, devicetreecon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } devicetreecon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, devicetreecon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_fsuse(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_fsuse *fsuse = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (fsuse->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, fsuse->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } fsuse->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, fsuse->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_sidcontext(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_sidcontext *sidcon = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *sid_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *context_datum = NULL; struct cil_sid *sid = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, sidcon->sid_str, CIL_SYM_SIDS, extra_args, &sid_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } sid = (struct cil_sid*)sid_datum; if (sidcon->context_str != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, sidcon->context_str, CIL_SYM_CONTEXTS, extra_args, &context_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } sidcon->context = (struct cil_context*)context_datum; } else if (sidcon->context != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_context(current, sidcon->context, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } if (sid->context != NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "sid's cannot be associated with more than one context\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } sid->context = sidcon->context; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_blockinherit_link(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_blockinherit *inherit = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *block_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, inherit->block_str, CIL_SYM_BLOCKS, extra_args, &block_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } node = block_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor != CIL_BLOCK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s is not a block\n", cil_node_to_string(node)); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } inherit->block = (struct cil_block *)block_datum; if (inherit->block->bi_nodes == NULL) { cil_list_init(&inherit->block->bi_nodes, CIL_NODE); } cil_list_append(inherit->block->bi_nodes, CIL_NODE, current); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } void cil_print_recursive_blockinherit(struct cil_tree_node *bi_node, struct cil_tree_node *terminating_node) { struct cil_list *trace = NULL; struct cil_list_item *item = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *curr = NULL; cil_list_init(&trace, CIL_NODE); for (curr = bi_node; curr != terminating_node; curr = curr->parent) { if (curr->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, curr); } else { if (curr != bi_node) { cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, NODE(((struct cil_blockinherit *)curr->data)->block)); } cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, curr); } } cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, terminating_node); cil_list_for_each(item, trace) { curr = item->data; cil_log(CIL_ERR, " %s:%d: ", curr->path, curr->line); if (curr->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "block %s\n", DATUM(curr->data)->name); } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "blockinherit %s\n", ((struct cil_blockinherit *)curr->data)->block_str); } } cil_list_destroy(&trace, CIL_FALSE); } int cil_check_recursive_blockinherit(struct cil_tree_node *bi_node) { struct cil_tree_node *curr = NULL; struct cil_blockinherit *bi = NULL; struct cil_block *block = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; bi = bi_node->data; for (curr = bi_node->parent; curr != NULL; curr = curr->parent) { if (curr->flavor != CIL_BLOCK) { continue; } block = curr->data; if (block != bi->block) { continue; } cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Recursive blockinherit found:\n"); cil_print_recursive_blockinherit(bi_node, curr); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_blockinherit_copy(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_block *block = current->data; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_db *db = NULL; struct cil_list_item *item = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; // This block is not inherited if (block->bi_nodes == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } db = args->db; // Make sure this is the original block and not a merged block from a blockinherit if (current != block->datum.nodes->head->data) { rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } cil_list_for_each(item, block->bi_nodes) { rc = cil_check_recursive_blockinherit(item->data); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_copy_ast(db, current, item->data); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to copy block contents into blockinherit\n"); goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_blockabstract(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_blockabstract *abstract = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *block_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *block_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, abstract->block_str, CIL_SYM_BLOCKS, extra_args, &block_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } block_node = block_datum->nodes->head->data; if (block_node->flavor != CIL_BLOCK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve blockabstract to a block, rc: %d\n", rc); goto exit; } ((struct cil_block*)block_datum)->is_abstract = CIL_TRUE; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_in(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_in *in = current->data; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_db *db = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *block_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *block_node = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (args != NULL) { db = args->db; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, in->block_str, CIL_SYM_BLOCKS, extra_args, &block_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } block_node = block_datum->nodes->head->data; rc = cil_copy_ast(db, current, block_node); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { printf("Failed to copy in, rc: %d\n", rc); goto exit; } cil_tree_children_destroy(current); current->cl_head = NULL; current->cl_tail = NULL; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_in_list(void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_list *ins = args->in_list; struct cil_list_item *curr = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *node = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *last_failed_node = NULL; struct cil_in *in = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *block_datum = NULL; int resolved = 0; int unresolved = 0; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; do { resolved = 0; unresolved = 0; cil_list_for_each(curr, ins) { if (curr->flavor != CIL_NODE) { continue; } node = curr->data; in = node->data; rc = cil_resolve_name(node, in->block_str, CIL_SYM_BLOCKS, extra_args, &block_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { unresolved++; last_failed_node = node; } else { rc = cil_resolve_in(node, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } resolved++; curr->data = NULL; curr->flavor = CIL_NONE; } } if (unresolved > 0 && resolved == 0) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to resolve in-statement on line %d of %s\n", last_failed_node->line, last_failed_node->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } while (unresolved > 0); rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_bounds(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args, enum cil_flavor flavor) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_bounds *bounds = current->data; enum cil_sym_index index; struct cil_symtab_datum *parent_datum = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *child_datum = NULL; rc = cil_flavor_to_symtab_index(flavor, &index); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, bounds->parent_str, index, extra_args, &parent_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, bounds->child_str, index, extra_args, &child_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } switch (flavor) { case CIL_USER: { struct cil_user *user = (struct cil_user *)child_datum; if (user->bounds != NULL) { struct cil_tree_node *node = user->bounds->datum.nodes->head->data; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "User %s already bound by parent at line %u of %s\n", bounds->child_str, node->line, node->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } user->bounds = (struct cil_user *)parent_datum; break; } case CIL_ROLE: { struct cil_role *role = (struct cil_role *)child_datum; if (role->bounds != NULL) { struct cil_tree_node *node = role->bounds->datum.nodes->head->data; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Role %s already bound by parent at line %u of %s\n", bounds->child_str, node->line, node->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } role->bounds = (struct cil_role *)parent_datum; break; } case CIL_TYPE: { struct cil_type *type = (struct cil_type *)child_datum; struct cil_tree_node *node = NULL; if (type->bounds != NULL) { node = ((struct cil_symtab_datum *)type->bounds)->nodes->head->data; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Type %s already bound by parent at line %u of %s\n", bounds->child_str, node->line, node->path); cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Now being bound to parent %s at line %u of %s\n", bounds->parent_str, current->line, current->path); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } node = parent_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Bounds parent %s is an attribute\n", bounds->parent_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } node = child_datum->nodes->head->data; if (node->flavor == CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTE) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Bounds child %s is an attribute\n", bounds->child_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } type->bounds = (struct cil_type *)parent_datum; break; } default: break; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Bad bounds statement at line %u of %s\n", current->line, current->path); return rc; } int cil_resolve_default(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_default *def = current->data; struct cil_list_item *curr; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum; cil_list_init(&def->class_datums, def->flavor); cil_list_for_each(curr, def->class_strs) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char *)curr->data, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } cil_list_append(def->class_datums, CIL_CLASS, datum); } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_defaultrange(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_defaultrange *def = current->data; struct cil_list_item *curr; struct cil_symtab_datum *datum; cil_list_init(&def->class_datums, CIL_DEFAULTRANGE); cil_list_for_each(curr, def->class_strs) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, (char *)curr->data, CIL_SYM_CLASSES, extra_args, &datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } cil_list_append(def->class_datums, CIL_CLASS, datum); } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } void cil_print_recursive_call(struct cil_tree_node *call_node, struct cil_tree_node *terminating_node) { struct cil_list *trace = NULL; struct cil_list_item * item = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *curr = NULL; cil_list_init(&trace, CIL_NODE); for (curr = call_node; curr != terminating_node; curr = curr->parent) { if (curr->flavor == CIL_CALL) { if (curr != call_node) { cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, NODE(((struct cil_call *)curr->data)->macro)); } cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, curr); } } if (terminating_node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, terminating_node); } else { cil_list_prepend(trace, CIL_NODE, NODE(((struct cil_call *)terminating_node->data)->macro)); } cil_list_for_each(item, trace) { curr = item->data; cil_log(CIL_ERR, " %s:%d: ", curr->path, curr->line); if (curr->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "macro %s\n", DATUM(curr->data)->name); } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "call %s\n", ((struct cil_call *)curr->data)->macro_str); } } cil_list_destroy(&trace, CIL_FALSE); } int cil_check_recursive_call(struct cil_tree_node *call_node, struct cil_tree_node *macro_node) { struct cil_tree_node *curr = NULL; struct cil_call * call = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; for (curr = call_node; curr != NULL; curr = curr->parent) { if (curr->flavor == CIL_CALL) { if (curr == call_node) { continue; } call = curr->data; if (call->macro != macro_node->data) { continue; } } else if (curr->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { if (curr != macro_node) { rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } } else { continue; } cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Recursive macro call found:\n"); cil_print_recursive_call(call_node, curr); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_call1(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_call *new_call = current->data; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_db *db = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *macro_node = NULL; struct cil_symtab_datum *macro_datum = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (args != NULL) { db = args->db; } rc = cil_resolve_name(current, new_call->macro_str, CIL_SYM_BLOCKS, extra_args, ¯o_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } macro_node = macro_datum->nodes->head->data; if (macro_node->flavor != CIL_MACRO) { printf("Failed to resolve %s to a macro\n", new_call->macro_str); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } new_call->macro = (struct cil_macro*)macro_datum; if (new_call->macro->params != NULL ) { struct cil_list_item *item; struct cil_args *new_arg = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *pc = NULL; if (new_call->args_tree == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Missing arguments (%s, line: %d)\n", current->path, current->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } pc = new_call->args_tree->root->cl_head; cil_list_init(&new_call->args, CIL_LIST_ITEM); cil_list_for_each(item, new_call->macro->params) { enum cil_flavor flavor = ((struct cil_param*)item->data)->flavor; if (pc == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Missing arguments (%s, line: %d)\n", current->path, current->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } if (item->flavor != CIL_PARAM) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } cil_args_init(&new_arg); switch (flavor) { case CIL_NAME: { struct cil_name *name; name = __cil_insert_name(args->db, pc->data, current); if (name != NULL) { new_arg->arg = (struct cil_symtab_datum *)name; } else { new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; } } break; case CIL_TYPE: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_ROLE: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_USER: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_SENS: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_CAT: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_BOOL: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_CATSET: { if (pc->cl_head != NULL) { struct cil_catset *catset = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *cat_node = NULL; cil_catset_init(&catset); rc = cil_fill_cats(pc, &catset->cats); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_destroy_catset(catset); goto exit; } cil_tree_node_init(&cat_node); cat_node->flavor = CIL_CATSET; cat_node->data = catset; cil_list_append(((struct cil_symtab_datum*)catset)->nodes, CIL_LIST_ITEM, cat_node); new_arg->arg = (struct cil_symtab_datum*)catset; } else { new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; } break; } case CIL_LEVEL: { if (pc->cl_head != NULL) { struct cil_level *level = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *lvl_node = NULL; cil_level_init(&level); rc = cil_fill_level(pc->cl_head, level); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to create anonymous level, rc: %d\n", rc); cil_destroy_level(level); goto exit; } cil_tree_node_init(&lvl_node); lvl_node->flavor = CIL_LEVEL; lvl_node->data = level; cil_list_append(((struct cil_symtab_datum*)level)->nodes, CIL_LIST_ITEM, lvl_node); new_arg->arg = (struct cil_symtab_datum*)level; } else { new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; } break; } case CIL_LEVELRANGE: { if (pc->cl_head != NULL) { struct cil_levelrange *range = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *range_node = NULL; cil_levelrange_init(&range); rc = cil_fill_levelrange(pc->cl_head, range); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to create anonymous levelrange, rc: %d\n", rc); cil_destroy_levelrange(range); goto exit; } cil_tree_node_init(&range_node); range_node->flavor = CIL_LEVELRANGE; range_node->data = range; cil_list_append(((struct cil_symtab_datum*)range)->nodes, CIL_LIST_ITEM, range_node); new_arg->arg = (struct cil_symtab_datum*)range; } else { new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; } break; } case CIL_IPADDR: { if (pc->cl_head != NULL) { struct cil_ipaddr *ipaddr = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *addr_node = NULL; cil_ipaddr_init(&ipaddr); rc = cil_fill_ipaddr(pc->cl_head, ipaddr); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to create anonymous ip address, rc; %d\n", rc); cil_destroy_ipaddr(ipaddr); goto exit; } cil_tree_node_init(&addr_node); addr_node->flavor = CIL_IPADDR; addr_node->data = ipaddr; cil_list_append(((struct cil_symtab_datum*)ipaddr)->nodes, CIL_LIST_ITEM, addr_node); new_arg->arg = (struct cil_symtab_datum*)ipaddr; } else { new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; } break; } case CIL_CLASS: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_MAP_CLASS: new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; break; case CIL_CLASSPERMISSION: { if (pc->cl_head != NULL) { struct cil_classpermission *cp = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *cp_node = NULL; cil_classpermission_init(&cp); rc = cil_fill_classperms_list(pc, &cp->classperms); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to create anonymous classpermission\n"); cil_destroy_classpermission(cp); goto exit; } cil_tree_node_init(&cp_node); cp_node->flavor = CIL_CLASSPERMISSION; cp_node->data = cp; cil_list_append(cp->datum.nodes, CIL_LIST_ITEM, cp_node); new_arg->arg = (struct cil_symtab_datum*)cp; } else { new_arg->arg_str = pc->data; } break; } default: cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unexpected flavor: %d\n", (((struct cil_param*)item->data)->flavor)); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } new_arg->param_str = ((struct cil_param*)item->data)->str; new_arg->flavor = flavor; cil_list_append(new_call->args, CIL_ARGS, new_arg); pc = pc->next; } if (pc != NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unexpected arguments (%s, line: %d)\n", current->path, current->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } else if (new_call->args_tree != NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Unexpected arguments (%s, line: %d)\n", current->path, current->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } if (new_call->copied == 0) { new_call->copied = 1; rc = cil_check_recursive_call(current, macro_node); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_copy_ast(db, macro_node, current); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to copy macro, rc: %d\n", rc); goto exit; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_call2(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_call *new_call = current->data; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; enum cil_sym_index sym_index = CIL_SYM_UNKNOWN; struct cil_list_item *item; if (new_call->args == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } cil_list_for_each(item, new_call->args) { struct cil_args *arg = item->data; if (arg->arg == NULL && arg->arg_str == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Arguments not created correctly\n"); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } switch (arg->flavor) { case CIL_NAME: if (arg->arg != NULL) { continue; /* No need to resolve */ } else { sym_index = CIL_SYM_NAMES; } break; case CIL_LEVEL: if (arg->arg_str == NULL && arg->arg != NULL) { continue; // anonymous, no need to resolve } else { sym_index = CIL_SYM_LEVELS; } break; case CIL_LEVELRANGE: if (arg->arg_str == NULL && arg->arg != NULL) { continue; // anonymous, no need to resolve } else { sym_index = CIL_SYM_LEVELRANGES; } break; case CIL_CATSET: if (arg->arg_str == NULL && arg->arg != NULL) { continue; // anonymous, no need to resolve } else { sym_index = CIL_SYM_CATS; } break; case CIL_IPADDR: if (arg->arg_str == NULL && arg->arg != NULL) { continue; // anonymous, no need to resolve } else { sym_index = CIL_SYM_IPADDRS; } break; case CIL_CLASSPERMISSION: if (arg->arg_str == NULL && arg->arg != NULL) { continue; } else { sym_index = CIL_SYM_CLASSPERMSETS; } break; case CIL_TYPE: if (arg->arg_str == NULL && arg->arg != NULL) { continue; // anonymous, no need to resolve } else { sym_index = CIL_SYM_TYPES; } break; case CIL_ROLE: sym_index = CIL_SYM_ROLES; break; case CIL_USER: sym_index = CIL_SYM_USERS; break; case CIL_SENS: sym_index = CIL_SYM_SENS; break; case CIL_CAT: sym_index = CIL_SYM_CATS; break; case CIL_CLASS: case CIL_MAP_CLASS: sym_index = CIL_SYM_CLASSES; break; case CIL_BOOL: sym_index = CIL_SYM_BOOLS; break; default: rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } if (sym_index != CIL_SYM_UNKNOWN) { rc = cil_resolve_name(current, arg->arg_str, sym_index, extra_args, &(arg->arg)); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_name_call_args(struct cil_call *call, char *name, enum cil_sym_index sym_index, struct cil_symtab_datum **datum) { struct cil_list_item *item; enum cil_sym_index param_index = CIL_SYM_UNKNOWN; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; if (call == NULL || name == NULL) { goto exit; } if (call->args == NULL) { goto exit; } cil_list_for_each(item, call->args) { struct cil_args * arg = item->data; rc = cil_flavor_to_symtab_index(arg->flavor, ¶m_index); if (param_index == sym_index) { if (name == arg->param_str) { *datum = arg->arg; rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } } } return SEPOL_ERR; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_expr(enum cil_flavor expr_type, struct cil_list *str_expr, struct cil_list **datum_expr, struct cil_tree_node *parent, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_list_item *curr; struct cil_symtab_datum *res_datum = NULL; enum cil_sym_index sym_index = CIL_SYM_UNKNOWN; switch (str_expr->flavor) { case CIL_BOOL: sym_index = CIL_SYM_BOOLS; break; case CIL_TUNABLE: sym_index = CIL_SYM_TUNABLES; break; case CIL_TYPE: sym_index = CIL_SYM_TYPES; break; case CIL_ROLE: sym_index = CIL_SYM_ROLES; break; case CIL_USER: sym_index = CIL_SYM_USERS; break; case CIL_CAT: sym_index = CIL_SYM_CATS; break; default: break; } cil_list_init(datum_expr, str_expr->flavor); cil_list_for_each(curr, str_expr) { switch (curr->flavor) { case CIL_STRING: rc = cil_resolve_name(parent, curr->data, sym_index, extra_args, &res_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } if (sym_index == CIL_SYM_TYPES && (expr_type == CIL_CONSTRAIN || expr_type == CIL_VALIDATETRANS)) { cil_type_used(res_datum); } cil_list_append(*datum_expr, CIL_DATUM, res_datum); break; case CIL_LIST: { struct cil_list *datum_sub_expr; rc = cil_resolve_expr(expr_type, curr->data, &datum_sub_expr, parent, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_list_destroy(&datum_sub_expr, CIL_TRUE); goto exit; } cil_list_append(*datum_expr, CIL_LIST, datum_sub_expr); break; } default: cil_list_append(*datum_expr, curr->flavor, curr->data); break; } } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_boolif(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_booleanif *bif = (struct cil_booleanif*)current->data; rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_BOOLEANIF, bif->str_expr, &bif->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } static int __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr(struct cil_list_item *curr); static int __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr_helper(struct cil_list_item *curr) { if (curr == NULL) { return CIL_FALSE; } else if (curr->flavor == CIL_DATUM) { struct cil_tunable *tun = curr->data; return tun->value; } else if (curr->flavor == CIL_LIST) { struct cil_list *l = curr->data; return __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr(l->head); } else { return CIL_FALSE; } } static int __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr(struct cil_list_item *curr) { /* Assumes expression is well-formed */ if (curr == NULL) { return CIL_FALSE; } else if (curr->flavor == CIL_OP) { uint16_t v1, v2; enum cil_flavor op_flavor = (enum cil_flavor)curr->data; v1 = __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr_helper(curr->next); if (op_flavor == CIL_NOT) return !v1; v2 = __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr_helper(curr->next->next); if (op_flavor == CIL_AND) return (v1 && v2); else if (op_flavor == CIL_OR) return (v1 || v2); else if (op_flavor == CIL_XOR) return (v1 ^ v2); else if (op_flavor == CIL_EQ) return (v1 == v2); else if (op_flavor == CIL_NEQ) return (v1 != v2); else return CIL_FALSE; } else { uint16_t v; for (;curr; curr = curr->next) { v = __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr_helper(curr); if (v) return v; } return CIL_FALSE; } } int cil_resolve_tunif(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_db *db = NULL; int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_tunableif *tif = (struct cil_tunableif*)current->data; uint16_t result = CIL_FALSE; struct cil_tree_node *true_node = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *false_node = NULL; struct cil_condblock *cb = NULL; if (args != NULL) { db = args->db; } rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_TUNABLEIF, tif->str_expr, &tif->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } result = __cil_evaluate_tunable_expr(tif->datum_expr->head); if (current->cl_head != NULL && current->cl_head->flavor == CIL_CONDBLOCK) { cb = current->cl_head->data; if (cb->flavor == CIL_CONDTRUE) { true_node = current->cl_head; } else if (cb->flavor == CIL_CONDFALSE) { false_node = current->cl_head; } } if (current->cl_head != NULL && current->cl_head->next != NULL && current->cl_head->next->flavor == CIL_CONDBLOCK) { cb = current->cl_head->next->data; if (cb->flavor == CIL_CONDTRUE) { true_node = current->cl_head->next; } else if (cb->flavor == CIL_CONDFALSE) { false_node = current->cl_head->next; } } if (result == CIL_TRUE) { if (true_node != NULL) { rc = cil_copy_ast(db, true_node, current->parent); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } else { if (false_node != NULL) { rc = cil_copy_ast(db, false_node, current->parent); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } } cil_tree_children_destroy(current); current->cl_head = NULL; current->cl_tail = NULL; return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_userattributeset(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_userattributeset *attrusers = current->data; struct cil_symtab_datum *attr_datum = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *attr_node = NULL; struct cil_userattribute *attr = NULL; rc = cil_resolve_name(current, attrusers->attr_str, CIL_SYM_USERS, extra_args, &attr_datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } attr_node = attr_datum->nodes->head->data; if (attr_node->flavor != CIL_USERATTRIBUTE) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Attribute user not an attribute\n"); goto exit; } attr = (struct cil_userattribute*)attr_datum; rc = cil_resolve_expr(CIL_USERATTRIBUTESET, attrusers->str_expr, &attrusers->datum_expr, current, extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = cil_verify_no_self_reference(attr_datum, attrusers->datum_expr); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } if (attr->expr_list == NULL) { cil_list_init(&attr->expr_list, CIL_USERATTRIBUTE); } cil_list_append(attr->expr_list, CIL_LIST, attrusers->datum_expr); return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int __cil_resolve_ast_node(struct cil_tree_node *node, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_OK; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; enum cil_pass pass = 0; struct cil_list *ins = args->in_list; if (node == NULL || args == NULL) { goto exit; } pass = args->pass; switch (pass) { case CIL_PASS_TIF: if (node->flavor == CIL_TUNABLEIF) { rc = cil_resolve_tunif(node, args); } break; case CIL_PASS_IN: if (node->flavor == CIL_IN) { // due to ordering issues, in statements are just gathered here and // resolved together in cil_resolve_in_list once all are found cil_list_prepend(ins, CIL_NODE, node); } break; case CIL_PASS_BLKIN_LINK: if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCKINHERIT) { rc = cil_resolve_blockinherit_link(node, args); } break; case CIL_PASS_BLKIN_COPY: if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { rc = cil_resolve_blockinherit_copy(node, args); } break; case CIL_PASS_BLKABS: if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCKABSTRACT) { rc = cil_resolve_blockabstract(node, args); } break; case CIL_PASS_MACRO: if (node->flavor == CIL_CALL && args->macro != NULL) { rc = cil_resolve_call1(node, args); } break; case CIL_PASS_CALL1: if (node->flavor == CIL_CALL) { rc = cil_resolve_call1(node, args); } break; case CIL_PASS_CALL2: if (node->flavor == CIL_CALL) { rc = cil_resolve_call2(node, args); } break; case CIL_PASS_ALIAS1: switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_TYPEALIASACTUAL: rc = cil_resolve_aliasactual(node, args, CIL_TYPE); break; case CIL_SENSALIASACTUAL: rc = cil_resolve_aliasactual(node, args, CIL_SENS); break; case CIL_CATALIASACTUAL: rc = cil_resolve_aliasactual(node, args, CIL_CAT); break; default: break; } break; case CIL_PASS_ALIAS2: switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_TYPEALIAS: rc = cil_resolve_alias_to_actual(node, CIL_TYPE); break; case CIL_SENSALIAS: rc = cil_resolve_alias_to_actual(node, CIL_SENS); break; case CIL_CATALIAS: rc = cil_resolve_alias_to_actual(node, CIL_CAT); break; default: break; } break; case CIL_PASS_MISC1: switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_SIDORDER: rc = cil_resolve_sidorder(node, args); break; case CIL_CLASSORDER: rc = cil_resolve_classorder(node, args); break; case CIL_CATORDER: rc = cil_resolve_catorder(node, args); break; case CIL_SENSITIVITYORDER: rc = cil_resolve_sensitivityorder(node, args); break; case CIL_BOOLEANIF: rc = cil_resolve_boolif(node, args); break; default: break; } break; case CIL_PASS_MLS: switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_CATSET: rc = cil_resolve_catset(node, (struct cil_catset*)node->data, args); break; default: break; } break; case CIL_PASS_MISC2: switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_SENSCAT: rc = cil_resolve_senscat(node, args); break; case CIL_CLASSCOMMON: rc = cil_resolve_classcommon(node, args); break; default: break; } break; case CIL_PASS_MISC3: switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_TYPEATTRIBUTESET: rc = cil_resolve_typeattributeset(node, args); break; case CIL_TYPEBOUNDS: rc = cil_resolve_bounds(node, args, CIL_TYPE); break; case CIL_TYPEPERMISSIVE: rc = cil_resolve_typepermissive(node, args); break; case CIL_NAMETYPETRANSITION: rc = cil_resolve_nametypetransition(node, args); break; case CIL_RANGETRANSITION: rc = cil_resolve_rangetransition(node, args); break; case CIL_CLASSPERMISSIONSET: rc = cil_resolve_classpermissionset(node, (struct cil_classpermissionset*)node->data, args); break; case CIL_CLASSMAPPING: rc = cil_resolve_classmapping(node, args); break; case CIL_AVRULE: case CIL_AVRULEX: rc = cil_resolve_avrule(node, args); break; case CIL_PERMISSIONX: rc = cil_resolve_permissionx(node, (struct cil_permissionx*)node->data, args); break; case CIL_TYPE_RULE: rc = cil_resolve_type_rule(node, args); break; case CIL_USERROLE: rc = cil_resolve_userrole(node, args); break; case CIL_USERLEVEL: rc = cil_resolve_userlevel(node, args); break; case CIL_USERRANGE: rc = cil_resolve_userrange(node, args); break; case CIL_USERBOUNDS: rc = cil_resolve_bounds(node, args, CIL_USER); break; case CIL_USERPREFIX: rc = cil_resolve_userprefix(node, args); break; case CIL_SELINUXUSER: case CIL_SELINUXUSERDEFAULT: rc = cil_resolve_selinuxuser(node, args); break; case CIL_ROLEATTRIBUTESET: rc = cil_resolve_roleattributeset(node, args); break; case CIL_ROLETYPE: rc = cil_resolve_roletype(node, args); break; case CIL_ROLETRANSITION: rc = cil_resolve_roletransition(node, args); break; case CIL_ROLEALLOW: rc = cil_resolve_roleallow(node, args); break; case CIL_ROLEBOUNDS: rc = cil_resolve_bounds(node, args, CIL_ROLE); break; case CIL_LEVEL: rc = cil_resolve_level(node, (struct cil_level*)node->data, args); break; case CIL_LEVELRANGE: rc = cil_resolve_levelrange(node, (struct cil_levelrange*)node->data, args); break; case CIL_CONSTRAIN: rc = cil_resolve_constrain(node, args); break; case CIL_MLSCONSTRAIN: rc = cil_resolve_constrain(node, args); break; case CIL_VALIDATETRANS: case CIL_MLSVALIDATETRANS: rc = cil_resolve_validatetrans(node, args); break; case CIL_CONTEXT: rc = cil_resolve_context(node, (struct cil_context*)node->data, args); break; case CIL_FILECON: rc = cil_resolve_filecon(node, args); break; case CIL_PORTCON: rc = cil_resolve_portcon(node, args); break; case CIL_NODECON: rc = cil_resolve_nodecon(node, args); break; case CIL_GENFSCON: rc = cil_resolve_genfscon(node, args); break; case CIL_NETIFCON: rc = cil_resolve_netifcon(node, args); break; case CIL_PIRQCON: rc = cil_resolve_pirqcon(node, args); break; case CIL_IOMEMCON: rc = cil_resolve_iomemcon(node, args); break; case CIL_IOPORTCON: rc = cil_resolve_ioportcon(node, args); break; case CIL_PCIDEVICECON: rc = cil_resolve_pcidevicecon(node, args); break; case CIL_DEVICETREECON: rc = cil_resolve_devicetreecon(node, args); break; case CIL_FSUSE: rc = cil_resolve_fsuse(node, args); break; case CIL_SIDCONTEXT: rc = cil_resolve_sidcontext(node, args); break; case CIL_DEFAULTUSER: case CIL_DEFAULTROLE: case CIL_DEFAULTTYPE: rc = cil_resolve_default(node, args); break; case CIL_DEFAULTRANGE: rc = cil_resolve_defaultrange(node, args); break; case CIL_USERATTRIBUTESET: rc = cil_resolve_userattributeset(node, args); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return rc; exit: return rc; } int __cil_resolve_ast_node_helper(struct cil_tree_node *node, __attribute__((unused)) uint32_t *finished, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; enum cil_pass pass = args->pass; struct cil_tree_node *optstack = args->optstack; struct cil_tree_node *boolif = args->boolif; struct cil_tree_node *blockstack = args->blockstack; struct cil_tree_node *macro = args->macro; if (node == NULL) { goto exit; } if (optstack != NULL) { if (node->flavor == CIL_TUNABLE || node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { /* tuanbles and macros are not allowed in optionals*/ cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s statement is not allowed in optionals (%s:%d)\n", cil_node_to_string(node), node->path, node->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } if (blockstack != NULL) { if (node->flavor == CIL_CAT || node->flavor == CIL_SENS) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s statement is not allowed in blocks (%s:%d)\n", cil_node_to_string(node), node->path, node->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } if (macro != NULL) { if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCKINHERIT || node->flavor == CIL_BLOCK || node->flavor == CIL_BLOCKABSTRACT || node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s statement is not allowed in macros (%s:%d)\n", cil_node_to_string(node), node->path, node->line); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } if (boolif != NULL) { if (!(node->flavor == CIL_CONDBLOCK || node->flavor == CIL_AVRULE || node->flavor == CIL_TYPE_RULE || node->flavor == CIL_CALL || node->flavor == CIL_TUNABLEIF || node->flavor == CIL_NAMETYPETRANSITION)) { if (((struct cil_booleanif*)boolif->data)->preserved_tunable) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s statement is not allowed in booleanifs (tunableif treated as a booleanif) (%s:%d)\n", cil_node_to_string(node), node->path, node->line); } else { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "%s statement is not allowed in booleanifs (%s:%d)\n", cil_node_to_string(node), node->path, node->line); } rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } } if (node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { if (pass != CIL_PASS_TIF && pass != CIL_PASS_MACRO) { *finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD; rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } } if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCK && ((((struct cil_block*)node->data)->is_abstract == CIL_TRUE) && (pass > CIL_PASS_BLKABS))) { *finished = CIL_TREE_SKIP_HEAD; rc = SEPOL_OK; goto exit; } rc = __cil_resolve_ast_node(node, extra_args); if (rc == SEPOL_ENOENT) { enum cil_log_level lvl = CIL_ERR; if (optstack != NULL) { lvl = CIL_WARN; struct cil_optional *opt = (struct cil_optional *)optstack->data; struct cil_tree_node *opt_node = opt->datum.nodes->head->data; cil_log(lvl, "Disabling optional '%s' at line %d of %s: ", opt->datum.name, opt_node->line, opt_node->path); /* disable an optional if something failed to resolve */ opt->enabled = CIL_FALSE; rc = SEPOL_OK; } cil_log(lvl, "Failed to resolve '%s' in %s statement at line %d of %s\n", args->last_resolved_name, cil_node_to_string(node), node->line, node->path); goto exit; } return rc; exit: return rc; } int __cil_resolve_ast_first_child_helper(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_tree_node *optstack = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *parent = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *blockstack = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *new = NULL; if (current == NULL || extra_args == NULL) { goto exit; } optstack = args->optstack; parent = current->parent; blockstack = args->blockstack; if (parent->flavor == CIL_OPTIONAL || parent->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { /* push this node onto a stack */ cil_tree_node_init(&new); new->data = parent->data; new->flavor = parent->flavor; if (parent->flavor == CIL_OPTIONAL) { if (optstack != NULL) { optstack->parent = new; new->cl_head = optstack; } args->optstack = new; } else if (parent->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { if (blockstack != NULL) { blockstack->parent = new; new->cl_head = blockstack; } args->blockstack = new; } } else if (parent->flavor == CIL_BOOLEANIF) { args->boolif = parent; } else if (parent->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { args->macro = parent; } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int __cil_resolve_ast_last_child_helper(struct cil_tree_node *current, void *extra_args) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_tree_node *parent = NULL; struct cil_tree_node *blockstack = NULL; if (current == NULL || extra_args == NULL) { goto exit; } parent = current->parent; if (parent->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { args->macro = NULL; } else if (parent->flavor == CIL_OPTIONAL) { struct cil_tree_node *optstack; if (((struct cil_optional *)parent->data)->enabled == CIL_FALSE) { *(args->changed) = CIL_TRUE; cil_tree_children_destroy(parent); } /* pop off the stack */ optstack = args->optstack; args->optstack = optstack->cl_head; if (optstack->cl_head) { optstack->cl_head->parent = NULL; } free(optstack); } else if (parent->flavor == CIL_BOOLEANIF) { args->boolif = NULL; } else if (parent->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { /* pop off the stack */ blockstack = args->blockstack; args->blockstack = blockstack->cl_head; if (blockstack->cl_head) { blockstack->cl_head->parent = NULL; } free(blockstack); } return SEPOL_OK; exit: return rc; } int cil_resolve_ast(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *current) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_args_resolve extra_args; enum cil_pass pass = CIL_PASS_TIF; uint32_t changed = 0; if (db == NULL || current == NULL) { goto exit; } extra_args.db = db; extra_args.pass = pass; extra_args.changed = &changed; extra_args.last_resolved_name = NULL; extra_args.optstack = NULL; extra_args.boolif= NULL; extra_args.macro = NULL; extra_args.sidorder_lists = NULL; extra_args.classorder_lists = NULL; extra_args.unordered_classorder_lists = NULL; extra_args.catorder_lists = NULL; extra_args.sensitivityorder_lists = NULL; extra_args.in_list = NULL; extra_args.blockstack = NULL; cil_list_init(&extra_args.sidorder_lists, CIL_LIST_ITEM); cil_list_init(&extra_args.classorder_lists, CIL_LIST_ITEM); cil_list_init(&extra_args.unordered_classorder_lists, CIL_LIST_ITEM); cil_list_init(&extra_args.catorder_lists, CIL_LIST_ITEM); cil_list_init(&extra_args.sensitivityorder_lists, CIL_LIST_ITEM); cil_list_init(&extra_args.in_list, CIL_IN); for (pass = CIL_PASS_TIF; pass < CIL_PASS_NUM; pass++) { extra_args.pass = pass; rc = cil_tree_walk(current, __cil_resolve_ast_node_helper, __cil_resolve_ast_first_child_helper, __cil_resolve_ast_last_child_helper, &extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_INFO, "Pass %i of resolution failed\n", pass); goto exit; } if (pass == CIL_PASS_IN) { rc = cil_resolve_in_list(&extra_args); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } cil_list_destroy(&extra_args.in_list, CIL_FALSE); } if (pass == CIL_PASS_MISC1) { db->sidorder = __cil_ordered_lists_merge_all(&extra_args.sidorder_lists, NULL); if (db->sidorder == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } db->classorder = __cil_ordered_lists_merge_all(&extra_args.classorder_lists, &extra_args.unordered_classorder_lists); if (db->classorder == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } db->catorder = __cil_ordered_lists_merge_all(&extra_args.catorder_lists, NULL); if (db->catorder == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } cil_set_cat_values(db->catorder, db); db->sensitivityorder = __cil_ordered_lists_merge_all(&extra_args.sensitivityorder_lists, NULL); if (db->sensitivityorder == NULL) { rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_ordered(current, CIL_SID); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_ordered(current, CIL_CLASS); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_ordered(current, CIL_CAT); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = __cil_verify_ordered(current, CIL_SENS); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } if (changed && (pass > CIL_PASS_CALL1)) { /* Need to re-resolve because an optional was disabled that contained * one or more declarations. We only need to reset to the call1 pass * because things done in the preceeding passes aren't allowed in * optionals, and thus can't be disabled. * Note: set pass to CIL_PASS_CALL1 because the pass++ will increment * it to CIL_PASS_CALL2 */ cil_log(CIL_INFO, "Resetting declarations\n"); if (pass >= CIL_PASS_MISC1) { __cil_ordered_lists_reset(&extra_args.sidorder_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_reset(&extra_args.classorder_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_reset(&extra_args.unordered_classorder_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_reset(&extra_args.catorder_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_reset(&extra_args.sensitivityorder_lists); cil_list_destroy(&db->sidorder, CIL_FALSE); cil_list_destroy(&db->classorder, CIL_FALSE); cil_list_destroy(&db->catorder, CIL_FALSE); cil_list_destroy(&db->sensitivityorder, CIL_FALSE); } pass = CIL_PASS_CALL1; rc = cil_reset_ast(current); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Failed to reset declarations\n"); goto exit; } } /* reset the arguments */ changed = 0; while (extra_args.optstack != NULL) { struct cil_tree_node *curr = extra_args.optstack; struct cil_tree_node *next = curr->cl_head; free(curr); extra_args.optstack = next; } while (extra_args.blockstack!= NULL) { struct cil_tree_node *curr = extra_args.blockstack; struct cil_tree_node *next = curr->cl_head; free(curr); extra_args.blockstack= next; } } rc = __cil_verify_initsids(db->sidorder); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(&extra_args.sidorder_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(&extra_args.classorder_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(&extra_args.catorder_lists); __cil_ordered_lists_destroy(&extra_args.sensitivityorder_lists); cil_list_destroy(&extra_args.in_list, CIL_FALSE); return rc; } static int __cil_resolve_name_with_root(struct cil_db *db, char *name, enum cil_sym_index sym_index, struct cil_symtab_datum **datum) { symtab_t *symtab = &((struct cil_root *)db->ast->root->data)->symtab[sym_index]; return cil_symtab_get_datum(symtab, name, datum); } static int __cil_resolve_name_with_parents(struct cil_tree_node *node, char *name, enum cil_sym_index sym_index, struct cil_symtab_datum **datum) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; symtab_t *symtab = NULL; while (node != NULL && rc != SEPOL_OK) { switch (node->flavor) { case CIL_ROOT: goto exit; break; case CIL_BLOCK: symtab = &((struct cil_block*)node->data)->symtab[sym_index]; rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(symtab, name, datum); break; case CIL_BLOCKINHERIT: { struct cil_blockinherit *inherit = node->data; rc = __cil_resolve_name_with_parents(node->parent, name, sym_index, datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { /* Continue search in original block's parent */ rc = __cil_resolve_name_with_parents(NODE(inherit->block), name, sym_index, datum); goto exit; } } break; case CIL_MACRO: { struct cil_macro *macro = node->data; symtab = ¯o->symtab[sym_index]; rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(symtab, name, datum); } break; case CIL_CALL: { struct cil_call *call = node->data; rc = cil_resolve_name_call_args(call, name, sym_index, datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { /* Continue search in macro's parent */ rc = __cil_resolve_name_with_parents(NODE(call->macro)->parent, name, sym_index, datum); } } break; case CIL_IN: /* In block symtabs only exist before resolving the AST */ case CIL_CONDBLOCK: /* Cond block symtabs only exist before resolving the AST */ default: break; } node = node->parent; } exit: return rc; } static int __cil_resolve_name_helper(struct cil_db *db, struct cil_tree_node *node, char *name, enum cil_sym_index sym_index, struct cil_symtab_datum **datum) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; rc = __cil_resolve_name_with_parents(node, name, sym_index, datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { rc = __cil_resolve_name_with_root(db, name, sym_index, datum); } return rc; } int cil_resolve_name(struct cil_tree_node *ast_node, char *name, enum cil_sym_index sym_index, void *extra_args, struct cil_symtab_datum **datum) { int rc = SEPOL_ERR; struct cil_args_resolve *args = extra_args; struct cil_db *db = args->db; struct cil_tree_node *node = NULL; if (name == NULL) { cil_log(CIL_ERR, "Invalid call to cil_resolve_name\n"); goto exit; } *datum = NULL; if (strchr(name,'.') == NULL) { /* No '.' in name */ rc = __cil_resolve_name_helper(db, ast_node->parent, name, sym_index, datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } else { char *sp = NULL; char *name_dup = cil_strdup(name); char *current = strtok_r(name_dup, ".", &sp); char *next = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &sp); symtab_t *symtab = NULL; node = ast_node; if (*name == '.') { /* Leading '.' */ symtab = &((struct cil_root *)db->ast->root->data)->symtab[CIL_SYM_BLOCKS]; } else { rc = __cil_resolve_name_helper(db, node->parent, current, CIL_SYM_BLOCKS, datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { free(name_dup); goto exit; } symtab = (*datum)->symtab; } /* Keep looking up blocks by name until only last part of name remains */ while (next != NULL) { rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(symtab, current, datum); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { free(name_dup); goto exit; } node = NODE(*datum); if (node->flavor == CIL_BLOCK) { symtab = &((struct cil_block*)node->data)->symtab[CIL_SYM_BLOCKS]; } else { if (ast_node->flavor != CIL_IN) { cil_log(CIL_WARN, "Can only use %s name for name resolution in \"in\" blocks\n", cil_node_to_string(node)); free(name_dup); rc = SEPOL_ERR; goto exit; } if (node->flavor == CIL_MACRO) { struct cil_macro *macro = node->data; symtab = ¯o->symtab[sym_index]; } else { /* optional */ symtab = (*datum)->symtab; } } current = next; next = strtok_r(NULL, ".", &sp); } symtab = &(symtab[sym_index]); rc = cil_symtab_get_datum(symtab, current, datum); free(name_dup); if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { goto exit; } } rc = SEPOL_OK; exit: if (rc != SEPOL_OK) { *datum = NULL; } if (*datum != NULL) { /* If this datum is an alias, then return the actual node * This depends on aliases already being processed */ node = NODE(*datum); if (node->flavor == CIL_TYPEALIAS || node->flavor == CIL_SENSALIAS || node->flavor == CIL_CATALIAS) { struct cil_alias *alias = (struct cil_alias *)(*datum); if (alias->actual) { *datum = alias->actual; } } } args->last_resolved_name = name; return rc; }