/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkOpContour.h" #include "SkOpTAllocator.h" #include "SkPathWriter.h" #include "SkReduceOrder.h" #include "SkTSort.h" SkOpSegment* SkOpContour::addCurve(SkPath::Verb verb, const SkPoint pts[4], SkChunkAlloc* allocator) { switch (verb) { case SkPath::kLine_Verb: { SkPoint* ptStorage = SkOpTAllocator<SkPoint>::AllocateArray(allocator, 2); memcpy(ptStorage, pts, sizeof(SkPoint) * 2); return appendSegment(allocator).addLine(ptStorage, this); } break; case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: { SkPoint* ptStorage = SkOpTAllocator<SkPoint>::AllocateArray(allocator, 3); memcpy(ptStorage, pts, sizeof(SkPoint) * 3); return appendSegment(allocator).addQuad(ptStorage, this); } break; case SkPath::kConic_Verb: { SkASSERT(0); // the original curve is a cubic, which will never reduce to a conic } break; case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: { SkPoint* ptStorage = SkOpTAllocator<SkPoint>::AllocateArray(allocator, 4); memcpy(ptStorage, pts, sizeof(SkPoint) * 4); return appendSegment(allocator).addCubic(ptStorage, this); } break; default: SkASSERT(0); } return nullptr; } void SkOpContour::toPath(SkPathWriter* path) const { const SkPoint& pt = fHead.pts()[0]; path->deferredMove(pt); const SkOpSegment* segment = &fHead; do { SkAssertResult(segment->addCurveTo(segment->head(), segment->tail(), path)); } while ((segment = segment->next())); path->close(); } void SkOpContour::toReversePath(SkPathWriter* path) const { const SkPoint& pt = fTail->pts()[0]; path->deferredMove(pt); const SkOpSegment* segment = fTail; do { SkAssertResult(segment->addCurveTo(segment->tail(), segment->head(), path)); } while ((segment = segment->prev())); path->close(); } SkOpSegment* SkOpContour::undoneSegment(SkOpSpanBase** startPtr, SkOpSpanBase** endPtr) { SkOpSegment* segment = &fHead; do { if (segment->done()) { continue; } segment->undoneSpan(startPtr, endPtr); return segment; } while ((segment = segment->next())); return nullptr; }