/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "defs.h" #include <linux/ioctl.h> /* The mtd api changes quickly, so we have to keep a local copy */ #include <linux/version.h> #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(3, 3, 0) # include "mtd-abi.h" #else # include <mtd/mtd-abi.h> #endif #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(3, 7, 0) # include "ubi-user.h" #else # include <mtd/ubi-user.h> #endif #include "xlat/mtd_mode_options.h" #include "xlat/mtd_file_mode_options.h" #include "xlat/mtd_type_options.h" #include "xlat/mtd_flags_options.h" #include "xlat/mtd_otp_options.h" #include "xlat/mtd_nandecc_options.h" int mtd_ioctl(struct tcb *tcp, const unsigned int code, const long arg) { if (!verbose(tcp)) return RVAL_DECODED; switch (code) { case MEMERASE: case MEMLOCK: case MEMUNLOCK: case MEMISLOCKED: { struct erase_info_user einfo; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &einfo)) break; tprintf("{start=%#" PRIx32 ", length=%#" PRIx32 "}", einfo.start, einfo.length); break; } case MEMERASE64: { struct erase_info_user64 einfo64; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &einfo64)) break; tprintf("{start=%#" PRIx64 ", length=%#" PRIx64 "}", (uint64_t) einfo64.start, (uint64_t) einfo64.length); break; } case MEMWRITEOOB: case MEMREADOOB: { struct mtd_oob_buf mbuf; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &mbuf)) break; tprintf("{start=%#" PRIx32 ", length=%#" PRIx32 ", ptr=...}", mbuf.start, mbuf.length); break; } case MEMWRITEOOB64: case MEMREADOOB64: { struct mtd_oob_buf64 mbuf64; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &mbuf64)) break; tprintf("{start=%#" PRIx64 ", length=%#" PRIx64 ", ptr=...}", (uint64_t) mbuf64.start, (uint64_t) mbuf64.length); break; } case MEMGETREGIONINFO: { struct region_info_user rinfo; if (entering(tcp)) { tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &rinfo)) break; tprintf("{regionindex=%#x", rinfo.regionindex); return 1; } else { if (syserror(tcp)) { tprints("}"); break; } if (umove(tcp, arg, &rinfo) < 0) { tprints(", ???}"); break; } tprintf(", offset=%#x, erasesize=%#x, numblocks=%#x}", rinfo.offset, rinfo.erasesize, rinfo.numblocks); break; } } case OTPLOCK: { struct otp_info oinfo; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &oinfo)) break; tprintf("{start=%#" PRIx32 ", length=%#" PRIx32 ", locked=%" PRIu32 "}", oinfo.start, oinfo.length, oinfo.locked); break; } case MEMWRITE: { struct mtd_write_req mreq; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &mreq)) break; tprintf("{start=%#" PRIx64 ", len=%#" PRIx64, (uint64_t) mreq.start, (uint64_t) mreq.len); tprintf(", ooblen=%#" PRIx64 ", usr_data=%#" PRIx64, (uint64_t) mreq.ooblen, (uint64_t) mreq.usr_data); tprintf(", usr_oob=%#" PRIx64 ", mode=", (uint64_t) mreq.usr_oob); printxval(mtd_mode_options, mreq.mode, "MTD_OPS_???"); tprints(", padding=...}"); break; } case OTPSELECT: { unsigned int i; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &i)) break; tprints("["); printxval(mtd_otp_options, i, "MTD_OTP_???"); tprints("]"); break; } case MTDFILEMODE: tprints(", "); printxval(mtd_file_mode_options, arg, "MTD_FILE_MODE_???"); break; case MEMGETBADBLOCK: case MEMSETBADBLOCK: tprints(", "); printnum_int64(tcp, arg, "%" PRIu64); break; case MEMGETINFO: { struct mtd_info_user minfo; if (entering(tcp)) return 0; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &minfo)) break; tprints("{type="); printxval(mtd_type_options, minfo.type, "MTD_???"); tprints(", flags="); printflags(mtd_flags_options, minfo.flags, "MTD_???"); tprintf(", size=%#" PRIx32 ", erasesize=%#" PRIx32, minfo.size, minfo.erasesize); tprintf(", writesize=%#" PRIx32 ", oobsize=%#" PRIx32, minfo.writesize, minfo.oobsize); tprintf(", padding=%#" PRIx64 "}", (uint64_t) minfo.padding); break; } case MEMGETOOBSEL: { struct nand_oobinfo ninfo; unsigned int i; if (entering(tcp)) return 0; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &ninfo)) break; tprints("{useecc="); printxval(mtd_nandecc_options, ninfo.useecc, "MTD_NANDECC_???"); tprintf(", eccbytes=%#" PRIx32, ninfo.eccbytes); tprints(", oobfree={"); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ninfo.oobfree); ++i) { unsigned int j; if (i) tprints("}, "); tprints("{"); for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(ninfo.oobfree[0]); ++j) { if (j) tprints(", "); tprintf("%#" PRIx32, ninfo.oobfree[i][j]); } } tprints("}}, eccpos={"); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ninfo.eccpos); ++i) { if (i) tprints(", "); tprintf("%#" PRIx32, ninfo.eccpos[i]); } tprints("}"); break; } case OTPGETREGIONINFO: { struct otp_info oinfo; if (entering(tcp)) return 0; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &oinfo)) break; tprintf("{start=%#" PRIx32 ", length=%#" PRIx32 ", locked=%" PRIu32 "}", oinfo.start, oinfo.length, oinfo.locked); break; } case ECCGETLAYOUT: { struct nand_ecclayout_user nlay; unsigned int i; if (entering(tcp)) return 0; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &nlay)) break; tprintf("{eccbytes=%#" PRIx32 ", eccpos={", nlay.eccbytes); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(nlay.eccpos); ++i) { if (i) tprints(", "); tprintf("%#" PRIx32, nlay.eccpos[i]); } tprintf("}, oobavail=%#" PRIx32 ", oobfree={", nlay.oobavail); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(nlay.oobfree); ++i) { if (i) tprints(", "); tprintf("{offset=%#" PRIx32 ", length=%#" PRIx32 "}", nlay.oobfree[i].offset, nlay.oobfree[i].length); } tprints("}"); break; } case ECCGETSTATS: { struct mtd_ecc_stats estat; if (entering(tcp)) return 0; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &estat)) break; tprintf("{corrected=%#" PRIx32 ", failed=%#" PRIx32, estat.corrected, estat.failed); tprintf(", badblocks=%#" PRIx32 ", bbtblocks=%#" PRIx32 "}", estat.badblocks, estat.bbtblocks); break; } case OTPGETREGIONCOUNT: if (entering(tcp)) return 0; tprints(", "); printnum_int(tcp, arg, "%u"); break; case MEMGETREGIONCOUNT: if (entering(tcp)) return 0; tprints(", "); printnum_int(tcp, arg, "%d"); break; default: return RVAL_DECODED; } return RVAL_DECODED | 1; } #include "xlat/ubi_volume_types.h" #include "xlat/ubi_volume_props.h" int ubi_ioctl(struct tcb *tcp, const unsigned int code, const long arg) { if (!verbose(tcp)) return RVAL_DECODED; switch (code) { case UBI_IOCMKVOL: if (entering(tcp)) { struct ubi_mkvol_req mkvol; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &mkvol)) break; tprintf("{vol_id=%" PRIi32 ", alignment=%" PRIi32 ", bytes=%" PRIi64 ", vol_type=", mkvol.vol_id, mkvol.alignment, (int64_t)mkvol.bytes); printxval(ubi_volume_types, mkvol.vol_type, "UBI_???_VOLUME"); tprintf(", name_len=%" PRIi16 ", name=", mkvol.name_len); if (print_quoted_string(mkvol.name, CLAMP(mkvol.name_len, 0, UBI_MAX_VOLUME_NAME), QUOTE_0_TERMINATED) > 0) { tprints("..."); } tprints("}"); return 1; } if (!syserror(tcp)) { tprints(" => "); printnum_int(tcp, arg, "%d"); } break; case UBI_IOCRSVOL: { struct ubi_rsvol_req rsvol; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &rsvol)) break; tprintf("{vol_id=%" PRIi32 ", bytes=%" PRIi64 "}", rsvol.vol_id, (int64_t)rsvol.bytes); break; } case UBI_IOCRNVOL: { struct ubi_rnvol_req rnvol; int c; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &rnvol)) break; tprintf("{count=%" PRIi32 ", ents=[", rnvol.count); for (c = 0; c < CLAMP(rnvol.count, 0, UBI_MAX_RNVOL); ++c) { if (c) tprints(", "); tprintf("{vol_id=%" PRIi32 ", name_len=%" PRIi16 ", name=", rnvol.ents[c].vol_id, rnvol.ents[c].name_len); if (print_quoted_string(rnvol.ents[c].name, CLAMP(rnvol.ents[c].name_len, 0, UBI_MAX_VOLUME_NAME), QUOTE_0_TERMINATED) > 0) { tprints("..."); } tprints("}"); } tprints("]}"); break; } case UBI_IOCEBCH: { struct ubi_leb_change_req leb; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &leb)) break; tprintf("{lnum=%d, bytes=%d}", leb.lnum, leb.bytes); break; } case UBI_IOCATT: if (entering(tcp)) { struct ubi_attach_req attach; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &attach)) break; tprintf("{ubi_num=%" PRIi32 ", mtd_num=%" PRIi32 ", vid_hdr_offset=%" PRIi32 ", max_beb_per1024=%" PRIi16 "}", attach.ubi_num, attach.mtd_num, attach.vid_hdr_offset, attach.max_beb_per1024); return 1; } if (!syserror(tcp)) { tprints(" => "); printnum_int(tcp, arg, "%d"); } break; case UBI_IOCEBMAP: { struct ubi_map_req map; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &map)) break; tprintf("{lnum=%" PRIi32 ", dtype=%" PRIi8 "}", map.lnum, map.dtype); break; } case UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP: { struct ubi_set_vol_prop_req prop; tprints(", "); if (umove_or_printaddr(tcp, arg, &prop)) break; tprints("{property="); printxval(ubi_volume_props, prop.property, "UBI_VOL_PROP_???"); tprintf(", value=%#" PRIx64 "}", (uint64_t)prop.value); break; } case UBI_IOCVOLUP: tprints(", "); printnum_int64(tcp, arg, "%" PRIi64); break; case UBI_IOCDET: case UBI_IOCEBER: case UBI_IOCEBISMAP: case UBI_IOCEBUNMAP: case UBI_IOCRMVOL: tprints(", "); printnum_int(tcp, arg, "%d"); break; #ifdef UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK case UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK: #endif #ifdef UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK case UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK: #endif /* no arguments */ break; default: return RVAL_DECODED; } return RVAL_DECODED | 1; }