/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "Camera2-FrameProcessor" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/Trace.h> #include "common/CameraDeviceBase.h" #include "api1/Camera2Client.h" #include "api1/client2/FrameProcessor.h" namespace android { namespace camera2 { FrameProcessor::FrameProcessor(wp<CameraDeviceBase> device, sp<Camera2Client> client) : FrameProcessorBase(device), mClient(client), mLastFrameNumberOfFaces(0), mLast3AFrameNumber(-1) { sp<CameraDeviceBase> d = device.promote(); mSynthesize3ANotify = !(d->willNotify3A()); { SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); if (client->getCameraDeviceVersion() >= CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2) { mUsePartialResult = (mNumPartialResults > 1); } else { mUsePartialResult = l.mParameters.quirks.partialResults; } // Initialize starting 3A state m3aState.afTriggerId = l.mParameters.afTriggerCounter; m3aState.aeTriggerId = l.mParameters.precaptureTriggerCounter; // Check if lens is fixed-focus if (l.mParameters.focusMode == Parameters::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED) { m3aState.afMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE_OFF; } else { m3aState.afMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO; } m3aState.awbMode = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_MODE_AUTO; m3aState.aeState = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_INACTIVE; m3aState.afState = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_STATE_INACTIVE; m3aState.awbState = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_STATE_INACTIVE; } } FrameProcessor::~FrameProcessor() { } bool FrameProcessor::processSingleFrame(CaptureResult &frame, const sp<CameraDeviceBase> &device) { sp<Camera2Client> client = mClient.promote(); if (!client.get()) { return false; } bool isPartialResult = false; if (mUsePartialResult) { if (client->getCameraDeviceVersion() >= CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2) { isPartialResult = frame.mResultExtras.partialResultCount < mNumPartialResults; } else { camera_metadata_entry_t entry; entry = frame.mMetadata.find(ANDROID_QUIRKS_PARTIAL_RESULT); if (entry.count > 0 && entry.data.u8[0] == ANDROID_QUIRKS_PARTIAL_RESULT_PARTIAL) { isPartialResult = true; } } } if (!isPartialResult && processFaceDetect(frame.mMetadata, client) != OK) { return false; } if (mSynthesize3ANotify) { process3aState(frame, client); } return FrameProcessorBase::processSingleFrame(frame, device); } status_t FrameProcessor::processFaceDetect(const CameraMetadata &frame, const sp<Camera2Client> &client) { status_t res = BAD_VALUE; ATRACE_CALL(); camera_metadata_ro_entry_t entry; bool enableFaceDetect; { SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); enableFaceDetect = l.mParameters.enableFaceDetect; } entry = frame.find(ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE); // TODO: This should be an error once implementations are compliant if (entry.count == 0) { return OK; } uint8_t faceDetectMode = entry.data.u8[0]; camera_frame_metadata metadata; Vector<camera_face_t> faces; metadata.number_of_faces = 0; if (enableFaceDetect && faceDetectMode != ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_OFF) { SharedParameters::Lock l(client->getParameters()); entry = frame.find(ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_RECTANGLES); if (entry.count == 0) { // No faces this frame /* warning: locks SharedCameraCallbacks */ callbackFaceDetection(client, metadata); return OK; } metadata.number_of_faces = entry.count / 4; if (metadata.number_of_faces > l.mParameters.fastInfo.maxFaces) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: More faces than expected! (Got %d, max %d)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), metadata.number_of_faces, l.mParameters.fastInfo.maxFaces); return res; } const int32_t *faceRects = entry.data.i32; entry = frame.find(ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_SCORES); if (entry.count == 0) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to read face scores", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId()); return res; } const uint8_t *faceScores = entry.data.u8; const int32_t *faceLandmarks = NULL; const int32_t *faceIds = NULL; if (faceDetectMode == ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_FULL) { entry = frame.find(ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_LANDMARKS); if (entry.count == 0) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to read face landmarks", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId()); return res; } faceLandmarks = entry.data.i32; entry = frame.find(ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_IDS); if (entry.count == 0) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to read face IDs", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId()); return res; } faceIds = entry.data.i32; } entry = frame.find(ANDROID_SCALER_CROP_REGION); if (entry.count < 4) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unable to read crop region (count = %zu)", __FUNCTION__, client->getCameraId(), entry.count); return res; } Parameters::CropRegion scalerCrop = { static_cast<float>(entry.data.i32[0]), static_cast<float>(entry.data.i32[1]), static_cast<float>(entry.data.i32[2]), static_cast<float>(entry.data.i32[3])}; faces.setCapacity(metadata.number_of_faces); size_t maxFaces = metadata.number_of_faces; for (size_t i = 0; i < maxFaces; i++) { if (faceScores[i] == 0) { metadata.number_of_faces--; continue; } if (faceScores[i] > 100) { ALOGW("%s: Face index %zu with out of range score %d", __FUNCTION__, i, faceScores[i]); } camera_face_t face; face.rect[0] = l.mParameters.arrayXToNormalizedWithCrop( faceRects[i*4 + 0], scalerCrop); face.rect[1] = l.mParameters.arrayYToNormalizedWithCrop( faceRects[i*4 + 1], scalerCrop); face.rect[2] = l.mParameters.arrayXToNormalizedWithCrop( faceRects[i*4 + 2], scalerCrop); face.rect[3] = l.mParameters.arrayYToNormalizedWithCrop( faceRects[i*4 + 3], scalerCrop); face.score = faceScores[i]; if (faceDetectMode == ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_FULL) { face.id = faceIds[i]; face.left_eye[0] = l.mParameters.arrayXToNormalizedWithCrop( faceLandmarks[i*6 + 0], scalerCrop); face.left_eye[1] = l.mParameters.arrayYToNormalizedWithCrop( faceLandmarks[i*6 + 1], scalerCrop); face.right_eye[0] = l.mParameters.arrayXToNormalizedWithCrop( faceLandmarks[i*6 + 2], scalerCrop); face.right_eye[1] = l.mParameters.arrayYToNormalizedWithCrop( faceLandmarks[i*6 + 3], scalerCrop); face.mouth[0] = l.mParameters.arrayXToNormalizedWithCrop( faceLandmarks[i*6 + 4], scalerCrop); face.mouth[1] = l.mParameters.arrayYToNormalizedWithCrop( faceLandmarks[i*6 + 5], scalerCrop); } else { face.id = 0; face.left_eye[0] = face.left_eye[1] = -2000; face.right_eye[0] = face.right_eye[1] = -2000; face.mouth[0] = face.mouth[1] = -2000; } faces.push_back(face); } metadata.faces = faces.editArray(); } /* warning: locks SharedCameraCallbacks */ callbackFaceDetection(client, metadata); return OK; } status_t FrameProcessor::process3aState(const CaptureResult &frame, const sp<Camera2Client> &client) { ATRACE_CALL(); const CameraMetadata &metadata = frame.mMetadata; camera_metadata_ro_entry_t entry; int cameraId = client->getCameraId(); entry = metadata.find(ANDROID_REQUEST_FRAME_COUNT); int32_t frameNumber = entry.data.i32[0]; // Don't send 3A notifications for the same frame number twice if (frameNumber <= mLast3AFrameNumber) { ALOGV("%s: Already sent 3A for frame number %d, skipping", __FUNCTION__, frameNumber); // Remove the entry if there is one for this frame number in mPending3AStates. mPending3AStates.removeItem(frameNumber); return OK; } AlgState pendingState; ssize_t index = mPending3AStates.indexOfKey(frameNumber); if (index != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { pendingState = mPending3AStates.valueAt(index); } // Update 3A states from the result. bool gotAllStates = true; // TODO: Also use AE mode, AE trigger ID gotAllStates &= updatePendingState<uint8_t>(metadata, ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE, &pendingState.afMode, frameNumber, cameraId); gotAllStates &= updatePendingState<uint8_t>(metadata, ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_MODE, &pendingState.awbMode, frameNumber, cameraId); gotAllStates &= updatePendingState<uint8_t>(metadata, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE, &pendingState.aeState, frameNumber, cameraId); gotAllStates &= updatePendingState<uint8_t>(metadata, ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_STATE, &pendingState.afState, frameNumber, cameraId); gotAllStates &= updatePendingState<uint8_t>(metadata, ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_STATE, &pendingState.awbState, frameNumber, cameraId); if (client->getCameraDeviceVersion() >= CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2) { pendingState.afTriggerId = frame.mResultExtras.afTriggerId; pendingState.aeTriggerId = frame.mResultExtras.precaptureTriggerId; } else { gotAllStates &= updatePendingState<int32_t>(metadata, ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_ID, &pendingState.afTriggerId, frameNumber, cameraId); gotAllStates &= updatePendingState<int32_t>(metadata, ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_ID, &pendingState.aeTriggerId, frameNumber, cameraId); } if (!gotAllStates) { // If not all states are received, put the pending state to mPending3AStates. if (index == NAME_NOT_FOUND) { mPending3AStates.add(frameNumber, pendingState); } else { mPending3AStates.replaceValueAt(index, pendingState); } return NOT_ENOUGH_DATA; } // Once all 3A states are received, notify the client about 3A changes. if (pendingState.aeState != m3aState.aeState) { ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: AE state %d->%d", __FUNCTION__, cameraId, m3aState.aeState, pendingState.aeState); client->notifyAutoExposure(pendingState.aeState, pendingState.aeTriggerId); } if (pendingState.afState != m3aState.afState || pendingState.afMode != m3aState.afMode || pendingState.afTriggerId != m3aState.afTriggerId) { ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: AF state %d->%d. AF mode %d->%d. Trigger %d->%d", __FUNCTION__, cameraId, m3aState.afState, pendingState.afState, m3aState.afMode, pendingState.afMode, m3aState.afTriggerId, pendingState.afTriggerId); client->notifyAutoFocus(pendingState.afState, pendingState.afTriggerId); } if (pendingState.awbState != m3aState.awbState || pendingState.awbMode != m3aState.awbMode) { ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: AWB state %d->%d. AWB mode %d->%d", __FUNCTION__, cameraId, m3aState.awbState, pendingState.awbState, m3aState.awbMode, pendingState.awbMode); client->notifyAutoWhitebalance(pendingState.awbState, pendingState.aeTriggerId); } if (index != NAME_NOT_FOUND) { mPending3AStates.removeItemsAt(index); } m3aState = pendingState; mLast3AFrameNumber = frameNumber; return OK; } template<typename Src, typename T> bool FrameProcessor::updatePendingState(const CameraMetadata& result, int32_t tag, T* value, int32_t frameNumber, int cameraId) { camera_metadata_ro_entry_t entry; if (value == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Value to write to is NULL", __FUNCTION__, cameraId); return false; } // Already got the value for this tag. if (*value != static_cast<T>(NOT_SET)) { return true; } entry = result.find(tag); if (entry.count == 0) { ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: No %s provided by HAL for frame %d in this result!", __FUNCTION__, cameraId, get_camera_metadata_tag_name(tag), frameNumber); return false; } else { switch(sizeof(Src)){ case sizeof(uint8_t): *value = static_cast<T>(entry.data.u8[0]); break; case sizeof(int32_t): *value = static_cast<T>(entry.data.i32[0]); break; default: ALOGE("%s: Camera %d: Unsupported source", __FUNCTION__, cameraId); return false; } } return true; } void FrameProcessor::callbackFaceDetection(sp<Camera2Client> client, const camera_frame_metadata &metadata) { camera_frame_metadata *metadata_ptr = const_cast<camera_frame_metadata*>(&metadata); /** * Filter out repeated 0-face callbacks, * but not when the last frame was >0 */ if (metadata.number_of_faces != 0 || mLastFrameNumberOfFaces != metadata.number_of_faces) { Camera2Client::SharedCameraCallbacks::Lock l(client->mSharedCameraCallbacks); if (l.mRemoteCallback != NULL) { l.mRemoteCallback->dataCallback(CAMERA_MSG_PREVIEW_METADATA, NULL, metadata_ptr); } } mLastFrameNumberOfFaces = metadata.number_of_faces; } }; // namespace camera2 }; // namespace android