page.title=Drive Conversions
page.metaDescription=Discover where your users are coming from, drive engagement, and surface your in-app products to maximize your conversions.


<div class="figure">
  <img src="{@docRoot}images/cards/card-drive-conversions_16-9_2x.png">

  Users who've made in-app purchases or converted in other ways are more likely
  to do so again.
  You can now easily discover where those users are coming from, drive engagement,
  and surface your in-app products to maximize your conversions.

<div class="headerLine">
  <h2 id="dicover">
  Discover your most valuable channels


  From the <strong>User Acquisition</strong> page in the Google Play Developer Console, explore
  how users convert into spenders across your acquisition channels and find the best prospects
  for app install campaigns.

<p>For more information, view the guide on how to <a class="external-link"
 measure your app's user acquisition</a> in the Google Play Developer Console Help Center.</p>


<div class="headerLine">
  <h2 id="adwords">
  Re-engage users with AdWords ads


  Bring users back to your app by creating an AdWords re-engagement campaign.
  Use display and search ads that appear only to users who have installed your app.
  Use deep links to bring them to where they'll find the content or actions they're
  searching for.

<p>For more information, view the guide on <a class="external-link"
 href="">campaign settings</a> in the
 AdWords Help Center.</p>

<div class="headerLine">
  <h2 id="gift-cards">
  Drive spending with AdMob in-app purchase ads

<p>Use your Google Analytics data to create Remarketing Audience lists for the high-value
 users most likely to purchase products within your app. Then create an AdMob campaign that
 targets these users to increase their awareness of your products.</p>

<p>For more information, view the guide on how to <a class="external-link"
 href="">drive more in-app purchases and installs</a>
 in the AdMob platform.</p>

<div class="headerLine">
  <h2 id="tips">
<li>Add <a class="external-link"
 href="">deep links</a>
 to your app so ads bring users directly to
 conversion activities.</li>
<li>Track what users do in your app by installing the
 AdWords <a class="external-link"
 Conversion Tracking SDK</a>.</li>
<li>Link your Google Analytics and AdMob accounts to share audience lists.</li>
<li>Make conversion ads compelling, such as promoting a booking search or
 in-app product special offer.</li>
<li>Use the AdMob Conversion Optimizer with existing campaigns. Predictions
 are more accurate when there is more data to work with.</li>
<li>Re-engage with your app's users across the Display Network with remarketing
 lists in AdMob and with search keywords in AdWords.</li>

<div class="headerLine"><h2 id="related-resources">Related resources</h2></div>

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