/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "GraphicBufferMapper" #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include <stdint.h> #include <errno.h> // We would eliminate the non-conforming zero-length array, but we can't since // this is effectively included from the Linux kernel #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-length-array" #include <sync/sync.h> #pragma clang diagnostic pop #include <utils/Errors.h> #include <utils/Log.h> #include <utils/Trace.h> #include <ui/Gralloc1On0Adapter.h> #include <ui/GraphicBufferMapper.h> #include <ui/Rect.h> #include <system/graphics.h> namespace android { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANDROID_SINGLETON_STATIC_INSTANCE( GraphicBufferMapper ) GraphicBufferMapper::GraphicBufferMapper() : mLoader(std::make_unique<Gralloc1::Loader>()), mDevice(mLoader->getDevice()) {} status_t GraphicBufferMapper::registerBuffer(buffer_handle_t handle) { ATRACE_CALL(); gralloc1_error_t error = mDevice->retain(handle); ALOGW_IF(error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE, "registerBuffer(%p) failed: %d", handle, error); return error; } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::registerBuffer(const GraphicBuffer* buffer) { ATRACE_CALL(); gralloc1_error_t error = mDevice->retain(buffer); ALOGW_IF(error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE, "registerBuffer(%p) failed: %d", buffer->getNativeBuffer()->handle, error); return error; } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::unregisterBuffer(buffer_handle_t handle) { ATRACE_CALL(); gralloc1_error_t error = mDevice->release(handle); ALOGW_IF(error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE, "unregisterBuffer(%p): failed %d", handle, error); return error; } static inline gralloc1_rect_t asGralloc1Rect(const Rect& rect) { gralloc1_rect_t outRect{}; outRect.left = rect.left; outRect.top = rect.top; outRect.width = rect.width(); outRect.height = rect.height(); return outRect; } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::lock(buffer_handle_t handle, uint32_t usage, const Rect& bounds, void** vaddr) { return lockAsync(handle, usage, bounds, vaddr, -1); } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::lockYCbCr(buffer_handle_t handle, uint32_t usage, const Rect& bounds, android_ycbcr *ycbcr) { return lockAsyncYCbCr(handle, usage, bounds, ycbcr, -1); } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::unlock(buffer_handle_t handle) { int32_t fenceFd = -1; status_t error = unlockAsync(handle, &fenceFd); if (error == NO_ERROR) { sync_wait(fenceFd, -1); close(fenceFd); } return error; } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::lockAsync(buffer_handle_t handle, uint32_t usage, const Rect& bounds, void** vaddr, int fenceFd) { ATRACE_CALL(); gralloc1_rect_t accessRegion = asGralloc1Rect(bounds); sp<Fence> fence = new Fence(fenceFd); gralloc1_error_t error = mDevice->lock(handle, static_cast<gralloc1_producer_usage_t>(usage), static_cast<gralloc1_consumer_usage_t>(usage), &accessRegion, vaddr, fence); ALOGW_IF(error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE, "lock(%p, ...) failed: %d", handle, error); return error; } static inline bool isValidYCbCrPlane(const android_flex_plane_t& plane) { if (plane.bits_per_component != 8) { ALOGV("Invalid number of bits per component: %d", plane.bits_per_component); return false; } if (plane.bits_used != 8) { ALOGV("Invalid number of bits used: %d", plane.bits_used); return false; } bool hasValidIncrement = plane.h_increment == 1 || (plane.component != FLEX_COMPONENT_Y && plane.h_increment == 2); hasValidIncrement = hasValidIncrement && plane.v_increment > 0; if (!hasValidIncrement) { ALOGV("Invalid increment: h %d v %d", plane.h_increment, plane.v_increment); return false; } return true; } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::lockAsyncYCbCr(buffer_handle_t handle, uint32_t usage, const Rect& bounds, android_ycbcr *ycbcr, int fenceFd) { ATRACE_CALL(); gralloc1_rect_t accessRegion = asGralloc1Rect(bounds); sp<Fence> fence = new Fence(fenceFd); if (mDevice->hasCapability(GRALLOC1_CAPABILITY_ON_ADAPTER)) { gralloc1_error_t error = mDevice->lockYCbCr(handle, static_cast<gralloc1_producer_usage_t>(usage), static_cast<gralloc1_consumer_usage_t>(usage), &accessRegion, ycbcr, fence); ALOGW_IF(error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE, "lockYCbCr(%p, ...) failed: %d", handle, error); return error; } uint32_t numPlanes = 0; gralloc1_error_t error = mDevice->getNumFlexPlanes(handle, &numPlanes); if (error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { ALOGV("Failed to retrieve number of flex planes: %d", error); return error; } if (numPlanes < 3) { ALOGV("Not enough planes for YCbCr (%u found)", numPlanes); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } std::vector<android_flex_plane_t> planes(numPlanes); android_flex_layout_t flexLayout{}; flexLayout.num_planes = numPlanes; flexLayout.planes = planes.data(); error = mDevice->lockFlex(handle, static_cast<gralloc1_producer_usage_t>(usage), static_cast<gralloc1_consumer_usage_t>(usage), &accessRegion, &flexLayout, fence); if (error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { ALOGW("lockFlex(%p, ...) failed: %d", handle, error); return error; } if (flexLayout.format != FLEX_FORMAT_YCbCr) { ALOGV("Unable to convert flex-format buffer to YCbCr"); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } // Find planes auto yPlane = planes.cend(); auto cbPlane = planes.cend(); auto crPlane = planes.cend(); for (auto planeIter = planes.cbegin(); planeIter != planes.cend(); ++planeIter) { if (planeIter->component == FLEX_COMPONENT_Y) { yPlane = planeIter; } else if (planeIter->component == FLEX_COMPONENT_Cb) { cbPlane = planeIter; } else if (planeIter->component == FLEX_COMPONENT_Cr) { crPlane = planeIter; } } if (yPlane == planes.cend()) { ALOGV("Unable to find Y plane"); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (cbPlane == planes.cend()) { ALOGV("Unable to find Cb plane"); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (crPlane == planes.cend()) { ALOGV("Unable to find Cr plane"); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } // Validate planes if (!isValidYCbCrPlane(*yPlane)) { ALOGV("Y plane is invalid"); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!isValidYCbCrPlane(*cbPlane)) { ALOGV("Cb plane is invalid"); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (!isValidYCbCrPlane(*crPlane)) { ALOGV("Cr plane is invalid"); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (cbPlane->v_increment != crPlane->v_increment) { ALOGV("Cb and Cr planes have different step (%d vs. %d)", cbPlane->v_increment, crPlane->v_increment); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (cbPlane->h_increment != crPlane->h_increment) { ALOGV("Cb and Cr planes have different stride (%d vs. %d)", cbPlane->h_increment, crPlane->h_increment); unlock(handle); return GRALLOC1_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } // Pack plane data into android_ycbcr struct ycbcr->y = yPlane->top_left; ycbcr->cb = cbPlane->top_left; ycbcr->cr = crPlane->top_left; ycbcr->ystride = static_cast<size_t>(yPlane->v_increment); ycbcr->cstride = static_cast<size_t>(cbPlane->v_increment); ycbcr->chroma_step = static_cast<size_t>(cbPlane->h_increment); return error; } status_t GraphicBufferMapper::unlockAsync(buffer_handle_t handle, int *fenceFd) { ATRACE_CALL(); sp<Fence> fence = Fence::NO_FENCE; gralloc1_error_t error = mDevice->unlock(handle, &fence); if (error != GRALLOC1_ERROR_NONE) { ALOGE("unlock(%p) failed: %d", handle, error); return error; } *fenceFd = fence->dup(); return error; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // namespace android