/* * Copyright (c) 2011 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Shengquan Yuan <shengquan.yuan@intel.com> * Zhaohan Ren <zhaohan.ren@intel.com> * */ #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h> #include <X11/extensions/dpms.h> #include <va/va_dricommon.h> #include <va/va_backend.h> #include "psb_output.h" #include "psb_surface.h" #include "psb_buffer.h" #include "psb_x11.h" #include "psb_surface_ext.h" #include "psb_drv_debug.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "psb_surface_ext.h" #include <wsbm/wsbm_manager.h> #define INIT_DRIVER_DATA psb_driver_data_p driver_data = (psb_driver_data_p) ctx->pDriverData #define INIT_OUTPUT_PRIV psb_x11_output_p output = (psb_x11_output_p)(((psb_driver_data_p)ctx->pDriverData)->ws_priv) #define SURFACE(id) ((object_surface_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->surface_heap, id )) #define BUFFER(id) ((object_buffer_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->buffer_heap, id )) #define IMAGE(id) ((object_image_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->image_heap, id )) #define SUBPIC(id) ((object_subpic_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->subpic_heap, id )) #define CONTEXT(id) ((object_context_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->context_heap, id )) void psb_x11_freeWindowClipBoxList(psb_x11_clip_list_t * pHead); //X error trap static int x11_error_code = 0; static int (*old_error_handler)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); static struct timeval inter_period = {0}; static void psb_doframerate(int fps) { struct timeval time_deta; inter_period.tv_usec += 1000000 / fps; /*recording how long it passed*/ if (inter_period.tv_usec >= 1000000) { inter_period.tv_usec -= 1000000; inter_period.tv_sec++; } gettimeofday(&time_deta, (struct timezone *)NULL); time_deta.tv_usec = inter_period.tv_usec - time_deta.tv_usec; time_deta.tv_sec = inter_period.tv_sec - time_deta.tv_sec; if (time_deta.tv_usec < 0) { time_deta.tv_usec += 1000000; time_deta.tv_sec--; } if (time_deta.tv_sec < 0 || (time_deta.tv_sec == 0 && time_deta.tv_usec <= 0)) return; select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &time_deta); } static uint32_t mask2shift(uint32_t mask) { uint32_t shift = 0; while ((mask & 0x1) == 0) { mask = mask >> 1; shift++; } return shift; } static VAStatus psb_putsurface_x11( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, Drawable draw, /* X Drawable */ short srcx, short srcy, unsigned short srcw, unsigned short srch, short destx, short desty, unsigned short destw, unsigned short desth, unsigned int flags /* de-interlacing flags */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA; GC gc; XImage *ximg = NULL; Visual *visual; unsigned short width, height; int depth; int x = 0, y = 0; VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; void *surface_data = NULL; int ret; uint32_t rmask = 0; uint32_t gmask = 0; uint32_t bmask = 0; uint32_t rshift = 0; uint32_t gshift = 0; uint32_t bshift = 0; if (srcw <= destw) width = srcw; else width = destw; if (srch <= desth) height = srch; else height = desth; object_surface_p obj_surface = SURFACE(surface); if (NULL == obj_surface) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SURFACE; DEBUG_FAILURE; return vaStatus; } psb_surface_p psb_surface = obj_surface->psb_surface; drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "PutSurface: src w x h = %d x %d\n", srcw, srch); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "PutSurface: dest w x h = %d x %d\n", destw, desth); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "PutSurface: clipped w x h = %d x %d\n", width, height); visual = DefaultVisual((Display *)ctx->native_dpy, ctx->x11_screen); gc = XCreateGC((Display *)ctx->native_dpy, draw, 0, NULL); depth = DefaultDepth((Display *)ctx->native_dpy, ctx->x11_screen); if (TrueColor != visual->class) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_ERROR, "PutSurface: Default visual of X display must be TrueColor.\n"); vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto out; } ret = psb_buffer_map(&psb_surface->buf, &surface_data); if (ret) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto out; } rmask = visual->red_mask; gmask = visual->green_mask; bmask = visual->blue_mask; rshift = mask2shift(rmask); gshift = mask2shift(gmask); bshift = mask2shift(bmask); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "PutSurface: Pixel masks: R = %08x G = %08x B = %08x\n", rmask, gmask, bmask); drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "PutSurface: Pixel shifts: R = %d G = %d B = %d\n", rshift, gshift, bshift); ximg = XCreateImage((Display *)ctx->native_dpy, visual, depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, width, height, 32, 0); if (ximg->byte_order == MSBFirst) drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "PutSurface: XImage pixels has MSBFirst, %d bits / pixel\n", ximg->bits_per_pixel); else drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "PutSurface: XImage pixels has LSBFirst, %d bits / pixel\n", ximg->bits_per_pixel); if (ximg->bits_per_pixel != 32) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_ERROR, "PutSurface: Display uses %d bits/pixel which is not supported\n"); vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; goto out; } void yuv2pixel(uint32_t * pixel, int y, int u, int v) { int r, g, b; /* Warning, magic values ahead */ r = y + ((351 * (v - 128)) >> 8); g = y - (((179 * (v - 128)) + (86 * (u - 128))) >> 8); b = y + ((444 * (u - 128)) >> 8); if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255; if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0; *pixel = ((r << rshift) & rmask) | ((g << gshift) & gmask) | ((b << bshift) & bmask); } ximg->data = (char *) malloc(ximg->bytes_per_line * height); if (NULL == ximg->data) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILED; goto out; } uint8_t *src_y = surface_data + psb_surface->stride * srcy; uint8_t *src_uv = surface_data + psb_surface->stride * (obj_surface->height + srcy / 2); for (y = srcy; y < (srcy + height); y += 2) { uint32_t *dest_even = (uint32_t *)(ximg->data + y * ximg->bytes_per_line); uint32_t *dest_odd = (uint32_t *)(ximg->data + (y + 1) * ximg->bytes_per_line); for (x = srcx; x < (srcx + width); x += 2) { /* Y1 Y2 */ /* Y3 Y4 */ int y1 = *(src_y + x); int y2 = *(src_y + x + 1); int y3 = *(src_y + x + psb_surface->stride); int y4 = *(src_y + x + psb_surface->stride + 1); /* U V */ int u = *(src_uv + x); int v = *(src_uv + x + 1); yuv2pixel(dest_even++, y1, u, v); yuv2pixel(dest_even++, y2, u, v); yuv2pixel(dest_odd++, y3, u, v); yuv2pixel(dest_odd++, y4, u, v); } src_y += psb_surface->stride * 2; src_uv += psb_surface->stride; } XPutImage((Display *)ctx->native_dpy, draw, gc, ximg, 0, 0, destx, desty, width, height); XFlush((Display *)ctx->native_dpy); out: if (NULL != ximg) XDestroyImage(ximg); if (NULL != surface_data) psb_buffer_unmap(&psb_surface->buf); XFreeGC((Display *)ctx->native_dpy, gc); return vaStatus; } void *psb_x11_output_init(VADriverContextP ctx) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA; psb_x11_output_p output = calloc(1, sizeof(psb_x11_output_s)); if (output == NULL) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_ERROR, "Can't malloc memory\n"); return NULL; } if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_EXTEND_FULLSCREEN")) driver_data->extend_fullscreen = 1; if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_PUTSURFACE_X11")) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Putsurface force to SW rendering\n"); driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_X11; return output; } psb_init_xvideo(ctx, output); output->output_drawable = 0; output->extend_drawable = 0; output->pClipBoxList = NULL; output->ui32NumClipBoxList = 0; output->frame_count = 0; output->bIsVisible = 0; /* always init CTEXTURE and COVERLAY */ driver_data->coverlay = 1; driver_data->color_key = 0x11; driver_data->ctexture = 1; driver_data->xrandr_dirty = 0; driver_data->xrandr_update = 0; if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_EXTEND_FULLSCREEN")) { driver_data->extend_fullscreen = 1; } driver_data->xrandr_thread_id = 0; if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_NOTRD") || IS_MRST(driver_data)) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Force not to start psb xrandr thread.\n"); driver_data->use_xrandr_thread = 0; } else { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "By default, use psb xrandr thread.\n"); driver_data->use_xrandr_thread = 1; } if (IS_MFLD(driver_data) && /* force MFLD to use COVERLAY */ (driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_OVERLAY)) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Use client overlay mode for post-processing\n"); driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_COVERLAY; } if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_TEXTURE") && output->textured_portID) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Putsurface force to use Textured Xvideo\n"); driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_TEXTURE; } if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_OVERLAY") && output->overlay_portID) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Putsurface force to use Overlay Xvideo\n"); driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_OVERLAY; } if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_CTEXTURE")) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Putsurface force to use Client Texture\n"); driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_CTEXTURE; } if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_COVERLAY")) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Putsurface force to use Client Overlay\n"); driver_data->coverlay = 1; driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_COVERLAY; } return output; } static int error_handler(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *error) { x11_error_code = error->error_code; return 0; } void psb_x11_output_deinit(VADriverContextP ctx) { #ifdef _FOR_FPGA_ if (getenv("PSB_VIDEO_PUTSURFACE_X11")) return; else psb_deinit_xvideo(ctx); #else INIT_DRIVER_DATA; INIT_OUTPUT_PRIV; struct dri_state *dri_state = (struct dri_state *)ctx->dri_state; psb_x11_freeWindowClipBoxList(output->pClipBoxList); output->pClipBoxList = NULL; if (output->extend_drawable) { XDestroyWindow(ctx->native_dpy, output->extend_drawable); output->extend_drawable = 0; } psb_deinit_xvideo(ctx); /* close dri fd and release all drawable buffer */ if (driver_data->ctexture == 1) (*dri_state->close)(ctx); #endif } static void x11_trap_errors(void) { x11_error_code = 0; old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(error_handler); } static int x11_untrap_errors(void) { XSetErrorHandler(old_error_handler); return x11_error_code; } static int is_window(Display *dpy, Drawable drawable) { XWindowAttributes wattr; x11_trap_errors(); XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, drawable, &wattr); return x11_untrap_errors() == 0; } static int pnw_check_output_method(VADriverContextP ctx, object_surface_p obj_surface, int width, int height, int destw, int desth, Drawable draw) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA; INIT_OUTPUT_PRIV; if (driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_TEXTURE || driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_OVERLAY || driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_CTEXTURE || driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_COVERLAY) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Force to use %08x for PutSurface\n", driver_data->output_method); return 0; } driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_COVERLAY; if (driver_data->overlay_auto_paint_color_key) driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_COVERLAY; /* Avoid call is_window()/XGetWindowAttributes() every frame */ if (output->output_drawable_save != draw) { output->output_drawable_save = draw; if (!is_window(ctx->native_dpy, draw)) output->is_pixmap = 1; else output->is_pixmap = 0; } /*FIXME: overlay path can't handle subpicture scaling. when surface size > dest box, fallback to texblit.*/ if ((output->is_pixmap == 1) || (IS_MRST(driver_data) && obj_surface->subpic_count > 0) || (obj_surface->subpic_count && ((width > destw) || (height > desth))) || (width >= 2048) || (height >= 2048) ) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Putsurface fall back to use Client Texture\n"); driver_data->output_method = PSB_PUTSURFACE_CTEXTURE; } if (IS_MFLD(driver_data) && (driver_data->xrandr_dirty & PSB_NEW_ROTATION)) { psb_RecalcRotate(ctx); driver_data->xrandr_dirty &= ~PSB_NEW_ROTATION; } return 0; } VAStatus psb_PutSurface( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, void *drawable, /* X Drawable */ short srcx, short srcy, unsigned short srcw, unsigned short srch, short destx, short desty, unsigned short destw, unsigned short desth, VARectangle *cliprects, /* client supplied clip list */ unsigned int number_cliprects, /* number of clip rects in the clip list */ unsigned int flags /* de-interlacing flags */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA; object_surface_p obj_surface; VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; Drawable draw = (Drawable)drawable; obj_surface = SURFACE(surface); if (NULL == obj_surface) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SURFACE; DEBUG_FAILURE; return vaStatus; } if (driver_data->dummy_putsurface) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "vaPutSurface: dummy mode, return directly\n"); return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_X11) { psb_putsurface_x11(ctx, surface, draw, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, flags); return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (driver_data->fixed_fps > 0) { if ((inter_period.tv_sec == 0) && (inter_period.tv_usec == 0)) gettimeofday(&inter_period, (struct timezone *)NULL); psb_doframerate(driver_data->fixed_fps); } pnw_check_output_method(ctx, obj_surface, srcw, srch, destw, desth, draw); pthread_mutex_lock(&driver_data->output_mutex); if ((driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_CTEXTURE) || (driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_CTEXTURE)) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Using client Texture for PutSurface\n"); psb_putsurface_ctexture(ctx, surface, draw, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, flags); } else if ((driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_COVERLAY) || (driver_data->output_method == PSB_PUTSURFACE_FORCE_COVERLAY)) { drv_debug_msg(VIDEO_DEBUG_GENERAL, "Using client Overlay for PutSurface\n"); srcw = srcw <= 1920 ? srcw : 1920; /* init overlay*/ if (!driver_data->coverlay_init) { psb_coverlay_init(ctx); driver_data->coverlay_init = 1; } psb_putsurface_coverlay( ctx, surface, draw, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, cliprects, number_cliprects, flags); } else psb_putsurface_xvideo( ctx, surface, draw, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, cliprects, number_cliprects, flags); pthread_mutex_unlock(&driver_data->output_mutex); driver_data->frame_count++; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; }