/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "vehicle-hal-tool" #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <hardware/hardware.h> #include <hardware/vehicle.h> #include <cutils/log.h> void usage() { printf("Usage: " "./vehicle-hal-tool [-l] [-m -p -t [-v]]\n" "-l - List properties\n" "-m - Mode (cannot be used with -l). Accepted strings: get, set or sub.\n" "-p - Property (only used with -m)\n" "-t - Type (only used with -m)\n" "-w - Wait time in seconds (only used with -m set to sub)\n" "-v - Value to which vehicle_prop_value is set\n" "Depending on the type pass the value:\n" "Int: pass a quoted integer\n" "Float: pass a quoted float\n" "Int array: pass a quoted space delimited int array, eg: \"1 2 3 4\" for\n:" "setting int32_array's all 4 elements (see VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC4\n" "String: pass a normal string\n\n" "The configurations to use the tool are as follows:\n" "List Properties\n" "---------------\n" "./vehicle-hal-tool -l \n" "Lists the various properties defined in HAL implementation. Use this to check if " "the HAL implementation is correctly set up and exposing the capabilities correctly.\n" "Get Properties\n" "---------------\n" "./vehicle-hal-tool -m get -p <prop> -t <type> [-v <vehicle_prop_value>]\n" "Example: ./vehicle-hal-tool -m get -p 1028 -t 3 # VEHICLE_PROPERTY_DRIVING_STATUS\n" "./vehicle-hal-tool -m get -p 257 -t 1 # VEHICLE_PROPERTY_INFO_MAKE\n" "./vehicle-hal-tool -m get -p 2049 -t 19 -v \"3 0 0 0\"\n" " # VEHICLE_PROPERTY_RADIO_PRESET\n" "with preset value set to 3.\n\n" "Set properties\n" "--------------\n" "./vehicle-hal-tool -m set -p 10 -t 1 -v random_property\n" "Set properties may not be applicable to most properties\n\n" "Subscribe properties\n" "--------------------\n" "Subscribes to be notified about a property change (depending on whether\n" "it is a on change property or a continuous property) for seconds provided\n" "as -w paramter.\n" "./vehicle-hal-tool -m sub -p 1028 -w 10\n" ); } void list_all_properties(vehicle_hw_device_t *device) { int num_configs = -1; const vehicle_prop_config_t *configs = device->list_properties(device, &num_configs); if (num_configs < 0) { printf("List configs error. %d", num_configs); exit(1); } printf("Listing configs\n--------------------\n"); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_configs; i++) { const vehicle_prop_config_t *config_temp = configs + i; printf("Property ID: %d\n" "Property config_flags: %d\n" "Property change mode: %d\n" "Property min sample rate: %f\n" "Property max sample rate: %f\n", config_temp->prop, config_temp->config_flags, config_temp->change_mode, config_temp->min_sample_rate, config_temp->max_sample_rate); } } static void print_property(const vehicle_prop_value_t *data) { switch (data->value_type) { case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_STRING: printf("Value type: STRING\n Size: %d\n", data->value.str_value.len); // This implementation only supports ASCII. char *ascii_out = (char *) malloc((data->value.str_value.len + 1) * sizeof(char)); memcpy(ascii_out, data->value.str_value.data, data->value.str_value.len); ascii_out[data->value.str_value.len] = '\0'; printf("Value Type: STRING %s\n", ascii_out); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_BYTES: printf("Value type: BYTES\n Size: %d", data->value.bytes_value.len); for (int i = 0; i < data->value.bytes_value.len; i++) { if ((i % 16) == 0) { printf("\n %04X: ", i); } printf("%02X ", data->value.bytes_value.data[i]); } printf("\n"); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN: printf("Value type: BOOLEAN\nValue: %d\n", data->value.boolean_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_BOOLEAN: printf("Value type: ZONED_BOOLEAN\nZone: %d\n", data->zone); printf("Value: %d\n", data->value.boolean_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT64: printf("Value type: INT64\nValue: %" PRId64 "\n", data->value.int64_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT: printf("Value type: FLOAT\nValue: %f\n", data->value.float_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC2: printf("Value type: FLOAT_VEC2\nValue[0]: %f ", data->value.float_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %f\n", data->value.float_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC3: printf("Value type: FLOAT_VEC3\nValue[0]: %f ", data->value.float_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %f ", data->value.float_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %f\n", data->value.float_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4: printf("Value type: FLOAT_VEC4\nValue[0]: %f ", data->value.float_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %f ", data->value.float_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %f ", data->value.float_array[2]); printf("Value[3]: %f\n", data->value.float_array[3]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32: printf("Value type: INT32\nValue: %d\n", data->value.int32_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC2: printf("Value type: INT32_VEC2\nValue[0]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %d\n", data->value.int32_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC3: printf("Value type: INT32_VEC3\nValue[0]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %d\n", data->value.int32_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC4: printf("Value type: INT32_VEC4\nValue[0]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[2]); printf("Value[3]: %d\n", data->value.int32_array[3]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT: printf("Value type: ZONED_FLOAT\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value: %f\n", data->value.float_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT_VEC2: printf("Value type: ZONED_FLOAT_VEC2\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value[0]: %f", data->value.float_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %f\n", data->value.float_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT_VEC3: printf("Value type: ZONED_FLOAT_VEC3\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value[0]: %f ", data->value.float_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %f ", data->value.float_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %f\n", data->value.float_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT_VEC4: printf("Value type: ZONED_FLOAT_VEC4\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value[0]: %f ", data->value.float_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %f ", data->value.float_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %f ", data->value.float_array[2]); printf("Value[3]: %f\n", data->value.float_array[3]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32: printf("Value type: ZONED_INT32\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value: %d\n", data->value.int32_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32_VEC2: printf("Value type: ZONED_INT32_VEC2\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value[0]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %d\n", data->value.int32_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32_VEC3: printf("Value type: ZONED_INT32_VEC3\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value[0]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %d\n", data->value.int32_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32_VEC4: printf("Value type: ZONED_INT32_VEC4\nZone: %d ", data->zone); printf("Value[0]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[0]); printf("Value[1]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[1]); printf("Value[2]: %d ", data->value.int32_array[2]); printf("Value[3]: %d\n", data->value.int32_array[3]); break; default: printf("Value type not yet handled: %d.\n", data->value_type); } } void get_property( vehicle_hw_device_t *device, int32_t property, int32_t type, char *value_string) { vehicle_prop_value_t *data = (vehicle_prop_value_t *) malloc (sizeof(vehicle_prop_value_t)); // Parse the string according to type. if (value_string != NULL && strlen(value_string) > 0) { switch (type) { case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32: sscanf(value_string, "%d", &(data->value.int32_value)); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC4: { int32_t vec[4]; sscanf(value_string, "%d %d %d %d", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2], &vec[3]); memcpy(data->value.int32_array, vec, sizeof(vec)); break; } default: printf("%s Setting value type not supported: %d\n", __func__, type); exit(1); } } data->prop = property; int ret_code = device->get(device, data); if (ret_code != 0) { printf("Cannot get property: %d\n", ret_code); exit(1); } // We simply convert the data into the type mentioned by the result of the // get call. printf("Get output\n------------\n"); print_property(data); free(data); } void set_property(vehicle_hw_device_t *device, int32_t property, int32_t type, char *data) { vehicle_prop_value_t vehicle_data; vehicle_data.prop = property; vehicle_data.value_type = type; int32_t zone = 0; float value = 0.0; switch (type) { case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_STRING: // TODO: Make the code generic to UTF8 characters. vehicle_data.value.str_value.len = strlen(data); vehicle_data.value.str_value.data = (uint8_t *) malloc (strlen(data) * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(vehicle_data.value.str_value.data, data, strlen(data) + 1); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_BYTES: { int len = strlen(data); int numBytes = (len + 1) / 3; uint8_t *buf = calloc(numBytes, sizeof(uint8_t)); char *byte = strtok(data, " "); for (int i = 0; byte != NULL && i < numBytes; i++) { buf[i] = strtol(data, NULL, 16); byte = strtok(NULL, " "); } vehicle_data.value.bytes_value.len = numBytes; vehicle_data.value.bytes_value.data = buf; } break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN: vehicle_data.value.boolean_value = atoi(data); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_BOOLEAN: sscanf(data, "%d %d", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.boolean_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT64: vehicle_data.value.int64_value = atoi(data); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT: vehicle_data.value.float_value = atof(data); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC2: sscanf(data, "%f %f", &vehicle_data.value.float_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC3: sscanf(data, "%f %f %f", &vehicle_data.value.float_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4: sscanf(data, "%f %f %f %f", &vehicle_data.value.float_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[2], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[3]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32: vehicle_data.value.int32_value = atoi(data); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC2: sscanf(data, "%d %d", &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC3: sscanf(data, "%d %d %d", &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_INT32_VEC4: sscanf(data, "%d %d %d %d", &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[2], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[3]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT: sscanf(data, "%d %f", &zone, &value); vehicle_data.zone = zone; vehicle_data.value.float_value = value; break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT_VEC2: sscanf(data, "%d %f %f", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.float_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT_VEC3: sscanf(data, "%d %f %f %f", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.float_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_FLOAT_VEC4: sscanf(data, "%d %f %f %f %f", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.float_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[2], &vehicle_data.value.float_array[3]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32: sscanf(data, "%d %d", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.int32_value); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32_VEC2: sscanf(data, "%d %d %d", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[1]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32_VEC3: sscanf(data, "%d %d %d %d", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[2]); break; case VEHICLE_VALUE_TYPE_ZONED_INT32_VEC4: sscanf(data, "%d %d %d %d %d", &vehicle_data.zone, &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[0], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[1], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[2], &vehicle_data.value.int32_array[3]); break; default: printf("set_property: Value type not yet handled: %d\n", type); exit(1); } printf("Setting Property id: %d\n", vehicle_data.prop); print_property(&vehicle_data); int ret_code = device->set(device, &vehicle_data); if (ret_code != 0) { printf("Cannot set property: %d\n", ret_code); exit(1); } } int vehicle_event_callback(const vehicle_prop_value_t *event_data) { // Print what we got. printf("Got some value from callback property: %d\n", event_data->prop); printf("Timestamp: %" PRId64 "\n", event_data->timestamp); print_property(event_data); return 0; } int vehicle_error_callback(int32_t error_code, int32_t property, int32_t operation) { // Print what we got. printf("Error code obtained: %d\n", error_code); return 0; } void subscribe_to_property( vehicle_hw_device_t *device, int32_t prop, float sample_rate, uint32_t wait_in_seconds) { // Init the device with a callback. int ret_code = device->subscribe(device, prop, 0, 0); if (ret_code != 0) { printf("Could not subscribe: %d\n", ret_code); exit(1); } // Callbacks will happen on one of the threads created by the HAL hence we // can simply sleep here and see the output. sleep(wait_in_seconds); // Unsubscribe and uninit. ret_code = device->unsubscribe(device, prop); if (ret_code != 0) { printf("Error unsubscribing the HAL, still continuining to uninit HAL ..."); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Open the vehicle module and just ask for the list of properties. const hw_module_t *hw_module = NULL; int ret_code = hw_get_module(VEHICLE_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &hw_module); if (ret_code != 0) { printf("Cannot open the hw module. Does the HAL exist? %d\n", ret_code); return -1; } vehicle_module_t *vehicle_module = (vehicle_module_t *)(hw_module); hw_device_t *device = NULL; ret_code = vehicle_module->common.methods->open(hw_module, NULL, &device); if (!device) { printf("Cannot open the hw device: %d\n", ret_code); return -1; } vehicle_hw_device_t *vehicle_device = (vehicle_hw_device_t *) (device); printf("HAL Loaded!\n"); vehicle_device->init(vehicle_device, vehicle_event_callback, vehicle_error_callback); // If this is a list properties command - we check for -l command. int list_properties = 0; // Type of the property (see #defines in vehicle.h). int property = -1; // Type of the value of the property (see enum vehicle_value_type). int type = -1; // Whether the mode is "get" or "set". char mode[100] = ""; // Actual value as a string representation (supports only PODs for now). // TODO: Support structures and complex types in the tool. char value[100] = ""; // Wait time for the subscribe type of calls. // We keep a default in case the user does not specify one. int wait_time_in_sec = 10; // Sample rate for subscribe type of calls. // Default value is 0 for onchange type of properties. int sample_rate = 0; // Int array string which represents the vehicle_value_t in array of // numbers. See vehicle_prop_value_t.value.int32_array. char int_array_string[1000]; int_array_string[0] = '\0'; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "lm:p:t:v:w:s:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'l': list_properties = 1; break; case 'm': strcpy(mode, optarg); break; case 'p': property = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': type = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': strcpy(value, optarg); break; case 'w': wait_time_in_sec = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': sample_rate = atoi(optarg); break; } } // We should have atleast one of list properties or mode (for get or set). if (!list_properties && !(!strcmp(mode, "get") || !strcmp(mode, "set") || !strcmp(mode, "sub"))) { usage(); exit(1); } if (list_properties) { printf("Listing properties...\n"); list_all_properties(vehicle_device); } else if (!strcmp(mode, "get")) { printf("Getting property ...\n"); if (property == -1) { printf("Use -p to pass a valid Property.\n"); usage(); exit(1); } int32_t int_array_list[4]; int count = -1; if (strlen(int_array_string) > 0) { count = sscanf(int_array_string, "%d%d%d%d", &int_array_list[0], &int_array_list[1], &int_array_list[2], &int_array_list[3]); } get_property(vehicle_device, property, type, value); } else if (!strcmp(mode, "set")) { printf("Setting property ...\n"); if (property == -1 || type == -1) { printf("Use -p to pass a valid Property and -t to pass a valid Type.\n"); usage(); exit(1); } set_property(vehicle_device, property, type, value); } else if (!strcmp(mode, "sub")) { printf("Subscribing property ...\n"); if (property == -1 || wait_time_in_sec <= 0) { printf("Use -p to pass a valid property and -w to pass a valid wait time(s)\n"); usage(); exit(1); } subscribe_to_property(vehicle_device, property, sample_rate, wait_time_in_sec); } ret_code = vehicle_device->release(vehicle_device); if (ret_code != 0) { printf("Error uniniting HAL, exiting anyways."); } return 0; }