/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2012-2015, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are * retained for attribution purposes only. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define DEBUG 0 #include <fcntl.h> #include <linux/msm_mdp.h> #include <video/msm_hdmi_modes.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include "hwc_utils.h" #include "hdmi.h" #include "overlayUtils.h" #include "overlay.h" #include "qd_utils.h" using namespace android; using namespace qdutils; namespace qhwc { #define UNKNOWN_STRING "unknown" #define SPD_NAME_LENGTH 16 /* The array gEDIDData contains a list of modes currently * supported by HDMI and display, and modes that are not * supported i.e. interlaced modes. * In order to add support for a new mode, the mode must be * appended to the end of the array. * * Each new entry must contain the following: * -Mode: a video format defined in msm_hdmi_modes.h * -Width: x resolution for the mode * -Height: y resolution for the mode * -FPS: the frame rate for the mode * -Mode Order: the priority for the new mode that is used when determining * the best mode when the HDMI display is connected. */ EDIDData gEDIDData [] = { EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1440x480i60_4_3, 1440, 480, 60, 1), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1440x480i60_16_9, 1440, 480, 60, 2), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1440x576i50_4_3, 1440, 576, 50, 3), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1440x576i50_16_9, 1440, 576, 50, 4), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1080i60_16_9, 1920, 1080, 60, 5), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_640x480p60_4_3, 640, 480, 60, 6), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_720x480p60_4_3, 720, 480, 60, 7), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_720x480p60_16_9, 720, 480, 60, 8), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_720x576p50_4_3, 720, 576, 50, 9), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_720x576p50_16_9, 720, 576, 50, 10), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_800x600p60_4_3, 800, 600, 60, 11), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_848x480p60_16_9, 848, 480, 60, 12), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1024x768p60_4_3, 1024, 768, 60, 13), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1280x1024p60_5_4, 1280, 1024, 60, 14), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1280x720p50_16_9, 1280, 720, 50, 15), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1280x720p60_16_9, 1280, 720, 60, 16), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1280x800p60_16_10, 1280, 800, 60, 17), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1280x960p60_4_3, 1280, 960, 60, 18), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1360x768p60_16_9, 1360, 768, 60, 19), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1366x768p60_16_10, 1366, 768, 60, 20), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1440x900p60_16_10, 1440, 900, 60, 21), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1400x1050p60_4_3, 1400, 1050, 60, 22), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1680x1050p60_16_10, 1680, 1050, 60, 23), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1600x1200p60_4_3, 1600, 1200, 60, 24), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1080p24_16_9, 1920, 1080, 24, 25), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1080p25_16_9, 1920, 1080, 25, 26), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1080p30_16_9, 1920, 1080, 30, 27), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1080p50_16_9, 1920, 1080, 50, 28), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1080p60_16_9, 1920, 1080, 60, 29), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1200p60_16_10, 1920, 1200, 60, 30), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_2560x1600p60_16_9, 2560, 1600, 60, 31), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_3840x2160p24_16_9, 3840, 2160, 24, 32), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_3840x2160p25_16_9, 3840, 2160, 25, 33), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_3840x2160p30_16_9, 3840, 2160, 30, 34), EDIDData(HDMI_VFRMT_4096x2160p24_16_9, 4096, 2160, 24, 35), }; // Number of modes in gEDIDData const int gEDIDCount = (sizeof(gEDIDData)/sizeof(gEDIDData)[0]); int HDMIDisplay::configure() { if(!openFrameBuffer()) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to open FB: %d", __FUNCTION__, mFbNum); return -1; } readCEUnderscanInfo(); readResolution(); /* Used for changing the resolution * getUserConfig will get the preferred * config index set thru adb shell */ mActiveConfig = getUserConfig(); if (mActiveConfig == -1) { //Get the best mode and set mActiveConfig = getBestConfig(); } // Read the system property to determine if downscale feature is enabled. char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; mMDPDownscaleEnabled = false; if(property_get("sys.hwc.mdp_downscale_enabled", value, "false") && !strcmp(value, "true")) { mMDPDownscaleEnabled = true; } // Set the mode corresponding to the active index mCurrentMode = mEDIDModes[mActiveConfig]; setAttributes(); // set system property property_set("hw.hdmiON", "1"); // XXX: A debug property can be used to enable resolution change for // testing purposes: debug.hwc.enable_resolution_change mEnableResolutionChange = false; if(property_get("debug.hwc.enable_resolution_change", value, "false") && !strcmp(value, "true")) { mEnableResolutionChange = true; } return 0; } void HDMIDisplay::getAttributes(uint32_t& width, uint32_t& height) { uint32_t fps = 0; getAttrForMode(width, height, fps); } int HDMIDisplay::teardown() { closeFrameBuffer(); resetInfo(); // unset system property property_set("hw.hdmiON", "0"); return 0; } HDMIDisplay::HDMIDisplay():mFd(-1), mCurrentMode(-1), mModeCount(0), mPrimaryWidth(0), mPrimaryHeight(0), mUnderscanSupported(false), mMDPDownscaleEnabled(false) { memset(&mVInfo, 0, sizeof(mVInfo)); mFbNum = qdutils::getHDMINode(); mDisplayId = HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL; // Update the display if HDMI is connected as primary if (isHDMIPrimaryDisplay()) { mDisplayId = HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY; } // Disable HPD at start if HDMI is external, it will be enabled later // when the display powers on // This helps for framework reboot or adb shell stop/start if (mDisplayId) { writeHPDOption(0); } // for HDMI - retreive all the modes supported by the driver if(mFbNum != -1) { supported_video_mode_lut = new msm_hdmi_mode_timing_info[HDMI_VFRMT_MAX]; // Populate the mode table for supported modes MSM_HDMI_MODES_INIT_TIMINGS(supported_video_mode_lut); MSM_HDMI_MODES_SET_SUPP_TIMINGS(supported_video_mode_lut, MSM_HDMI_MODES_ALL); // Update the Source Product Information // Vendor Name setSPDInfo("vendor_name", "ro.product.manufacturer"); // Product Description setSPDInfo("product_description", "ro.product.name"); } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s mDisplayId(%d) mFbNum(%d)", __FUNCTION__, mDisplayId, mFbNum); } /* gets the product manufacturer and product name and writes it * to the sysfs node, so that the driver can get that information * Used to show QCOM 8974 instead of Input 1 for example */ void HDMIDisplay::setSPDInfo(const char* node, const char* property) { char info[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; ssize_t err = -1; int spdFile = openDeviceNode(node, O_RDWR); if (spdFile >= 0) { memset(info, 0, sizeof(info)); property_get(property, info, UNKNOWN_STRING); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "In %s: %s = %s", __FUNCTION__, property, info); if (strncmp(info, UNKNOWN_STRING, SPD_NAME_LENGTH)) { err = write(spdFile, info, strlen(info)); if (err <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: file write failed for '%s'" "err no = %d", __FUNCTION__, node, errno); } } else { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: property_get failed for SPD %s", __FUNCTION__, node); } close(spdFile); } } void HDMIDisplay::setHPD(uint32_t value) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG,"HPD enabled=%d", value); writeHPDOption(value); } void HDMIDisplay::setActionSafeDimension(int w, int h) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG,"ActionSafe w=%d h=%d", w, h); char actionsafeWidth[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; char actionsafeHeight[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; snprintf(actionsafeWidth, sizeof(actionsafeWidth), "%d", w); property_set("persist.sys.actionsafe.width", actionsafeWidth); snprintf(actionsafeHeight, sizeof(actionsafeHeight), "%d", h); property_set("persist.sys.actionsafe.height", actionsafeHeight); } int HDMIDisplay::getModeCount() const { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG,"HPD mModeCount=%d", mModeCount); return mModeCount; } void HDMIDisplay::readCEUnderscanInfo() { int hdmiScanInfoFile = -1; ssize_t len = -1; char scanInfo[17]; char *ce_info_str = NULL; char *save_ptr; const char token[] = ", \n"; int ce_info = -1; memset(scanInfo, 0, sizeof(scanInfo)); hdmiScanInfoFile = openDeviceNode("scan_info", O_RDONLY); if (hdmiScanInfoFile < 0) { return; } else { len = read(hdmiScanInfoFile, scanInfo, sizeof(scanInfo)-1); ALOGD("%s: Scan Info string: %s length = %zu", __FUNCTION__, scanInfo, len); if (len <= 0) { close(hdmiScanInfoFile); ALOGE("%s: Scan Info file empty", __FUNCTION__); return; } scanInfo[len] = '\0'; /* null terminate the string */ close(hdmiScanInfoFile); } /* * The scan_info contains the three fields * PT - preferred video format * IT - video format * CE video format - containing the underscan support information */ /* PT */ ce_info_str = strtok_r(scanInfo, token, &save_ptr); if (ce_info_str) { /* IT */ ce_info_str = strtok_r(NULL, token, &save_ptr); if (ce_info_str) { /* CE */ ce_info_str = strtok_r(NULL, token, &save_ptr); if (ce_info_str) ce_info = atoi(ce_info_str); } } if (ce_info_str) { // ce_info contains the underscan information if (ce_info == HDMI_SCAN_ALWAYS_UNDERSCANED || ce_info == HDMI_SCAN_BOTH_SUPPORTED) // if TV supported underscan, then driver will always underscan // hence no need to apply action safe rectangle mUnderscanSupported = true; } else { ALOGE("%s: scan_info string error", __FUNCTION__); } // Store underscan support info in a system property const char* prop = (mUnderscanSupported) ? "1" : "0"; property_set("hw.underscan_supported", prop); return; } HDMIDisplay::~HDMIDisplay() { delete [] supported_video_mode_lut; closeFrameBuffer(); } /* * sets the fb_var_screeninfo from the hdmi_mode_timing_info */ void setDisplayTiming(struct fb_var_screeninfo &info, const msm_hdmi_mode_timing_info* mode) { info.reserved[0] = 0; info.reserved[1] = 0; info.reserved[2] = 0; #ifndef FB_METADATA_VIDEO_INFO_CODE_SUPPORT info.reserved[3] = (info.reserved[3] & 0xFFFF) | (mode->video_format << 16); #endif info.xoffset = 0; info.yoffset = 0; info.xres = mode->active_h; info.yres = mode->active_v; info.pixclock = (mode->pixel_freq)*1000; info.vmode = mode->interlaced ? FB_VMODE_INTERLACED : FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED; info.right_margin = mode->front_porch_h; info.hsync_len = mode->pulse_width_h; info.left_margin = mode->back_porch_h; info.lower_margin = mode->front_porch_v; info.vsync_len = mode->pulse_width_v; info.upper_margin = mode->back_porch_v; } int HDMIDisplay::parseResolution(char* edidStr) { char delim = ','; int count = 0; char *start, *end; // EDIDs are string delimited by ',' // Ex: 16,4,5,3,32,34,1 // Parse this string to get mode(int) start = (char*) edidStr; end = &delim; while(*end == delim) { mEDIDModes[count] = (int) strtol(start, &end, 10); start = end+1; count++; } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "In %s: count = %d", __FUNCTION__, count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "Mode[%d] = %d", i, mEDIDModes[i]); return count; } bool HDMIDisplay::readResolution() { ssize_t len = -1; char edidStr[128] = {'\0'}; int hdmiEDIDFile = openDeviceNode("edid_modes", O_RDONLY); if (hdmiEDIDFile < 0) { return false; } else { len = read(hdmiEDIDFile, edidStr, sizeof(edidStr)-1); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: EDID string: %s length = %zu", __FUNCTION__, edidStr, len); if (len <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: edid_modes file empty", __FUNCTION__); edidStr[0] = '\0'; } else { while (len > 1 && isspace(edidStr[len-1])) { --len; } edidStr[len] = '\0'; } close(hdmiEDIDFile); } if(len > 0) { // Get EDID modes from the EDID strings mModeCount = parseResolution(edidStr); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: mModeCount = %d", __FUNCTION__, mModeCount); } return (len > 0); } bool HDMIDisplay::openFrameBuffer() { if (mFd == -1) { char strDevPath[MAX_SYSFS_FILE_PATH]; snprintf(strDevPath, MAX_SYSFS_FILE_PATH, "/dev/graphics/fb%d", mFbNum); mFd = open(strDevPath, O_RDWR); if (mFd < 0) ALOGE("%s: %s is not available", __FUNCTION__, strDevPath); } return (mFd > 0); } bool HDMIDisplay::closeFrameBuffer() { int ret = 0; if(mFd >= 0) { ret = close(mFd); mFd = -1; } return (ret == 0); } // clears the vinfo, edid, best modes void HDMIDisplay::resetInfo() { memset(&mVInfo, 0, sizeof(mVInfo)); memset(mEDIDModes, 0, sizeof(mEDIDModes)); mModeCount = 0; mCurrentMode = -1; mUnderscanSupported = false; mXres = 0; mYres = 0; mVsyncPeriod = 0; mMDPScalingMode = false; // Reset the underscan supported system property const char* prop = "0"; property_set("hw.underscan_supported", prop); } int HDMIDisplay::getModeOrder(int mode) { for (int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < gEDIDCount; dataIndex++) { if (gEDIDData[dataIndex].mMode == mode) { return gEDIDData[dataIndex].mModeOrder; } } ALOGE("%s Mode not found: %d", __FUNCTION__, mode); return -1; } /// Returns the index of the user mode set(if any) using adb shell int HDMIDisplay::getUserConfig() { /* Based on the property set the resolution */ char property_value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("hw.hdmi.resolution", property_value, "-1"); int mode = atoi(property_value); // We dont support interlaced modes if(isValidMode(mode) && !isInterlacedMode(mode)) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: setting the HDMI mode = %d", __FUNCTION__, mode); return getModeIndex(mode); } return -1; } // Get the index of the best mode for the current HD TV int HDMIDisplay::getBestConfig() { int bestOrder = 0; int bestMode = HDMI_VFRMT_640x480p60_4_3; int bestModeIndex = -1; // for all the edid read, get the best mode for(int i = 0; i < mModeCount; i++) { int mode = mEDIDModes[i]; int order = getModeOrder(mode); if (order > bestOrder) { bestOrder = order; bestMode = mode; bestModeIndex = i; } } // If we fail to read from EDID when HDMI is connected, then // mModeCount will be 0 and bestModeIndex will be invalid. // In this case, we populate the mEDIDModes structure with // a default mode at index 0. if (bestModeIndex == -1) { bestModeIndex = 0; mModeCount = 1; mEDIDModes[bestModeIndex] = bestMode; } return bestModeIndex; } inline bool HDMIDisplay::isValidMode(int ID) { bool valid = false; for (int i = 0; i < mModeCount; i++) { if(ID == mEDIDModes[i]) { valid = true; break; } } return valid; } // returns true if the mode(ID) is interlaced mode format bool HDMIDisplay::isInterlacedMode(int ID) { bool interlaced = false; switch(ID) { case HDMI_VFRMT_1440x480i60_4_3: case HDMI_VFRMT_1440x480i60_16_9: case HDMI_VFRMT_1440x576i50_4_3: case HDMI_VFRMT_1440x576i50_16_9: case HDMI_VFRMT_1920x1080i60_16_9: interlaced = true; break; default: interlaced = false; break; } return interlaced; } // Does a put_vscreen info on the HDMI interface which will update // the configuration (resolution, timing info) to match mCurrentMode void HDMIDisplay::activateDisplay() { int ret = 0; ret = ioctl(mFd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &mVInfo); if(ret < 0) { ALOGD("In %s: FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO failed Err Str = %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: GET Info<ID=%d %dx%d (%d,%d,%d)," "(%d,%d,%d) %dMHz>", __FUNCTION__, mVInfo.reserved[3], mVInfo.xres, mVInfo.yres, mVInfo.right_margin, mVInfo.hsync_len, mVInfo.left_margin, mVInfo.lower_margin, mVInfo.vsync_len, mVInfo.upper_margin, mVInfo.pixclock/1000/1000); const struct msm_hdmi_mode_timing_info *mode = &supported_video_mode_lut[0]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < HDMI_VFRMT_MAX; ++i) { const struct msm_hdmi_mode_timing_info *cur = &supported_video_mode_lut[i]; if (cur->video_format == (uint32_t)mCurrentMode) { mode = cur; break; } } setDisplayTiming(mVInfo, mode); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: SET Info<ID=%d => Info<ID=%d %dx %d" "(%d,%d,%d), (%d,%d,%d) %dMHz>", __FUNCTION__, mCurrentMode, mode->video_format, mVInfo.xres, mVInfo.yres, mVInfo.right_margin, mVInfo.hsync_len, mVInfo.left_margin, mVInfo.lower_margin, mVInfo.vsync_len, mVInfo.upper_margin, mVInfo.pixclock/1000/1000); #ifdef FB_METADATA_VIDEO_INFO_CODE_SUPPORT struct msmfb_metadata metadata; memset(&metadata, 0 , sizeof(metadata)); metadata.op = metadata_op_vic; metadata.data.video_info_code = mode->video_format; if (ioctl(mFd, MSMFB_METADATA_SET, &metadata) == -1) { ALOGD("In %s: MSMFB_METADATA_SET failed Err Str = %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); } #endif mVInfo.activate = FB_ACTIVATE_NOW | FB_ACTIVATE_ALL | FB_ACTIVATE_FORCE; ret = ioctl(mFd, FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO, &mVInfo); if(ret < 0) { ALOGD("In %s: FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed Err Str = %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); } } bool HDMIDisplay::writeHPDOption(int userOption) const { bool ret = true; if(mFbNum != -1) { int hdmiHPDFile = openDeviceNode("hpd", O_RDWR); if (hdmiHPDFile >= 0) { ssize_t err = -1; ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: option = %d", __FUNCTION__, userOption); if(userOption) err = write(hdmiHPDFile, "1", 2); else err = write(hdmiHPDFile, "0" , 2); if (err <= 0) { ALOGE("%s: file write failed 'hpd'", __FUNCTION__); ret = false; } close(hdmiHPDFile); } } return ret; } void HDMIDisplay::setAttributes() { uint32_t fps = 0; // Always set dpyAttr res to mVInfo res getAttrForMode(mXres, mYres, fps); mMDPScalingMode = false; if(overlay::Overlay::getInstance()->isUIScalingOnExternalSupported() && mMDPDownscaleEnabled) { // if primary resolution is more than the hdmi resolution // configure dpy attr to primary resolution and set MDP // scaling mode // Restrict this upto 1080p resolution max, if target does not // support source split feature. uint32_t primaryArea = mPrimaryWidth * mPrimaryHeight; if(((primaryArea) > (mXres * mYres)) && (((primaryArea) <= SUPPORTED_DOWNSCALE_AREA) || qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplit())) { // tmpW and tmpH will hold the primary dimensions before we // update the aspect ratio if necessary. int tmpW = mPrimaryWidth; int tmpH = mPrimaryHeight; // HDMI is always in landscape, so always assign the higher // dimension to hdmi's xres if(mPrimaryHeight > mPrimaryWidth) { tmpW = mPrimaryHeight; tmpH = mPrimaryWidth; } // The aspect ratios of the external and primary displays // can be different. As a result, directly assigning primary // resolution could lead to an incorrect final image. // We get around this by calculating a new resolution by // keeping aspect ratio intact. hwc_rect r = {0, 0, 0, 0}; qdutils::getAspectRatioPosition(tmpW, tmpH, mXres, mYres, r); uint32_t newExtW = r.right - r.left; uint32_t newExtH = r.bottom - r.top; uint32_t alignedExtW; uint32_t alignedExtH; // On 8994 and below targets MDP supports only 4X downscaling, // Restricting selected external resolution to be exactly 4X // greater resolution than actual external resolution uint32_t maxMDPDownScale = qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMaxMDPDownscale(); if((mXres * mYres * maxMDPDownScale) < (newExtW * newExtH)) { float upScaleFactor = (float)maxMDPDownScale / 2.0f; newExtW = (int)((float)mXres * upScaleFactor); newExtH = (int)((float)mYres * upScaleFactor); } // Align it down so that the new aligned resolution does not // exceed the maxMDPDownscale factor alignedExtW = overlay::utils::aligndown(newExtW, 4); alignedExtH = overlay::utils::aligndown(newExtH, 4); mXres = alignedExtW; mYres = alignedExtH; // Set External Display MDP Downscale mode indicator mMDPScalingMode = true; } } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_MDPDOWNSCALE, "Selected external resolution [%d X %d] " "maxMDPDownScale %d mMDPScalingMode %d srcSplitEnabled %d " "MDPDownscale feature %d", mXres, mYres, qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getMaxMDPDownscale(), mMDPScalingMode, qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().isSrcSplit(), mMDPDownscaleEnabled); mVsyncPeriod = (int) 1000000000l / fps; ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s xres=%d, yres=%d", __FUNCTION__, mXres, mYres); } void HDMIDisplay::getAttrForMode(uint32_t& width, uint32_t& height, uint32_t& fps) { for (int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < gEDIDCount; dataIndex++) { if (gEDIDData[dataIndex].mMode == mCurrentMode) { width = gEDIDData[dataIndex].mWidth; height = gEDIDData[dataIndex].mHeight; fps = gEDIDData[dataIndex].mFps; return; } } ALOGE("%s Unable to get attributes for %d", __FUNCTION__, mCurrentMode); } /* returns the fd related to the node specified*/ int HDMIDisplay::openDeviceNode(const char* node, int fileMode) const { char sysFsFilePath[MAX_SYSFS_FILE_PATH]; memset(sysFsFilePath, 0, sizeof(sysFsFilePath)); snprintf(sysFsFilePath , sizeof(sysFsFilePath), "/sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fb%d/%s", mFbNum, node); int fd = open(sysFsFilePath, fileMode, 0); if (fd < 0) { ALOGE("%s: file '%s' not found : ret = %d err str: %s", __FUNCTION__, sysFsFilePath, fd, strerror(errno)); } return fd; } bool HDMIDisplay::isHDMIPrimaryDisplay() { return (mFbNum == HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY); } int HDMIDisplay::getConnectedState() { int ret = -1; int mFbNum = qdutils::getHDMINode(); int connectedNode = openDeviceNode("connected", O_RDONLY); if(connectedNode >= 0) { char opStr[4]; ssize_t bytesRead = read(connectedNode, opStr, sizeof(opStr) - 1); if(bytesRead > 0) { opStr[bytesRead] = '\0'; ret = atoi(opStr); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s: Read %d from connected", __FUNCTION__, ret); } else if(bytesRead == 0) { ALOGE("%s: HDMI connected node empty", __FUNCTION__); } else { ALOGE("%s: Read from HDMI connected node failed with error %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); } close(connectedNode); } else { ALOGD("%s: /sys/class/graphics/fb%d/connected could not be opened : %s", __FUNCTION__, mFbNum, strerror(errno)); } return ret; } void HDMIDisplay::setPrimaryAttributes(uint32_t primaryWidth, uint32_t primaryHeight) { mPrimaryHeight = primaryHeight; mPrimaryWidth = primaryWidth; } int HDMIDisplay::setActiveConfig(int newConfig) { if(newConfig < 0 || newConfig > mModeCount) { ALOGE("%s Invalid configuration %d", __FUNCTION__, newConfig); return -EINVAL; } // XXX: Currently, we only support a change in frame rate. // We need to validate the new config before proceeding. if (!isValidConfigChange(newConfig)) { ALOGE("%s Invalid configuration %d", __FUNCTION__, newConfig); return -EINVAL; } mCurrentMode = mEDIDModes[newConfig]; mActiveConfig = newConfig; activateDisplay(); ALOGD("%s config(%d) mode(%d)", __FUNCTION__, mActiveConfig, mCurrentMode); return 0; } // returns false if the xres or yres of the new config do // not match the current config bool HDMIDisplay::isValidConfigChange(int newConfig) { int newMode = mEDIDModes[newConfig]; uint32_t width = 0, height = 0, refresh = 0; getAttrForConfig(newConfig, width, height, refresh); return ((mXres == width) && (mYres == height)) || mEnableResolutionChange; } int HDMIDisplay::getModeIndex(int mode) { int modeIndex = -1; for(int i = 0; i < mModeCount; i++) { if(mode == mEDIDModes[i]) { modeIndex = i; break; } } return modeIndex; } int HDMIDisplay::getAttrForConfig(int config, uint32_t& xres, uint32_t& yres, uint32_t& refresh) const { if(config < 0 || config > mModeCount) { ALOGE("%s Invalid configuration %d", __FUNCTION__, config); return -EINVAL; } int mode = mEDIDModes[config]; uint32_t fps = 0; // Retrieve the mode attributes from gEDIDData for (int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < gEDIDCount; dataIndex++) { if (gEDIDData[dataIndex].mMode == mode) { xres = gEDIDData[dataIndex].mWidth; yres = gEDIDData[dataIndex].mHeight; fps = gEDIDData[dataIndex].mFps; } } refresh = (uint32_t) 1000000000l / fps; ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "%s xres(%d) yres(%d) fps(%d) refresh(%d)", __FUNCTION__, xres, yres, fps, refresh); return 0; } int HDMIDisplay::getDisplayConfigs(uint32_t* configs, size_t* numConfigs) const { if (*numConfigs <= 0) { ALOGE("%s Invalid number of configs (%d)", __FUNCTION__, *numConfigs); return -EINVAL; } *numConfigs = mModeCount; for (int configIndex = 0; configIndex < mModeCount; configIndex++) { configs[configIndex] = (uint32_t)configIndex; } return 0; } };