<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.


    <!-- Name of the application. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="app_name">Calculator</string>

    <!-- Constant for Euler's number (i.e. "2.7182…"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="const_e" translatable="false">e</string>
    <!-- Constant for pi (i.e. "3.1415…"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="const_pi" translatable="false">π</string>

    <!-- Left parenthesis (e.g. "log(", "2 × (3 - 1)". [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="lparen" translatable="false">(</string>
    <!-- Right parenthesis (e.g. "log(2)", "(3 - 1) × 2". [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="rparen" translatable="false">)</string>

      Decimal separator (e.g. "1.23" or "1,23").

      This should be whatever character is appropriate for use as a decimal sign for a given locale
      when used with Arabic numerals (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, ...)

    <string name="dec_point">.</string>

    <!-- Decimal representation of zero (e.g. "0", "10", "1.0", "1e0"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_0" translatable="false">0</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of one (e.g. "1", "11", "1.1", "1e1"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_1" translatable="false">1</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of two (e.g. "2", "22", "2.2", "2e2"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_2" translatable="false">2</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of three (e.g. "3", "33", "3.3", "3e3"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_3" translatable="false">3</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of four (e.g. "4", "44", "4.4", "4e4"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_4" translatable="false">4</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of five (e.g. "5", "55", "5.5", "5e5"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_5" translatable="false">5</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of six (e.g. "6", "66", "6.6", "6e6"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_6" translatable="false">6</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of seven (e.g. "7", "77", "7.7", "7e7"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_7" translatable="false">7</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of eight (e.g. "8", "88", "8.8", "8e8"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_8" translatable="false">8</string>
    <!-- Decimal representation of eight (e.g. "9", "99", "9.9", "9e9"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="digit_9" translatable="false">9</string>

    <!-- Addition operator (e.g. "1 + 2"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_add" translatable="false">+</string>
    <!-- Divide operator (e.g. "1 ÷ 2"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_div" translatable="false">÷</string>
    <!-- Factorial operator (e.g. "2!"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_fact" translatable="false">!</string>
    <!-- Multiply operator (e.g. "1 × 2"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_mul" translatable="false">×</string>
    <!-- Percent operator (e.g. "25%"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_pct" translatable="false">%</string>
    <!-- Power operator (e.g. "1 ^ 2"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_pow" translatable="false">^</string>
    <!-- Square root operator (e.g. "√1"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_sqrt" translatable="false">√</string>
    <!-- Subtraction operator (e.g. "1 - 2"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="op_sub" translatable="false">−</string>

    <!-- Abbrev. name of cosine function (e.g. "cos(π)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="fun_cos" translatable="false">cos</string>
    <!-- Natural logarithm function (e.g. "ln(2)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="fun_ln" translatable="false">ln</string>
    <!-- Logarithm function (e.g. "log(10)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="fun_log" translatable="false">log</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of sine function (e.g. "sin(π)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="fun_sin" translatable="false">sin</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of tangent function (e.g. "tan(π)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="fun_tan" translatable="false">tan</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of cosine function (e.g. "arccos(π)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=5] -->
    <string name="fun_arccos" translatable="false">cos\u207B\u00B9</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of sine function (e.g. "arcsin(π)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=5] -->
    <string name="fun_arcsin" translatable="false">sin\u207B\u00B9</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of tangent function (e.g. "arctan(π)"). [CHAR_LIMIT=5] -->
    <string name="fun_arctan" translatable="false">tan\u207B\u00B9</string>

    <!-- Abbrev. name of base 10 exponential function (e.g. "10^6"). [CHAR_LIMIT=5] -->
    <string name="fun_10pow" translatable="false">10\u02E3</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of exponential function (e.g. "e^6"). [CHAR_LIMIT=5] -->
    <string name="fun_exp" translatable="false">e\u02E3</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of suffix square function on key (e.g. "17^2"). [CHAR_LIMIT=5] -->
    <string name="op_sqr" translatable="false">x\u00B2</string>
      Abbrev. name of suffix square function in formula.
      "^2" does not work, since it blends into a later constant.
    <string name="squared" translatable="false">²</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of exponential function in formula.  -->
    <string name="exponential" translatable = "false">exp</string>

    <!-- Abbrev. name of degree mode [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="mode_deg">deg</string>
    <!-- Abbrev. name of radian mode. [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="mode_rad">rad</string>

    <!-- Equals button (e.g. "1 + 2 = ?"). [CHAR_LIMIT=1] -->
    <string name="eq" translatable="false">=</string>
    <!-- Clear button to clear the currently entered expression. [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="clr">clr</string>
      Announced when all characters are removed from Formula, e.g. after clear. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE]
    <string name="cleared">cleared</string>
    <!-- Delete button to remove last entered token. [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="del">del</string>
    <!-- Toggle button to show/hide inverse functions. [CHAR_LIMIT=4] -->
    <string name="inv" translatable="false">inv</string>

    <!-- Content description for 'e' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_const_e">Euler\'s number</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'π' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_const_pi">pi</string>

    <!-- Content description for '.' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_dec_point">point</string>

    <!-- Content description for '(' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_lparen">left parenthesis</string>
    <!-- Content description for ')' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_rparen">right parenthesis</string>

    <!-- Content description for 'cos' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_cos">cosine</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'ln' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_ln">natural logarithm</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'log' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_log">logarithm</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'sin' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_sin">sine</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'tan' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_tan">tangent</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'arccos' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_arccos">inverse cosine</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'arcsin' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_arcsin">inverse sine</string>
    <!-- Content description for 'arctan' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_arctan">inverse tangent</string>

      Content description for 10^ button. This button is used to raise 10 to the subsequently
      entered power. E.g. <10^>3 would yield 1000.
    <string name="desc_fun_10pow">ten to the power of</string>
    <!-- Content description for e^ (exponential function) button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_fun_exp">exponential function</string>
      Content description for ^2 button. This button is used to square the previously entered
      number. E.g. 3<^2> would yield 9.
    <string name="desc_op_sqr">squared</string>

    <!-- Content description for '+' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_add">plus</string>
    <!-- Content description for '÷' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_div">divide</string>
    <!-- Content description for '!' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_fact">factorial</string>
    <!-- Content description for '×' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_mul">multiply</string>
    <!-- Content description for '%' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_pct">percent</string>
    <!-- Content description for '^' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_pow">power</string>
    <!-- Content description for '√' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_sqrt">square root</string>
    <!-- Content description for '-' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_op_sub">minus</string>

    <!-- Content description for degree mode. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_mode_deg">degree mode</string>
    <!-- Content description for radian mode. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_mode_rad">radian mode</string>

    <!-- Content description for switch to degree button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_switch_deg">switch to degrees</string>
    <!-- Content description for switch to radian button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_switch_rad">switch to radians</string>

    <!-- Content description for '=' button. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_eq">equals</string>
    <!-- Content description for "clr" button. Deletes entire formula. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_clr">clear</string>
      Content description for "del" button. Deletes single character. Should differ
      from desc_clr. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE]
    <string name="desc_del">delete</string>
    <!-- Content description for "inv" button to show inverse functions. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_inv_off">show inverse functions</string>
    <!-- Content description for "inv" button to hide inverse functions. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="desc_inv_on">hide inverse functions</string>

    <!-- Error displayed when expression evaluates to an undefined result. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="error_nan">Not a number</string>
    <!-- Error displayed when expression contains a syntax error. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="error_syntax">Bad expression</string>
    <!-- Error displayed when evaluation is manually aborted. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="error_aborted">Aborted</string>
    <!-- Error displayed when excessive precision is required. [CHAR_LIMIT=20] -->
    <string name="error_overflow">Infinite?</string>
      Error displayed when division by zero is detected.

      If the translation does not fit within the given limit, then a shortened version must
      be used, e.g. "Division by 0". Exceeding the limit will result in a truncated string.

    <string name="error_zero_divide">Can\'t divide by 0</string>

    <!-- Toast shown when text is copied to the clipboard. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="text_copied_toast">Text copied</string>

    <!-- Dialog message when a computation is cancelled by the user. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="cancelled">Computation cancelled</string>
    <!-- Dialog message when a computation times out. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="timeout">Timed out. Value may be infinite or undefined.</string>
      Button label to allow future computations with a longer timeout.

      When evaluating a result takes too long, we show a "timed out" dialog. This button allows
      the user to increase the maximum amount of time we attempt to evaluate the expression before
      "timing out".

    <string name="ok_remove_timeout">Use longer timeouts</string>
    <!-- Button label to dismiss informative text message. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="dismiss">Dismiss</string>
    <!-- Appended indicator (for "leading" display) that result is exact. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="exact">(exact)</string>
    <!-- Indicator (for "leading" display) that result is inexact. [CHAR_LIMIT=NONE] -->
    <string name="approximate">(±1 in last digit)</string>

    <!-- Menu option to display result including leading digits. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="menu_leading">Answer with leading digits</string>
    <!-- Menu option to display result as fraction. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="menu_fraction">Answer as fraction</string>
    <!-- Menu option to view the app's open source licenses. [CHAR_LIMIT=40] -->
    <string name="menu_licenses">Open source licenses</string>
