// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // A copy of Sqrt tests from the math package to test the // purely integer arithmetic implementation in sqrt.go. package runtime_test import ( "math" "runtime" "testing" ) func SqrtRT(x float64) float64 { return math.Float64frombits(runtime.Sqrt(math.Float64bits(x))) } func TestSqrt(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < len(vf); i++ { a := math.Abs(vf[i]) if f := SqrtRT(a); sqrt[i] != f { t.Errorf("Sqrt(%g) = %g, want %g", a, f, sqrt[i]) } } for i := 0; i < len(vfsqrtSC); i++ { if f := SqrtRT(vfsqrtSC[i]); !alike(sqrtSC[i], f) { t.Errorf("Sqrt(%g) = %g, want %g", vfsqrtSC[i], f, sqrtSC[i]) } } } func alike(a, b float64) bool { switch { case math.IsNaN(a) && math.IsNaN(b): return true case a == b: return math.Signbit(a) == math.Signbit(b) } return false } var vf = []float64{ 4.9790119248836735e+00, 7.7388724745781045e+00, -2.7688005719200159e-01, -5.0106036182710749e+00, 9.6362937071984173e+00, 2.9263772392439646e+00, 5.2290834314593066e+00, 2.7279399104360102e+00, 1.8253080916808550e+00, -8.6859247685756013e+00, } var sqrt = []float64{ 2.2313699659365484748756904e+00, 2.7818829009464263511285458e+00, 5.2619393496314796848143251e-01, 2.2384377628763938724244104e+00, 3.1042380236055381099288487e+00, 1.7106657298385224403917771e+00, 2.286718922705479046148059e+00, 1.6516476350711159636222979e+00, 1.3510396336454586262419247e+00, 2.9471892997524949215723329e+00, } var vfsqrtSC = []float64{ math.Inf(-1), -math.Pi, math.Copysign(0, -1), 0, math.Inf(1), math.NaN(), } var sqrtSC = []float64{ math.NaN(), math.NaN(), math.Copysign(0, -1), 0, math.Inf(1), math.NaN(), }