/* * WARNING: This file is deprecated! it’s here for legacy purposes only. * All Android Testing Libraries should be used from the Android Maven repository, * the same way you would use the Support Libraries. * * If you're compiling against current and the prerelease versions of the Support Libraries * (using Jars in "prebuilts/sdk/current/support") then you should explicitly exclude your * "support-annotations" dependency. * * An example of how to configure your project can be found here: * go/config-atsl-deps (https://bit.googleplex.com/#/nkorsote/5894271450218496) */ // To use the test runner and test rules add the following dependency: // compile project(":android-support-test") // where "android-support-test" is the name you defined in your settings.gradle file if (!configurations.findByName("default")) { configurations.create("default") } artifacts.add("default", file("runner/runner-0.5-release.jar")) artifacts.add("default", file("rules/rules-0.5-release.jar")) // To use the "android-support-test.jar" and the "esspresso-core.jar" add the following dependency: // compile project(path: ":android-support-test", configuration: "espresso-core") if (!configurations.findByName("espresso-core")) { configurations.create("espresso-core") } artifacts.add("espresso-core", file("espresso/espresso-core-2.2.2-release.jar")) // To use the "runner-no-dep.jar", add the following dependency: // compile project(path: ":android-support-test", configuration: "runner-no-dep") if (!configurations.findByName("runner-no-dep")) { configurations.create("runner-no-dep") } artifacts.add("runner-no-dep", file("runner/runner-0.5-release-no-dep.jar"))