// // Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "shill/device.h" #include <errno.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <linux/if.h> // NOLINT - Needs definitions from netinet/in.h #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <base/bind.h> #include <base/files/file_util.h> #include <base/memory/ref_counted.h> #include <base/stl_util.h> #include <base/strings/stringprintf.h> #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h> #include <base/strings/string_util.h> #if defined(__ANDROID__) #include <dbus/service_constants.h> #else #include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h> #endif // __ANDROID__ #include "shill/async_connection.h" #include "shill/connection.h" #include "shill/connection_tester.h" #include "shill/control_interface.h" #include "shill/dhcp/dhcp_config.h" #include "shill/dhcp/dhcp_provider.h" #include "shill/dhcp_properties.h" #include "shill/error.h" #include "shill/event_dispatcher.h" #include "shill/geolocation_info.h" #include "shill/http_proxy.h" #include "shill/icmp.h" #include "shill/ip_address_store.h" #include "shill/link_monitor.h" #include "shill/logging.h" #include "shill/manager.h" #include "shill/metrics.h" #include "shill/net/ip_address.h" #include "shill/net/ndisc.h" #include "shill/net/rtnl_handler.h" #include "shill/property_accessor.h" #include "shill/refptr_types.h" #include "shill/service.h" #include "shill/socket_info_reader.h" #include "shill/store_interface.h" #include "shill/technology.h" #include "shill/tethering.h" #include "shill/traffic_monitor.h" using base::Bind; using base::Callback; using base::FilePath; using base::StringPrintf; using std::set; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace shill { namespace Logging { static auto kModuleLogScope = ScopeLogger::kDevice; static string ObjectID(Device* d) { return d->GetRpcIdentifier(); } } // static const char Device::kIPFlagTemplate[] = "/proc/sys/net/%s/conf/%s/%s"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagVersion4[] = "ipv4"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagVersion6[] = "ipv6"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagDisableIPv6[] = "disable_ipv6"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagUseTempAddr[] = "use_tempaddr"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagUseTempAddrUsedAndDefault[] = "2"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagReversePathFilter[] = "rp_filter"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagReversePathFilterEnabled[] = "1"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagReversePathFilterLooseMode[] = "2"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagArpAnnounce[] = "arp_announce"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagArpAnnounceDefault[] = "0"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagArpAnnounceBestLocal[] = "2"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagArpIgnore[] = "arp_ignore"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagArpIgnoreDefault[] = "0"; // static const char Device::kIPFlagArpIgnoreLocalOnly[] = "1"; // static const char Device::kStoragePowered[] = "Powered"; // static const char Device::kStorageReceiveByteCount[] = "ReceiveByteCount"; // static const char Device::kStorageTransmitByteCount[] = "TransmitByteCount"; // static const char Device::kFallbackDnsTestHostname[] = "www.gstatic.com"; // static const char* Device::kFallbackDnsServers[] = { "", "" }; // static const int Device::kDNSTimeoutMilliseconds = 5000; const int Device::kLinkUnreliableThresholdSeconds = 60 * 60; const size_t Device::kHardwareAddressLength = 6U; Device::Device(ControlInterface* control_interface, EventDispatcher* dispatcher, Metrics* metrics, Manager* manager, const string& link_name, const string& address, int interface_index, Technology::Identifier technology) : enabled_(false), enabled_persistent_(true), enabled_pending_(enabled_), reconnect_(true), hardware_address_(address), interface_index_(interface_index), running_(false), link_name_(link_name), unique_id_(link_name), control_interface_(control_interface), dispatcher_(dispatcher), metrics_(metrics), manager_(manager), weak_ptr_factory_(this), adaptor_(control_interface->CreateDeviceAdaptor(this)), portal_detector_callback_(Bind(&Device::PortalDetectorCallback, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())), technology_(technology), portal_attempts_to_online_(0), receive_byte_offset_(0), transmit_byte_offset_(0), dhcp_provider_(DHCPProvider::GetInstance()), rtnl_handler_(RTNLHandler::GetInstance()), time_(Time::GetInstance()), last_link_monitor_failed_time_(0), connection_tester_callback_(Bind(&Device::ConnectionTesterCallback, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())), is_loose_routing_(false), is_multi_homed_(false), connection_diagnostics_callback_( Bind(&Device::ConnectionDiagnosticsCallback, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())) { store_.RegisterConstString(kAddressProperty, &hardware_address_); // kBgscanMethodProperty: Registered in WiFi // kBgscanShortIntervalProperty: Registered in WiFi // kBgscanSignalThresholdProperty: Registered in WiFi // kCellularAllowRoamingProperty: Registered in Cellular // kCarrierProperty: Registered in Cellular // kEsnProperty: Registered in Cellular // kHomeProviderProperty: Registered in Cellular // kImeiProperty: Registered in Cellular // kIccidProperty: Registered in Cellular // kImsiProperty: Registered in Cellular // kManufacturerProperty: Registered in Cellular // kMdnProperty: Registered in Cellular // kMeidProperty: Registered in Cellular // kMinProperty: Registered in Cellular // kModelIDProperty: Registered in Cellular // kFirmwareRevisionProperty: Registered in Cellular // kHardwareRevisionProperty: Registered in Cellular // kPRLVersionProperty: Registered in Cellular // kSIMLockStatusProperty: Registered in Cellular // kFoundNetworksProperty: Registered in Cellular // kDBusObjectProperty: Register in Cellular store_.RegisterConstString(kInterfaceProperty, &link_name_); HelpRegisterConstDerivedRpcIdentifier( kSelectedServiceProperty, &Device::GetSelectedServiceRpcIdentifier); HelpRegisterConstDerivedRpcIdentifiers(kIPConfigsProperty, &Device::AvailableIPConfigs); store_.RegisterConstString(kNameProperty, &link_name_); store_.RegisterConstBool(kPoweredProperty, &enabled_); HelpRegisterConstDerivedString(kTypeProperty, &Device::GetTechnologyString); HelpRegisterConstDerivedUint64(kLinkMonitorResponseTimeProperty, &Device::GetLinkMonitorResponseTime); // TODO(cmasone): Chrome doesn't use this...does anyone? // store_.RegisterConstBool(kReconnectProperty, &reconnect_); // TODO(cmasone): Figure out what shill concept maps to flimflam's "Network". // known_properties_.push_back(kNetworksProperty); // kRoamThresholdProperty: Registered in WiFi // kScanningProperty: Registered in WiFi, Cellular // kScanIntervalProperty: Registered in WiFi, Cellular // kWakeOnWiFiFeaturesEnabledProperty: Registered in WiFi if (manager_ && manager_->device_info()) { // Unit tests may not have these. manager_->device_info()->GetByteCounts( interface_index_, &receive_byte_offset_, &transmit_byte_offset_); HelpRegisterConstDerivedUint64(kReceiveByteCountProperty, &Device::GetReceiveByteCountProperty); HelpRegisterConstDerivedUint64(kTransmitByteCountProperty, &Device::GetTransmitByteCountProperty); } LOG(INFO) << "Device created: " << link_name_ << " index " << interface_index_; } Device::~Device() { LOG(INFO) << "Device destructed: " << link_name_ << " index " << interface_index_; } void Device::Initialize() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Initialized"; DisableArpFiltering(); EnableReversePathFilter(); } void Device::LinkEvent(unsigned flags, unsigned change) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << link_name_ << std::showbase << std::hex << " flags " << flags << " changed " << change << std::dec << std::noshowbase; } void Device::Scan(ScanType scan_type, Error* error, const string& reason) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " [Device] on " << link_name() << " from " << reason; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support scan."); } void Device::SetSchedScan(bool enable, Error* error) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " [Device] on " << link_name(); Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support scheduled scan."); } void Device::RegisterOnNetwork(const std::string& /*network_id*/, Error* error, const ResultCallback& /*callback*/) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support network registration."); } void Device::RequirePIN( const string& /*pin*/, bool /*require*/, Error* error, const ResultCallback& /*callback*/) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support RequirePIN."); } void Device::EnterPIN(const string& /*pin*/, Error* error, const ResultCallback& /*callback*/) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support EnterPIN."); } void Device::UnblockPIN(const string& /*unblock_code*/, const string& /*pin*/, Error* error, const ResultCallback& /*callback*/) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support UnblockPIN."); } void Device::ChangePIN(const string& /*old_pin*/, const string& /*new_pin*/, Error* error, const ResultCallback& /*callback*/) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support ChangePIN."); } void Device::Reset(Error* error, const ResultCallback& /*callback*/) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support Reset."); } void Device::SetCarrier(const string& /*carrier*/, Error* error, const ResultCallback& /*callback*/) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "Device doesn't support SetCarrier."); } bool Device::IsIPv6Allowed() const { return true; } void Device::DisableIPv6() { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6, kIPFlagDisableIPv6, "1"); } void Device::EnableIPv6() { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; if (!IsIPv6Allowed()) { LOG(INFO) << "Skip enabling IPv6 on " << link_name_ << " as it is not allowed."; return; } SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6, kIPFlagDisableIPv6, "0"); } void Device::EnableIPv6Privacy() { SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6, kIPFlagUseTempAddr, kIPFlagUseTempAddrUsedAndDefault); } void Device::SetLooseRouting(bool is_loose_routing) { if (is_loose_routing == is_loose_routing_) { return; } is_loose_routing_ = is_loose_routing; if (is_multi_homed_) { // Nothing to do: loose routing is already enabled, and should remain so. return; } if (is_loose_routing) { DisableReversePathFilter(); } else { EnableReversePathFilter(); } } void Device::DisableReversePathFilter() { // TODO(pstew): Current kernel doesn't offer reverse-path filtering flag // for IPv6. crbug.com/207193 SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4, kIPFlagReversePathFilter, kIPFlagReversePathFilterLooseMode); } void Device::EnableReversePathFilter() { SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4, kIPFlagReversePathFilter, kIPFlagReversePathFilterEnabled); } void Device::SetIsMultiHomed(bool is_multi_homed) { if (is_multi_homed == is_multi_homed_) { return; } LOG(INFO) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << " multi-home state is now " << is_multi_homed; is_multi_homed_ = is_multi_homed; if (is_multi_homed) { EnableArpFiltering(); if (!is_loose_routing_) { DisableReversePathFilter(); } } else { DisableArpFiltering(); if (!is_loose_routing_) { EnableReversePathFilter(); } } } void Device::DisableArpFiltering() { SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4, kIPFlagArpAnnounce, kIPFlagArpAnnounceDefault); SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4, kIPFlagArpIgnore, kIPFlagArpIgnoreDefault); } void Device::EnableArpFiltering() { SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4, kIPFlagArpAnnounce, kIPFlagArpAnnounceBestLocal); SetIPFlag(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4, kIPFlagArpIgnore, kIPFlagArpIgnoreLocalOnly); } bool Device::IsConnected() const { if (selected_service_) return selected_service_->IsConnected(); return false; } bool Device::IsConnectedToService(const ServiceRefPtr& service) const { return service == selected_service_ && IsConnected(); } bool Device::IsConnectedViaTether() const { if (!ipconfig_.get()) return false; ByteArray vendor_encapsulated_options = ipconfig_->properties().vendor_encapsulated_options; size_t android_vendor_encapsulated_options_len = strlen(Tethering::kAndroidVendorEncapsulatedOptions); return (vendor_encapsulated_options.size() == android_vendor_encapsulated_options_len) && !memcmp(&vendor_encapsulated_options[0], Tethering::kAndroidVendorEncapsulatedOptions, vendor_encapsulated_options.size()); } string Device::GetRpcIdentifier() const { return adaptor_->GetRpcIdentifier(); } string Device::GetStorageIdentifier() const { string id = GetRpcIdentifier(); ControlInterface::RpcIdToStorageId(&id); size_t needle = id.find('_'); DLOG_IF(ERROR, needle == string::npos) << "No _ in storage id?!?!"; id.replace(id.begin() + needle + 1, id.end(), hardware_address_); return id; } vector<GeolocationInfo> Device::GetGeolocationObjects() const { return vector<GeolocationInfo>(); } string Device::GetTechnologyString(Error* /*error*/) { return Technology::NameFromIdentifier(technology()); } const string& Device::FriendlyName() const { return link_name_; } const string& Device::UniqueName() const { return unique_id_; } bool Device::Load(StoreInterface* storage) { const string id = GetStorageIdentifier(); if (!storage->ContainsGroup(id)) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device is not available in the persistent store: " << id; return false; } enabled_persistent_ = true; storage->GetBool(id, kStoragePowered, &enabled_persistent_); uint64_t rx_byte_count = 0, tx_byte_count = 0; manager_->device_info()->GetByteCounts( interface_index_, &rx_byte_count, &tx_byte_count); // If there is a byte-count present in the profile, the return value // of Device::Get*ByteCount() should be the this stored value plus // whatever additional bytes we receive since time-of-load. We // accomplish this by the subtractions below, which can validly // roll over "negative" in the subtractions below and in Get*ByteCount. uint64_t profile_byte_count; if (storage->GetUint64(id, kStorageReceiveByteCount, &profile_byte_count)) { receive_byte_offset_ = rx_byte_count - profile_byte_count; } if (storage->GetUint64(id, kStorageTransmitByteCount, &profile_byte_count)) { transmit_byte_offset_ = tx_byte_count - profile_byte_count; } return true; } bool Device::Save(StoreInterface* storage) { const string id = GetStorageIdentifier(); storage->SetBool(id, kStoragePowered, enabled_persistent_); storage->SetUint64(id, kStorageReceiveByteCount, GetReceiveByteCount()); storage->SetUint64(id, kStorageTransmitByteCount, GetTransmitByteCount()); return true; } void Device::OnBeforeSuspend(const ResultCallback& callback) { // Nothing to be done in the general case, so immediately report success. callback.Run(Error(Error::kSuccess)); } void Device::OnAfterResume() { RenewDHCPLease(); if (link_monitor_) { SLOG(this, 3) << "Informing Link Monitor of resume."; link_monitor_->OnAfterResume(); } // Resume from sleep, could be in different location now. // Ignore previous link monitor failures. if (selected_service_) { selected_service_->set_unreliable(false); reliable_link_callback_.Cancel(); } last_link_monitor_failed_time_ = 0; } void Device::OnDarkResume(const ResultCallback& callback) { // Nothing to be done in the general case, so immediately report success. callback.Run(Error(Error::kSuccess)); } void Device::DropConnection() { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; DestroyIPConfig(); SelectService(nullptr); } void Device::DestroyIPConfig() { DisableIPv6(); bool ipconfig_changed = false; if (ipconfig_.get()) { ipconfig_->ReleaseIP(IPConfig::kReleaseReasonDisconnect); ipconfig_ = nullptr; ipconfig_changed = true; } if (ip6config_.get()) { StopIPv6DNSServerTimer(); ip6config_ = nullptr; ipconfig_changed = true; } if (dhcpv6_config_.get()) { dhcpv6_config_->ReleaseIP(IPConfig::kReleaseReasonDisconnect); dhcpv6_config_ = nullptr; ipconfig_changed = true; } // Emit updated IP configs if there are any changes. if (ipconfig_changed) { UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } DestroyConnection(); } void Device::OnIPv6AddressChanged() { IPAddress address(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6); if (!manager_->device_info()->GetPrimaryIPv6Address( interface_index_, &address)) { if (ip6config_) { ip6config_ = nullptr; UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } return; } IPConfig::Properties properties; if (!address.IntoString(&properties.address)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to convert IPv6 address into a string!"; return; } properties.subnet_prefix = address.prefix(); if (!ip6config_) { ip6config_ = new IPConfig(control_interface_, link_name_); } else if (properties.address == ip6config_->properties().address && properties.subnet_prefix == ip6config_->properties().subnet_prefix) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " primary address for " << link_name_ << " is unchanged."; return; } properties.address_family = IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6; properties.method = kTypeIPv6; // It is possible for device to receive DNS server notification before IP // address notification, so preserve the saved DNS server if it exist. properties.dns_servers = ip6config_->properties().dns_servers; PrependDNSServers(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6, &properties.dns_servers); ip6config_->set_properties(properties); UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); OnIPv6ConfigUpdated(); } void Device::OnIPv6DnsServerAddressesChanged() { vector<IPAddress> server_addresses; uint32_t lifetime = 0; // Stop any existing timer. StopIPv6DNSServerTimer(); if (!manager_->device_info()->GetIPv6DnsServerAddresses( interface_index_, &server_addresses, &lifetime) || lifetime == 0) { IPv6DNSServerExpired(); return; } vector<string> addresses_str; for (const auto& ip : server_addresses) { string address_str; if (!ip.IntoString(&address_str)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to convert IPv6 address into a string!"; IPv6DNSServerExpired(); return; } addresses_str.push_back(address_str); } if (!ip6config_) { ip6config_ = new IPConfig(control_interface_, link_name_); } if (lifetime != ND_OPT_LIFETIME_INFINITY) { // Setup timer to monitor DNS server lifetime if not infinite lifetime. StartIPv6DNSServerTimer(lifetime); ip6config_->UpdateLeaseExpirationTime(lifetime); } else { ip6config_->ResetLeaseExpirationTime(); } PrependDNSServers(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6, &addresses_str); // Done if no change in server addresses. if (ip6config_->properties().dns_servers == addresses_str) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " IPv6 DNS server list for " << link_name_ << " is unchanged."; return; } ip6config_->UpdateDNSServers(addresses_str); UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); OnIPv6ConfigUpdated(); } void Device::StartIPv6DNSServerTimer(uint32_t lifetime_seconds) { int64_t delay = static_cast<int64_t>(lifetime_seconds) * 1000; ipv6_dns_server_expired_callback_.Reset( base::Bind(&Device::IPv6DNSServerExpired, base::Unretained(this))); dispatcher_->PostDelayedTask(ipv6_dns_server_expired_callback_.callback(), delay); } void Device::StopIPv6DNSServerTimer() { ipv6_dns_server_expired_callback_.Cancel(); } void Device::IPv6DNSServerExpired() { if (!ip6config_) { return; } ip6config_->UpdateDNSServers(vector<string>()); UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } void Device::StopAllActivities() { StopTrafficMonitor(); StopPortalDetection(); StopConnectivityTest(); StopConnectionDiagnostics(); StopLinkMonitor(); StopDNSTest(); StopIPv6DNSServerTimer(); } void Device::AddWakeOnPacketConnection(const string& ip_endpoint, Error* error) { Error::PopulateAndLog( FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "AddWakeOnPacketConnection not implemented for " + link_name_ + "."); return; } void Device::RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection(const string& ip_endpoint, Error* error) { Error::PopulateAndLog( FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "RemoveWakeOnPacketConnection not implemented for " + link_name_ + "."); return; } void Device::RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections(Error* error) { Error::PopulateAndLog( FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotSupported, "RemoveAllWakeOnPacketConnections not implemented for " + link_name_ + "."); return; } void Device::RenewDHCPLease() { LOG(INFO) << __func__; if (ipconfig_) { SLOG(this, 3) << "Renewing IPv4 Address"; ipconfig_->RenewIP(); } if (ip6config_) { SLOG(this, 3) << "Waiting for new IPv6 configuration"; // Invalidate the old IPv6 configuration, will receive notifications // from kernel for new IPv6 configuration if there is one. StopIPv6DNSServerTimer(); ip6config_ = nullptr; UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } if (dhcpv6_config_) { SLOG(this, 3) << "Renewing DHCPv6 lease"; dhcpv6_config_->RenewIP(); } } bool Device::ShouldUseArpGateway() const { return false; } bool Device::IsUsingStaticIP() const { if (!selected_service_) { return false; } return selected_service_->HasStaticIPAddress(); } bool Device::IsUsingStaticNameServers() const { if (!selected_service_) { return false; } return selected_service_->HasStaticNameServers(); } bool Device::AcquireIPConfig() { return AcquireIPConfigWithLeaseName(string()); } bool Device::AcquireIPConfigWithLeaseName(const string& lease_name) { DestroyIPConfig(); EnableIPv6(); bool arp_gateway = manager_->GetArpGateway() && ShouldUseArpGateway(); DHCPConfigRefPtr dhcp_config; if (selected_service_) { dhcp_config = dhcp_provider_->CreateIPv4Config( link_name_, lease_name, arp_gateway, *(DhcpProperties::Combine( manager_->dhcp_properties(), selected_service_->dhcp_properties()))); } else { dhcp_config = dhcp_provider_->CreateIPv4Config(link_name_, lease_name, arp_gateway, manager_->dhcp_properties()); } const int minimum_mtu = manager()->GetMinimumMTU(); if (minimum_mtu != IPConfig::kUndefinedMTU) { dhcp_config->set_minimum_mtu(minimum_mtu); } ipconfig_ = dhcp_config; ipconfig_->RegisterUpdateCallback(Bind(&Device::OnIPConfigUpdated, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); ipconfig_->RegisterFailureCallback(Bind(&Device::OnIPConfigFailed, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); ipconfig_->RegisterRefreshCallback(Bind(&Device::OnIPConfigRefreshed, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); ipconfig_->RegisterExpireCallback(Bind(&Device::OnIPConfigExpired, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); dispatcher_->PostTask(Bind(&Device::ConfigureStaticIPTask, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); if (!ipconfig_->RequestIP()) { return false; } #ifndef DISABLE_DHCPV6 // Only start DHCPv6 configuration instance only if DHCPv6 is enabled // for this device. if (manager_->IsDHCPv6EnabledForDevice(link_name_)) { return AcquireIPv6ConfigWithLeaseName(lease_name); } #endif // DISABLE_DHCPV6 return true; } #ifndef DISABLE_DHCPV6 bool Device::AcquireIPv6ConfigWithLeaseName(const string& lease_name) { auto dhcpv6_config = dhcp_provider_->CreateIPv6Config(link_name_, lease_name); dhcpv6_config_ = dhcpv6_config; dhcpv6_config_->RegisterUpdateCallback( Bind(&Device::OnDHCPv6ConfigUpdated, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); dhcpv6_config_->RegisterFailureCallback( Bind(&Device::OnDHCPv6ConfigFailed, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); dhcpv6_config_->RegisterExpireCallback( Bind(&Device::OnDHCPv6ConfigExpired, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); if (!dhcpv6_config_->RequestIP()) { return false; } return true; } #endif // DISABLE_DHCPV6 void Device::AssignIPConfig(const IPConfig::Properties& properties) { DestroyIPConfig(); EnableIPv6(); ipconfig_ = new IPConfig(control_interface_, link_name_); ipconfig_->set_properties(properties); dispatcher_->PostTask(Bind(&Device::OnIPConfigUpdated, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), ipconfig_, true)); } void Device::DestroyIPConfigLease(const string& name) { dhcp_provider_->DestroyLease(name); } void Device::HelpRegisterConstDerivedString( const string& name, string(Device::*get)(Error* error)) { store_.RegisterDerivedString( name, StringAccessor(new CustomAccessor<Device, string>(this, get, nullptr))); } void Device::HelpRegisterConstDerivedRpcIdentifier( const string& name, RpcIdentifier(Device::*get)(Error* error)) { store_.RegisterDerivedRpcIdentifier( name, RpcIdentifierAccessor( new CustomAccessor<Device, RpcIdentifier>(this, get, nullptr))); } void Device::HelpRegisterConstDerivedRpcIdentifiers( const string& name, RpcIdentifiers(Device::*get)(Error*)) { store_.RegisterDerivedRpcIdentifiers( name, RpcIdentifiersAccessor( new CustomAccessor<Device, RpcIdentifiers>(this, get, nullptr))); } void Device::HelpRegisterConstDerivedUint64( const string& name, uint64_t(Device::*get)(Error*)) { store_.RegisterDerivedUint64( name, Uint64Accessor( new CustomAccessor<Device, uint64_t>(this, get, nullptr))); } void Device::ConnectionTesterCallback() { LOG(INFO) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Completed Connectivity Test"; return; } void Device::ConfigureStaticIPTask() { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " selected_service " << selected_service_.get() << " ipconfig " << ipconfig_.get(); if (!selected_service_ || !ipconfig_) { return; } if (IsUsingStaticIP()) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " " << " configuring static IP parameters."; // If the parameters contain an IP address, apply them now and bring // the interface up. When DHCP information arrives, it will supplement // the static information. OnIPConfigUpdated(ipconfig_, true); } else { // Either |ipconfig_| has just been created in AcquireIPConfig() or // we're being called by OnIPConfigRefreshed(). In either case a // DHCP client has been started, and will take care of calling // OnIPConfigUpdated() when it completes. SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " " << " no static IP address."; } } bool Device::IPConfigCompleted(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { return ipconfig && !ipconfig->properties().address.empty() && !ipconfig->properties().dns_servers.empty(); } void Device::OnIPv6ConfigUpdated() { // Setup connection using IPv6 configuration only if the IPv6 configuration // is ready for connection (contained both IP address and DNS servers), and // there is no existing IPv4 connection. We always prefer IPv4 // configuration over IPv6. if (IPConfigCompleted(ip6config_) && (!connection_ || connection_->IsIPv6())) { SetupConnection(ip6config_); } } void Device::SetupConnection(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { CreateConnection(); connection_->UpdateFromIPConfig(ipconfig); // Report connection type. Metrics::NetworkConnectionIPType ip_type = connection_->IsIPv6() ? Metrics::kNetworkConnectionIPTypeIPv6 : Metrics::kNetworkConnectionIPTypeIPv4; metrics_->NotifyNetworkConnectionIPType(technology_, ip_type); // Report if device have IPv6 connectivity bool ipv6_connectivity = IPConfigCompleted(ip6config_); metrics_->NotifyIPv6ConnectivityStatus(technology_, ipv6_connectivity); // SetConnection must occur after the UpdateFromIPConfig so the // service can use the values derived from the connection. if (selected_service_) { selected_service_->SetConnection(connection_); // The service state change needs to happen last, so that at the // time we report the state change to the manager, the service // has its connection. SetServiceState(Service::kStateConnected); OnConnected(); portal_attempts_to_online_ = 0; // Subtle: Start portal detection after transitioning the service // to the Connected state because this call may immediately transition // to the Online state. StartPortalDetection(); } SetHostname(ipconfig->properties().accepted_hostname); StartLinkMonitor(); StartTrafficMonitor(); } bool Device::SetHostname(const std::string& hostname) { if (hostname.empty() || !manager()->ShouldAcceptHostnameFrom(link_name_)) { return false; } string fixed_hostname = hostname; if (fixed_hostname.length() > MAXHOSTNAMELEN) { auto truncate_length = fixed_hostname.find('.'); if (truncate_length == string::npos || truncate_length > MAXHOSTNAMELEN) { truncate_length = MAXHOSTNAMELEN; } fixed_hostname.resize(truncate_length); } return manager_->device_info()->SetHostname(fixed_hostname); } void Device::PrependDNSServersIntoIPConfig(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { const auto& properties = ipconfig->properties(); vector<string> servers(properties.dns_servers.begin(), properties.dns_servers.end()); PrependDNSServers(properties.address_family, &servers); if (servers == properties.dns_servers) { // If the server list is the same after being augmented then there's no need // to update the config's list of servers. return; } ipconfig->UpdateDNSServers(servers); } void Device::PrependDNSServers(const IPAddress::Family family, vector<string>* servers) { vector<string>output_servers = manager_->FilterPrependDNSServersByFamily(family); set<string> unique(output_servers.begin(), output_servers.end()); for (const auto& server : *servers) { if (unique.find(server) == unique.end()) { output_servers.push_back(server); unique.insert(server); } } servers->swap(output_servers); } void Device::ConnectionDiagnosticsCallback( const std::string& connection_issue, const std::vector<ConnectionDiagnostics::Event>& diagnostic_events) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Completed Connection diagnostics"; // TODO(samueltan): add connection diagnostics metrics. } void Device::OnIPConfigUpdated(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig, bool /*new_lease_acquired*/) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; if (selected_service_) { ipconfig->ApplyStaticIPParameters( selected_service_->mutable_static_ip_parameters()); if (IsUsingStaticIP()) { // If we are using a statically configured IP address instead // of a leased IP address, release any acquired lease so it may // be used by others. This allows us to merge other non-leased // parameters (like DNS) when they're available from a DHCP server // and not overridden by static parameters, but at the same time // we avoid taking up a dynamic IP address the DHCP server could // assign to someone else who might actually use it. ipconfig->ReleaseIP(IPConfig::kReleaseReasonStaticIP); } } if (!IsUsingStaticNameServers()) { PrependDNSServersIntoIPConfig(ipconfig); } SetupConnection(ipconfig); UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } void Device::OnIPConfigFailed(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; // TODO(pstew): This logic gets yet more complex when multiple // IPConfig types are run in parallel (e.g. DHCP and DHCP6) if (selected_service_) { if (IsUsingStaticIP()) { // Consider three cases: // // 1. We're here because DHCP failed while starting up. There // are two subcases: // a. DHCP has failed, and Static IP config has _not yet_ // completed. It's fine to do nothing, because we'll // apply the static config shortly. // b. DHCP has failed, and Static IP config has _already_ // completed. It's fine to do nothing, because we can // continue to use the static config that's already // been applied. // // 2. We're here because a previously valid DHCP configuration // is no longer valid. There's still a static IP config, // because the condition in the if clause evaluated to true. // Furthermore, the static config includes an IP address for // us to use. // // The current configuration may include some DHCP // parameters, overriden by any static parameters // provided. We continue to use this configuration, because // the only configuration element that is leased to us (IP // address) will be overriden by a static parameter. return; } } ipconfig->ResetProperties(); UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); // Fallback to IPv6 if possible. if (IPConfigCompleted(ip6config_)) { if (!connection_ || !connection_->IsIPv6()) { // Setup IPv6 connection. SetupConnection(ip6config_); } else { // Ignore IPv4 config failure, since IPv6 is up. } return; } OnIPConfigFailure(); DestroyConnection(); } void Device::OnIPConfigRefreshed(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { // Clear the previously applied static IP parameters. ipconfig->RestoreSavedIPParameters( selected_service_->mutable_static_ip_parameters()); dispatcher_->PostTask(Bind(&Device::ConfigureStaticIPTask, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } void Device::OnIPConfigFailure() { if (selected_service_) { Error error; selected_service_->DisconnectWithFailure(Service::kFailureDHCP, &error, __func__); } } void Device::OnIPConfigExpired(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { metrics()->SendToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName( Metrics::kMetricExpiredLeaseLengthSecondsSuffix, technology()), ipconfig->properties().lease_duration_seconds, Metrics::kMetricExpiredLeaseLengthSecondsMin, Metrics::kMetricExpiredLeaseLengthSecondsMax, Metrics::kMetricExpiredLeaseLengthSecondsNumBuckets); } void Device::OnDHCPv6ConfigUpdated(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig, bool /*new_lease_acquired*/) { // Emit configuration update. UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } void Device::OnDHCPv6ConfigFailed(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { // Reset configuration data. ipconfig->ResetProperties(); UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } void Device::OnDHCPv6ConfigExpired(const IPConfigRefPtr& ipconfig) { // Reset configuration data. ipconfig->ResetProperties(); UpdateIPConfigsProperty(); } void Device::OnConnected() { if (selected_service_->unreliable()) { // Post a delayed task to reset link back to reliable if no link // failure is detected in the next 5 minutes. reliable_link_callback_.Reset( base::Bind(&Device::OnReliableLink, base::Unretained(this))); dispatcher_->PostDelayedTask( reliable_link_callback_.callback(), kLinkUnreliableThresholdSeconds * 1000); } } void Device::OnConnectionUpdated() { if (selected_service_) { manager_->UpdateService(selected_service_); } } void Device::CreateConnection() { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__; if (!connection_.get()) { connection_ = new Connection(interface_index_, link_name_, technology_, manager_->device_info(), control_interface_); } } void Device::DestroyConnection() { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " on " << link_name_; StopAllActivities(); if (selected_service_.get()) { SLOG(this, 3) << "Clearing connection of service " << selected_service_->unique_name(); selected_service_->SetConnection(nullptr); } connection_ = nullptr; } void Device::SelectService(const ServiceRefPtr& service) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": service " << (service ? service->unique_name() : "*reset*") << " on " << link_name_; if (selected_service_.get() == service.get()) { // No change to |selected_service_|. Return early to avoid // changing its state. return; } if (selected_service_.get()) { if (selected_service_->state() != Service::kStateFailure) { selected_service_->SetState(Service::kStateIdle); } // Just in case the Device subclass has not already done so, make // sure the previously selected service has its connection removed. selected_service_->SetConnection(nullptr); // Reset link status for the previously selected service. selected_service_->set_unreliable(false); reliable_link_callback_.Cancel(); StopAllActivities(); } // Newly selected service (network), previous failures doesn't apply // anymore. last_link_monitor_failed_time_ = 0; selected_service_ = service; adaptor_->EmitRpcIdentifierChanged( kSelectedServiceProperty, GetSelectedServiceRpcIdentifier(nullptr)); } void Device::SetServiceState(Service::ConnectState state) { if (selected_service_.get()) { selected_service_->SetState(state); } } void Device::SetServiceFailure(Service::ConnectFailure failure_state) { if (selected_service_.get()) { selected_service_->SetFailure(failure_state); } } void Device::SetServiceFailureSilent(Service::ConnectFailure failure_state) { if (selected_service_.get()) { selected_service_->SetFailureSilent(failure_state); } } bool Device::SetIPFlag(IPAddress::Family family, const string& flag, const string& value) { string ip_version; if (family == IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4) { ip_version = kIPFlagVersion4; } else if (family == IPAddress::kFamilyIPv6) { ip_version = kIPFlagVersion6; } else { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } FilePath flag_file(StringPrintf(kIPFlagTemplate, ip_version.c_str(), link_name_.c_str(), flag.c_str())); SLOG(this, 2) << "Writing " << value << " to flag file " << flag_file.value(); if (base::WriteFile(flag_file, value.c_str(), value.length()) != 1) { string message = StringPrintf("IP flag write failed: %s to %s", value.c_str(), flag_file.value().c_str()); if (!base::PathExists(flag_file) && ContainsValue(written_flags_, flag_file.value())) { SLOG(this, 2) << message << " (device is no longer present?)"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << message; } return false; } else { written_flags_.insert(flag_file.value()); } return true; } string Device::PerformTDLSOperation(const string& /* operation */, const string& /* peer */, Error* /* error */) { return ""; } void Device::ResetByteCounters() { manager_->device_info()->GetByteCounts( interface_index_, &receive_byte_offset_, &transmit_byte_offset_); manager_->UpdateDevice(this); } bool Device::RestartPortalDetection() { StopPortalDetection(); return StartPortalDetection(); } bool Device::RequestPortalDetection() { if (!selected_service_) { SLOG(this, 2) << FriendlyName() << ": No selected service, so no need for portal check."; return false; } if (!connection_.get()) { SLOG(this, 2) << FriendlyName() << ": No connection, so no need for portal check."; return false; } if (selected_service_->state() != Service::kStatePortal) { SLOG(this, 2) << FriendlyName() << ": Service is not in portal state. " << "No need to start check."; return false; } if (!connection_->is_default()) { SLOG(this, 2) << FriendlyName() << ": Service is not the default connection. " << "Don't start check."; return false; } if (portal_detector_.get() && portal_detector_->IsInProgress()) { SLOG(this, 2) << FriendlyName() << ": Portal detection is already running."; return true; } return StartPortalDetection(); } bool Device::StartPortalDetection() { DCHECK(selected_service_); if (selected_service_->IsPortalDetectionDisabled()) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Service " << selected_service_->unique_name() << ": Portal detection is disabled; " << "marking service online."; SetServiceConnectedState(Service::kStateOnline); return false; } if (selected_service_->IsPortalDetectionAuto() && !manager_->IsPortalDetectionEnabled(technology())) { // If portal detection is disabled for this technology, immediately set // the service state to "Online". SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Portal detection is disabled; " << "marking service online."; SetServiceConnectedState(Service::kStateOnline); return false; } if (selected_service_->HasProxyConfig()) { // Services with HTTP proxy configurations should not be checked by the // connection manager, since we don't have the ability to evaluate // arbitrary proxy configs and their possible credentials. SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Service has proxy config; marking it online."; SetServiceConnectedState(Service::kStateOnline); return false; } portal_detector_.reset(new PortalDetector(connection_, dispatcher_, portal_detector_callback_)); if (!portal_detector_->Start(manager_->GetPortalCheckURL())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Portal detection failed to start: likely bad URL: " << manager_->GetPortalCheckURL(); SetServiceConnectedState(Service::kStateOnline); return false; } SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Portal detection has started."; return true; } void Device::StopPortalDetection() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Portal detection stopping."; portal_detector_.reset(); } bool Device::StartConnectionDiagnosticsAfterPortalDetection( const PortalDetector::Result& result) { connection_diagnostics_.reset(new ConnectionDiagnostics( connection_, dispatcher_, metrics_, manager_->device_info(), connection_diagnostics_callback_)); if (!connection_diagnostics_->StartAfterPortalDetection( manager_->GetPortalCheckURL(), result)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Connection diagnostics failed to start: likely bad URL: " << manager_->GetPortalCheckURL(); connection_diagnostics_.reset(); return false; } SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Connection diagnostics has started."; return true; } void Device::StopConnectionDiagnostics() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Connection diagnostics stopping."; connection_diagnostics_.reset(); } bool Device::StartConnectivityTest() { LOG(INFO) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << " starting connectivity test."; connection_tester_.reset(new ConnectionTester(connection_, dispatcher_, connection_tester_callback_)); connection_tester_->Start(); return true; } void Device::StopConnectivityTest() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Connectivity test stopping."; connection_tester_.reset(); } void Device::set_link_monitor(LinkMonitor* link_monitor) { link_monitor_.reset(link_monitor); } bool Device::StartLinkMonitor() { if (!manager_->IsTechnologyLinkMonitorEnabled(technology())) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Link Monitoring is disabled."; return false; } if (selected_service_ && selected_service_->link_monitor_disabled()) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Link Monitoring is disabled for the selected service"; return false; } if (!link_monitor()) { set_link_monitor( new LinkMonitor( connection_, dispatcher_, metrics(), manager_->device_info(), Bind(&Device::OnLinkMonitorFailure, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), Bind(&Device::OnLinkMonitorGatewayChange, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))); } SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Link Monitor starting."; return link_monitor_->Start(); } void Device::StopLinkMonitor() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Link Monitor stopping."; link_monitor_.reset(); } void Device::OnUnreliableLink() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Link is unreliable."; selected_service_->set_unreliable(true); reliable_link_callback_.Cancel(); metrics_->NotifyUnreliableLinkSignalStrength( technology_, selected_service_->strength()); } void Device::OnReliableLink() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Link is reliable."; selected_service_->set_unreliable(false); // TODO(zqiu): report signal strength to UMA. } void Device::OnLinkMonitorFailure() { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Link Monitor indicates failure."; if (!selected_service_) { return; } time_t now; time_->GetSecondsBoottime(&now); if (last_link_monitor_failed_time_ != 0 && now - last_link_monitor_failed_time_ < kLinkUnreliableThresholdSeconds) { OnUnreliableLink(); } last_link_monitor_failed_time_ = now; } void Device::OnLinkMonitorGatewayChange() { string gateway_mac = link_monitor()->gateway_mac_address().HexEncode(); int connection_id = manager_->CalcConnectionId( ipconfig_->properties().gateway, gateway_mac); CHECK(selected_service_); selected_service_->set_connection_id(connection_id); manager_->ReportServicesOnSameNetwork(connection_id); } bool Device::StartDNSTest( const vector<string>& dns_servers, bool retry_until_success, const Callback<void(const DNSServerTester::Status)>& callback) { if (dns_server_tester_.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << FriendlyName() << ": " << "Failed to start DNS Test: current test still running"; return false; } dns_server_tester_.reset(new DNSServerTester(connection_, dispatcher_, dns_servers, retry_until_success, callback)); dns_server_tester_->Start(); return true; } void Device::StopDNSTest() { dns_server_tester_.reset(); } void Device::FallbackDNSResultCallback(const DNSServerTester::Status status) { StopDNSTest(); int result = Metrics::kFallbackDNSTestResultFailure; if (status == DNSServerTester::kStatusSuccess) { result = Metrics::kFallbackDNSTestResultSuccess; // Switch to fallback DNS server if service is configured to allow DNS // fallback. CHECK(selected_service_); if (selected_service_->is_dns_auto_fallback_allowed()) { LOG(INFO) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Switching to fallback DNS servers."; // Save the DNS servers from ipconfig. config_dns_servers_ = ipconfig_->properties().dns_servers; SwitchDNSServers(vector<string>(std::begin(kFallbackDnsServers), std::end(kFallbackDnsServers))); // Start DNS test for configured DNS servers. StartDNSTest(config_dns_servers_, true, Bind(&Device::ConfigDNSResultCallback, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } } metrics()->NotifyFallbackDNSTestResult(technology_, result); } void Device::ConfigDNSResultCallback(const DNSServerTester::Status status) { StopDNSTest(); // DNS test failed to start due to internal error. if (status == DNSServerTester::kStatusFailure) { return; } // Switch back to the configured DNS servers. LOG(INFO) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Switching back to configured DNS servers."; SwitchDNSServers(config_dns_servers_); } void Device::SwitchDNSServers(const vector<string>& dns_servers) { CHECK(ipconfig_); CHECK(connection_); // Push new DNS servers setting to the IP config object. ipconfig_->UpdateDNSServers(dns_servers); // Push new DNS servers setting to the current connection, so the resolver // will be updated to use the new DNS servers. connection_->UpdateDNSServers(dns_servers); // Allow the service to notify Chrome of ipconfig changes. selected_service_->NotifyIPConfigChanges(); // Restart the portal detection with the new DNS setting. RestartPortalDetection(); } void Device::set_traffic_monitor(TrafficMonitor* traffic_monitor) { traffic_monitor_.reset(traffic_monitor); } bool Device::TimeToNextDHCPLeaseRenewal(uint32_t* result) { if (!ipconfig() && !ip6config()) { return false; } uint32_t time_to_ipv4_lease_expiry = UINT32_MAX; uint32_t time_to_ipv6_lease_expiry = UINT32_MAX; if (ipconfig()) { ipconfig()->TimeToLeaseExpiry(&time_to_ipv4_lease_expiry); } if (ip6config()) { ip6config()->TimeToLeaseExpiry(&time_to_ipv6_lease_expiry); } *result = std::min(time_to_ipv4_lease_expiry, time_to_ipv6_lease_expiry); return true; } bool Device::IsTrafficMonitorEnabled() const { return false; } void Device::StartTrafficMonitor() { // Return if traffic monitor is not enabled for this device. if (!IsTrafficMonitorEnabled()) { return; } SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Traffic Monitor starting."; if (!traffic_monitor_.get()) { traffic_monitor_.reset(new TrafficMonitor(this, dispatcher_)); traffic_monitor_->set_network_problem_detected_callback( Bind(&Device::OnEncounterNetworkProblem, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } traffic_monitor_->Start(); } void Device::StopTrafficMonitor() { // Return if traffic monitor is not enabled for this device. if (!IsTrafficMonitorEnabled()) { return; } if (traffic_monitor_.get()) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Traffic Monitor stopping."; traffic_monitor_->Stop(); } traffic_monitor_.reset(); } void Device::OnEncounterNetworkProblem(int reason) { int metric_code; switch (reason) { case TrafficMonitor::kNetworkProblemCongestedTxQueue: metric_code = Metrics::kNetworkProblemCongestedTCPTxQueue; break; case TrafficMonitor::kNetworkProblemDNSFailure: metric_code = Metrics::kNetworkProblemDNSFailure; break; default: LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid network problem code: " << reason; return; } metrics()->NotifyNetworkProblemDetected(technology_, metric_code); // Stop the traffic monitor, only report the first network problem detected // on the connection for now. StopTrafficMonitor(); } void Device::SetServiceConnectedState(Service::ConnectState state) { DCHECK(selected_service_.get()); if (!selected_service_.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << FriendlyName() << ": " << "Portal detection completed but no selected service exists!"; return; } if (!selected_service_->IsConnected()) { LOG(ERROR) << FriendlyName() << ": " << "Portal detection completed but selected service " << selected_service_->unique_name() << " is in non-connected state."; return; } if (state == Service::kStatePortal && connection_->is_default() && manager_->GetPortalCheckInterval() != 0) { CHECK(portal_detector_.get()); if (!portal_detector_->StartAfterDelay( manager_->GetPortalCheckURL(), manager_->GetPortalCheckInterval())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Portal detection failed to restart: likely bad URL: " << manager_->GetPortalCheckURL(); SetServiceState(Service::kStateOnline); portal_detector_.reset(); return; } SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Portal detection retrying."; } else { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Portal will not retry."; portal_detector_.reset(); } SetServiceState(state); } void Device::PortalDetectorCallback(const PortalDetector::Result& result) { if (!result.final) { SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Received non-final status: " << ConnectivityTrial::StatusToString( result.trial_result.status); return; } SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << FriendlyName() << ": Received final status: " << ConnectivityTrial::StatusToString( result.trial_result.status); portal_attempts_to_online_ += result.num_attempts; int portal_status = Metrics::PortalDetectionResultToEnum(result); metrics()->SendEnumToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName(Metrics::kMetricPortalResultSuffix, technology()), portal_status, Metrics::kPortalResultMax); if (result.trial_result.status == ConnectivityTrial::kStatusSuccess) { SetServiceConnectedState(Service::kStateOnline); metrics()->SendToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName( Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsToOnlineSuffix, technology()), portal_attempts_to_online_, Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsToOnlineMin, Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsToOnlineMax, Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsToOnlineNumBuckets); } else { // Set failure phase and status. if (selected_service_.get()) { selected_service_->SetPortalDetectionFailure( ConnectivityTrial::PhaseToString(result.trial_result.phase), ConnectivityTrial::StatusToString(result.trial_result.status)); } SetServiceConnectedState(Service::kStatePortal); metrics()->SendToUMA( metrics()->GetFullMetricName( Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsSuffix, technology()), result.num_attempts, Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsMin, Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsMax, Metrics::kMetricPortalAttemptsNumBuckets); StartConnectionDiagnosticsAfterPortalDetection(result); // TODO(zqiu): Only support fallback DNS server for IPv4 for now. if (connection_->IsIPv6()) { return; } // Perform fallback DNS test if the portal failure is DNS related. // The test will send a DNS request to Google's DNS server to determine // if the DNS failure is due to bad DNS server settings. if ((portal_status == Metrics::kPortalResultDNSFailure) || (portal_status == Metrics::kPortalResultDNSTimeout)) { StartDNSTest(vector<string>(std::begin(kFallbackDnsServers), std::end(kFallbackDnsServers)), false, Bind(&Device::FallbackDNSResultCallback, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } } } string Device::GetSelectedServiceRpcIdentifier(Error* /*error*/) { if (!selected_service_) { return "/"; } return selected_service_->GetRpcIdentifier(); } vector<string> Device::AvailableIPConfigs(Error* /*error*/) { vector<string> ipconfigs; if (ipconfig_) { ipconfigs.push_back(ipconfig_->GetRpcIdentifier()); } if (ip6config_) { ipconfigs.push_back(ip6config_->GetRpcIdentifier()); } if (dhcpv6_config_) { ipconfigs.push_back(dhcpv6_config_->GetRpcIdentifier()); } return ipconfigs; } uint64_t Device::GetLinkMonitorResponseTime(Error* error) { if (!link_monitor_.get()) { // It is not strictly an error that the link monitor does not // exist, but returning an error here allows the GetProperties // call in our Adaptor to omit this parameter. error->Populate(Error::kNotFound, "Device is not running LinkMonitor"); return 0; } return link_monitor_->GetResponseTimeMilliseconds(); } uint64_t Device::GetReceiveByteCount() { uint64_t rx_byte_count = 0, tx_byte_count = 0; manager_->device_info()->GetByteCounts( interface_index_, &rx_byte_count, &tx_byte_count); return rx_byte_count - receive_byte_offset_; } uint64_t Device::GetTransmitByteCount() { uint64_t rx_byte_count = 0, tx_byte_count = 0; manager_->device_info()->GetByteCounts( interface_index_, &rx_byte_count, &tx_byte_count); return tx_byte_count - transmit_byte_offset_; } uint64_t Device::GetReceiveByteCountProperty(Error* /*error*/) { return GetReceiveByteCount(); } uint64_t Device::GetTransmitByteCountProperty(Error* /*error*/) { return GetTransmitByteCount(); } bool Device::IsUnderlyingDeviceEnabled() const { return false; } // callback void Device::OnEnabledStateChanged(const ResultCallback& callback, const Error& error) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << " (target: " << enabled_pending_ << "," << " success: " << error.IsSuccess() << ")" << " on " << link_name_; if (error.IsSuccess()) { enabled_ = enabled_pending_; manager_->UpdateEnabledTechnologies(); adaptor_->EmitBoolChanged(kPoweredProperty, enabled_); } enabled_pending_ = enabled_; if (!callback.is_null()) callback.Run(error); } void Device::SetEnabled(bool enable) { SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << "(" << enable << ")"; Error error; SetEnabledChecked(enable, false, &error, ResultCallback()); // SetEnabledInternal might fail here if there is an unfinished enable or // disable operation. Don't log error in this case, as this method is only // called when the underlying device is already in the target state and the // pending operation should eventually bring the device to the expected // state. LOG_IF(ERROR, error.IsFailure() && !error.IsOngoing() && error.type() != Error::kInProgress) << "Enabled failed, but no way to report the failure."; } void Device::SetEnabledNonPersistent(bool enable, Error* error, const ResultCallback& callback) { SetEnabledChecked(enable, false, error, callback); } void Device::SetEnabledPersistent(bool enable, Error* error, const ResultCallback& callback) { SetEnabledChecked(enable, true, error, callback); } void Device::SetEnabledChecked(bool enable, bool persist, Error* error, const ResultCallback& callback) { DCHECK(error); SLOG(this, 2) << "Device " << link_name_ << " " << (enable ? "starting" : "stopping"); if (enable && manager_->IsTechnologyProhibited(technology())) { error->Populate(Error::kPermissionDenied, "The " + Technology::NameFromIdentifier(technology()) + " technology is prohibited"); return; } if (enable == enabled_) { if (enable != enabled_pending_ && persist) { // Return an error, as there is an ongoing operation to achieve the // opposite. Error::PopulateAndLog( FROM_HERE, error, Error::kOperationFailed, enable ? "Cannot enable while the device is disabling." : "Cannot disable while the device is enabling."); return; } LOG(INFO) << "Already in desired enable state."; error->Reset(); return; } if (enabled_pending_ == enable) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInProgress, "Enable operation already in progress"); return; } if (persist) { enabled_persistent_ = enable; manager_->UpdateDevice(this); } SetEnabledUnchecked(enable, error, callback); } void Device::SetEnabledUnchecked(bool enable, Error* error, const ResultCallback& on_enable_complete) { enabled_pending_ = enable; EnabledStateChangedCallback chained_callback = Bind(&Device::OnEnabledStateChanged, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), on_enable_complete); if (enable) { running_ = true; Start(error, chained_callback); } else { running_ = false; DestroyIPConfig(); // breaks a reference cycle SelectService(nullptr); // breaks a reference cycle rtnl_handler_->SetInterfaceFlags(interface_index(), 0, IFF_UP); SLOG(this, 3) << "Device " << link_name_ << " ipconfig_ " << (ipconfig_ ? "is set." : "is not set."); SLOG(this, 3) << "Device " << link_name_ << " ip6config_ " << (ip6config_ ? "is set." : "is not set."); SLOG(this, 3) << "Device " << link_name_ << " connection_ " << (connection_ ? "is set." : "is not set."); SLOG(this, 3) << "Device " << link_name_ << " selected_service_ " << (selected_service_ ? "is set." : "is not set."); Stop(error, chained_callback); } } void Device::UpdateIPConfigsProperty() { adaptor_->EmitRpcIdentifierArrayChanged( kIPConfigsProperty, AvailableIPConfigs(nullptr)); } bool Device::ResolvePeerMacAddress(const string& input, string* output, Error* error) { if (!MakeHardwareAddressFromString(input).empty()) { // Input is already a MAC address. *output = input; return true; } IPAddress ip_address(IPAddress::kFamilyIPv4); if (!ip_address.SetAddressFromString(input)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "Peer is neither an IP Address nor a MAC address"); return false; } // Peer address was specified as an IP address which we need to resolve. const DeviceInfo* device_info = manager()->device_info(); if (!device_info->HasDirectConnectivityTo(interface_index_, ip_address)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kInvalidArguments, "IP address is not local to this interface"); return false; } ByteString mac_address; if (device_info->GetMACAddressOfPeer(interface_index_, ip_address, &mac_address)) { *output = MakeStringFromHardwareAddress( vector<uint8_t>(mac_address.GetConstData(), mac_address.GetConstData() + mac_address.GetLength())); SLOG(this, 2) << "ARP cache lookup returned peer: " << *output; return true; } if (!Icmp().TransmitEchoRequest(ip_address, 1, 1)) { Error::PopulateAndLog(FROM_HERE, error, Error::kOperationFailed, "Failed to send ICMP request to peer to setup ARP"); } else { // ARP request was transmitted successfully, address resolution is still // pending. error->Populate(Error::kInProgress, "Peer MAC address was not found in the ARP cache, " "but an ARP request was sent to find it. " "Please try again."); } return false; } // static vector<uint8_t> Device::MakeHardwareAddressFromString( const string& address_string) { string address_nosep; base::RemoveChars(address_string, ":", &address_nosep); vector<uint8_t> address_bytes; base::HexStringToBytes(address_nosep, &address_bytes); if (address_bytes.size() != kHardwareAddressLength) { return vector<uint8_t>(); } return address_bytes; } // static string Device::MakeStringFromHardwareAddress( const vector<uint8_t>& address_bytes) { CHECK_EQ(kHardwareAddressLength, address_bytes.size()); return StringPrintf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", address_bytes[0], address_bytes[1], address_bytes[2], address_bytes[3], address_bytes[4], address_bytes[5]); } bool Device::RequestRoam(const std::string& addr, Error* error) { return false; } } // namespace shill