// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>  // for FRIEND_TEST

#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
#include "shill/wimax/wimax_network_proxy_interface.h"

namespace shill {

class KeyValueStore;

class WiMaxService : public Service {
  static const char kStorageNetworkId[];

  // TODO(petkov): Declare this in chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h.
  static const char kNetworkIdProperty[];

  WiMaxService(ControlInterface* control,
               EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
               Metrics* metrics,
               Manager* manager);
  ~WiMaxService() override;

  // Returns the parameters to be passed to WiMaxManager.Device.Connect() when
  // connecting to the network associated with this service.
  void GetConnectParameters(KeyValueStore* parameters) const;

  // Returns the RPC object path for the WiMaxManager.Network object associated
  // with this service. Must only be called after |proxy_| is set by Start().
  virtual RpcIdentifier GetNetworkObjectPath() const;

  // Starts the service by associating it with the RPC network object |proxy|
  // and listening for its signal strength. Returns true on success, false
  // otherwise. Takes ownership of proxy, regardless of the result of the
  // operation. The proxy will be destroyed on failure.
  virtual bool Start(WiMaxNetworkProxyInterface* proxy);

  // Stops the service by disassociating it from |proxy_| and resetting its
  // signal strength to 0. If the service is connected, it notifies the carrier
  // device that the service is stopped.
  virtual void Stop();

  virtual bool IsStarted() const;

  const std::string& network_name() const { return network_name_; }
  const WiMaxNetworkId& network_id() const { return network_id_; }
  void set_network_id(const WiMaxNetworkId& id) { network_id_ = id; }
  bool is_default() const { return is_default_; }
  void set_is_default(bool is_default) { is_default_ = is_default; }

  static WiMaxNetworkId ConvertIdentifierToNetworkId(uint32_t identifier);

  // Initializes the storage identifier. Note that the friendly service name and
  // the |network_id_| must already be initialized.
  void InitStorageIdentifier();
  static std::string CreateStorageIdentifier(const WiMaxNetworkId& id,
                                             const std::string& name);

  virtual void ClearPassphrase();

  // Inherited from Service.
  void Connect(Error* error, const char* reason) override;
  void Disconnect(Error* error, const char* reason) override;
  std::string GetStorageIdentifier() const override;
  bool Is8021x() const override;
  bool IsVisible() const override;
  void OnEapCredentialsChanged(
      Service::UpdateCredentialsReason reason) override;
  bool Save(StoreInterface* storage) override;
  bool Unload() override;
  void SetState(ConnectState state) override;

  friend class WiMaxServiceTest;
  FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxServiceTest, Connect);
  FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxServiceTest, Connectable);
  FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxServiceTest, GetDeviceRpcId);
  FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxServiceTest, IsAutoConnectable);
  FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxServiceTest, OnSignalStrengthChanged);
  FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxServiceTest, SetState);
  FRIEND_TEST(WiMaxServiceTest, StartStop);

  // Inherited from Service.
  std::string GetDeviceRpcId(Error* error) const override;
  bool IsAutoConnectable(const char** reason) const override;

  void OnSignalStrengthChanged(int strength);

  void UpdateConnectable();

  // Update |device_|, and inform RPC listeners of the change.
  void SetDevice(WiMaxRefPtr new_device);

  WiMaxRefPtr device_;  // Update via SetDevice().
  std::unique_ptr<WiMaxNetworkProxyInterface> proxy_;
  std::string storage_id_;

  WiMaxNetworkId network_id_;
  std::string network_name_;
  bool need_passphrase_;
  bool is_default_;


}  // namespace shill