/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <string> #include <regex> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <android-base/stringprintf.h> #include "perfprofdcore.h" #include "configreader.h" #include "perfprofdutils.h" #include "perfprofdmockutils.h" #include "perf_profile.pb.h" #include "google/protobuf/text_format.h" // // Set to argv[0] on startup // static const char *executable_path; // // test_dir is the directory containing the test executable and // any files associated with the test (will be created by the harness). // // dest_dir is a subdirectory of test_dir that we'll create on the fly // at the start of each testpoint (into which new files can be written), // then delete at end of testpoint. // static std::string test_dir; static std::string dest_dir; // Path to perf executable on device #define PERFPATH "/system/bin/perf" // Temporary config file that we will emit for the daemon to read #define CONFIGFILE "perfprofd.conf" static std::string encoded_file_path(int seq) { return android::base::StringPrintf("%s/perf.data.encoded.%d", dest_dir.c_str(), seq); } class PerfProfdTest : public testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { mock_perfprofdutils_init(); create_dest_dir(); yesclean(); } virtual void TearDown() { mock_perfprofdutils_finish(); } void noclean() { clean_ = false; } void yesclean() { clean_ = true; } private: bool clean_; void create_dest_dir() { setup_dirs(); ASSERT_FALSE(dest_dir == ""); if (clean_) { std::string cmd("rm -rf "); cmd += dest_dir; system(cmd.c_str()); } std::string cmd("mkdir -p "); cmd += dest_dir; system(cmd.c_str()); } void setup_dirs() { if (test_dir == "") { ASSERT_TRUE(executable_path != nullptr); std::string s(executable_path); auto found = s.find_last_of("/"); test_dir = s.substr(0,found); dest_dir = test_dir; dest_dir += "/tmp"; } } }; static bool bothWhiteSpace(char lhs, char rhs) { return (std::isspace(lhs) && std::isspace(rhs)); } // // Squeeze out repeated whitespace from expected/actual logs. // static std::string squeezeWhite(const std::string &str, const char *tag, bool dump=false) { if (dump) { fprintf(stderr, "raw %s is %s\n", tag, str.c_str()); } std::string result(str); std::replace( result.begin(), result.end(), '\n', ' '); auto new_end = std::unique(result.begin(), result.end(), bothWhiteSpace); result.erase(new_end, result.end()); while (result.begin() != result.end() && std::isspace(*result.rbegin())) { result.pop_back(); } if (dump) { fprintf(stderr, "squeezed %s is %s\n", tag, result.c_str()); } return result; } /// /// Helper class to kick off a run of the perfprofd daemon with a specific /// config file. /// class PerfProfdRunner { public: PerfProfdRunner() : config_path_(test_dir) { config_path_ += "/" CONFIGFILE; } ~PerfProfdRunner() { remove_processed_file(); } void addToConfig(const std::string &line) { config_text_ += line; config_text_ += "\n"; } void remove_semaphore_file() { std::string semaphore(test_dir); semaphore += "/" SEMAPHORE_FILENAME; unlink(semaphore.c_str()); } void create_semaphore_file() { std::string semaphore(test_dir); semaphore += "/" SEMAPHORE_FILENAME; close(open(semaphore.c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_CREAT)); } void write_processed_file(int start_seq, int end_seq) { std::string processed = test_dir + "/" PROCESSED_FILENAME; FILE *fp = fopen(processed.c_str(), "w"); for (int i = start_seq; i < end_seq; i++) { fprintf(fp, "%d\n", i); } fclose(fp); } void remove_processed_file() { std::string processed = test_dir + "/" PROCESSED_FILENAME; unlink(processed.c_str()); } int invoke() { static const char *argv[3] = { "perfprofd", "-c", "" }; argv[2] = config_path_.c_str(); writeConfigFile(config_path_, config_text_); // execute daemon main return perfprofd_main(3, (char **) argv); } private: std::string config_path_; std::string config_text_; void writeConfigFile(const std::string &config_path, const std::string &config_text) { FILE *fp = fopen(config_path.c_str(), "w"); ASSERT_TRUE(fp != nullptr); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", config_text.c_str()); fclose(fp); } }; //...................................................................... static void readEncodedProfile(const char *testpoint, wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile &encodedProfile) { struct stat statb; int perf_data_stat_result = stat(encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), &statb); ASSERT_NE(-1, perf_data_stat_result); // read std::string encoded; encoded.resize(statb.st_size); FILE *ifp = fopen(encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), "r"); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ifp); size_t items_read = fread((void*) encoded.data(), statb.st_size, 1, ifp); ASSERT_EQ(1, items_read); fclose(ifp); // decode encodedProfile.ParseFromString(encoded); } static std::string encodedLoadModuleToString(const wireless_android_play_playlog::LoadModule &lm) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "name: \"" << lm.name() << "\"\n"; if (lm.build_id() != "") { ss << "build_id: \"" << lm.build_id() << "\"\n"; } return ss.str(); } static std::string encodedModuleSamplesToString(const wireless_android_play_playlog::LoadModuleSamples &mod) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "load_module_id: " << mod.load_module_id() << "\n"; for (size_t k = 0; k < mod.address_samples_size(); k++) { const auto &sample = mod.address_samples(k); ss << " address_samples {\n"; for (size_t l = 0; l < mod.address_samples(k).address_size(); l++) { auto address = mod.address_samples(k).address(l); ss << " address: " << address << "\n"; } ss << " count: " << sample.count() << "\n"; ss << " }\n"; } return ss.str(); } #define RAW_RESULT(x) #x // // Check to see if the log messages emitted by the daemon // match the expected result. By default we use a partial // match, e.g. if we see the expected excerpt anywhere in the // result, it's a match (for exact match, set exact to true) // static void compareLogMessages(const std::string &actual, const std::string &expected, const char *testpoint, bool exactMatch=false) { std::string sqexp = squeezeWhite(expected, "expected"); std::string sqact = squeezeWhite(actual, "actual"); if (exactMatch) { EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp.c_str(), sqact.c_str()); } else { std::size_t foundpos = sqact.find(sqexp); bool wasFound = true; if (foundpos == std::string::npos) { std::cerr << testpoint << ": expected result not found\n"; std::cerr << " Actual: \"" << sqact << "\"\n"; std::cerr << " Expected: \"" << sqexp << "\"\n"; wasFound = false; } EXPECT_TRUE(wasFound); } } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MissingGMS) { // // AWP requires cooperation between the daemon and the GMS core // piece. If we're running on a device that has an old or damaged // version of GMS core, then the config directory we're interested in // may not be there. This test insures that the daemon does the // right thing in this case. // PerfProfdRunner runner; runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0"); runner.addToConfig("trace_config_read=0"); runner.addToConfig("config_directory=/does/not/exist"); runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1"); runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100"); // Kick off daemon int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke(); // Check return code from daemon EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code); // Verify log contents const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT( I: sleep 90 seconds W: unable to open config directory /does/not/exist: (No such file or directory) I: profile collection skipped (missing config directory) ); // check to make sure entire log matches compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(), expected, "MissingGMS"); } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MissingOptInSemaphoreFile) { // // Android device owners must opt in to "collect and report usage // data" in order for us to be able to collect profiles. The opt-in // check is performed in the GMS core component; if the check // passes, then it creates a semaphore file for the daemon to pick // up on. // PerfProfdRunner runner; runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0"); std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir; runner.addToConfig(cfparam); std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir; runner.addToConfig(ddparam); runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1"); runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100"); runner.remove_semaphore_file(); // Kick off daemon int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke(); // Check return code from daemon EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code); // Verify log contents const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT( I: profile collection skipped (missing semaphore file) ); // check to make sure log excerpt matches compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(), expected, "MissingOptInSemaphoreFile"); } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MissingPerfExecutable) { // // Perfprofd uses the 'simpleperf' tool to collect profiles // (although this may conceivably change in the future). This test // checks to make sure that if 'simpleperf' is not present we bail out // from collecting profiles. // PerfProfdRunner runner; runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0"); runner.addToConfig("trace_config_read=1"); std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir; runner.addToConfig(cfparam); std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir; runner.addToConfig(ddparam); runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1"); runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100"); runner.addToConfig("perf_path=/does/not/exist"); // Create semaphore file runner.create_semaphore_file(); // Kick off daemon int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke(); // Check return code from daemon EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code); // expected log contents const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT( I: profile collection skipped (missing 'perf' executable) ); // check to make sure log excerpt matches compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(), expected, "MissingPerfExecutable"); } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, BadPerfRun) { // // Perf tools tend to be tightly coupled with a specific kernel // version -- if things are out of sync perf could fail or // crash. This test makes sure that we detect such a case and log // the error. // PerfProfdRunner runner; runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0"); std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir; runner.addToConfig(cfparam); std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir; runner.addToConfig(ddparam); runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1"); runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100"); runner.addToConfig("perf_path=/system/bin/false"); // Create semaphore file runner.create_semaphore_file(); // Kick off daemon int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke(); // Check return code from daemon EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code); // Verify log contents const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT( I: profile collection failed (perf record returned bad exit status) ); // check to make sure log excerpt matches compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(), expected, "BadPerfRun"); } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, ConfigFileParsing) { // // Gracefully handly malformed items in the config file // PerfProfdRunner runner; runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0"); runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=100"); runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=1"); runner.addToConfig("destination_directory=/does/not/exist"); // assorted bad syntax runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=0"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=-1"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=2"); runner.addToConfig("nonexistent_key=something"); runner.addToConfig("no_equals_stmt"); // Kick off daemon int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke(); // Check return code from daemon EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code); // Verify log contents const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT( W: line 6: specified value 0 for 'collection_interval' outside permitted range [100 4294967295] (ignored) W: line 7: malformed unsigned value (ignored) W: line 8: specified value 2 for 'collection_interval' outside permitted range [100 4294967295] (ignored) W: line 9: unknown option 'nonexistent_key' ignored W: line 10: line malformed (no '=' found) ); // check to make sure log excerpt matches compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(), expected, "ConfigFileParsing"); } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, ProfileCollectionAnnotations) { unsigned util1 = collect_cpu_utilization(); EXPECT_LE(util1, 100); EXPECT_GE(util1, 0); // NB: expectation is that when we run this test, the device will be // completed booted, will be on charger, and will not have the camera // active. EXPECT_FALSE(get_booting()); EXPECT_TRUE(get_charging()); EXPECT_FALSE(get_camera_active()); } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, BasicRunWithCannedPerf) { // // Verify the portion of the daemon that reads and encodes // perf.data files. Here we run the encoder on a canned perf.data // file and verify that the resulting protobuf contains what // we think it should contain. // std::string input_perf_data(test_dir); input_perf_data += "/canned.perf.data"; // Set up config to avoid these annotations (they are tested elsewhere) ConfigReader config; config.overrideUnsignedEntry("collect_cpu_utilization", 0); config.overrideUnsignedEntry("collect_charging_state", 0); config.overrideUnsignedEntry("collect_camera_active", 0); // Kick off encoder and check return code PROFILE_RESULT result = encode_to_proto(input_perf_data, encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), config, 0); EXPECT_EQ(OK_PROFILE_COLLECTION, result); // Read and decode the resulting perf.data.encoded file wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile encodedProfile; readEncodedProfile("BasicRunWithCannedPerf", encodedProfile); // Expect 29 load modules EXPECT_EQ(29, encodedProfile.programs_size()); // Check a couple of load modules { const auto &lm0 = encodedProfile.load_modules(0); std::string act_lm0 = encodedLoadModuleToString(lm0); std::string sqact0 = squeezeWhite(act_lm0, "actual for lm 0"); const std::string expected_lm0 = RAW_RESULT( name: "/data/app/com.google.android.apps.plus-1/lib/arm/libcronet.so" ); std::string sqexp0 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm0, "expected_lm0"); EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp0.c_str(), sqact0.c_str()); } { const auto &lm9 = encodedProfile.load_modules(9); std::string act_lm9 = encodedLoadModuleToString(lm9); std::string sqact9 = squeezeWhite(act_lm9, "actual for lm 9"); const std::string expected_lm9 = RAW_RESULT( name: "/system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so" build_id: "8164ed7b3a8b8f5a220d027788922510" ); std::string sqexp9 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm9, "expected_lm9"); EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp9.c_str(), sqact9.c_str()); } // Examine some of the samples now { const auto &p1 = encodedProfile.programs(0); const auto &lm1 = p1.modules(0); std::string act_lm1 = encodedModuleSamplesToString(lm1); std::string sqact1 = squeezeWhite(act_lm1, "actual for lm1"); const std::string expected_lm1 = RAW_RESULT( load_module_id: 9 address_samples { address: 296100 count: 1 } ); std::string sqexp1 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm1, "expected_lm1"); EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp1.c_str(), sqact1.c_str()); } { const auto &p1 = encodedProfile.programs(2); const auto &lm2 = p1.modules(0); std::string act_lm2 = encodedModuleSamplesToString(lm2); std::string sqact2 = squeezeWhite(act_lm2, "actual for lm2"); const std::string expected_lm2 = RAW_RESULT( load_module_id: 2 address_samples { address: 28030244 count: 1 } address_samples { address: 29657840 count: 1 } ); std::string sqexp2 = squeezeWhite(expected_lm2, "expected_lm2"); EXPECT_STREQ(sqexp2.c_str(), sqact2.c_str()); } } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, BasicRunWithLivePerf) { // // Basic test to exercise the main loop of the daemon. It includes // a live 'perf' run // PerfProfdRunner runner; runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0"); std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir; runner.addToConfig(ddparam); std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir; runner.addToConfig(cfparam); runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=1"); runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=12345678"); runner.addToConfig("max_unprocessed_profiles=100"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=9999"); runner.addToConfig("sample_duration=2"); // Create semaphore file runner.create_semaphore_file(); // Kick off daemon int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke(); // Check return code from daemon EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code); // Read and decode the resulting perf.data.encoded file wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile encodedProfile; readEncodedProfile("BasicRunWithLivePerf", encodedProfile); // Examine what we get back. Since it's a live profile, we can't // really do much in terms of verifying the contents. EXPECT_LT(0, encodedProfile.programs_size()); // Verify log contents const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT( I: starting Android Wide Profiling daemon I: config file path set to /data/nativetest/perfprofd_test/perfprofd.conf I: random seed set to 12345678 I: sleep 674 seconds I: initiating profile collection I: profile collection complete I: sleep 9325 seconds I: finishing Android Wide Profiling daemon ); // check to make sure log excerpt matches compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(), expected, "BasicRunWithLivePerf", true); } TEST_F(PerfProfdTest, MultipleRunWithLivePerf) { // // Basic test to exercise the main loop of the daemon. It includes // a live 'perf' run // PerfProfdRunner runner; runner.addToConfig("only_debug_build=0"); std::string ddparam("destination_directory="); ddparam += dest_dir; runner.addToConfig(ddparam); std::string cfparam("config_directory="); cfparam += test_dir; runner.addToConfig(cfparam); runner.addToConfig("main_loop_iterations=3"); runner.addToConfig("use_fixed_seed=12345678"); runner.addToConfig("collection_interval=9999"); runner.addToConfig("sample_duration=2"); runner.write_processed_file(1, 2); // Create semaphore file runner.create_semaphore_file(); // Kick off daemon int daemon_main_return_code = runner.invoke(); // Check return code from daemon EXPECT_EQ(0, daemon_main_return_code); // Read and decode the resulting perf.data.encoded file wireless_android_play_playlog::AndroidPerfProfile encodedProfile; readEncodedProfile("BasicRunWithLivePerf", encodedProfile); // Examine what we get back. Since it's a live profile, we can't // really do much in terms of verifying the contents. EXPECT_LT(0, encodedProfile.programs_size()); // Examine that encoded.1 file is removed while encoded.{0|2} exists. EXPECT_EQ(0, access(encoded_file_path(0).c_str(), F_OK)); EXPECT_NE(0, access(encoded_file_path(1).c_str(), F_OK)); EXPECT_EQ(0, access(encoded_file_path(2).c_str(), F_OK)); // Verify log contents const std::string expected = RAW_RESULT( I: starting Android Wide Profiling daemon I: config file path set to /data/nativetest/perfprofd_test/perfprofd.conf I: random seed set to 12345678 I: sleep 674 seconds I: initiating profile collection I: profile collection complete I: sleep 9325 seconds I: sleep 4974 seconds I: initiating profile collection I: profile collection complete I: sleep 5025 seconds I: sleep 501 seconds I: initiating profile collection I: profile collection complete I: sleep 9498 seconds I: finishing Android Wide Profiling daemon ); // check to make sure log excerpt matches compareLogMessages(mock_perfprofdutils_getlogged(), expected, "BasicRunWithLivePerf", true); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { executable_path = argv[0]; // switch to / before starting testing (perfprofd // should be location-independent) chdir("/"); testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }