// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// List of tasks to accomplish
var URLS = new Array();
var ViewGDoc = ('https://docs.google.com/document/d/');
var tasks = [
// Chrome browser window 1. This window remains open for the entire test.
type: 'window',
name: 'background',
start: 0,
duration: minutes(60),
focus: false,
tabs: [
// Page cycle through popular external websites for 36 minutes
type: 'cycle',
name: 'web',
start: seconds(1),
duration: minutes(36),
delay: seconds(60), // A minute on each page
timeout: seconds(10),
focus: true,
urls: URLS,
// After 36 minutes, actively read e-mail for 12 minutes
type: 'cycle',
name: 'email',
start: minutes(36) + seconds(1),
duration: minutes(12) - seconds(1),
delay: minutes(5), // 5 minutes between full gmail refresh
timeout: seconds(10),
focus: true,
urls: [
// After 36 minutes, start streaming audio (background tab), total playtime
// 12 minutes
type: 'cycle',
name: 'audio',
start: minutes(36),
duration: minutes(12),
delay: minutes(12),
timeout: seconds(10),
focus: false,
urls: [
// After 48 minutes, play with Google Docs for 6 minutes
type: 'cycle',
name: 'docs',
start: minutes(48),
duration: minutes(6),
delay: minutes(1), // A minute on each page
timeout: seconds(10),
focus: true,
urls: [
ViewGDoc + '1CIvneyASuIHvxxN0WV22zikb08Us1nc93mkU0c5Azr4/edit',
ViewGDoc + '120TtfoHXCgRuaubGhra3X5tl0_pS7KX757wFigTFf0c/edit'
// After 54 minutes, watch Big Buck Bunny for 6 minutes
type: 'window',
name: 'video',
start: minutes(54),
duration: minutes(6),
focus: true,
tabs: [
// List of URLs to cycle through
var u_index = 0;
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.google.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.yahoo.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.facebook.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.youtube.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.wikipedia.org';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.amazon.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.msn.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.bing.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.blogspot.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.microsoft.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.myspace.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.go.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.walmart.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.about.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.target.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.aol.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.mapquest.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.ask.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.craigslist.org';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.wordpress.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.answers.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.paypal.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.imdb.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.bestbuy.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.ehow.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.photobucket.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.cnn.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.chase.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.att.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.sears.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.weather.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.apple.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.zynga.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.adobe.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.bankofamerica.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.zedo.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.flickr.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.shoplocal.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.twitter.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.cnet.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.verizonwireless.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.kohls.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.bizrate.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.jcpenney.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.netflix.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.fastclick.net';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.windows.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.questionmarket.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.nytimes.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.toysrus.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.allrecipes.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.overstock.com';
URLS[u_index++] = 'http://www.comcast.net';