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# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import logging
import os
import re
from xml.dom import minidom

from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error

class security_DbusOwners(test.test):
    version = 1
    _DBUS_CONFIG_DIR = '/etc/dbus-1/system.d/'

    def load_baseline(self):
        """Return a list of interface names to be owned by chronos."""
        bfile = open(os.path.join(self.bindir, 'baseline'))
        baseline_data = bfile.read()
        baseline_set = set(baseline_data.splitlines())
        return baseline_set

    def fetch_owners(self):
        For every DBus interface XML, look for <policy user="chronos"> sections
        containing <allow own="InterfaceName">. Return the list of interfaces
        owned by chronos.
        chronos_owned = []
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._DBUS_CONFIG_DIR):
            for filename in files:
                # Skip cruft like dotfiles
                if not re.search('^[^.].*\.conf$', filename):
                    logging.debug('Skipping %s', filename)

                logging.debug('Parsing %s', filename)
                xmldoc = minidom.parse(os.path.join(root,filename))
                policies = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('policy')

                for policy in policies:
                    if (policy.hasAttribute('user') and
                        policy.getAttribute('user') == 'chronos'):
                        allows = policy.getElementsByTagName('allow')

                        for allow in allows:
                            if allow.hasAttribute('own'):
        return set(chronos_owned)

    def run_once(self):
        Enumerate all the DBus interfaces owned by chronos.
        Fail if it's not included in the expected set.
        observed_set = self.fetch_owners()
        baseline_set = self.load_baseline()

        # We log but don't fail if we find missing interfaces.
        missing_ifaces = baseline_set.difference(observed_set)
        if len(missing_ifaces) > 0:
            for iface in missing_ifaces:
                logging.error('Missing chronos-owned interface %s', iface)

        # We fail if we find new interfaces.
        new_ifaces = observed_set.difference(baseline_set)
        if len(new_ifaces) > 0:
            message = 'New chronos-owned interface(s): ' + ', '.join(new_ifaces)
            raise error.TestFail(message)