Utility classes and functions to handle Virtual Machine creation using qemu.
@copyright: 2008-2009 Red Hat Inc.
import time, os, logging, fcntl, re, commands, glob
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
import virt_utils, virt_vm, virt_test_setup, kvm_monitor, aexpect
class VM(virt_vm.BaseVM):
This class handles all basic VM operations.
MIGRATION_PROTOS = ['tcp', 'unix', 'exec']
def __init__(self, name, params, root_dir, address_cache, state=None):
Initialize the object and set a few attributes.
@param name: The name of the object
@param params: A dict containing VM params
(see method make_qemu_command for a full description)
@param root_dir: Base directory for relative filenames
@param address_cache: A dict that maps MAC addresses to IP addresses
@param state: If provided, use this as self.__dict__
virt_vm.BaseVM.__init__(self, name, params)
if state:
self.__dict__ = state
self.process = None
self.serial_console = None
self.redirs = {}
self.vnc_port = 5900
self.monitors = []
self.pci_assignable = None
self.netdev_id = []
self.device_id = []
self.tapfds = []
self.uuid = None
self.spice_port = 8000
self.name = name
self.params = params
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.address_cache = address_cache
def verify_alive(self):
Make sure the VM is alive and that the main monitor is responsive.
@raise VMDeadError: If the VM is dead
@raise: Various monitor exceptions if the monitor is unresponsive
if self.monitors:
except virt_vm.VMDeadError:
raise virt_vm.VMDeadError(self.process.get_status(),
def is_alive(self):
Return True if the VM is alive and its monitor is responsive.
return not self.is_dead() and (not self.monitors or
def is_dead(self):
Return True if the qemu process is dead.
return not self.process or not self.process.is_alive()
def verify_status(self, status):
Check VM status
@param status: Optional VM status, 'running' or 'paused'
@raise VMStatusError: If the VM status is not same as parameter
if not self.monitor.verify_status(status):
raise virt_vm.VMStatusError("VM status is unexpected")
def clone(self, name=None, params=None, root_dir=None, address_cache=None,
Return a clone of the VM object with optionally modified parameters.
The clone is initially not alive and needs to be started using create().
Any parameters not passed to this function are copied from the source
@param name: Optional new VM name
@param params: Optional new VM creation parameters
@param root_dir: Optional new base directory for relative filenames
@param address_cache: A dict that maps MAC addresses to IP addresses
@param copy_state: If True, copy the original VM's state to the clone.
Mainly useful for make_qemu_command().
if name is None:
name = self.name
if params is None:
params = self.params.copy()
if root_dir is None:
root_dir = self.root_dir
if address_cache is None:
address_cache = self.address_cache
if copy_state:
state = self.__dict__.copy()
state = None
return VM(name, params, root_dir, address_cache, state)
def __make_qemu_command(self, name=None, params=None, root_dir=None):
Generate a qemu command line. All parameters are optional. If a
parameter is not supplied, the corresponding value stored in the
class attributes is used.
@param name: The name of the object
@param params: A dict containing VM params
@param root_dir: Base directory for relative filenames
@note: The params dict should contain:
mem -- memory size in MBs
cdrom -- ISO filename to use with the qemu -cdrom parameter
extra_params -- a string to append to the qemu command
shell_port -- port of the remote shell daemon on the guest
(SSH, Telnet or the home-made Remote Shell Server)
shell_client -- client program to use for connecting to the
remote shell daemon on the guest (ssh, telnet or nc)
x11_display -- if specified, the DISPLAY environment variable
will be be set to this value for the qemu process (useful for
SDL rendering)
images -- a list of image object names, separated by spaces
nics -- a list of NIC object names, separated by spaces
For each image in images:
drive_format -- string to pass as 'if' parameter for this
image (e.g. ide, scsi)
image_snapshot -- if yes, pass 'snapshot=on' to qemu for
this image
image_boot -- if yes, pass 'boot=on' to qemu for this image
In addition, all parameters required by get_image_filename.
For each NIC in nics:
nic_model -- string to pass as 'model' parameter for this
NIC (e.g. e1000)
# Helper function for command line option wrappers
def has_option(help, option):
return bool(re.search(r"^-%s(\s|$)" % option, help, re.MULTILINE))
# Wrappers for all supported qemu command line parameters.
# This is meant to allow support for multiple qemu versions.
# Each of these functions receives the output of 'qemu -help' as a
# parameter, and should add the requested command line option
# accordingly.
def add_name(help, name):
return " -name '%s'" % name
def add_human_monitor(help, filename):
return " -monitor unix:'%s',server,nowait" % filename
def add_qmp_monitor(help, filename):
return " -qmp unix:'%s',server,nowait" % filename
def add_serial(help, filename):
return " -serial unix:'%s',server,nowait" % filename
def add_mem(help, mem):
return " -m %s" % mem
def add_smp(help, smp):
return " -smp %s" % smp
def add_cdrom(help, filename, index=None, format=None):
if has_option(help, "drive"):
name = None;
dev = "";
if format == "ahci":
name = "ahci%s" % index
dev += " -device ide-drive,bus=ahci.%s,drive=%s" % (index, name)
format = "none"
index = None
if format == "usb2":
name = "usb2.%s" % index
dev += " -device usb-storage,bus=ehci.0,drive=%s" % name
dev += ",port=%d" % (int(index) + 1)
format = "none"
index = None
cmd = " -drive file='%s',media=cdrom" % filename
if index is not None:
cmd += ",index=%s" % index
if format:
cmd += ",if=%s" % format
if name:
cmd += ",id=%s" % name
return cmd + dev
return " -cdrom '%s'" % filename
def add_drive(help, filename, index=None, format=None, cache=None,
werror=None, serial=None, snapshot=False, boot=False):
name = None;
dev = "";
if format == "ahci":
name = "ahci%s" % index
dev += " -device ide-drive,bus=ahci.%s,drive=%s" % (index, name)
format = "none"
index = None
if format == "usb2":
name = "usb2.%s" % index
dev += " -device usb-storage,bus=ehci.0,drive=%s" % name
dev += ",port=%d" % (int(index) + 1)
format = "none"
index = None
cmd = " -drive file='%s'" % filename
if index is not None:
cmd += ",index=%s" % index
if format:
cmd += ",if=%s" % format
if cache:
cmd += ",cache=%s" % cache
if werror:
cmd += ",werror=%s" % werror
if serial:
cmd += ",serial='%s'" % serial
if snapshot:
cmd += ",snapshot=on"
if boot:
cmd += ",boot=on"
if name:
cmd += ",id=%s" % name
return cmd + dev
def add_nic(help, vlan, model=None, mac=None, device_id=None, netdev_id=None,
if has_option(help, "netdev"):
netdev_vlan_str = ",netdev=%s" % netdev_id
netdev_vlan_str = ",vlan=%d" % vlan
if has_option(help, "device"):
if not model:
model = "rtl8139"
elif model == "virtio":
model = "virtio-net-pci"
cmd = " -device %s" % model + netdev_vlan_str
if mac:
cmd += ",mac='%s'" % mac
if nic_extra_params:
cmd += ",%s" % nic_extra_params
cmd = " -net nic" + netdev_vlan_str
if model:
cmd += ",model=%s" % model
if mac:
cmd += ",macaddr='%s'" % mac
if device_id:
cmd += ",id='%s'" % device_id
return cmd
def add_net(help, vlan, mode, ifname=None, tftp=None, bootfile=None,
hostfwd=[], netdev_id=None, netdev_extra_params=None,
if has_option(help, "netdev"):
cmd = " -netdev %s,id=%s" % (mode, netdev_id)
if netdev_extra_params:
cmd += ",%s" % netdev_extra_params
cmd = " -net %s,vlan=%d" % (mode, vlan)
if mode == "tap" and tapfd:
cmd += ",fd=%d" % tapfd
elif mode == "user":
if tftp and "[,tftp=" in help:
cmd += ",tftp='%s'" % tftp
if bootfile and "[,bootfile=" in help:
cmd += ",bootfile='%s'" % bootfile
if "[,hostfwd=" in help:
for host_port, guest_port in hostfwd:
cmd += ",hostfwd=tcp::%s-:%s" % (host_port, guest_port)
return cmd
def add_floppy(help, filename):
return " -fda '%s'" % filename
def add_tftp(help, filename):
# If the new syntax is supported, don't add -tftp
if "[,tftp=" in help:
return ""
return " -tftp '%s'" % filename
def add_bootp(help, filename):
# If the new syntax is supported, don't add -bootp
if "[,bootfile=" in help:
return ""
return " -bootp '%s'" % filename
def add_tcp_redir(help, host_port, guest_port):
# If the new syntax is supported, don't add -redir
if "[,hostfwd=" in help:
return ""
return " -redir tcp:%s::%s" % (host_port, guest_port)
def add_vnc(help, vnc_port):
return " -vnc :%d" % (vnc_port - 5900)
def add_sdl(help):
if has_option(help, "sdl"):
return " -sdl"
return ""
def add_nographic(help):
return " -nographic"
def add_uuid(help, uuid):
return " -uuid '%s'" % uuid
def add_pcidevice(help, host):
return " -pcidevice host='%s'" % host
def add_spice(help, port, param):
if has_option(help,"spice"):
return " -spice port=%s,%s" % (port, param)
return ""
def add_qxl_vga(help, qxl, vga, qxl_dev_nr=None):
str = ""
if has_option(help, "qxl"):
if qxl and qxl_dev_nr is not None:
str += " -qxl %s" % qxl_dev_nr
if has_option(help, "vga") and vga and vga != "qxl":
str += " -vga %s" % vga
elif has_option(help, "vga"):
if qxl:
str += " -vga qxl"
elif vga:
str += " -vga %s" % vga
return str
def add_kernel(help, filename):
return " -kernel '%s'" % filename
def add_initrd(help, filename):
return " -initrd '%s'" % filename
def add_kernel_cmdline(help, cmdline):
return " -append '%s'" % cmdline
def add_testdev(help, filename):
return (" -chardev file,id=testlog,path=%s"
" -device testdev,chardev=testlog" % filename)
def add_no_hpet(help):
if has_option(help, "no-hpet"):
return " -no-hpet"
return ""
# End of command line option wrappers
if name is None:
name = self.name
if params is None:
params = self.params
if root_dir is None:
root_dir = self.root_dir
have_ahci = False
have_usb2 = False
# Clone this VM using the new params
vm = self.clone(name, params, root_dir, copy_state=True)
qemu_binary = virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, params.get("qemu_binary",
help = commands.getoutput("%s -help" % qemu_binary)
# Start constructing the qemu command
qemu_cmd = ""
# Set the X11 display parameter if requested
if params.get("x11_display"):
qemu_cmd += "DISPLAY=%s " % params.get("x11_display")
# Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH for built libraries (libspice-server)
library_path = os.path.join(self.root_dir, 'build', 'lib')
if os.path.isdir(library_path):
library_path = os.path.abspath(library_path)
qemu_cmd += "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s " % library_path
# Add the qemu binary
qemu_cmd += qemu_binary
# Add the VM's name
qemu_cmd += add_name(help, name)
# no automagic devices please
if has_option(help,"nodefaults"):
qemu_cmd += " -nodefaults"
qemu_cmd += " -vga std"
# Add monitors
for monitor_name in params.objects("monitors"):
monitor_params = params.object_params(monitor_name)
monitor_filename = vm.get_monitor_filename(monitor_name)
if monitor_params.get("monitor_type") == "qmp":
qemu_cmd += add_qmp_monitor(help, monitor_filename)
qemu_cmd += add_human_monitor(help, monitor_filename)
# Add serial console redirection
qemu_cmd += add_serial(help, vm.get_serial_console_filename())
for image_name in params.objects("images"):
image_params = params.object_params(image_name)
if image_params.get("boot_drive") == "no":
if image_params.get("drive_format") == "ahci" and not have_ahci:
qemu_cmd += " -device ahci,id=ahci"
have_ahci = True
if image_params.get("drive_format") == "usb2" and not have_usb2:
qemu_cmd += " -device usb-ehci,id=ehci"
have_usb2 = True
qemu_cmd += add_drive(help,
virt_vm.get_image_filename(image_params, root_dir),
image_params.get("image_snapshot") == "yes",
image_params.get("image_boot") == "yes")
redirs = []
for redir_name in params.objects("redirs"):
redir_params = params.object_params(redir_name)
guest_port = int(redir_params.get("guest_port"))
host_port = vm.redirs.get(guest_port)
redirs += [(host_port, guest_port)]
vlan = 0
for nic_name in params.objects("nics"):
nic_params = params.object_params(nic_name)
netdev_id = vm.netdev_id[vlan]
device_id = vm.device_id[vlan]
except IndexError:
netdev_id = None
device_id = None
# Handle the '-net nic' part
mac = vm.get_mac_address(vlan)
except virt_vm.VMAddressError:
mac = None
qemu_cmd += add_nic(help, vlan, nic_params.get("nic_model"), mac,
device_id, netdev_id, nic_params.get("nic_extra_params"))
# Handle the '-net tap' or '-net user' or '-netdev' part
tftp = nic_params.get("tftp")
if tftp:
tftp = virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, tftp)
if nic_params.get("nic_mode") == "tap":
tapfd = vm.tapfds[vlan]
tapfd = None
tapfd = None
qemu_cmd += add_net(help, vlan,
nic_params.get("nic_mode", "user"),
vm.get_ifname(vlan), tftp,
nic_params.get("bootp"), redirs, netdev_id,
# Proceed to next NIC
vlan += 1
mem = params.get("mem")
if mem:
qemu_cmd += add_mem(help, mem)
smp = params.get("smp")
if smp:
qemu_cmd += add_smp(help, smp)
for cdrom in params.objects("cdroms"):
cdrom_params = params.object_params(cdrom)
iso = cdrom_params.get("cdrom")
if cdrom_params.get("cd_format") == "ahci" and not have_ahci:
qemu_cmd += " -device ahci,id=ahci"
have_ahci = True
if cdrom_params.get("cd_format") == "usb2" and not have_usb2:
qemu_cmd += " -device usb-ehci,id=ehci"
have_usb2 = True
if iso:
qemu_cmd += add_cdrom(help, virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, iso),
# We may want to add {floppy_otps} parameter for -fda
# {fat:floppy:}/path/. However vvfat is not usually recommended.
floppy = params.get("floppy")
if floppy:
floppy = virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, floppy)
qemu_cmd += add_floppy(help, floppy)
tftp = params.get("tftp")
if tftp:
tftp = virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, tftp)
qemu_cmd += add_tftp(help, tftp)
bootp = params.get("bootp")
if bootp:
qemu_cmd += add_bootp(help, bootp)
kernel = params.get("kernel")
if kernel:
kernel = virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, kernel)
qemu_cmd += add_kernel(help, kernel)
kernel_cmdline = params.get("kernel_cmdline")
if kernel_cmdline:
qemu_cmd += add_kernel_cmdline(help, kernel_cmdline)
initrd = params.get("initrd")
if initrd:
initrd = virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, initrd)
qemu_cmd += add_initrd(help, initrd)
for host_port, guest_port in redirs:
qemu_cmd += add_tcp_redir(help, host_port, guest_port)
if params.get("display") == "vnc":
qemu_cmd += add_vnc(help, vm.vnc_port)
elif params.get("display") == "sdl":
qemu_cmd += add_sdl(help)
elif params.get("display") == "nographic":
qemu_cmd += add_nographic(help)
elif params.get("display") == "spice":
qemu_cmd += add_spice(help, self.spice_port, params.get("spice"))
qxl = ""
vga = ""
if params.get("qxl"):
qxl = params.get("qxl")
if params.get("vga"):
vga = params.get("vga")
if qxl or vga:
if params.get("display") == "spice":
qxl_dev_nr = params.get("qxl_dev_nr", None)
qemu_cmd += add_qxl_vga(help, qxl, vga, qxl_dev_nr)
if params.get("uuid") == "random":
qemu_cmd += add_uuid(help, vm.uuid)
elif params.get("uuid"):
qemu_cmd += add_uuid(help, params.get("uuid"))
if params.get("testdev") == "yes":
qemu_cmd += add_testdev(help, vm.get_testlog_filename())
if params.get("disable_hpet") == "yes":
qemu_cmd += add_no_hpet(help)
# If the PCI assignment step went OK, add each one of the PCI assigned
# devices to the qemu command line.
if vm.pci_assignable:
for pci_id in vm.pa_pci_ids:
qemu_cmd += add_pcidevice(help, pci_id)
extra_params = params.get("extra_params")
if extra_params:
qemu_cmd += " %s" % extra_params
return qemu_cmd
def create(self, name=None, params=None, root_dir=None, timeout=5.0,
migration_mode=None, mac_source=None):
Start the VM by running a qemu command.
All parameters are optional. If name, params or root_dir are not
supplied, the respective values stored as class attributes are used.
@param name: The name of the object
@param params: A dict containing VM params
@param root_dir: Base directory for relative filenames
@param migration_mode: If supplied, start VM for incoming migration
using this protocol (either 'tcp', 'unix' or 'exec')
@param migration_exec_cmd: Command to embed in '-incoming "exec: ..."'
(e.g. 'gzip -c -d filename') if migration_mode is 'exec'
@param mac_source: A VM object from which to copy MAC addresses. If not
specified, new addresses will be generated.
@raise VMCreateError: If qemu terminates unexpectedly
@raise VMKVMInitError: If KVM initialization fails
@raise VMHugePageError: If hugepage initialization fails
@raise VMImageMissingError: If a CD image is missing
@raise VMHashMismatchError: If a CD image hash has doesn't match the
expected hash
@raise VMBadPATypeError: If an unsupported PCI assignment type is
@raise VMPAError: If no PCI assignable devices could be assigned
@raise TAPCreationError: If fail to create tap fd
@raise BRAddIfError: If fail to add a tap to a bridge
@raise TAPBringUpError: If fail to bring up a tap
error.context("creating '%s'" % self.name)
if name is not None:
self.name = name
if params is not None:
self.params = params
if root_dir is not None:
self.root_dir = root_dir
name = self.name
params = self.params
root_dir = self.root_dir
# Verify the md5sum of the ISO images
for cdrom in params.objects("cdroms"):
cdrom_params = params.object_params(cdrom)
iso = cdrom_params.get("cdrom")
if iso:
iso = virt_utils.get_path(root_dir, iso)
if not os.path.exists(iso):
raise virt_vm.VMImageMissingError(iso)
compare = False
if cdrom_params.get("md5sum_1m"):
logging.debug("Comparing expected MD5 sum with MD5 sum of "
"first MB of ISO file...")
actual_hash = utils.hash_file(iso, 1048576, method="md5")
expected_hash = cdrom_params.get("md5sum_1m")
compare = True
elif cdrom_params.get("md5sum"):
logging.debug("Comparing expected MD5 sum with MD5 sum of "
"ISO file...")
actual_hash = utils.hash_file(iso, method="md5")
expected_hash = cdrom_params.get("md5sum")
compare = True
elif cdrom_params.get("sha1sum"):
logging.debug("Comparing expected SHA1 sum with SHA1 sum "
"of ISO file...")
actual_hash = utils.hash_file(iso, method="sha1")
expected_hash = cdrom_params.get("sha1sum")
compare = True
if compare:
if actual_hash == expected_hash:
logging.debug("Hashes match")
raise virt_vm.VMHashMismatchError(actual_hash,
# Make sure the following code is not executed by more than one thread
# at the same time
lockfile = open("/tmp/kvm-autotest-vm-create.lock", "w+")
fcntl.lockf(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
# Handle port redirections
redir_names = params.objects("redirs")
host_ports = virt_utils.find_free_ports(5000, 6000, len(redir_names))
self.redirs = {}
for i in range(len(redir_names)):
redir_params = params.object_params(redir_names[i])
guest_port = int(redir_params.get("guest_port"))
self.redirs[guest_port] = host_ports[i]
# Generate netdev IDs for all NICs and create TAP fd
self.netdev_id = []
self.tapfds = []
vlan = 0
for nic in params.objects("nics"):
nic_params = params.object_params(nic)
if nic_params.get("nic_mode") == "tap":
ifname = self.get_ifname(vlan)
brname = nic_params.get("bridge")
tapfd = virt_utils.open_tap("/dev/net/tun", ifname)
virt_utils.add_to_bridge(ifname, brname)
vlan += 1
# Find available VNC port, if needed
if params.get("display") == "vnc":
self.vnc_port = virt_utils.find_free_port(5900, 6100)
# Find available spice port, if needed
if params.get("spice"):
self.spice_port = virt_utils.find_free_port(8000, 8100)
# Find random UUID if specified 'uuid = random' in config file
if params.get("uuid") == "random":
f = open("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid")
self.uuid = f.read().strip()
# Generate or copy MAC addresses for all NICs
num_nics = len(params.objects("nics"))
for vlan in range(num_nics):
nic_name = params.objects("nics")[vlan]
nic_params = params.object_params(nic_name)
mac = (nic_params.get("nic_mac") or
mac_source and mac_source.get_mac_address(vlan))
if mac:
virt_utils.set_mac_address(self.instance, vlan, mac)
virt_utils.generate_mac_address(self.instance, vlan)
# Assign a PCI assignable device
self.pci_assignable = None
pa_type = params.get("pci_assignable")
if pa_type and pa_type != "no":
pa_devices_requested = params.get("devices_requested")
# Virtual Functions (VF) assignable devices
if pa_type == "vf":
self.pci_assignable = virt_utils.PciAssignable(
# Physical NIC (PF) assignable devices
elif pa_type == "pf":
self.pci_assignable = virt_utils.PciAssignable(
# Working with both VF and PF
elif pa_type == "mixed":
self.pci_assignable = virt_utils.PciAssignable(
raise virt_vm.VMBadPATypeError(pa_type)
self.pa_pci_ids = self.pci_assignable.request_devs()
if self.pa_pci_ids:
logging.debug("Successfuly assigned devices: %s",
raise virt_vm.VMPAError(pa_type)
# Make qemu command
qemu_command = self.__make_qemu_command()
# Add migration parameters if required
if migration_mode == "tcp":
self.migration_port = virt_utils.find_free_port(5200, 6000)
qemu_command += " -incoming tcp:0:%d" % self.migration_port
elif migration_mode == "unix":
self.migration_file = "/tmp/migration-unix-%s" % self.instance
qemu_command += " -incoming unix:%s" % self.migration_file
elif migration_mode == "exec":
self.migration_port = virt_utils.find_free_port(5200, 6000)
qemu_command += (' -incoming "exec:nc -l %s"' %
logging.info("Running qemu command:\n%s", qemu_command)
self.process = aexpect.run_bg(qemu_command, None,
logging.info, "(qemu) ")
for tapfd in self.tapfds:
# File descriptor is already closed
except OSError:
# Make sure the process was started successfully
if not self.process.is_alive():
e = virt_vm.VMCreateError(qemu_command,
raise e
# Establish monitor connections
self.monitors = []
for monitor_name in params.objects("monitors"):
monitor_params = params.object_params(monitor_name)
# Wait for monitor connection to succeed
end_time = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < end_time:
if monitor_params.get("monitor_type") == "qmp":
# Add a QMP monitor
monitor = kvm_monitor.QMPMonitor(
# Add a "human" monitor
monitor = kvm_monitor.HumanMonitor(
except kvm_monitor.MonitorError, e:
raise e
# Add this monitor to the list
self.monitors += [monitor]
# Get the output so far, to see if we have any problems with
# KVM modules or with hugepage setup.
output = self.process.get_output()
if re.search("Could not initialize KVM", output, re.IGNORECASE):
e = virt_vm.VMKVMInitError(qemu_command, self.process.get_output())
raise e
if "alloc_mem_area" in output:
e = virt_vm.VMHugePageError(qemu_command, self.process.get_output())
raise e
logging.debug("VM appears to be alive with PID %s", self.get_pid())
# Establish a session with the serial console -- requires a version
# of netcat that supports -U
self.serial_console = aexpect.ShellSession(
"nc -U %s" % self.get_serial_console_filename(),
output_params=("serial-%s.log" % name,))
fcntl.lockf(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def destroy(self, gracefully=True, free_mac_addresses=True):
Destroy the VM.
If gracefully is True, first attempt to shutdown the VM with a shell
command. Then, attempt to destroy the VM via the monitor with a 'quit'
command. If that fails, send SIGKILL to the qemu process.
@param gracefully: If True, an attempt will be made to end the VM
using a shell command before trying to end the qemu process
with a 'quit' or a kill signal.
@param free_mac_addresses: If True, the MAC addresses used by the VM
will be freed.
# Is it already dead?
if self.is_dead():
logging.debug("Destroying VM with PID %s", self.get_pid())
if gracefully and self.params.get("shutdown_command"):
# Try to destroy with shell command
logging.debug("Trying to shutdown VM with shell command")
session = self.login()
except (virt_utils.LoginError, virt_vm.VMError), e:
# Send the shutdown command
logging.debug("Shutdown command sent; waiting for VM "
"to go down")
if virt_utils.wait_for(self.is_dead, 60, 1, 1):
logging.debug("VM is down")
if self.monitor:
# Try to destroy with a monitor command
logging.debug("Trying to kill VM with monitor command")
except kvm_monitor.MonitorError, e:
# Wait for the VM to be really dead
if virt_utils.wait_for(self.is_dead, 5, 0.5, 0.5):
logging.debug("VM is down")
# If the VM isn't dead yet...
logging.debug("Cannot quit normally, sending a kill to close the "
virt_utils.kill_process_tree(self.process.get_pid(), 9)
# Wait for the VM to be really dead
if virt_utils.wait_for(self.is_dead, 5, 0.5, 0.5):
logging.debug("VM is down")
logging.error("Process %s is a zombie!", self.process.get_pid())
self.monitors = []
if self.pci_assignable:
if self.process:
if self.serial_console:
for f in ([self.get_testlog_filename(),
self.get_serial_console_filename()] +
except OSError:
if hasattr(self, "migration_file"):
except OSError:
if free_mac_addresses:
num_nics = len(self.params.objects("nics"))
for vlan in range(num_nics):
def monitor(self):
Return the main monitor object, selected by the parameter main_monitor.
If main_monitor isn't defined, return the first monitor.
If no monitors exist, or if main_monitor refers to a nonexistent
monitor, return None.
for m in self.monitors:
if m.name == self.params.get("main_monitor"):
return m
if self.monitors and not self.params.get("main_monitor"):
return self.monitors[0]
def get_monitor_filename(self, monitor_name):
Return the filename corresponding to a given monitor name.
return "/tmp/monitor-%s-%s" % (monitor_name, self.instance)
def get_monitor_filenames(self):
Return a list of all monitor filenames (as specified in the VM's
return [self.get_monitor_filename(m) for m in
def get_address(self, index=0):
Return the address of a NIC of the guest, in host space.
If port redirection is used, return 'localhost' (the NIC has no IP
address of its own). Otherwise return the NIC's IP address.
@param index: Index of the NIC whose address is requested.
@raise VMMACAddressMissingError: If no MAC address is defined for the
requested NIC
@raise VMIPAddressMissingError: If no IP address is found for the the
NIC's MAC address
@raise VMAddressVerificationError: If the MAC-IP address mapping cannot
be verified (using arping)
nics = self.params.objects("nics")
nic_name = nics[index]
nic_params = self.params.object_params(nic_name)
if nic_params.get("nic_mode") == "tap":
mac = self.get_mac_address(index).lower()
# Get the IP address from the cache
ip = self.address_cache.get(mac)
if not ip:
raise virt_vm.VMIPAddressMissingError(mac)
# Make sure the IP address is assigned to this guest
macs = [self.get_mac_address(i) for i in range(len(nics))]
if not virt_utils.verify_ip_address_ownership(ip, macs):
raise virt_vm.VMAddressVerificationError(mac, ip)
return ip
return "localhost"
def get_port(self, port, nic_index=0):
Return the port in host space corresponding to port in guest space.
@param port: Port number in host space.
@param nic_index: Index of the NIC.
@return: If port redirection is used, return the host port redirected
to guest port port. Otherwise return port.
@raise VMPortNotRedirectedError: If an unredirected port is requested
in user mode
nic_name = self.params.objects("nics")[nic_index]
nic_params = self.params.object_params(nic_name)
if nic_params.get("nic_mode") == "tap":
return port
return self.redirs[port]
except KeyError:
raise virt_vm.VMPortNotRedirectedError(port)
def get_peer(self, netid):
Return the peer of netdev or network deivce.
@param netid: id of netdev or device
@return: id of the peer device otherwise None
network_info = self.monitor.info("network")
return re.findall("%s:.*peer=(.*)" % netid, network_info)[0]
except IndexError:
return None
def get_ifname(self, nic_index=0):
Return the ifname of a tap device associated with a NIC.
@param nic_index: Index of the NIC
nics = self.params.objects("nics")
nic_name = nics[nic_index]
nic_params = self.params.object_params(nic_name)
if nic_params.get("nic_ifname"):
return nic_params.get("nic_ifname")
return "t%d-%s" % (nic_index, self.instance[-11:])
def get_mac_address(self, nic_index=0):
Return the MAC address of a NIC.
@param nic_index: Index of the NIC
@raise VMMACAddressMissingError: If no MAC address is defined for the
requested NIC
nic_name = self.params.objects("nics")[nic_index]
nic_params = self.params.object_params(nic_name)
mac = (nic_params.get("nic_mac") or
virt_utils.get_mac_address(self.instance, nic_index))
if not mac:
raise virt_vm.VMMACAddressMissingError(nic_index)
return mac
def free_mac_address(self, nic_index=0):
Free a NIC's MAC address.
@param nic_index: Index of the NIC
virt_utils.free_mac_address(self.instance, nic_index)
def get_pid(self):
Return the VM's PID. If the VM is dead return None.
@note: This works under the assumption that self.process.get_pid()
returns the PID of the parent shell process.
children = commands.getoutput("ps --ppid=%d -o pid=" %
return int(children[0])
except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError):
return None
def get_shell_pid(self):
Return the PID of the parent shell process.
@note: This works under the assumption that self.process.get_pid()
returns the PID of the parent shell process.
return self.process.get_pid()
def get_shared_meminfo(self):
Returns the VM's shared memory information.
@return: Shared memory used by VM (MB)
if self.is_dead():
logging.error("Could not get shared memory info from dead VM.")
return None
filename = "/proc/%d/statm" % self.get_pid()
shm = int(open(filename).read().split()[2])
# statm stores informations in pages, translate it to MB
return shm * 4.0 / 1024
def migrate(self, timeout=3600, protocol="tcp", cancel_delay=None,
offline=False, stable_check=False, clean=True,
save_path="/tmp", dest_host="localhost", remote_port=None):
Migrate the VM.
If the migration is local, the VM object's state is switched with that
of the destination VM. Otherwise, the state is switched with that of
a dead VM (returned by self.clone()).
@param timeout: Time to wait for migration to complete.
@param protocol: Migration protocol (as defined in MIGRATION_PROTOS)
@param cancel_delay: If provided, specifies a time duration after which
migration will be canceled. Used for testing migrate_cancel.
@param offline: If True, pause the source VM before migration.
@param stable_check: If True, compare the VM's state after migration to
its state before migration and raise an exception if they
@param clean: If True, delete the saved state files (relevant only if
stable_check is also True).
@save_path: The path for state files.
@param dest_host: Destination host (defaults to 'localhost').
@param remote_port: Port to use for remote migration.
if protocol not in self.MIGRATION_PROTOS:
raise virt_vm.VMMigrateProtoUnsupportedError
error.base_context("migrating '%s'" % self.name)
def mig_finished():
o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
if isinstance(o, str):
return "status: active" not in o
return o.get("status") != "active"
def mig_succeeded():
o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
if isinstance(o, str):
return "status: completed" in o
return o.get("status") == "completed"
def mig_failed():
o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
if isinstance(o, str):
return "status: failed" in o
return o.get("status") == "failed"
def mig_cancelled():
o = self.monitor.info("migrate")
if isinstance(o, str):
return ("Migration status: cancelled" in o or
"Migration status: canceled" in o)
return (o.get("status") == "cancelled" or
o.get("status") == "canceled")
def wait_for_migration():
if not virt_utils.wait_for(mig_finished, timeout, 2, 2,
"Waiting for migration to complete"):
raise virt_vm.VMMigrateTimeoutError("Timeout expired while waiting "
"for migration to finish")
local = dest_host == "localhost"
clone = self.clone()
if local:
error.context("creating destination VM")
if stable_check:
# Pause the dest vm after creation
extra_params = clone.params.get("extra_params", "") + " -S"
clone.params["extra_params"] = extra_params
clone.create(migration_mode=protocol, mac_source=self)
if protocol == "tcp":
if local:
uri = "tcp:localhost:%d" % clone.migration_port
uri = "tcp:%s:%d" % (dest_host, remote_port)
elif protocol == "unix":
uri = "unix:%s" % clone.migration_file
elif protocol == "exec":
uri = '"exec:nc localhost %s"' % clone.migration_port
if offline:
logging.info("Migrating to %s", uri)
if cancel_delay:
if not virt_utils.wait_for(mig_cancelled, 60, 2, 2,
"Waiting for migration "
raise virt_vm.VMMigrateCancelError("Cannot cancel migration")
# Report migration status
if mig_succeeded():
logging.info("Migration completed successfully")
elif mig_failed():
raise virt_vm.VMMigrateFailedError("Migration failed")
raise virt_vm.VMMigrateFailedError("Migration ended with "
"unknown status")
# Switch self <-> clone
temp = self.clone(copy_state=True)
self.__dict__ = clone.__dict__
clone = temp
# From now on, clone is the source VM that will soon be destroyed
# and self is the destination VM that will remain alive. If this
# is remote migration, self is a dead VM object.
error.context("after migration")
if local:
if local and stable_check:
save1 = os.path.join(save_path, "src-" + clone.instance)
save2 = os.path.join(save_path, "dst-" + self.instance)
# Fail if we see deltas
md5_save1 = utils.hash_file(save1)
md5_save2 = utils.hash_file(save2)
if md5_save1 != md5_save2:
raise virt_vm.VMMigrateStateMismatchError(md5_save1,
if clean:
if os.path.isfile(save1):
if os.path.isfile(save2):
# If we're doing remote migration and it's completed successfully,
# self points to a dead VM object
if self.is_alive():
def reboot(self, session=None, method="shell", nic_index=0, timeout=240):
Reboot the VM and wait for it to come back up by trying to log in until
timeout expires.
@param session: A shell session object or None.
@param method: Reboot method. Can be "shell" (send a shell reboot
command) or "system_reset" (send a system_reset monitor command).
@param nic_index: Index of NIC to access in the VM, when logging in
after rebooting.
@param timeout: Time to wait for login to succeed (after rebooting).
@return: A new shell session object.
error.base_context("rebooting '%s'" % self.name, logging.info)
error.context("before reboot")
session = session or self.login()
if method == "shell":
elif method == "system_reset":
# Clear the event list of all QMP monitors
qmp_monitors = [m for m in self.monitors if m.protocol == "qmp"]
for m in qmp_monitors:
# Send a system_reset monitor command
# Look for RESET QMP events
for m in qmp_monitors:
if m.get_event("RESET"):
logging.info("RESET QMP event received")
raise virt_vm.VMRebootError("RESET QMP event not received "
"after system_reset "
"(monitor '%s')" % m.name)
raise virt_vm.VMRebootError("Unknown reboot method: %s" % method)
error.context("waiting for guest to go down", logging.info)
if not virt_utils.wait_for(lambda:
not session.is_responsive(timeout=30),
120, 0, 1):
raise virt_vm.VMRebootError("Guest refuses to go down")
error.context("logging in after reboot", logging.info)
return self.wait_for_login(nic_index, timeout=timeout)
def send_key(self, keystr):
Send a key event to the VM.
@param: keystr: A key event string (e.g. "ctrl-alt-delete")
# For compatibility with versions of QEMU that do not recognize all
# key names: replace keyname with the hex value from the dict, which
# QEMU will definitely accept
dict = {"comma": "0x33",
"dot": "0x34",
"slash": "0x35"}
for key, value in dict.items():
keystr = keystr.replace(key, value)
# should this really be expected from VMs of all hypervisor types?
def screendump(self, filename):
if self.monitor:
except kvm_monitor.MonitorError, e:
def save_to_file(self, path):
Save the state of virtual machine to a file through migrate to
# Make sure we only get one iteration
self.monitor.cmd("migrate_set_speed 1000g")
self.monitor.cmd("migrate_set_downtime 100000000")
self.monitor.migrate('"exec:cat>%s"' % path)
# Restore the speed and downtime of migration
self.monitor.cmd("migrate_set_speed %d" % (32<<20))
self.monitor.cmd("migrate_set_downtime 0.03")
def needs_restart(self, name, params, basedir):
Verifies whether the current qemu commandline matches the requested
one, based on the test parameters.
return (self.__make_qemu_command() !=
self.__make_qemu_command(name, params, basedir))