#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for results_stats."""
import os
import sys
import unittest
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
np = None
sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
from statistical_analysis import results_stats
class StatisticalBenchmarkResultsAnalysisTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit testing of several functions in results_stats."""
def testGetChartsFromBenchmarkResultJson(self):
"""Unit test for errors raised when getting the charts element.
Also makes sure that the 'trace' element is deleted if it exists.
input_json_wrong_format = {'charts_wrong': {}}
input_json_empty = {'charts': {}}
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
input_json_with_trace = {'charts':
{'trace': {},
{'Ex_page_1': {'type': 'list_of_scalar_values',
'values': [1, 2]},
'Ex_page_2': {'type': 'histogram',
'values': [1, 2]}},
{'Ex_page_1': {'type': 'list_of_scalar_values'},
'Ex_page_2': {'type': 'list_of_scalar_values',
'values': [1, 2]}}}}
output = (results_stats.
expected_output = {'Ex_metric_1':
{'Ex_page_1': {'type': 'list_of_scalar_values',
'values': [1, 2]}},
{'Ex_page_2': {'type': 'list_of_scalar_values',
'values': [1, 2]}}}
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
def testCreateBenchmarkResultDict(self):
"""Unit test for benchmark result dict created from a benchmark json.
Creates a json of the format created by tools/perf/run_benchmark and then
compares the output dict against an expected predefined output dict.
metric_names = ['messageloop_start_time',
metric_values = [[55, 72, 60], [54, 42, 65], [44, 89]]
input_json = {'charts': {}}
for metric, metric_vals in zip(metric_names, metric_values):
input_json['charts'][metric] = {'summary':
{'values': metric_vals,
'type': 'list_of_scalar_values'}}
output = results_stats.CreateBenchmarkResultDict(input_json)
expected_output = {'messageloop_start_time': [55, 72, 60],
'open_tabs_time': [54, 42, 65],
'window_display_time': [44, 89]}
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
def testCreatePagesetBenchmarkResultDict(self):
"""Unit test for pageset benchmark result dict created from benchmark json.
Creates a json of the format created by tools/perf/run_benchmark when it
includes a pageset and then compares the output dict against an expected
predefined output dict.
metric_names = ['messageloop_start_time',
metric_values = [[55, 72, 60], [54, 42, 65], [44, 89]]
page_names = ['Ex_page_1', 'Ex_page_2']
input_json = {'charts': {}}
for metric, metric_vals in zip(metric_names, metric_values):
input_json['charts'][metric] = {'summary':
{'values': [0, 1, 2, 3],
'type': 'list_of_scalar_values'}}
for page in page_names:
input_json['charts'][metric][page] = {'values': metric_vals,
'type': 'list_of_scalar_values'}
output = results_stats.CreatePagesetBenchmarkResultDict(input_json)
expected_output = {'messageloop_start_time': {'Ex_page_1': [55, 72, 60],
'Ex_page_2': [55, 72, 60]},
'open_tabs_time': {'Ex_page_1': [54, 42, 65],
'Ex_page_2': [54, 42, 65]},
'window_display_time': {'Ex_page_1': [44, 89],
'Ex_page_2': [44, 89]}}
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
def testCombinePValues(self):
"""Unit test for Fisher's Method that combines multiple p-values."""
test_p_values = [0.05, 0.04, 0.10, 0.07, 0.01]
expected_output = 0.00047334256271885721
output = results_stats.CombinePValues(test_p_values)
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
def CreateRandomNormalDistribution(self, mean=0, size=30):
"""Creates two pseudo random samples for testing in multiple methods."""
if not np:
raise ImportError('This function requires Numpy.')
sample = np.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=1, size=size)
return sample
def testIsNormallyDistributed(self):
"""Unit test for values returned when testing for normality."""
if not np:
self.skipTest("Numpy is not installed.")
test_samples = [self.CreateRandomNormalDistribution(0),
expected_outputs = [(True, 0.5253966450691223),
(True, 0.5253913402557373)]
for sample, expected_output in zip(test_samples, expected_outputs):
output = results_stats.IsNormallyDistributed(sample)
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
def testAreSamplesDifferent(self):
"""Unit test for values returned after running the statistical tests.
Creates two pseudo-random normally distributed samples to run the
statistical tests and compares the resulting answer and p-value against
their pre-calculated values.
test_samples = [3 * [0, 0, 2, 4, 4], 3 * [5, 5, 7, 9, 9]]
with self.assertRaises(results_stats.SampleSizeError):
results_stats.AreSamplesDifferent(test_samples[0], test_samples[1],
with self.assertRaises(results_stats.NonNormalSampleError):
results_stats.AreSamplesDifferent(test_samples[0], test_samples[1],
test_samples_equal = (20 * [1], 20 * [1])
expected_output_equal = (False, 1.0)
output_equal = results_stats.AreSamplesDifferent(test_samples_equal[0],
self.assertEqual(output_equal, expected_output_equal)
if not np:
self.skipTest("Numpy is not installed.")
test_samples = [self.CreateRandomNormalDistribution(0),
test_options = results_stats.ALL_TEST_OPTIONS
expected_outputs = [(True, 2 * 0.00068516628052438266),
(True, 0.0017459498829507842),
(True, 0.00084765230478226514)]
for test, expected_output in zip(test_options, expected_outputs):
output = results_stats.AreSamplesDifferent(test_samples[0],
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
def testAssertThatKeysMatch(self):
"""Unit test for exception raised when input dicts' metrics don't match."""
differing_input_dicts = [{'messageloop_start_time': [55, 72, 60],
'display_time': [44, 89]},
{'messageloop_start_time': [55, 72, 60]}]
with self.assertRaises(results_stats.DictMismatchError):
def testAreBenchmarkResultsDifferent(self):
"""Unit test for statistical test outcome dict."""
test_input_dicts = [{'open_tabs_time':
test_options = results_stats.ALL_TEST_OPTIONS
expected_outputs = [{'open_tabs_time': (False, 2 * 0.49704973080841425),
'display_time': (True, 2 * 0.00068516628052438266)},
{'open_tabs_time': (False, 1.0),
'display_time': (True, 0.0017459498829507842)},
{'open_tabs_time': (False, 1.0),
'display_time': (True, 0.00084765230478226514)}]
for test, expected_output in zip(test_options, expected_outputs):
output = results_stats.AreBenchmarkResultsDifferent(test_input_dicts[0],
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
def testArePagesetBenchmarkResultsDifferent(self):
"""Unit test for statistical test outcome dict."""
distributions = (self.CreateRandomNormalDistribution(0),
test_input_dicts = ({'open_tabs_time': {'Ex_page_1': distributions[0],
'Ex_page_2': distributions[0]},
'display_time': {'Ex_page_1': distributions[1],
'Ex_page_2': distributions[1]}},
{'open_tabs_time': {'Ex_page_1': distributions[0],
'Ex_page_2': distributions[1]},
'display_time': {'Ex_page_1': distributions[1],
'Ex_page_2': distributions[0]}})
test_options = results_stats.ALL_TEST_OPTIONS
expected_outputs = ({'open_tabs_time': # Mann.
{'Ex_page_1': (False, 2 * 0.49704973080841425),
'Ex_page_2': (True, 2 * 0.00068516628052438266)},
{'Ex_page_1': (False, 2 * 0.49704973080841425),
'Ex_page_2': (True, 2 * 0.00068516628052438266)}},
{'open_tabs_time': # Kolmogorov.
{'Ex_page_1': (False, 1.0),
'Ex_page_2': (True, 0.0017459498829507842)},
{'Ex_page_1': (False, 1.0),
'Ex_page_2': (True, 0.0017459498829507842)}},
{'open_tabs_time': # Welch.
{'Ex_page_1': (False, 1.0),
'Ex_page_2': (True, 0.00084765230478226514)},
{'Ex_page_1': (False, 1.0),
'Ex_page_2': (True, 0.00084765230478226514)}})
for test, expected_output in zip(test_options, expected_outputs):
output = (results_stats.
self.assertEqual(output, expected_output)
if __name__ == '__main__':