/*===- InstrProfilingWriter.c - Write instrumentation to a file or buffer -===*\
|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "InstrProfiling.h"
#include "InstrProfilingInternal.h"
COMPILER_RT_VISIBILITY int llvmWriteProfData(WriterCallback Writer,
void *WriterCtx,
const uint8_t *ValueDataBegin,
const uint64_t ValueDataSize) {
/* Match logic in __llvm_profile_write_buffer(). */
const __llvm_profile_data *DataBegin = __llvm_profile_begin_data();
const __llvm_profile_data *DataEnd = __llvm_profile_end_data();
const uint64_t *CountersBegin = __llvm_profile_begin_counters();
const uint64_t *CountersEnd = __llvm_profile_end_counters();
const char *NamesBegin = __llvm_profile_begin_names();
const char *NamesEnd = __llvm_profile_end_names();
return llvmWriteProfDataImpl(Writer, WriterCtx, DataBegin, DataEnd,
CountersBegin, CountersEnd, ValueDataBegin,
ValueDataSize, NamesBegin, NamesEnd);
COMPILER_RT_VISIBILITY int llvmWriteProfDataImpl(
WriterCallback Writer, void *WriterCtx,
const __llvm_profile_data *DataBegin, const __llvm_profile_data *DataEnd,
const uint64_t *CountersBegin, const uint64_t *CountersEnd,
const uint8_t *ValueDataBegin, const uint64_t ValueDataSize,
const char *NamesBegin, const char *NamesEnd) {
/* Calculate size of sections. */
const uint64_t DataSize = DataEnd - DataBegin;
const uint64_t CountersSize = CountersEnd - CountersBegin;
const uint64_t NamesSize = NamesEnd - NamesBegin;
const uint64_t Padding = __llvm_profile_get_num_padding_bytes(NamesSize);
/* Enough zeroes for padding. */
const char Zeroes[sizeof(uint64_t)] = {0};
/* Create the header. */
__llvm_profile_header Header;
if (!DataSize)
return 0;
/* Initialize header struture. */
#define INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(Type, Name, Init) Header.Name = Init;
#include "InstrProfData.inc"
/* Write the data. */
ProfDataIOVec IOVec[] = {
{&Header, sizeof(__llvm_profile_header), 1},
{DataBegin, sizeof(__llvm_profile_data), DataSize},
{CountersBegin, sizeof(uint64_t), CountersSize},
{NamesBegin, sizeof(char), NamesSize},
{Zeroes, sizeof(char), Padding}};
if (Writer(IOVec, sizeof(IOVec) / sizeof(*IOVec), &WriterCtx))
return -1;
if (ValueDataBegin) {
ProfDataIOVec IOVec2[] = {{ValueDataBegin, sizeof(char), ValueDataSize}};
if (Writer(IOVec2, sizeof(IOVec2) / sizeof(*IOVec2), &WriterCtx))
return -1;
return 0;