C++程序  |  73行  |  2.21 KB

 * Copyright (c) 1997-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
 * others. All Rights Reserved.
* File CG7COLL.H
* Modification History:
*        Name                     Description            
*     Madhu Katragadda            Converted to C
 * G7CollationTest is a third level test class.  This test performs the examples 
 * mentioned on the IBM Java international demos web site.  
 * Sample Rules: & Z < p , P 
 * Effect :  Making P sort after Z.
 * Sample Rules: & c < ch , cH, Ch, CH 
 * Effect : As well as adding sequences of characters that act as a single character (this is
 * known as contraction), you can also add characters that act like a sequence of
 * characters (this is known as expansion).  
 * Sample Rules: & Question'-'mark ; '?' & Hash'-'mark ; '#' & Ampersand ; '&' 
 * Effect : Expansion and contraction can actually be combined.  
 * Sample Rules: & aa ; a'-' & ee ; e'-' & ii ; i'-' & oo ; o'-' & uu ; u'-'
 * Effect : sorted sequence as the following,
 * aardvark  
 * a-rdvark  
 * abbot  
 * coop  
 * co-p  
 * cop 

#ifndef _CG7COLLTST
#define _CG7COLLTST

#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "cmemory.h"


#include "cintltst.h"

#define MAX_TOKEN_LEN 16
#define  TESTLOCALES  12 
#define  FIXEDTESTSET 15 
#define  TOTALTESTSET  30 

    /* perform test for G7 locales */
    static void TestG7Locales(void);

    /* perform test with added rules " & Z < p, P" */
    static void TestDemo1(void);

    /* perorm test with added rules "& C < ch , cH, Ch, CH" */
    static void TestDemo2(void);

    /* perform test with added rules  */
    /* "& Question'-'mark ; '?' & Hash'-'mark ; '#' & Ampersand ; '&'" */
    static void TestDemo3(void);

    /* perform test with added rules  */
    /* " & aa ; a'-' & ee ; e'-' & ii ; i'-' & oo ; o'-' & uu ; u'-' " */
    static void TestDemo4(void);

#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_COLLATION */
