#ifndef jniHelpers_H
#define jniHelpers_H
#include <jni.h>
#define GDXPOOL_POOLCLAZZ "Lcom/badlogic/gdx/utils/Pool;"
#define GDXPOOL_OBTAINFUNC "obtain"
#define GDXPOOL_OBTAINSIG "()Ljava/lang/Object;"
#define GDXPOOL_FREEFUNC "free"
#define GDXPOOL_FREESIG "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"
struct GdxPool {
const char * const &poolField;
const char * const &typeName;
const char * const &tempField;
const char * const &poolClazz;
const char * const &obtainName;
const char * const &obtainSig;
const char * const &freeName;
const char * const &freeSig;
JNIEnv *env;
jclass cls;
jobject pool;
jmethodID obtainMethod;
jmethodID freeMethod;
jobject tmp;
/** eg: if you have in java:
* class CommonJNI {
* public static com.xxx.a.Pool<com.xxx.b.Clazz> poolClazz;
* public static com.xxx.b.Clazz tempClazz;
* }
* then construct using:
* GdxPool(jenv, jclass("CommonJNI"), "poolClazz", "Lcom/xxx/b/Clazz;", "tempClazz"); */
GdxPool(const char * const &poolField, const char * const &typeName = 0, const char * const &tempField = 0,
const char * const &poolClazz = GDXPOOL_POOLCLAZZ,
const char * const &obtainName = GDXPOOL_OBTAINFUNC, const char * const &obtainSig = GDXPOOL_OBTAINSIG,
const char * const &freeName = GDXPOOL_FREEFUNC, const char * const &freeSig = GDXPOOL_FREESIG);
virtual ~GdxPool();
void setEnv(JNIEnv * const &env);
/** Obtain a jobject from the pool */
jobject obtain(JNIEnv * const &env);
/** Free a jobject back to the pool */
void free(jobject &obj);
/** Get the temp instance (if available) */
jobject temp(JNIEnv * const &e);
struct GdxPooledObject {
GdxPool * const &pool;
jobject obj;
const bool autoFree;
GdxPooledObject(JNIEnv * const &e, GdxPool * const &pool, const bool &autoFree);
GdxPooledObject(JNIEnv * const &e, GdxPool &pool, const bool &autoFree);
virtual ~GdxPooledObject();
void free();
#endif //jniHelpers_H