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 * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 NXP Semiconductors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * OSAL Implementation for Timers.

#include <signal.h>
#include <phNfcTypes.h>
#include <phOsalNfc_Timer.h>
#include <phNfcCommon.h>
#include <phNxpNciHal.h>
#include <phNxpLog.h>

#define PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER (5U)
static phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t         apTimerInfo[PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER];

extern phNxpNciHal_Control_t nxpncihal_ctrl;

 * Defines the base address for generating timerid.
#define PH_NFC_TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS                   (100U)

 *  Defines the value for invalid timerid returned during timeSetEvent
#define PH_NFC_TIMER_ID_ZERO                        (0x00)

 * Invalid timer ID type. This ID used indicate timer creation is failed */
#define PH_NFC_TIMER_ID_INVALID                     (0xFFFF)

/* Forward declarations */
static void phOsalNfc_PostTimerMsg(phLibNfc_Message_t *pMsg);
static void phOsalNfc_DeferredCall (void *pParams);
static void phOsalNfc_Timer_Expired(union sigval sv);

 *************************** Function Definitions ******************************

** Function         phOsalNfc_Timer_Create
** Description      Creates a timer which shall call back the specified function when the timer expires
**                  Fails if OSAL module is not initialized or timers are already occupied
** Parameters       None
** Returns          TimerId
**                  TimerId value of PH_OSALNFC_TIMER_ID_INVALID indicates that timer is not created                -
uint32_t phOsalNfc_Timer_Create(void)
    /* dwTimerId is also used as an index at which timer object can be stored */
    uint32_t dwTimerId = PH_OSALNFC_TIMER_ID_INVALID;
    static struct sigevent se;
    phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *pTimerHandle;
    /* Timer needs to be initialized for timer usage */

        se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
        se.sigev_notify_function = phOsalNfc_Timer_Expired;
        se.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
        dwTimerId = phUtilNfc_CheckForAvailableTimer();

        /* Check whether timers are available, if yes create a timer handle structure */
        if( (PH_NFC_TIMER_ID_ZERO != dwTimerId) && (dwTimerId <= PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER) )
            pTimerHandle = (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)&apTimerInfo[dwTimerId-1];
            /* Build the Timer Id to be returned to Caller Function */
            dwTimerId += PH_NFC_TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS;
            se.sigev_value.sival_int = (int)dwTimerId;
            /* Create POSIX timer */
            if(timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, &se, &(pTimerHandle->hTimerHandle)) == -1)
                dwTimerId = PH_NFC_TIMER_ID_INVALID;
                /* Set the state to indicate timer is ready */
                pTimerHandle->eState = eTimerIdle;
                /* Store the Timer Id which shall act as flag during check for timer availability */
                pTimerHandle->TimerId = dwTimerId;
            dwTimerId = PH_NFC_TIMER_ID_INVALID;

    /* Timer ID invalid can be due to Uninitialized state,Non availability of Timer */
    return dwTimerId;

** Function         phOsalNfc_Timer_Start
** Description      Starts the requested, already created, timer
**                  If the timer is already running, timer stops and restarts with the new timeout value
**                  and new callback function in case any ??????
**                  Creates a timer which shall call back the specified function when the timer expires
** Parameters       dwTimerId             - valid timer ID obtained during timer creation
**                  dwRegTimeCnt          - requested timeout in milliseconds
**                  pApplication_callback - application callback interface to be called when timer expires
**                  pContext              - caller context, to be passed to the application callback function
** Returns          NFC status:
**                  NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS            - the operation was successful
**                  NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED    - OSAL Module is not initialized
**                  NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER  - invalid parameter passed to the function
**                  PH_OSALNFC_TIMER_START_ERROR - timer could not be created due to system error
NFCSTATUS phOsalNfc_Timer_Start(uint32_t dwTimerId, uint32_t dwRegTimeCnt, pphOsalNfc_TimerCallbck_t pApplication_callback, void *pContext)

    struct itimerspec its;
    uint32_t dwIndex;
    phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *pTimerHandle;
    /* Retrieve the index at which the timer handle structure is stored */
    dwIndex = dwTimerId - PH_NFC_TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS - 0x01;
    pTimerHandle = (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)&apTimerInfo[dwIndex];
    /* OSAL Module needs to be initialized for timer usage */
        /* Check whether the handle provided by user is valid */
        if( (dwIndex < PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER) && (0x00 != pTimerHandle->TimerId) &&
                (NULL != pApplication_callback) )
            its.it_interval.tv_sec  = 0;
            its.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
            its.it_value.tv_sec     = dwRegTimeCnt / 1000;
            its.it_value.tv_nsec    = 1000000 * (dwRegTimeCnt % 1000);
            if(its.it_value.tv_sec == 0 && its.it_value.tv_nsec == 0)
                /* This would inadvertently stop the timer*/
                its.it_value.tv_nsec = 1;
            pTimerHandle->Application_callback = pApplication_callback;
            pTimerHandle->pContext = pContext;
            pTimerHandle->eState = eTimerRunning;
            /* Arm the timer */
            if((timer_settime(pTimerHandle->hTimerHandle, 0, &its, NULL)) == -1)

    return wStartStatus;

** Function         phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop
** Description      Stops already started timer
**                  Allows to stop running timer. In case timer is stopped, timer callback
**                  will not be notified any more
** Parameters       dwTimerId             - valid timer ID obtained during timer creation
** Returns          NFC status:
**                  NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS            - the operation was successful
**                  NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED    - OSAL Module is not initialized
**                  NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER  - invalid parameter passed to the function
**                  PH_OSALNFC_TIMER_STOP_ERROR  - timer could not be stopped due to system error
NFCSTATUS phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop(uint32_t dwTimerId)
    static struct itimerspec its = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}};

    uint32_t dwIndex;
    phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *pTimerHandle;
    dwIndex = dwTimerId - PH_NFC_TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS - 0x01;
    pTimerHandle = (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)&apTimerInfo[dwIndex];
    /* OSAL Module and Timer needs to be initialized for timer usage */
        /* Check whether the TimerId provided by user is valid */
        if( (dwIndex < PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER) && (0x00 != pTimerHandle->TimerId) &&
                (pTimerHandle->eState != eTimerIdle) )
            /* Stop the timer only if the callback has not been invoked */
            if(pTimerHandle->eState == eTimerRunning)
                if((timer_settime(pTimerHandle->hTimerHandle, 0, &its, NULL)) == -1)
                    /* Change the state of timer to Stopped */
                    pTimerHandle->eState = eTimerStopped;

    return wStopStatus;

** Function         phOsalNfc_Timer_Delete
** Description      Deletes previously created timer
**                  Allows to delete previously created timer. In case timer is running,
**                  it is first stopped and then deleted
** Parameters       dwTimerId             - valid timer ID obtained during timer creation
** Returns          NFC status:
**                  NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS             - the operation was successful
**                  NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED     - OSAL Module is not initialized
**                  NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER   - invalid parameter passed to the function
**                  PH_OSALNFC_TIMER_DELETE_ERROR - timer could not be stopped due to system error
NFCSTATUS phOsalNfc_Timer_Delete(uint32_t dwTimerId)

    uint32_t dwIndex;
    phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *pTimerHandle;
    dwIndex = dwTimerId - PH_NFC_TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS - 0x01;
    pTimerHandle = (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)&apTimerInfo[dwIndex];
    /* OSAL Module and Timer needs to be initialized for timer usage */

        /* Check whether the TimerId passed by user is valid and Deregistering of timer is successful */
        if( (dwIndex < PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER) && (0x00 != pTimerHandle->TimerId)
                && (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == phOsalNfc_CheckTimerPresence(pTimerHandle))
            /* Cancel the timer before deleting */
            if(timer_delete(pTimerHandle->hTimerHandle) == -1)
            /* Clear Timer structure used to store timer related data */
    return wDeleteStatus;

** Function         phOsalNfc_Timer_Cleanup
** Description      Deletes all previously created timers
**                  Allows to delete previously created timers. In case timer is running,
**                  it is first stopped and then deleted
** Parameters       None
** Returns          None
void phOsalNfc_Timer_Cleanup(void)
    /* Delete all timers */
    uint32_t dwIndex;
    phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *pTimerHandle;
    for(dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER; dwIndex++)
        pTimerHandle = (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)&apTimerInfo[dwIndex];
        /* OSAL Module and Timer needs to be initialized for timer usage */

        /* Check whether the TimerId passed by user is valid and Deregistering of timer is successful */
        if( (0x00 != pTimerHandle->TimerId)
                && (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == phOsalNfc_CheckTimerPresence(pTimerHandle))
            /* Cancel the timer before deleting */
            if(timer_delete(pTimerHandle->hTimerHandle) == -1)
                NXPLOG_TML_E("timer %d delete error!", dwIndex);
            /* Clear Timer structure used to store timer related data */


** Function         phOsalNfc_DeferredCall
** Description      Invokes the timer callback function after timer expiration.
**                  Shall invoke the callback function registered by the timer caller function
** Parameters       pParams - parameters indicating the ID of the timer
** Returns          None                -
static void phOsalNfc_DeferredCall (void *pParams)
    /* Retrieve the timer id from the parameter */
    uint32_t dwIndex;
    phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *pTimerHandle;
    if(NULL != pParams)
        /* Retrieve the index at which the timer handle structure is stored */
        dwIndex = (uintptr_t)pParams - PH_NFC_TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS - 0x01;
        pTimerHandle = (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)&apTimerInfo[dwIndex];
        if(pTimerHandle->Application_callback != NULL)
            /* Invoke the callback function with osal Timer ID */
            pTimerHandle->Application_callback((uintptr_t)pParams, pTimerHandle->pContext);


** Function         phOsalNfc_PostTimerMsg
** Description      Posts message on the user thread
**                  Shall be invoked upon expiration of a timer
**                  Shall post message on user thread through which timer callback function shall be invoked
** Parameters       pMsg - pointer to the message structure posted on user thread
** Returns          None                -
static void phOsalNfc_PostTimerMsg(phLibNfc_Message_t *pMsg)

    (void)phDal4Nfc_msgsnd(nxpncihal_ctrl.gDrvCfg.nClientId/*gpphOsalNfc_Context->dwCallbackThreadID*/, pMsg,0);


** Function         phOsalNfc_Timer_Expired
** Description      posts message upon expiration of timer
**                  Shall be invoked when any one timer is expired
**                  Shall post message on user thread to invoke respective
**                  callback function provided by the caller of Timer function
** Returns          None
static void phOsalNfc_Timer_Expired(union sigval sv)
   uint32_t dwIndex;
   phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *pTimerHandle;

    dwIndex = ((uint32_t)(sv.sival_int)) - PH_NFC_TIMER_BASE_ADDRESS - 0x01;
    pTimerHandle = (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)&apTimerInfo[dwIndex];
    /* Timer is stopped when callback function is invoked */
    pTimerHandle->eState = eTimerStopped;

    pTimerHandle->tDeferedCallInfo.pDeferedCall = &phOsalNfc_DeferredCall;
    pTimerHandle->tDeferedCallInfo.pParam = (void *) ((intptr_t)(sv.sival_int));

    pTimerHandle->tOsalMessage.eMsgType = PH_LIBNFC_DEFERREDCALL_MSG;
    pTimerHandle->tOsalMessage.pMsgData = (void *)&pTimerHandle->tDeferedCallInfo;

    /* Post a message on the queue to invoke the function */
    phOsalNfc_PostTimerMsg ((phLibNfc_Message_t *)&pTimerHandle->tOsalMessage);


** Function         phUtilNfc_CheckForAvailableTimer
** Description      Find an available timer id
** Parameters       void
** Returns          Available timer id
uint32_t phUtilNfc_CheckForAvailableTimer(void)
    /* Variable used to store the index at which the object structure details
       can be stored. Initialize it as not available. */
    uint32_t dwIndex = 0x00;
    uint32_t dwRetval = 0x00;

    /* Check whether Timer object can be created */
     for(dwIndex = 0x00;
             ( (dwIndex < PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER) && (0x00 == dwRetval) ); dwIndex++)
             dwRetval = (dwIndex + 0x01);

     return (dwRetval);


** Function         phOsalNfc_CheckTimerPresence
** Description      Checks the requested timer is present or not
** Parameters       pObjectHandle - timer context
** Returns          NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS if found
**                  Other value if not found
NFCSTATUS phOsalNfc_CheckTimerPresence(void *pObjectHandle)
    uint32_t dwIndex;

    for(dwIndex = 0x00; ( (dwIndex < PH_NFC_MAX_TIMER) &&
            (wRegisterStatus != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) ); dwIndex++)
        /* For Timer, check whether the requested handle is present or not */
        if( ((&apTimerInfo[dwIndex]) ==
                (phOsalNfc_TimerHandle_t *)pObjectHandle) &&
                (apTimerInfo[dwIndex].TimerId) )
            wRegisterStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS;
    return wRegisterStatus;
