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//                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"

#define  SCALE  14
#define  cR  (int)(0.299*(1 << SCALE) + 0.5)
#define  cG  (int)(0.587*(1 << SCALE) + 0.5)
#define  cB  ((1 << SCALE) - cR - cG)

void icvCvt_BGR2Gray_8u_C3C1R( const uchar* rgb, int rgb_step,
                               uchar* gray, int gray_step,
                               CvSize size, int _swap_rb )
    int i;
    int swap_rb = _swap_rb ? 2 : 0;
    for( ; size.height--; gray += gray_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, rgb += 3 )
            int t = descale( rgb[swap_rb]*cB + rgb[1]*cG + rgb[swap_rb^2]*cR, SCALE );
            gray[i] = (uchar)t;

        rgb += rgb_step - size.width*3;

void icvCvt_BGRA2Gray_16u_CnC1R( const ushort* rgb, int rgb_step,
                                ushort* gray, int gray_step,
                                CvSize size, int ncn, int _swap_rb )
    int i;
    int swap_rb = _swap_rb ? 2 : 0;
    for( ; size.height--; gray += gray_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, rgb += ncn )
            int t = descale( rgb[swap_rb]*cB + rgb[1]*cG + rgb[swap_rb^2]*cR, SCALE );
            gray[i] = (ushort)t;

        rgb += rgb_step - size.width*ncn;

void icvCvt_BGRA2Gray_8u_C4C1R( const uchar* rgba, int rgba_step,
                                uchar* gray, int gray_step,
                                CvSize size, int _swap_rb )
    int i;
    int swap_rb = _swap_rb ? 2 : 0;
    for( ; size.height--; gray += gray_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, rgba += 4 )
            int t = descale( rgba[swap_rb]*cB + rgba[1]*cG + rgba[swap_rb^2]*cR, SCALE );
            gray[i] = (uchar)t;

        rgba += rgba_step - size.width*4;

void icvCvt_Gray2BGR_8u_C1C3R( const uchar* gray, int gray_step,
                               uchar* bgr, int bgr_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; gray += gray_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3 )
            bgr[0] = bgr[1] = bgr[2] = gray[i];
        bgr += bgr_step - size.width*3;

void icvCvt_Gray2BGR_16u_C1C3R( const ushort* gray, int gray_step,
                              ushort* bgr, int bgr_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; gray += gray_step/sizeof(gray[0]) )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3 )
            bgr[0] = bgr[1] = bgr[2] = gray[i];
        bgr += bgr_step/sizeof(bgr[0]) - size.width*3;

void icvCvt_BGRA2BGR_8u_C4C3R( const uchar* bgra, int bgra_step,
                               uchar* bgr, int bgr_step,
                               CvSize size, int _swap_rb )
    int i;
    int swap_rb = _swap_rb ? 2 : 0;
    for( ; size.height--; )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3, bgra += 4 )
            uchar t0 = bgra[swap_rb], t1 = bgra[1];
            bgr[0] = t0; bgr[1] = t1;
            t0 = bgra[swap_rb^2]; bgr[2] = t0;
        bgr += bgr_step - size.width*3;
        bgra += bgra_step - size.width*4;

void icvCvt_BGRA2BGR_16u_C4C3R( const ushort* bgra, int bgra_step,
                              ushort* bgr, int bgr_step,
                              CvSize size, int _swap_rb )
    int i;
    int swap_rb = _swap_rb ? 2 : 0;
    for( ; size.height--; )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3, bgra += 4 )
            ushort t0 = bgra[swap_rb], t1 = bgra[1];
            bgr[0] = t0; bgr[1] = t1;
            t0 = bgra[swap_rb^2]; bgr[2] = t0;
        bgr += bgr_step/sizeof(bgr[0]) - size.width*3;
        bgra += bgra_step/sizeof(bgra[0]) - size.width*4;

void icvCvt_BGRA2RGBA_8u_C4R( const uchar* bgra, int bgra_step,
                              uchar* rgba, int rgba_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgra += 4, rgba += 4 )
            uchar t0 = bgra[0], t1 = bgra[1];
            uchar t2 = bgra[2], t3 = bgra[3];
            rgba[0] = t2; rgba[1] = t1;
            rgba[2] = t0; rgba[3] = t3;
        bgra += bgra_step - size.width*4;
        rgba += rgba_step - size.width*4;

void icvCvt_BGRA2RGBA_16u_C4R( const ushort* bgra, int bgra_step,
                               ushort* rgba, int rgba_step, CvSize size )
 int i;
 for( ; size.height--; )
     for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgra += 4, rgba += 4 )
         ushort t0 = bgra[0], t1 = bgra[1];
         ushort t2 = bgra[2], t3 = bgra[3];

         rgba[0] = t2; rgba[1] = t1;
         rgba[2] = t0; rgba[3] = t3;
     bgra += bgra_step/sizeof(bgra[0]) - size.width*4;
     rgba += rgba_step/sizeof(rgba[0]) - size.width*4;

void icvCvt_BGR2RGB_8u_C3R( const uchar* bgr, int bgr_step,
                            uchar* rgb, int rgb_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3, rgb += 3 )
            uchar t0 = bgr[0], t1 = bgr[1], t2 = bgr[2];
            rgb[2] = t0; rgb[1] = t1; rgb[0] = t2;
        bgr += bgr_step - size.width*3;
        rgb += rgb_step - size.width*3;

void icvCvt_BGR2RGB_16u_C3R( const ushort* bgr, int bgr_step,
                             ushort* rgb, int rgb_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3, rgb += 3 )
            ushort t0 = bgr[0], t1 = bgr[1], t2 = bgr[2];
            rgb[2] = t0; rgb[1] = t1; rgb[0] = t2;
        bgr += bgr_step - size.width*3;
        rgb += rgb_step - size.width*3;

typedef unsigned short ushort;

void icvCvt_BGR5552Gray_8u_C2C1R( const uchar* bgr555, int bgr555_step,
                                  uchar* gray, int gray_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; gray += gray_step, bgr555 += bgr555_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
            int t = descale( ((((ushort*)bgr555)[i] << 3) & 0xf8)*cB +
                             ((((ushort*)bgr555)[i] >> 2) & 0xf8)*cG +
                             ((((ushort*)bgr555)[i] >> 7) & 0xf8)*cR, SCALE );
            gray[i] = (uchar)t;

void icvCvt_BGR5652Gray_8u_C2C1R( const uchar* bgr565, int bgr565_step,
                                  uchar* gray, int gray_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; gray += gray_step, bgr565 += bgr565_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++ )
            int t = descale( ((((ushort*)bgr565)[i] << 3) & 0xf8)*cB +
                             ((((ushort*)bgr565)[i] >> 3) & 0xfc)*cG +
                             ((((ushort*)bgr565)[i] >> 8) & 0xf8)*cR, SCALE );
            gray[i] = (uchar)t;

void icvCvt_BGR5552BGR_8u_C2C3R( const uchar* bgr555, int bgr555_step,
                                 uchar* bgr, int bgr_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; bgr555 += bgr555_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3 )
            int t0 = (((ushort*)bgr555)[i] << 3) & 0xf8;
            int t1 = (((ushort*)bgr555)[i] >> 2) & 0xf8;
            int t2 = (((ushort*)bgr555)[i] >> 7) & 0xf8;
            bgr[0] = (uchar)t0; bgr[1] = (uchar)t1; bgr[2] = (uchar)t2;
        bgr += bgr_step - size.width*3;

void icvCvt_BGR5652BGR_8u_C2C3R( const uchar* bgr565, int bgr565_step,
                                 uchar* bgr, int bgr_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; bgr565 += bgr565_step )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3 )
            int t0 = (((ushort*)bgr565)[i] << 3) & 0xf8;
            int t1 = (((ushort*)bgr565)[i] >> 3) & 0xfc;
            int t2 = (((ushort*)bgr565)[i] >> 8) & 0xf8;
            bgr[0] = (uchar)t0; bgr[1] = (uchar)t1; bgr[2] = (uchar)t2;
        bgr += bgr_step - size.width*3;

void icvCvt_CMYK2BGR_8u_C4C3R( const uchar* cmyk, int cmyk_step,
                               uchar* bgr, int bgr_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, bgr += 3, cmyk += 4 )
            int c = cmyk[0], m = cmyk[1], y = cmyk[2], k = cmyk[3];
            c = k - ((255 - c)*k>>8);
            m = k - ((255 - m)*k>>8);
            y = k - ((255 - y)*k>>8);
            bgr[2] = (uchar)c; bgr[1] = (uchar)m; bgr[0] = (uchar)y;
        bgr += bgr_step - size.width*3;
        cmyk += cmyk_step - size.width*4;

void icvCvt_CMYK2Gray_8u_C4C1R( const uchar* cmyk, int cmyk_step,
                                uchar* gray, int gray_step, CvSize size )
    int i;
    for( ; size.height--; )
        for( i = 0; i < size.width; i++, cmyk += 4 )
            int c = cmyk[0], m = cmyk[1], y = cmyk[2], k = cmyk[3];
            c = k - ((255 - c)*k>>8);
            m = k - ((255 - m)*k>>8);
            y = k - ((255 - y)*k>>8);
            int t = descale( y*cB + m*cG + c*cR, SCALE );
            gray[i] = (uchar)t;
        gray += gray_step;
        cmyk += cmyk_step - size.width*4;

void CvtPaletteToGray( const PaletteEntry* palette, uchar* grayPalette, int entries )
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < entries; i++ )
        icvCvt_BGR2Gray_8u_C3C1R( (uchar*)(palette + i), 0, grayPalette + i, 0, cvSize(1,1) );

void  FillGrayPalette( PaletteEntry* palette, int bpp, bool negative )
    int i, length = 1 << bpp;
    int xor_mask = negative ? 255 : 0;

    for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
        int val = (i * 255/(length - 1)) ^ xor_mask;
        palette[i].b = palette[i].g = palette[i].r = (uchar)val;
        palette[i].a = 0;

bool  IsColorPalette( PaletteEntry* palette, int bpp )
    int i, length = 1 << bpp;

    for( i = 0; i < length; i++ )
        if( palette[i].b != palette[i].g ||
            palette[i].b != palette[i].r )
            return true;

    return false;

uchar* FillUniColor( uchar* data, uchar*& line_end,
                     int step, int width3,
                     int& y, int height,
                     int count3, PaletteEntry clr )
        uchar* end = data + count3;

        if( end > line_end )
            end = line_end;

        count3 -= (int)(end - data);

        for( ; data < end; data += 3 )
            WRITE_PIX( data, clr );

        if( data >= line_end )
            line_end += step;
            data = line_end - width3;
            if( ++y >= height  ) break;
    while( count3 > 0 );

    return data;

uchar* FillUniGray( uchar* data, uchar*& line_end,
                    int step, int width,
                    int& y, int height,
                    int count, uchar clr )
        uchar* end = data + count;

        if( end > line_end )
            end = line_end;

        count -= (int)(end - data);

        for( ; data < end; data++ )
            *data = clr;

        if( data >= line_end )
            line_end += step;
            data = line_end - width;
            if( ++y >= height  ) break;
    while( count > 0 );

    return data;

uchar* FillColorRow8( uchar* data, uchar* indices, int len, PaletteEntry* palette )
    uchar* end = data + len*3;
    while( (data += 3) < end )
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data-3)) = palette[*indices++];
    PaletteEntry clr = palette[indices[0]];
    WRITE_PIX( data - 3, clr );
    return data;

uchar* FillGrayRow8( uchar* data, uchar* indices, int len, uchar* palette )
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        data[i] = palette[indices[i]];
    return data + len;

uchar* FillColorRow4( uchar* data, uchar* indices, int len, PaletteEntry* palette )
    uchar* end = data + len*3;

    while( (data += 6) < end )
        int idx = *indices++;
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data-6)) = palette[idx >> 4];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data-3)) = palette[idx & 15];

    int idx = indices[0];
    PaletteEntry clr = palette[idx >> 4];
    WRITE_PIX( data - 6, clr );

    if( data == end )
        clr = palette[idx & 15];
        WRITE_PIX( data - 3, clr );
    return end;

uchar* FillGrayRow4( uchar* data, uchar* indices, int len, uchar* palette )
    uchar* end = data + len;
    while( (data += 2) < end )
        int idx = *indices++;
        data[-2] = palette[idx >> 4];
        data[-1] = palette[idx & 15];

    int idx = indices[0];
    uchar clr = palette[idx >> 4];
    data[-2] = clr;

    if( data == end )
        clr = palette[idx & 15];
        data[-1] = clr;
    return end;

uchar* FillColorRow1( uchar* data, uchar* indices, int len, PaletteEntry* palette )
    uchar* end = data + len*3;

    while( (data += 24) < end )
        int idx = *indices++;
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 24)) = palette[(idx & 128) != 0];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 21)) = palette[(idx & 64) != 0];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 18)) = palette[(idx & 32) != 0];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 15)) = palette[(idx & 16) != 0];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 12)) = palette[(idx & 8) != 0];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 9)) = palette[(idx & 4) != 0];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 6)) = palette[(idx & 2) != 0];
        *((PaletteEntry*)(data - 3)) = palette[(idx & 1) != 0];

    int idx = indices[0] << 24;
    for( data -= 24; data < end; data += 3, idx += idx )
        PaletteEntry clr = palette[idx < 0];
        WRITE_PIX( data, clr );

    return data;

uchar* FillGrayRow1( uchar* data, uchar* indices, int len, uchar* palette )
    uchar* end = data + len;

    while( (data += 8) < end )
        int idx = *indices++;
        *((uchar*)(data - 8)) = palette[(idx & 128) != 0];
        *((uchar*)(data - 7)) = palette[(idx & 64) != 0];
        *((uchar*)(data - 6)) = palette[(idx & 32) != 0];
        *((uchar*)(data - 5)) = palette[(idx & 16) != 0];
        *((uchar*)(data - 4)) = palette[(idx & 8) != 0];
        *((uchar*)(data - 3)) = palette[(idx & 4) != 0];
        *((uchar*)(data - 2)) = palette[(idx & 2) != 0];
        *((uchar*)(data - 1)) = palette[(idx & 1) != 0];

    int idx = indices[0] << 24;
    for( data -= 8; data < end; data++, idx += idx )
        data[0] = palette[idx < 0];

    return data;

CV_IMPL void
cvConvertImage( const CvArr* srcarr, CvArr* dstarr, int flags )
    CvMat* temp = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConvertImage" );


    CvMat srcstub, *src;
    CvMat dststub, *dst;
    int src_cn, dst_cn, swap_rb = flags & CV_CVTIMG_SWAP_RB;

    CV_CALL( src = cvGetMat( srcarr, &srcstub ));
    CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat( dstarr, &dststub ));

    src_cn = CV_MAT_CN( src->type );
    dst_cn = CV_MAT_CN( dst->type );

    if( src_cn != 1 && src_cn != 3 && src_cn != 4 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "Source image must have 1, 3 or 4 channels" );

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( dst->type ) != CV_8U )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "Destination image must be 8u" );

    if( CV_MAT_CN(dst->type) != 1 && CV_MAT_CN(dst->type) != 3 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels, "Destination image must have 1 or 3 channels" );

    if( !CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ( src, dst ))
        int src_depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(src->type);
        double scale = src_depth <= CV_8S ? 1 : src_depth <= CV_32S ? 1./256 : 255;
        double shift = src_depth == CV_8S || src_depth == CV_16S ? 128 : 0;

        if( !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( src, dst ))
            temp = cvCreateMat( src->height, src->width,
                (src->type & CV_MAT_CN_MASK)|(dst->type & CV_MAT_DEPTH_MASK));
            cvConvertScale( src, temp, scale, shift );
            src = temp;
            cvConvertScale( src, dst, scale, shift );
            src = dst;

    if( src_cn != dst_cn || (src_cn == 3 && swap_rb) )
        uchar *s = src->data.ptr, *d = dst->data.ptr;
        int s_step = src->step, d_step = dst->step;
        int code = src_cn*10 + dst_cn;
        CvSize size(src->cols, src->rows);

        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT(src->type & dst->type) )
            size.width *= size.height;
            size.height = 1;
            s_step = d_step = /*CV_STUB_STEP*/ (1 << 30);

        switch( code )
        case 13:
            icvCvt_Gray2BGR_8u_C1C3R( s, s_step, d, d_step, size );
        case 31:
            icvCvt_BGR2Gray_8u_C3C1R( s, s_step, d, d_step, size, swap_rb );
        case 33:
            assert( swap_rb );
            icvCvt_RGB2BGR_8u_C3R( s, s_step, d, d_step, size );
        case 41:
            icvCvt_BGRA2Gray_8u_C4C1R( s, s_step, d, d_step, size, swap_rb );
        case 43:
            icvCvt_BGRA2BGR_8u_C4C3R( s, s_step, d, d_step, size, swap_rb );
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported combination of input/output formats" );
        src = dst;

    if( flags & CV_CVTIMG_FLIP )
        CV_CALL( cvFlip( src, dst, 0 ));
    else if( src != dst )
        CV_CALL( cvCopy( src, dst ));


    cvReleaseMat( &temp );