// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
class CBC_SymbolShapeHint;
class CBC_Dimension;
class CBC_SymbolInfo;
class CBC_SymbolInfo : public CBC_SymbolShapeHint {
CBC_SymbolInfo(FX_BOOL rectangular,
int32_t dataCapacity,
int32_t errorCodewords,
int32_t matrixWidth,
int32_t matrixHeight,
int32_t dataRegions);
virtual ~CBC_SymbolInfo();
static void Initialize();
static void Finalize();
static void overrideSymbolSet(CBC_SymbolInfo* override);
static CBC_SymbolInfo* lookup(int32_t dataCodewords, int32_t& e);
static CBC_SymbolInfo* lookup(int32_t dataCodewords,
SymbolShapeHint shape,
int32_t& e);
static CBC_SymbolInfo* lookup(int32_t dataCodewords,
FX_BOOL allowRectangular,
FX_BOOL fail,
int32_t& e);
static CBC_SymbolInfo* lookup(int32_t dataCodewords,
SymbolShapeHint shape,
FX_BOOL fail,
int32_t& e);
static CBC_SymbolInfo* lookup(int32_t dataCodewords,
SymbolShapeHint shape,
CBC_Dimension* minSize,
CBC_Dimension* maxSize,
FX_BOOL fail,
int32_t& e);
int32_t getHorizontalDataRegions(int32_t& e);
int32_t getVerticalDataRegions(int32_t& e);
int32_t getSymbolDataWidth(int32_t& e);
int32_t getSymbolDataHeight(int32_t& e);
int32_t getSymbolWidth(int32_t& e);
int32_t getSymbolHeight(int32_t& e);
int32_t getCodewordCount();
int32_t getInterleavedBlockCount();
int32_t getDataLengthForInterleavedBlock(int32_t index);
int32_t getErrorLengthForInterleavedBlock(int32_t index);
CFX_WideString toString(int32_t& e);
int32_t m_dataCapacity;
int32_t m_errorCodewords;
int32_t m_matrixWidth;
int32_t m_matrixHeight;
int32_t m_rsBlockData;
int32_t m_rsBlockError;
static CBC_SymbolInfo* m_PROD_SYMBOLS[30];
static CBC_SymbolInfo* m_symbols[30];
FX_BOOL m_rectangular;
int32_t m_dataRegions;
CBC_SymbolInfo(FX_BOOL rectangular,
int32_t dataCapacity,
int32_t errorCodewords,
int32_t matrixWidth,
int32_t matrixHeight,
int32_t dataRegions,
int32_t rsBlockData,
int32_t rsBlockError);